Dani: *blushes even more but moves with his hand, purring softly* D-Dris... I-I... if you s-say so... *clings to him for dear life but melts into the moment* I love you Driskoll... m-more than anything...
Dani: *clings to the back of his shirt and arches into him a little* D-Dris... h-here...? B-b-but w-we're... p-people c-could... *burying her face in his shoulder, kissing him softly*
Samael: well, I told you my opinion~ *smirks and walks away*
Mist: ignore Sam, he's a little pervert~ Dani, you should do as you feel it's better. Dris seems to love you a lot, so don't be afraid of talking to him~ *smiles gently*
Samael: *peeks from the door* sorry! *smiles* time for me to explain, it's too long for Dris to tell. *nods and clears throat* he just wants what YOU want, because he doesn't have wishes. he's always been like this, he has a lazy mind. *shugs* but still, if he sees others happy, he will be happy too! *nods and smiles*
Dani: *blushes more and cuddles into his arms then pulls back and kisses the corner of his mouth softly* W-what are we going to do though Dris...? *staring up at him*
Dani: *shaking softly but smiling* W-won't they be u-upset we d-ditched them? *caressing his face with her free hand* ... Y-you're so handsome... *love in her glittering eyes*
Dani: *blushes even more, shaking horribly, but kissing him back as best she can, pulling him down onto his bed then after a little pulling away to breathe* D-Dris...? *looking up at him* W-what about the o-others...? *still holding him and tangling her fingers in his hair*
Driskoll: *caresses her gently, keeping her closer and closer, and kissing her again*
Samael: *takes a peek at the two then turns back to Mist, whispering* ehehe~ it looks like they're eating eachother's face~ *chuckles*
Mist: Sammy!! *giggles* shame on you~!
Mist: *from the other room* yes yes, come here when you've finished ok?! *giggles and sits on the sofa, next to Samael*
Driskoll: *looks at her and smiles gently, kissing her slowly and passionately*
Driskoll: *looks at the others for a bit*
Mist: sorry!! *smiles, bushing a bit* I didn't mean to stare, but you're so adorable~ *giggles and takes Sam away* we'll be waiting here, okay?
Driskoll: *smiels gently and nods, then leans to kiss her*
Mist: *appears in the room* yay! horror night!! *takes a quick glance at Dris and Dani, then whispers at Sam* is this like a... date? *tilts head*
Samael: for them, yes~ *smiles*
Samael: first person.. uh, we could do like the first time!! *takes out his phone and dials* Mist? come here, will you? horror movie night! *grins*
Driskoll: *smiles and hugs Dani back*
Samael: movies? oh, everything is fine!! *smiles and gets up, searching for the DVD player* where could it be now? choose the movie while we search!
Driskoll: *floats to Sam, helping him find the object*
Dani: I don't want to know what lies in the dark of this room... *shutters* Eon's a little afraid of Ghosts anyway so he would like it here even less~ *smiles at Dris* S-should we... w-watch a movie or something?
Samael: oh, I don't think Eon will ever have the chance to enter here *chuckles* and I guess he would just faint, or something! *shakes head and snickers* and you're lucky you can't see what's under the bed...
Driskoll: *smiles gently* thanks~ please make yourself at home...
Dani: Sam, you look like you live in a dump... I say for your sake, do no ever let Eon enter here, he will either kill you or kill himself, or both... *smiles and follows Dris but just stands politely* S-so what do you want to do now that we're here? I like your room by the way...
Samael: *chuckles and walks in, taking away shoes and throwing them in the room, then heads for his bed and throws himself on it* well, get used to it because that's how real men live!! *grins and winks*
Driskoll: *rolls eyes and chuckles, his part of the room is a bit messy but not as much as Sam's*
Dani: *walks in* Wow, so this is what mess looks like? I never see it living with Eon... He doesn't like having even a speck of dust out of place... I like it~
Dani: *follows him* I know that, and I meant it... He embarrasses me sometimes... Hush your face Sam. *moves closer to Dris* Let's get there already...
Samael: *chuckles* it could be, and it couldn't! *smirks* I'm sorry but you won't get me sad by saying things like that~
Driskoll: *keeps staring at Dani* ...cute~
Samael: OW! *takes his ear but keeps smiling* Shame? ME? *laughs more* shame is a concept that doesn't apply to me. I'm too awesome for that! *grins*
Driskoll: *looks at Dani and smiles, he finds her really adorable when she's pouting*
Dani: *glares at Sam and pulls his ear down hard* Bad! D-don't joke about that stuff!! *tugging harder* And DON'T pick on D-Dris like that! *blushing like mad* H-have you no s-shame! *lets him go and pouts angrily*
Dani: *glares at Sam and pulls his ear down hard* Bad! D-don't joke about that stuff!! *tugging harder* And DON'T pick on D-Dris like that! *blushing like mad* H-have you no s-shame! *lets him go and pouts angrily*
Samael: *starts laughing like an idiot*
Driskoll: *looks at Dani and blushes like mad* NO! I don't- *looks at Sam* Sam!! *glares at him, embarassed*
Samael: *laughing so much he's almost crying* oh my~ *chuckles more and dries a tear* you'll make me die laughing~ *laughs more*
Dani: *covers her mouth and blushes like crazy, gasping* Sam! D-don't! I-I d-didn't mean! *looks at Dris wide eyed* W-whips and c-chains? W-why...? W-what f-for? H-h-h-how?!? *stuttering like a fool* Y-you l-like that k-kind of th-thing??
Driskoll: no you don't-
Samael: *turns happily* -HAH!! she wants to know!!! *grins and snickers in an evil way* you could have some fun tonight~ *whispers* under the bed you can find some chains and whips and the likes... Dris likes them, if you know what I mean~! *winks and nudges Dani, still snickering like an idiot*
Driskoll: *blushes and facepalms* Sam..
Samael: *turns to them* I can give you some ideas~ *grins*
Driskoll: *kicks him lightly* stop it! *smiles*
Samael: ok, ok! sorry! *chuckles and keeps walking*
Dani: *takes Dris's hand as she gets up to follow Sam* Hello again honey~ What do you want to do tonight by the way? *hugging his arm as they walk behind*
Samael: ok, as you wish! *brings Dris down* here, all for you! *hands Dris to Dani*
Driskoll: *shakes head and smiles*
Samael: let's go~ *walks to the house*
Dani: *continues to sit and watch the two, smiling sweetly, loving them* You're silly Sam~ Bring him down please, my lap is getting cold~ *giggles* Should we go now though?
Samael: he's my best friend, I can do what I want too! *takes him by hands and lifts him up in the air* fly my friend~
Driskoll: *glares at Sam and tries to get down at once*
Samael: *looks at Dani* of course it's alright! right lovely feather~? *send a kiss at Dris*
Driskoll: bring me down! *laughs a bit*
Dani: Hush yourself Sam~ Dris can do what he wants~ *smiles at Dris* Good morning love~ Shall we go home and rest? That is... if you're alright with me staying at your house~ *shy smile and a little blush*
Samael: *nods* would you like to pass the night at our home perhaps? there's always a spare bed~ *smiles and lightly hits Dris* wake up, Sleeping Beauty!
Driskoll: *wakes up and glares at Samael*
Samael: stop glaring right now! *chuckles* whaet are you, a cat? you sleep like 20 hours a day *laughs*
Dani: I know many people, but I'm not sure any of them would be your type... I know a really pretty but very shy little girl named Sylphia... But other than her I don't really talk to girls... Eon never brings anyone home and Angra only brings home men...
Samael: oh yes, Mist is so pretty! I also like her attitude, but not even I can get too close to her! Grim is so protective, it's like she has a natural guard dog behind her *chuckles* and thanks~ *smiles* if you know someone, I would gladly meet them!
Driskoll: *smiles and purrs*
Samael: I'm not sure, maybe that's why I haven't found the right one yet... *scratches head and smiles* but I think I need her to be nice, and patient *chuckles*
Driskoll: *send a kiss to her*
Samael: exactly! *chuckles* and hey, what can I do? it's just my nature~ *smiles gently* I would really enjoy to be with someone forever but it must be the right one!
Dani: I love you~ *snuggles Dris for a moment then shakes her head at Sam, still petting Dris* But none you want, correct? I mean, none you want to keep, right~? You're a true loner, aren't you?
Driskoll: you're cuter! *purrs and enjoys the petting*
Samael: me? jealous? *laughs* no, I could never! he's just a puppy, look at him! *chuckles* I can find planty of girls that would like to brush my hair~
Dani: *smiles sweetly and continues to run her hands through his hair* You're so cute~ *smiles at Sam* You're just jealous~ You can get a girlfriend to do this for you too you know~ You're very attractive, I'm sure someone already wants you~ *wink*
Dani: Thank you... Oh! *looks down at Dris and smiles softly* Sorry~ *running her fingers through his hair again* Is this better or do you want something else?
Dani: *breathes* I hate her Sam, you understand? The less I have to see her, the better for everyone... She's a wicked temptress and a horrible person... She lies through her teeth and will use you...
Samael: yes, but that doesn't mean I don't like you *smiles* I like you both~! and Dris likes ony you~ *smiles gently and eats a gem*
Driskoll: *sleeping happily, he's smiling*
Samael: *sits in front of her, eating some gems* oh, you don't have to worry about that~ *smiles* we're ghosts, we see more than just appearence, and we can't be deceived~ *looks at Dris* Dris is just too kind to leave you anyway~ just watch out for he might accidentally fly away~ *snickers*
Samael: *sits in front of her, eating some gems* oh, you don't have to worry about that~ *smiles* we're ghosts, we see more than just appearence, and we can't be deceived~ *looks at Dris* Dris is just too kind to leave you anyway~ just watch out for he might accidentally fly away~ *snickers*
Dani: *looks at Dris, both with sad eyes and loving ones* I hope I get to keep him for my life as well... *petting him softly* I never had friends like you two, Noki did, but I never did... No one saw me when she was around and I fear it will happen here too... *caresses Dris's faces softly* I can't lose him...
Samael: Dani, I consider as a friend any person who has met me and stayed with me for more than half an hour~ *chuckles* then there are people like Dris, who are almost my life~
Driskoll: *has fallen asleep*
Samael: *turns to Dani* I have plenty of friends, but no one shares my gem passion apart from your sister *smiles* only Sableyes like that after all! why you ask? *tits head*
Driskoll: *is slowly falling asleep*
Driskoll: *looks at her, smiling happiy* yes~ *unties his hair and lays on Dani's lap*
Samael: *still bathing in the gems, he doesn't care about anything but his gem paradise*
Dani: *pets him lovingly* But he's nothing compared to you my love~ *smiling happily, filled with joy* Would you like to lay in my lap Dris? I'll gladly brush your beautiful hair~
Driskoll: *smiles* he's cute, yes~ *leans on Dani*
Samael: *bathing in gems* I love each one of you!! you're all so pretty and shiny and sparkly and tasty~ *rolls in them laughing happily*
Samael: yes but- *stops to think* all mine? ALL MINE?! *grins happily and eye widens, then he throws himself into their pile of gems, rolling happily in it* Yyyyaaayyy~ *laughing like a child*
Driskoll: *laughs at Sam* he doesn't care about the challenge now~
Dani: Why are you mad Sammy~ You never said I couldn't use my moves~ *winks* Besides, this is all going to be yours afterwards~ Look at all of them~ *points to the small mountain of multicolored gems*
Driskoll: *smiles and throws bad gems away* Sam will be mad~ *chuckles lightly*
Samael: *arrives running* HEY!!! you cheaters!!! *pouts and frowns, he's mad*
Driskoll: *whispers* told you~
Driskoll: *sits down, selecting the gems carefully, he knows what are the best ones due to Sam always bringing him around*
Samael: *hears the rocks crumble* what the hell is happening now? *turns back with a sapphire in his hand*
Dani: *smirks at Dris* You know it~ *eyes glow a beautiful yellow and the rocks lift from the wall, separating the good from bad as gems land before Dris* Can you be sure that we only have the best gems in our large pile please love~?
Samael: I'm always ready! now!! *sprints into the cave, searching in every corner and under everything, finding some pretty gems* oh, I love this~! *chuckles and jumps around*
Driskoll: *smirks* ready to cheat?
Last edited by DeathSeraph at 4:57:10 PM EDT on September 22, 2013.
Samael: I'll be fine on my own~ *smirks* I want to give you some advantage! *gets in the cave too* good luck when it's time to climb walls~
Driskoll: *whispers to Dani* I'll float~ *smiles*
Dani: *giggles* You should have a partner too Sammy, it seems kind of unfair to have two on one~ But if you think you can beat my love and I, you're in for a rude awakening~ *smirks and heads for a gem cave*
Driskoll: *smiles and nods, he's very confident*
Samael: wow, Drissy~ I've never seen you so interested in a gem hunt~ *snickers* love does wonders to you! let's go, we'll see who's the best~ *smirks*
Dani: *smiles at Dris* Yeah we will~ Dris and I are a team~ So fight at full power Sammy, you're still going to lose~ *squeezes Dris's hand* Right love~?
Driskoll: *smiles at her* thanks~
Samael: GOOD! *smiles happily* what kind of a game? not one of "who gets more", because I would obviously be the winner~ *smirks, confident*
Driskoll: *sighs* boring...
Samael: I always forced him to come with me~ *chuckles* I enjoy it a lot, but he seems to find it boring! *shakes head* maybe with you he'll enjoy it more~ or so I hope! *smiles*
cling as much as you want! ^^ I'll always be back~
Samael: yup~ *smirks* you can't get rid of me and trust me, I'll be very inappropriate! *grins and chuckles*
Driskoll: *laughs and smiles* forgive him~
everyone wants that at a time, I understand what you mean! ^^
Driskoll: don't worry *kisses her lightly* we have all our lives to do what we like~ *smiles and nods*
Samael: *gets up* I was just joking~ take your time, both of you! *nods* but you'll need to get used to me, Dani~ *chuckles*
glad you do!! ^^ I see, I know you're way busier than me XD
Dani: I-I... *looking at Dris* I'm sorry Dris... I don't want to rush... *looking away shyly* I know you probably want to tell Sam about whatever time we have b-but... *blushing badly*
I have much fun yes~ Thank you for worrying~ <3 That it does~ I don't have the time for it... >.>
Samael: oh, you really are a good girl!! Dris, you'll have to wait then! *chuckles*
Driskoll: *closes Sam's mouth and throws him away, smiling happily* stop it~
as long as you enjoy it, that's good! ^^ thanks XD that sure will make the game last for a long time XD
Samael: ohohoh~ I kow that! that's exactly why I'm asking if you two want to be left alone~ *winks at Dris* no? *smirks*
Driskoll: *smiles and shakes head, disapprovingly*
Samael: ok then, Sorry lady Danika~ *bows at her*
and what when they're level 100? O.O hahaha like I'll ever finish them! XD XD I think I have... 130? or something... but I know I'll never have all of them XD I use them as an excuse to train monotype teams XD
Dani: *gasp* !! We haven't even done anything besides kiss Sam!! *so much blush* You can't assume things! *burying her face in Dris's chest* Don't let him pick on me...
Hehe~ I'm too loyal to my team to change them... I feel bad for all my box Pokemon... I gave up on that a long while ago~ XD Good luck~ How many do you need/have?
Driskoll: *shakes head, smiling at Sam*
Samael: yeah, sure~ *smirks* you play the role of the innocent couple, but you can't fool old Sam! *chuckles*
really? I end up having like at least 10 teams for every game I play XD I love too many pokemon to just choose 6 X3 and I'm currently trying to get the medals in Black 2 DX
Dani: *blushes but smiles and pulls him into a soft kiss* Thank you... I love you too... *hugs him again then looks at Sam* You be careful too! I care greatly for you too.
I AGREE!! It's so darn freaky!! I have my Havoc (Charizard) and/or Thunder (Raichu) destroy that stupid thing!
Samael: *smiles happily* he won't~
Driskoll: right, I love you, not her *smiles and hugs her*
I agree with you! you know what I hate even more? Lickilicky. it's horrible. and creepy, in a bad way!! and in game the stupid man at gamefreak building has one, that NEVER DIES. and I always see my beloved Haxorus die because of his damn blizzard attack!! >.<
Dani: *sighs* ... I understand... She's always been like that... She's pretty and she knows it. I hope she doesn't use you like she did others. That's all... *holds onto Dris*
It would be just as long~ XD Hehe~ I feel something about every Pokemon~
Samael: I've been with many girls, whether you believe it or not *smirks and winks* but the last one I've been with... well, I don't think it's interesting anyway! *grins*
Driskoll: *stays silent, he knows everything*
Dani: *also pats Sam's head* Good puppy, it'll be okay~ Who were you with if I may be so bold as to ask~? *giggles* Was she pretty~? *smirks playfully*
I want one for my "Stupidly Adorable Pokemon" collection~
Samael: last time I did it, it worked.. but now that I think about it, maybe they were more interested in the diamonds in my chest than me.. *chuckles and scratches head*
Driskoll: *smiles and laughs, caressing Sam's head*
Samael: hey! I'm not your dog! *pouts then smirks*
Dani: Personally, I think he's much more seductive when he talks~ *shivers happily then smirks* But it was really cute~ However, I'm sorry Sam, dramatically ripping off your shirt isn't how you get the ladies~
YES! He's sooooooooooo cute! I would never evolve him~ XD I would just want to hug and love him forever~
Samael: HE DID?! *starts laughing* that's my awesome Dris!! *chuckles and lightly hits Dris's shoulder*
Driskoll: *blushes and hides his face in his shirt* s-shut up Sam..
Samael: aw, my boy's grown up and he seduces ladies like I do *dries an invisible tear then chuckles*
Samael: *winks* you're talking to the party man here~ sorry to say Dris is not *chuckles*
Driskoll: *pouts and looks at Sam*
Samael: just joking bro, you know I love you anyway~ *grins*
yeah, he's cute! X3 I find myself really liking Pyroar though, especially the female! :D
Samael: *turns to them* of course I like you! *grins* you both are awesome! *winks* I was leaving because I thought you wanted some time for yourselves, but if you really want me to stay, I won't refuse~ *smirks*
Driskoll: *smiles and brings Sam in the hug as well*
Samael: *chuckles* I prefer to leave you two alone anyway~ *winks*
Driskoll: *chuckles and pats Dani's head*
eheeh XD we'll see what happens~ and actually, Cara's "brother" is no more than Garland~ ^^ he cares for her, but he's nothing like Grim so Nyn will be fine XD
Dani: *blushes and smiles softly* Don't be like that Sammy~ We're not going to be crazy with PDA~ *snuggles up to Dris again*
Don't worry, he looks wild, but he's very gentle~ And if she gets violent, he'll probably just laugh and keep protecting himself until he's safe~ What about her brother?
Driskoll: *keeps hugging her* you're welcome~
Samael: ok, as you say then! *turns to Dris and Dani* I'll leave you two alone, lovebirds! *chuckles and walks away*
I know, I know XD but he should be very careful with her, Cara is violent when she's scared XD
Yay! I hope you do~ <3 I can't wait to see everything~
Dani: *nods to both of them then moves to hug Dris but hesitates* Th-thank you Dris... I... I love you...
Noki: Tch. *looks away from them all then starts to walk away* Go get everyone.
çwç thanks a lot!! X3 that makes me want to draw more!! :D
Samael: *walks to Dani* no, it was my fault! *sweatdrops* I thought that when two girls that hate eachother meet again, it's better to run away to safety! *smiles*
Driskoll: *ignores Noki* I won't leave you, don't listen to her.
really? :3 I'm glad you like her!! ^^ ah, that's good to know!! ^w^
I totally understand that... But I always look forward to your work~ Me and the ENTIRE O too~ <3
Noki: *rolls her eyes at Dris* Why are you glaring at me? I didn't do anything to you, I just stated the obvious. You want to leave her, do it. And let Sammy go if he wants, he has no reason to stay here either.
Dani: *goes over to Dris and shakily looks at him* D-do... do you not want to stay...?
I can't wait to meet them! I really want to see Cara! I love her so much and look forward to it! :D Oh I don't think that at all~ I think he looks very good~
aw, thanks!! X3 I would, but I don't have enough time sadly... and sometimes artist's block hits me ç.ç
Driskoll: *stops and looks at Sam* no.. I'm not leaving. *takes Sam by his shirt and pulls him back, glaring at Noki*
Samael: hey! *whispers* it's you girl, Dris! why call me back too?
well, it's gonna have more girls for sure! here's the list:
Dusek Volgrimp the Dusknoir
Cara Phantomb the Cofagrigus
Mist Fearcanief the Mismagius
Scarlett Desouller the Shedinja
Rowan Voltegeist the Rotom
Jelani VIII the Jellicent
Giada Stargrave the Golurk
Hywel Nightfall the Honedge
and thanks! glad you think so :) I was afraid that with all that purple and green he would have reminded everyone of the Incredible Hulk <///< *sigh* XD
Hehe~ So many people love your art darling girl~ You should do it more often~ <3
Noki: Oh look sissy, your so called lover is running away from you~ Doesn't surprise me though, there's not much to love in you~ *dark smirk*
Dani: At least I only love one man, and actually love him! *looks at Dris* A-are you leaving...?
*HUGGLE* I can't wait to see the second half~ Who's on that one?
Also, I really think Hansel is adorable~
don't worry, it's not like you've missed many things! XD thanks anyway, you're so kind! ^^
and I'm glad you like them! ^^
yeah, purple is a common color in ghost type pokemon XD that's why all of them have something purple X3
I actually have a sketch of Gretel already but I made it in 2009 and it's horrible XD I'll have to draw her again for sure! I plan in making full bodies for all of them! ^^
hahah I'm glad you like poor Grim, even if he's the only one I can't draw well XD he always looks weird! XD
anyway thanks a lot! ^^ I don't know when I'll finish the 2nd half, but I'll do my best! ^^
yup! X3
Driskoll: *stares at Sam, waiting for a possible explanation* ?
Samael: oook... this wasn't meant to happen. now, my dear friend, your Sam is going to teach you something!
Drsikoll: *smiles and nods at Sam*
Samael: when this *points to Dani and Noki* happens, you just have to do ONE thing! *whispers* get away!! *starts heading back slowly, trying to hide*
It feels like I haven't view your art in forever! D: Now I feel bad but this is really lovely! I love how each one has something purple :D like always wonderful job and keep it up!
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/11/13 | Reply
omg it's the ghost collection!!! I adore all the designs! Especially the girl!!! I would look forward to seeing a full body sketch of her!XD
and omg it's Grim!!! XD I still like him best since he's so silly! but I adore all the designs for your gijinka!!! XD I look forward to seeing the 2nd half!
Hehe~ I like cute and creepy together~ You know that~
Dani: Please come here Dris, I won't laugh... *looks at Noki, no, glares at Noki* What are you doing here?
Noki: Hello sexy Sammy~ *looks at Dani* Oh! And hello big sissy~ Is this your boy toy~? Do you plan to bring him home to mother and father or are you ashamed of him too?
Dani: Shut up you *swear word*!! And don't talk to Sam like he's another conquest! You better not have!!
Noki: *smirks evilly*
(I forgot these two HATE each other... >.>)
*snuggles* This was the nicest thing that happened to me this week! Thank you so so so so so so much!!
maybe he's too cute XD he shouldn't be that cute! when he smiles he's creepy XD
Driskoll: *blushes* ...they laughed..
Samael: *notices Noki* oh, hey there! *smirks* it's nice to see you again- wait.. the two sister together again? *tilts head*
Glad I did!! ^w^ and also glad you appreciated the surprise X3 *hugs more*
He's so cute! I don't even kind of know!
Dani: D-Dris... why you do leave me...?
Hehe~ Love you Dris~ But I mostly love you Sa-
Noki: Step away from the gem boy Creator! I will not tolerate it.
*hug* Thank you so much! You don't even know! It made me so happy!
thanks!! I'm so glad you like it!! I know right? Sam is really cute here! X3
Driskoll: *hides behind Sam, blushing like mad*
Samael: hey! stop picking on my bro! *proud stance* (note: Driskoll is taller than Sam X3)
I'm so glad to see them all! I love them! Sam is SO CUTE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! But Dris is so cute trying to be Sam~ Heheh~ Is he going to rip off his shirt now?
Dani: *bursts out laughing*
I love love love this! Its so wonderful! Thank you for the dedication! It made my day! Thank you! <3 This is beautiful!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/16/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *hugs her gently* I've never did this either.. *looks at her and blushes* I love you too~
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/11/13 | Reply
Dani: I-I've never d-done this before... I d-don't know what t-to do... *pulling him close to her, nervous and shaking* I-I love you...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/10/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *move swiftly to her neck, whispering lightly* something's wrong?
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/07/13 | Reply
Dani: *covers her mouth and blushes like mad* Oh Dris... b-but... *tangles her fingers in his hair, purring softly*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/03/13 | Reply
Driskoll: now I keep loving you! *smiles gently and lifts her shirt a bit, kissing her belly lightly*
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/01/13 | Reply
Dani: S-so... w-what now...? *staring up at him, nervous but excited*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/01/13 | Reply
Driskoll: I love you too Danika~ *gently caresses her face*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/27/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes even more but moves with his hand, purring softly* D-Dris... I-I... if you s-say so... *clings to him for dear life but melts into the moment* I love you Driskoll... m-more than anything...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/27/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *whispers in her ear* don't worry... Sam will know *keeps kissing her gently, gently showing his hands under her shirt*
Samael: *ears perks* oh.. well.. AWESOME! Mist! time to get out! *takes her hand and walks her out*
Mist: but why? *follows him*
Samael: trust old Sam~ *chuckles*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/26/13 | Reply
Dani: *clings to the back of his shirt and arches into him a little* D-Dris... h-here...? B-b-but w-we're... p-people c-could... *burying her face in his shoulder, kissing him softly*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/26/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *lightly nibble her earlobe, whispering lightly* loving you~
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/26/13 | Reply
Dani: *gasps and arches into the kisses, voice low and sinful* D-Dris... W-what are you...? *moans softly*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/26/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *breaks the kiss and trails his lips all along her neck, nibbling lightly*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/26/13 | Reply
Dani: *caresses his back and arches into his touch with a small pleasured sound*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/26/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *keeps kissing her and lightly caresses her body*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/26/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes and holds around his neck, looking up at him sweetly while still kissing him, nervous but excited*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/25/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *kisses back with the same passion, making her gently fall back on the bed*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/21/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes and smiles softly* Thank you... *kissing him lovingly, with a lot of passion behind it*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/21/13 | Reply
Driskoll: that I love you? *nods* I love you. love you to death! *smiles*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/21/13 | Reply
Dani: *pulls away and caresses his face* Will you... say it...?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/21/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles* same for me *kisses her more*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/18/13 | Reply
Dani: *stared up at him for a little then smiled into the kiss, breaking away to mumble* I do love you... I'm happy with you...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/17/13 | Reply
Drsikoll: *breaks the kiss and caresses her face gently then kisses her again*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/17/13 | Reply
Dani: *shakes more but wraps her arms around him, deepening the kiss some*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/17/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *starts kissing her gently, pushing her on the bed*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/17/13 | Reply
Dani: *shaking a little* D-Dris, I just... it's not my n-nature to ask for things... but... *leans up and kisses his cheek*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/16/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *hugs her gently, kissing her forehead* it's normal~ you can ask me whatever you like, Dani. I'll be happy to give it to you...
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/12/13 | Reply
Dani: I-I'm sorry! That's far too forward of me! I-I... but it is true... I'm sorry... *looking at her feet shyly, beet red*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/12/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles and nods, blushing a bit*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/10/13 | Reply
Dani: L-listening?? S-so you... h-heard me...?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/10/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles* listening to you and the others~
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/13 | Reply
Dani: ... *looks up at him nervously* I-I... W-what are y-you... d-d-doing...?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *slowly turns to Dani and smiles* yes?
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/06/13 | Reply
Dani: D-Dris... A-are you... a-are you there...? Are you... o-okay...? *worried, nervous, blushing, shaking, scared*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/05/13 | Reply
Mist: *giggles* he is~
Samael: now it's your problem!!! *laughs and takes Mist away with him*
Driskoll: *is staring at the void*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Dani: *bright red and nervous* O-okay... I'll try... But I'm not brave like you Mist... *nods* I will anyway! I.... wait... isn't he here with us...?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Samael: well, I told you my opinion~ *smirks and walks away*
Mist: ignore Sam, he's a little pervert~ Dani, you should do as you feel it's better. Dris seems to love you a lot, so don't be afraid of talking to him~ *smiles gently*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Dani: No! I will simply wait for him! I'm not that kind of girl... *blushing softly* Thank you Mist...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Samael: then listen to good, old Sammy! you look at him, purr, jump on him and rip his clothes away!! *super creepy grin*
Mist: *appears and smacks Sammy* SAM!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Dani: Of course! Don't be stupid! He's the man I love! *blushing even more*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Samael: *blinks* you want him like how I think? *smirks and winks*
Last edited by DeathSeraph at 6:23:50 PM EST on November 3, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes* I-I don't want to t-tell him I want him though! That's embarrassing! *blushing more*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes* I-I don't want to t-tell him I want him though! That's embarrassing! *blushing more*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Driskoll: ...
Samael: *peeks from the door* sorry! *smiles* time for me to explain, it's too long for Dris to tell. *nods and clears throat* he just wants what YOU want, because he doesn't have wishes. he's always been like this, he has a lazy mind. *shugs* but still, if he sees others happy, he will be happy too! *nods and smiles*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Dani: N-no! W-what do you want...? I feel like I never do what you want...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles gently* as you wish!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Dani: S-should we go t-talk to them...? Or... do you w-want to stay... h-here... alone... together... in a bed...? *bright red*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles* maybe!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Dani: W-without us?? W-why?? *looking up at him* D-did we... take to l-long...? *blushing and a little nervous now*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *stays silent for a moment* they're watching a movie~
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Dani: *shivers and holds the kiss a little longer then pulls away, a little dizzy* W-what about the other two...?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *hugs her gently and keeps her close, still kissing*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes and kisses him again, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him close*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/03/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *kisses her lightly* I'm glad to hear that~ *smiles gently*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/31/13 | Reply
Dani: *lightly cups his face, looking at him straight, smirking* Not a chance~ I don't fear you anymore~
Last edited by ChiPolVee at 11:47:15 PM EDT on October 31, 2013.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/31/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *blushes a bit* I was afraid I would have scared you~
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/28/13 | Reply
Dani: Not scary, no.... I would say more... sexy~ *smirks shyly* But if you want me to be scared, I will be~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/27/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *kisses her forehead* am I scary?
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/27/13 | Reply
Dani: W-what's with that face sir? *holding his cheeks gently* You're really... attractive when you smirk like this... *still shaking some*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/27/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *evil smirk* I want you to decide! *chuckles*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/23/13 | Reply
Dani: I'm not good at deciding Dris~ *cuddling back* What do you want?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/13 | Reply
Driskoll: whatever you want~ *smiles gently, cuddling her*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/16/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes more and cuddles into his arms then pulls back and kisses the corner of his mouth softly* W-what are we going to do though Dris...? *staring up at him*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *whispers* I think they knew already~ *smiles and cuddles her, looking in her eyes* beautiful~ *smiles gently*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/16/13 | Reply
Dani: *shaking softly but smiling* W-won't they be u-upset we d-ditched them? *caressing his face with her free hand* ... Y-you're so handsome... *love in her glittering eyes*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/13 | Reply
Drsikoll: *hugs and cuddles her, keeping her close* they'll wait~
Mist: ...how about we watch something while we wait? I think they're going to take a while~ *giggles*
Samael: you're right *chuckles*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/14/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes even more, shaking horribly, but kissing him back as best she can, pulling him down onto his bed then after a little pulling away to breathe* D-Dris...? *looking up at him* W-what about the o-others...? *still holding him and tangling her fingers in his hair*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/14/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *caresses her gently, keeping her closer and closer, and kissing her again*
Samael: *takes a peek at the two then turns back to Mist, whispering* ehehe~ it looks like they're eating eachother's face~ *chuckles*
Mist: Sammy!! *giggles* shame on you~!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/14/13 | Reply
Dani: *shivers and kisses him deeper, tangling her hands in his hair, clinging to him*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/14/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *caresses her during the kiss, taking her face gently with his hands*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/14/13 | Reply
Dani: *nervously and shakily kisses him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and matching his passion*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/14/13 | Reply
Mist: *from the other room* yes yes, come here when you've finished ok?! *giggles and sits on the sofa, next to Samael*
Driskoll: *looks at her and smiles gently, kissing her slowly and passionately*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Dani: M-Mist i-its... *bright red and looks at Dris again once they're gone* A-are you... g-going to kiss me...? *big blue eyes glittering nervously*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *looks at the others for a bit*
Mist: sorry!! *smiles, bushing a bit* I didn't mean to stare, but you're so adorable~ *giggles and takes Sam away* we'll be waiting here, okay?
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes even more and looks at the other two then back at Dris, hands on his chest shaking a little* Th-the others a-are...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiels gently and nods, then leans to kiss her*
Mist: *appears in the room* yay! horror night!! *takes a quick glance at Dris and Dani, then whispers at Sam* is this like a... date? *tilts head*
Samael: for them, yes~ *smiles*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Dani: Yay! Mist! *beams then blushes* Like the first time... *looks at Dris and blushes even more* D-do you remember that...?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Samael: first person.. uh, we could do like the first time!! *takes out his phone and dials* Mist? come here, will you? horror movie night! *grins*
Driskoll: *smiles and hugs Dani back*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Dani: Call the first person you think of~ *hugs Dris and pulls him to his bed* Yay, cuddling~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *nods* of course~
Samael: hmm... who? *blinks*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Dani: Will you hold me during this Dris...? Oh Sam, why don't you invite someone and make this a double date~?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *turns and smiles, nodding*
Samael: HA!! found it!! *takes the DVD player from under a chair*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Dani: ......... I don't know... I don't watch movies... *looking at the collection then finally pulls out a horror movie* Is this good?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Samael: movies? oh, everything is fine!! *smiles and gets up, searching for the DVD player* where could it be now? choose the movie while we search!
Driskoll: *floats to Sam, helping him find the object*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes and nods* I suppose so~ Um... *looks at the DVDs* What kind of movies do you two like?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Samael: like father, like daughter *smiles gently*
Driskoll: *nods and shows Dani the dvds* which one?
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Dani: I don't want to know what lies in the dark of this room... *shutters* Eon's a little afraid of Ghosts anyway so he would like it here even less~ *smiles at Dris* S-should we... w-watch a movie or something?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/13 | Reply
Samael: oh, I don't think Eon will ever have the chance to enter here *chuckles* and I guess he would just faint, or something! *shakes head and snickers* and you're lucky you can't see what's under the bed...
Driskoll: *smiles gently* thanks~ please make yourself at home...
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/09/13 | Reply
Dani: Sam, you look like you live in a dump... I say for your sake, do no ever let Eon enter here, he will either kill you or kill himself, or both... *smiles and follows Dris but just stands politely* S-so what do you want to do now that we're here? I like your room by the way...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/09/13 | Reply
Samael: *chuckles and walks in, taking away shoes and throwing them in the room, then heads for his bed and throws himself on it* well, get used to it because that's how real men live!! *grins and winks*
Driskoll: *rolls eyes and chuckles, his part of the room is a bit messy but not as much as Sam's*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Dani: *walks in* Wow, so this is what mess looks like? I never see it living with Eon... He doesn't like having even a speck of dust out of place... I like it~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Samael: glad you do~ *opens the door to the house* please walk in, ladies first~
Driskoll: *waits for Dani to enter*
Samael: don't mind the mess!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Dani: You're very creepy Sam~ *giggles* But we love you~ *links arms with him* I love you both~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Samael: HEY! I'm cute by myself anyway! *pouts* okay, I'm also creepy.. *sighs and shakes head*
Driskoll: *laughs*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Dani: Shut up Sam~ *giggles* You'll be cute too, when you finally find someone~ *winks, still blushing*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles happily*
Samael: look at the two of you, aren't you simply adorable? *smiles gently*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Dani: Yes, b-by calling me cute... that's embarrassing... *blushes more* Though you're cute too... *smiles and looks away shyly*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *looks at her* embarass you? *pouts a bit*
Samael: *smirks at them*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Dani: *follows him* I know that, and I meant it... He embarrasses me sometimes... Hush your face Sam. *moves closer to Dris* Let's get there already...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *nods and tries to lead the way*
Samael: hey! what was that "men" for? I remind you that Dris is a man as well~ *chuckles*
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
You're welcome! ;3
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes at Dris* I-I... Th-thank you... *looks away shyly* Ugh, men... *looks back up and squeezes Dris's hand* S-shouldn't we be going now?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
thanks!! glad you think so~ :D
and thanks for commenting! ^^
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Samael: ok, ok! I'm sorry~ *smirks* I just wanted to have a bit of fun, no harming anyone *pokes her nose*
Driskoll: you're cute~ *smiles*
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
So cool. I love how you draw hair, epsecially Samael's. And that eye patch looks great.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Dani: *pouts and sticks her tongue out at Sam* I don't care! Don't say stupid things again! Understand? *looks at Dris, semi-pouting* What?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Samael: *chuckles* it could be, and it couldn't! *smirks* I'm sorry but you won't get me sad by saying things like that~
Driskoll: *keeps staring at Dani* ...cute~
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Dani: Still! Somethings don't need to be said! It's because you want it... No one's giving you anything so you're sad... *pout*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Samael: OW! *takes his ear but keeps smiling* Shame? ME? *laughs more* shame is a concept that doesn't apply to me. I'm too awesome for that! *grins*
Driskoll: *looks at Dani and smiles, he finds her really adorable when she's pouting*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Dani: *glares at Sam and pulls his ear down hard* Bad! D-don't joke about that stuff!! *tugging harder* And DON'T pick on D-Dris like that! *blushing like mad* H-have you no s-shame! *lets him go and pouts angrily*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Dani: *glares at Sam and pulls his ear down hard* Bad! D-don't joke about that stuff!! *tugging harder* And DON'T pick on D-Dris like that! *blushing like mad* H-have you no s-shame! *lets him go and pouts angrily*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/13 | Reply
Samael: *starts laughing like an idiot*
Driskoll: *looks at Dani and blushes like mad* NO! I don't- *looks at Sam* Sam!! *glares at him, embarassed*
Samael: *laughing so much he's almost crying* oh my~ *chuckles more and dries a tear* you'll make me die laughing~ *laughs more*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/03/13 | Reply
Dani: *covers her mouth and blushes like crazy, gasping* Sam! D-don't! I-I d-didn't mean! *looks at Dris wide eyed* W-whips and c-chains? W-why...? W-what f-for? H-h-h-how?!? *stuttering like a fool* Y-you l-like that k-kind of th-thing??
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/03/13 | Reply
Driskoll: no you don't-
Samael: *turns happily* -HAH!! she wants to know!!! *grins and snickers in an evil way* you could have some fun tonight~ *whispers* under the bed you can find some chains and whips and the likes... Dris likes them, if you know what I mean~! *winks and nudges Dani, still snickering like an idiot*
Driskoll: *blushes and facepalms* Sam..
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/03/13 | Reply
Dani: Ideas? Like what? I want to know. *looks at Dris* How bad can it be~?
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/03/13 | Reply
Dani: Ideas? Like what? I want to know. *looks at Dris* How bad can it be~?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/03/13 | Reply
Samael: *turns to them* I can give you some ideas~ *grins*
Driskoll: *kicks him lightly* stop it! *smiles*
Samael: ok, ok! sorry! *chuckles and keeps walking*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/03/13 | Reply
Dani: *takes Dris's hand as she gets up to follow Sam* Hello again honey~ What do you want to do tonight by the way? *hugging his arm as they walk behind*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/03/13 | Reply
Samael: ok, as you wish! *brings Dris down* here, all for you! *hands Dris to Dani*
Driskoll: *shakes head and smiles*
Samael: let's go~ *walks to the house*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/02/13 | Reply
Dani: *continues to sit and watch the two, smiling sweetly, loving them* You're silly Sam~ Bring him down please, my lap is getting cold~ *giggles* Should we go now though?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/02/13 | Reply
Samael: he's my best friend, I can do what I want too! *takes him by hands and lifts him up in the air* fly my friend~
Driskoll: *glares at Sam and tries to get down at once*
Samael: *looks at Dani* of course it's alright! right lovely feather~? *send a kiss at Dris*
Driskoll: bring me down! *laughs a bit*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/02/13 | Reply
Dani: Hush yourself Sam~ Dris can do what he wants~ *smiles at Dris* Good morning love~ Shall we go home and rest? That is... if you're alright with me staying at your house~ *shy smile and a little blush*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/02/13 | Reply
Samael: *nods* would you like to pass the night at our home perhaps? there's always a spare bed~ *smiles and lightly hits Dris* wake up, Sleeping Beauty!
Driskoll: *wakes up and glares at Samael*
Samael: stop glaring right now! *chuckles* whaet are you, a cat? you sleep like 20 hours a day *laughs*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/02/13 | Reply
Dani: Angra is a fool... but he is loyal and loving... *slightly hug Dris, falling silent and thoughtful* Should we go?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/02/13 | Reply
Samael: Zora? hurt? nah, impossible!! *smiles* but if that happened, he's strong and would get over it eventually *nods*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/02/13 | Reply
Dani: What if Angra hurt Zora? Like... broke his heart? Then what?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/02/13 | Reply
Samael: oh no, he's not that evil! *shakes head* he's a bad guy, but he still has a heart~
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/30/13 | Reply
Dani: *looks alarmed* Do you think Zora will hurt Angra!?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/30/13 | Reply
Samael: watch out for your friend, Zorawar is evil inside~ *smirks* maybe he just wants to have fun! *shakes head*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/30/13 | Reply
Dani: Well I don't really know if he is, but he and Zora are really close and sleep together a lot and even went out for a date a few times so...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/30/13 | Reply
Samael: he is? really? I had no idea he was, I mean.. he doesn't look like it! but as long as he's happy, it's good! right? *smiles*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/30/13 | Reply
Dani: *shrugs* I don't know, because he's gay?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/30/13 | Reply
Samael: *chuckles* how come Angra brings only men home?
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/30/13 | Reply
Dani: I know many people, but I'm not sure any of them would be your type... I know a really pretty but very shy little girl named Sylphia... But other than her I don't really talk to girls... Eon never brings anyone home and Angra only brings home men...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/30/13 | Reply
Samael: oh yes, Mist is so pretty! I also like her attitude, but not even I can get too close to her! Grim is so protective, it's like she has a natural guard dog behind her *chuckles* and thanks~ *smiles* if you know someone, I would gladly meet them!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/29/13 | Reply
Dani: Would you be happy with someone like Mist? So beautiful and kind~? Or someone like a princess? I will help you find her if you want~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/29/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles and purrs*
Samael: I'm not sure, maybe that's why I haven't found the right one yet... *scratches head and smiles* but I think I need her to be nice, and patient *chuckles*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/29/13 | Reply
Dani: *kisses Dris's forehead then pets him more* Well what's your type Sammy?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/29/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *send a kiss to her*
Samael: exactly! *chuckles* and hey, what can I do? it's just my nature~ *smiles gently* I would really enjoy to be with someone forever but it must be the right one!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/29/13 | Reply
Dani: I love you~ *snuggles Dris for a moment then shakes her head at Sam, still petting Dris* But none you want, correct? I mean, none you want to keep, right~? You're a true loner, aren't you?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/29/13 | Reply
Driskoll: you're cuter! *purrs and enjoys the petting*
Samael: me? jealous? *laughs* no, I could never! he's just a puppy, look at him! *chuckles* I can find planty of girls that would like to brush my hair~
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/29/13 | Reply
Dani: *smiles sweetly and continues to run her hands through his hair* You're so cute~ *smiles at Sam* You're just jealous~ You can get a girlfriend to do this for you too you know~ You're very attractive, I'm sure someone already wants you~ *wink*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/29/13 | Reply
Driskoll: good~ don't stop please! *smiles gently*
Samael: ehehe~ just like a puppy! *chuckles*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/28/13 | Reply
Dani: Thank you... Oh! *looks down at Dris and smiles softly* Sorry~ *running her fingers through his hair again* Is this better or do you want something else?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/28/13 | Reply
Samael: *nods* I will then~
Driskoll: *opens an eye and pouts, looking at Dani*
Samael: *notices Dris* oh, your puppy is waiting for you! *snickers*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/28/13 | Reply
Dani: Please tell me everything... I want to know...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/28/13 | Reply
Samael: *nods and smiles* yup, you'll know everything, if that's what you wish!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/28/13 | Reply
Dani: *looks worried* You'll tell me if anything changes between you two, right?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/28/13 | Reply
Samael: no need to worry, Dani... you won't see her around more just because I got to know her *shakes head*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/26/13 | Reply
Dani: *breathes* I hate her Sam, you understand? The less I have to see her, the better for everyone... She's a wicked temptress and a horrible person... She lies through her teeth and will use you...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/26/13 | Reply
Samael: you mean a relationship? *chuckles* oh no, no! don't worry!! *smirks* I like to be free and have fun~
Driskoll: *smiles in sleep*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/26/13 | Reply
Dani: How much do you like my sister...? Will I have to deal with her soon...? *smiles down at Dris* I love you so much...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/26/13 | Reply
Samael: yes, but that doesn't mean I don't like you *smiles* I like you both~! and Dris likes ony you~ *smiles gently and eats a gem*
Driskoll: *sleeping happily, he's smiling*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/26/13 | Reply
Dani: Sam, do you like my sister? *petting Dris again, lovingly*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/26/13 | Reply
Samael: *sits in front of her, eating some gems* oh, you don't have to worry about that~ *smiles* we're ghosts, we see more than just appearence, and we can't be deceived~ *looks at Dris* Dris is just too kind to leave you anyway~ just watch out for he might accidentally fly away~ *snickers*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/26/13 | Reply
Samael: *sits in front of her, eating some gems* oh, you don't have to worry about that~ *smiles* we're ghosts, we see more than just appearence, and we can't be deceived~ *looks at Dris* Dris is just too kind to leave you anyway~ just watch out for he might accidentally fly away~ *snickers*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/24/13 | Reply
Dani: *looks at Dris, both with sad eyes and loving ones* I hope I get to keep him for my life as well... *petting him softly* I never had friends like you two, Noki did, but I never did... No one saw me when she was around and I fear it will happen here too... *caresses Dris's faces softly* I can't lose him...
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/24/13 | Reply
Samael: Dani, I consider as a friend any person who has met me and stayed with me for more than half an hour~ *chuckles* then there are people like Dris, who are almost my life~
Driskoll: *has fallen asleep*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/24/13 | Reply
Dani: ... My sister... *loses the rest of his words* Sam, are you friends with Noki...? *now petting Dris more slowly, sadly*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/24/13 | Reply
Samael: *turns to Dani* I have plenty of friends, but no one shares my gem passion apart from your sister *smiles* only Sableyes like that after all! why you ask? *tits head*
Driskoll: *is slowly falling asleep*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/24/13 | Reply
Dani: *continues the petting and shakes her head* Sammy, you need to make more friends than just Dris and I. Does anyone else share your gem passion~?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/24/13 | Reply
Driskoll: we will~ *smiles happily and purrs lightly*
Samael: time for a snack~ *starts eating some gems*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/24/13 | Reply
Dani: *giggles and watches Sam while combing her fingers through Dris's hair* I hope we can be like this forever~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/24/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *looks at her, smiling happiy* yes~ *unties his hair and lays on Dani's lap*
Samael: *still bathing in the gems, he doesn't care about anything but his gem paradise*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Dani: *pets him lovingly* But he's nothing compared to you my love~ *smiling happily, filled with joy* Would you like to lay in my lap Dris? I'll gladly brush your beautiful hair~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles* he's cute, yes~ *leans on Dani*
Samael: *bathing in gems* I love each one of you!! you're all so pretty and shiny and sparkly and tasty~ *rolls in them laughing happily*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Dani: *winks at Dris* We dodged that bullet pretty easily didn't we~? *leans against him and watches Sam* He's really cute in a crazy sort of way~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Samael: yes but- *stops to think* all mine? ALL MINE?! *grins happily and eye widens, then he throws himself into their pile of gems, rolling happily in it* Yyyyaaayyy~ *laughing like a child*
Driskoll: *laughs at Sam* he doesn't care about the challenge now~
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Dani: Why are you mad Sammy~ You never said I couldn't use my moves~ *winks* Besides, this is all going to be yours afterwards~ Look at all of them~ *points to the small mountain of multicolored gems*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles and throws bad gems away* Sam will be mad~ *chuckles lightly*
Samael: *arrives running* HEY!!! you cheaters!!! *pouts and frowns, he's mad*
Driskoll: *whispers* told you~
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Dani: *brings over more gems to Dris than sits next to him, helping him sort* See, I told you we would win~ *panting a little but smiling brightly*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *sits down, selecting the gems carefully, he knows what are the best ones due to Sam always bringing him around*
Samael: *hears the rocks crumble* what the hell is happening now? *turns back with a sapphire in his hand*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Dani: *smirks at Dris* You know it~ *eyes glow a beautiful yellow and the rocks lift from the wall, separating the good from bad as gems land before Dris* Can you be sure that we only have the best gems in our large pile please love~?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Samael: I'm always ready! now!! *sprints into the cave, searching in every corner and under everything, finding some pretty gems* oh, I love this~! *chuckles and jumps around*
Driskoll: *smirks* ready to cheat?
Last edited by DeathSeraph at 4:57:10 PM EDT on September 22, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Dani: *whispers to Dris* I have the move Ancient Power, I'll just move the rocks and gems to us~ *to Sam* Any time you're ready Sammy~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Samael: I'll be fine on my own~ *smirks* I want to give you some advantage! *gets in the cave too* good luck when it's time to climb walls~
Driskoll: *whispers to Dani* I'll float~ *smiles*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Dani: *giggles* You should have a partner too Sammy, it seems kind of unfair to have two on one~ But if you think you can beat my love and I, you're in for a rude awakening~ *smirks and heads for a gem cave*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles and nods, he's very confident*
Samael: wow, Drissy~ I've never seen you so interested in a gem hunt~ *snickers* love does wonders to you! let's go, we'll see who's the best~ *smirks*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/20/13 | Reply
Dani: *smiles at Dris* Yeah we will~ Dris and I are a team~ So fight at full power Sammy, you're still going to lose~ *squeezes Dris's hand* Right love~?
We're all glad~ <3 Hehe~ <3DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/20/13 | Reply
Samael: I'll try to not do my best, to give you a slight chance of getting near to my level~ *smirks*
Driskoll: we'll win! *is determinated*
I have no idea XD XD but I'm glad it's like that! ^w^ChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/20/13 | Reply
Dani: Oh you would would you? Then that's the game it'll be! I'll show you who's best~ *smirks*
*dramatic cry* You are too fantastic!! Why are you so awesome?! How did it happen!!??DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/20/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *smiles at her* thanks~
Samael: GOOD! *smiles happily* what kind of a game? not one of "who gets more", because I would obviously be the winner~ *smirks, confident*
*hugs* you're welcome!!! and you're awesome!! X3ChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/20/13 | Reply
Dani: *squeezes Dris's hand* I'll make it fun for you okay~ *loving smile* We could make it into a game or something~
*snuggle snuggle* Thank you! You're the best!!DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/20/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *sighs* boring...
Samael: I always forced him to come with me~ *chuckles* I enjoy it a lot, but he seems to find it boring! *shakes head* maybe with you he'll enjoy it more~ or so I hope! *smiles*
cling as much as you want! ^^ I'll always be back~ChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/20/13 | Reply
Dani: *looks at Dris* Do you not like to go gem hunting? Why?
*cling to* I feel like being clingy today... I'm glad you're back...DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/20/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *rolls eyes and glares at Sam*
Samael: what?! it's going to be fun~ *smirks*
Driskoll: *doesn't agree but follows them anyway*
I meant for the day XD I'm not going away permanently~ :)ChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Dani: ... My sister likes to do that... *sighs* We can do it too! *determined to be better than Noki*
Nuuuu! I'll miss you! I like talking to you more!!DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Samael: yes! how about we-
Driskoll: -NO. no gem hunt.
Samael: *pouts* oh... well, I tried...
ok then! XD I'll be going soon anyway so don't worry :)ChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Dani: *giggles* You strange little crazy man~ Should we all do something then?
Oh no, you're fine~ I'm working and talking with you~DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Samael: *chuckles* yes, I know *laughs* I'm not even trying to say the contrary~
Driskoll: *smiles at him*
aw, I'm sorry!! if you have to do things, you don't have to stay here just because of me... ;(ChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Dani: Well... you're lucky I love you too~ *smiles sweetly at him* Even if you can be a jerk at times~
Like right now... I have a TON to do because I took a day off...DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Samael: yup~ *smirks* you can't get rid of me and trust me, I'll be very inappropriate! *grins and chuckles*
Driskoll: *laughs and smiles* forgive him~
everyone wants that at a time, I understand what you mean! ^^ChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes and bites her lip but smiles* Thank you, I look forward to it... *nods to Sam* You're going to be a hand full aren't you?
Not really, I just have a lot I want to do... I don't know... Some days I just want to slow down...DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Driskoll: don't worry *kisses her lightly* we have all our lives to do what we like~ *smiles and nods*
Samael: *gets up* I was just joking~ take your time, both of you! *nods* but you'll need to get used to me, Dani~ *chuckles*
glad you do!! ^^
I see, I know you're way busier than me XDChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Dani: I-I... *looking at Dris* I'm sorry Dris... I don't want to rush... *looking away shyly* I know you probably want to tell Sam about whatever time we have b-but... *blushing badly*
I have much fun yes~ Thank you for worrying~ <3
That it does~ I don't have the time for it... >.>DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Samael: oh, you really are a good girl!! Dris, you'll have to wait then! *chuckles*
Driskoll: *closes Sam's mouth and throws him away, smiling happily* stop it~
as long as you enjoy it, that's good! ^^
thanks XD that sure will make the game last for a long time XDChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Dani: *peaks out at Sam* Come talk to use again many years from now, if we get married. I'm a good girl... *blushes more* L-LET'S GO DO SOMETHING!
I keep using them~ X3 I told you, I'm loyal as a dog~
O-O That's impressive... Well good luck and have fun~ <3DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Samael: ohohoh~ I kow that! that's exactly why I'm asking if you two want to be left alone~ *winks at Dris* no? *smirks*
Driskoll: *smiles and shakes head, disapprovingly*
Samael: ok then, Sorry lady Danika~ *bows at her*
and what when they're level 100? O.O
hahaha like I'll ever finish them! XD XD I think I have... 130? or something... but I know I'll never have all of them XD I use them as an excuse to train monotype teams XDChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Dani: *gasp* !! We haven't even done anything besides kiss Sam!! *so much blush* You can't assume things! *burying her face in Dris's chest* Don't let him pick on me...
Hehe~ I'm too loyal to my team to change them... I feel bad for all my box Pokemon...
I gave up on that a long while ago~ XD Good luck~ How many do you need/have?DeathSeraph
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/19/13 | Reply
Driskoll: *shakes head, smiling at Sam*
Samael: yeah, sure~ *smirks* you play the role of the innocent couple, but you can't fool old Sam! *chuckles*
really? I end up having like at least 10 teams for every game I play XD I love too many pokemon to just choose 6 X3
and I'm currently trying to get the medals in Black 2 DXChiPolVee
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Dani: *beet red* Sam! No, we don't need to be left alone! R-right Dris? *looking up at him, embarrassed*
I only ever have one team per game... Hehe~ I'm too loyal to the six I get first~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Samael: me? uhm... I was just staying here with you- waaaaitt... you want me to leave you two alone? *winks*
*sigh* you're better than me XD XD I need to train Franz more!! now I'm focusing on ghost team, so he's left in a box XD XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Dani: *nods* Thank you boys~ So where are you headed Sammy?
I use Overheat a lot~ And I use Athena to literally beat it to death with Aura Sphere!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Samael: *smiles* thanks, I promise I'll be careful~!
Driskoll: *hugs her tight, smiling happily*
man, not even an Outrage kills that thing. I hate it so much! I tried using Franz to fight him but noooo, EARTHQUAKE. stupid pink ball! >.<
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes but smiles and pulls him into a soft kiss* Thank you... I love you too... *hugs him again then looks at Sam* You be careful too! I care greatly for you too.
I AGREE!! It's so darn freaky!! I have my Havoc (Charizard) and/or Thunder (Raichu) destroy that stupid thing!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Samael: *smiles happily* he won't~
Driskoll: right, I love you, not her *smiles and hugs her*
I agree with you! you know what I hate even more? Lickilicky. it's horrible. and creepy, in a bad way!! and in game the stupid man at gamefreak building has one, that NEVER DIES. and I always see my beloved Haxorus die because of his damn blizzard attack!! >.<
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Dani: Okay, if you say so... *snuggles up to Dris* And please don't let her get to you Dris...
YES! I hate hate hate the ice cream one and a few other just ridiculous designs!!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Samael: *chuckles* don't worry about me~ no one can just use me! *smiles*
Driskoll: *kisses Dani's head gently*
that's fair enough! ^^ are there some pokemon you just don't like?
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Dani: *sighs* ... I understand... She's always been like that... She's pretty and she knows it. I hope she doesn't use you like she did others. That's all... *holds onto Dris*
It would be just as long~ XD Hehe~ I feel something about every Pokemon~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Samael: well... um.. yes? *sweatdrops and grins* please don't be mad at me!
Driskoll: *looks at Dani, hoping for her to not be mad at Sam*
hahah XD you should make a list of the non-adorable pokemon XD it would be easier! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Dani: *blinks a little* ....... *thinking* It was my sister wasn't it? *trying not to look upset or let down*
Oh oh um... Eevee, Espeon, Mew, Skitty, Raichu, Riolu, the list goes on, it includes like most all of the Pokemon ever made~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/18/13 | Reply
Samael: I've been with many girls, whether you believe it or not *smirks and winks* but the last one I've been with... well, I don't think it's interesting anyway! *grins*
Driskoll: *stays silent, he knows everything*
who else is in that collection? XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/17/13 | Reply
Dani: *also pats Sam's head* Good puppy, it'll be okay~ Who were you with if I may be so bold as to ask~? *giggles* Was she pretty~? *smirks playfully*
I want one for my "Stupidly Adorable Pokemon" collection~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/17/13 | Reply
Samael: last time I did it, it worked.. but now that I think about it, maybe they were more interested in the diamonds in my chest than me.. *chuckles and scratches head*
Driskoll: *smiles and laughs, caressing Sam's head*
Samael: hey! I'm not your dog! *pouts then smirks*
he's cute, you're right! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/17/13 | Reply
Dani: Personally, I think he's much more seductive when he talks~ *shivers happily then smirks* But it was really cute~ However, I'm sorry Sam, dramatically ripping off your shirt isn't how you get the ladies~
YES! He's sooooooooooo cute! I would never evolve him~ XD I would just want to hug and love him forever~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/17/13 | Reply
Samael: HE DID?! *starts laughing* that's my awesome Dris!! *chuckles and lightly hits Dris's shoulder*
Driskoll: *blushes and hides his face in his shirt* s-shut up Sam..
Samael: aw, my boy's grown up and he seduces ladies like I do *dries an invisible tear then chuckles*
Litleo? :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/17/13 | Reply
Dani: *smiles at Dris* I think you're great~ Mostly when you dramatically rip off your shirt~ *giggles and hugs him close* Love you!
Oh I like her too! But I like the little form best~ Hehe~ <3
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/17/13 | Reply
Samael: *winks* you're talking to the party man here~ sorry to say Dris is not *chuckles*
Driskoll: *pouts and looks at Sam*
Samael: just joking bro, you know I love you anyway~ *grins*
yeah, he's cute! X3 I find myself really liking Pyroar though, especially the female! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/17/13 | Reply
Dani: Of course~ Any time you boys are around, it's always fun~
Yup yup~ You guessed it~ I love them! Mostly the boy!! He's so cute!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/17/13 | Reply
Samael: *grins and hugs his friends tightly* so, we're going to have fun now, yes?
Driskoll: *smiles happily and nods*
are they Meowstic perhaps? :D
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/17/13 | Reply
that's good to hear! ^^
thanks a lot!! ^^ *hugs* it's comments like this that makes me want to draw more~ :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
Dani: *giggles and hugs Sam close* Dris and I have the rest of our lives to be together if he wants~ I don't mind being around our best friend~
Yay! I still need to introduce you to Nadia and Nigel~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
Samael: *turns to them* of course I like you! *grins* you both are awesome! *winks* I was leaving because I thought you wanted some time for yourselves, but if you really want me to stay, I won't refuse~ *smirks*
Driskoll: *smiles and brings Sam in the hug as well*
sure, why not? :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
Dani: *blushes more* W-why? Don't you like us Sammy~?
Oh good~ I wonder, will Nyn get to meet him~?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
Samael: *chuckles* I prefer to leave you two alone anyway~ *winks*
Driskoll: *chuckles and pats Dani's head*
eheeh XD we'll see what happens~ and actually, Cara's "brother" is no more than Garland~ ^^ he cares for her, but he's nothing like Grim so Nyn will be fine XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
<3Dani: *blushes and smiles softly* Don't be like that Sammy~ We're not going to be crazy with PDA~ *snuggles up to Dris again*
Don't worry, he looks wild, but he's very gentle~ And if she gets violent, he'll probably just laugh and keep protecting himself until he's safe~ What about her brother?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
^w^Driskoll: *keeps hugging her* you're welcome~
Samael: ok, as you say then! *turns to Dris and Dani* I'll leave you two alone, lovebirds! *chuckles and walks away*
I know, I know XD but he should be very careful with her, Cara is violent when she's scared XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
That's all we ask for~ <3Dani: *relaxes in his arms and cuddles close* Thank you...
Noki: *looks over her shoulder at Sam* It's nothing. Later. *starts to walk away again*
Nyn wants very much to change that~ Sorry~ X3
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
^w^ I'll do my best!! ^^Driskoll: *hugs her close* I love you too~ *smiles gently*
Samael: Noki? you ok? *tilts head*
yeah, I find her sweet and cute as well X3 like a pure, innocent girl <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
Yay! I hope you do~ <3 I can't wait to see everything~Dani: *nods to both of them then moves to hug Dris but hesitates* Th-thank you Dris... I... I love you...
Noki: Tch. *looks away from them all then starts to walk away* Go get everyone.
I do~ She's so sweet and cute~ <3
No worries~ <3
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
çwç thanks a lot!! X3 that makes me want to draw more!! :DSamael: *walks to Dani* no, it was my fault! *sweatdrops* I thought that when two girls that hate eachother meet again, it's better to run away to safety! *smiles*
Driskoll: *ignores Noki* I won't leave you, don't listen to her.
really? :3 I'm glad you like her!! ^^
ah, that's good to know!! ^w^
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
I totally understand that... But I always look forward to your work~ Me and the ENTIRE O too~ <3Noki: *rolls her eyes at Dris* Why are you glaring at me? I didn't do anything to you, I just stated the obvious. You want to leave her, do it. And let Sammy go if he wants, he has no reason to stay here either.
Dani: *goes over to Dris and shakily looks at him* D-do... do you not want to stay...?
I can't wait to meet them! I really want to see Cara! I love her so much and look forward to it! :D
Oh I don't think that at all~ I think he looks very good~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
don't worry, not a problem :) comment as much as you like! ^^
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I surely will!! ^^
yeah, you're right!! X3 X3 poor Grim! XD
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/13 | Reply
aw, thanks!! X3 I would, but I don't have enough time sadly... and sometimes artist's block hits me ç.çDriskoll: *stops and looks at Sam* no.. I'm not leaving. *takes Sam by his shirt and pulls him back, glaring at Noki*
Samael: hey! *whispers* it's you girl, Dris! why call me back too?
well, it's gonna have more girls for sure! here's the list:
Dusek Volgrimp the Dusknoir
Cara Phantomb the Cofagrigus
Mist Fearcanief the Mismagius
Scarlett Desouller the Shedinja
Rowan Voltegeist the Rotom
Jelani VIII the Jellicent
Giada Stargrave the Golurk
Hywel Nightfall the Honedge
and thanks! glad you think so :) I was afraid that with all that purple and green he would have reminded everyone of the Incredible Hulk <///< *sigh* XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/13/13 | Reply
I think I should read more then before commenting lol XD
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/13 | Reply
You will have to post her sometime! She is pretty like mist!
Lol well he does have a sister complex so he is a weirdo!!! A funny one!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/13/13 | Reply
Hehe~ So many people love your art darling girl~ You should do it more often~ <3Noki: Oh look sissy, your so called lover is running away from you~ Doesn't surprise me though, there's not much to love in you~ *dark smirk*
Dani: At least I only love one man, and actually love him! *looks at Dris* A-are you leaving...?
*HUGGLE* I can't wait to see the second half~ Who's on that one?
Also, I really think Hansel is adorable~
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/13 | Reply
don't worry, it's not like you've missed many things! XD thanks anyway, you're so kind! ^^
and I'm glad you like them! ^^
yeah, purple is a common color in ghost type pokemon XD that's why all of them have something purple X3
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/13 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
why? XD because he doesn't want boys to get near Mist? XD
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I actually have a sketch of Gretel already but I made it in 2009 and it's horrible XD I'll have to draw her again for sure! I plan in making full bodies for all of them! ^^
hahah I'm glad you like poor Grim, even if he's the only one I can't draw well XD he always looks weird! XD
anyway thanks a lot! ^^ I don't know when I'll finish the 2nd half, but I'll do my best! ^^
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/13 | Reply
thanks!! I'm glad you like!! ^^
sure I had fun, ghost type pokemon are my fav! ^^
btw thanks for commeting even if you're not on theO anymore ^^
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/13 | Reply
yup! X3Driskoll: *stares at Sam, waiting for a possible explanation* ?
Samael: oook... this wasn't meant to happen. now, my dear friend, your Sam is going to teach you something!
Drsikoll: *smiles and nods at Sam*
Samael: when this *points to Dani and Noki* happens, you just have to do ONE thing! *whispers* get away!! *starts heading back slowly, trying to hide*
glad it was!! and you're welcome!! ^^ :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/12/13 | Reply
It feels like I haven't view your art in forever! D: Now I feel bad but this is really lovely! I love how each one has something purple :D like always wonderful job and keep it up!
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/13 | Reply
Lol the Gengar xD that just made me giggle so much on the inside
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/11/13 | Reply
omg it's the ghost collection!!! I adore all the designs! Especially the girl!!! I would look forward to seeing a full body sketch of her!XD
and omg it's Grim!!! XD I still like him best since he's so silly! but I adore all the designs for your gijinka!!! XD I look forward to seeing the 2nd half!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/10/13 | Reply
Hehe~ I like cute and creepy together~ You know that~Dani: Please come here Dris, I won't laugh... *looks at Noki, no, glares at Noki* What are you doing here?
Noki: Hello sexy Sammy~ *looks at Dani* Oh! And hello big sissy~ Is this your boy toy~? Do you plan to bring him home to mother and father or are you ashamed of him too?
Dani: Shut up you *swear word*!! And don't talk to Sam like he's another conquest! You better not have!!
Noki: *smirks evilly*
(I forgot these two HATE each other... >.>)
*snuggles* This was the nicest thing that happened to me this week! Thank you so so so so so so much!!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/13 | Reply
maybe he's too cute XD he shouldn't be that cute! when he smiles he's creepy XDDriskoll: *blushes* ...they laughed..
Samael: *notices Noki* oh, hey there! *smirks* it's nice to see you again- wait.. the two sister together again? *tilts head*
Glad I did!! ^w^ and also glad you appreciated the surprise X3 *hugs more*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/10/13 | Reply
He's so cute! I don't even kind of know!Dani: D-Dris... why you do leave me...?
Hehe~ Love you Dris~ But I mostly love you Sa-
Noki: Step away from the gem boy Creator! I will not tolerate it.
*hug* Thank you so much! You don't even know! It made me so happy!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/13 | Reply
thanks!! I'm so glad you like it!!
I know right? Sam is really cute here! X3Driskoll: *hides behind Sam, blushing like mad*
Samael: hey! stop picking on my bro! *proud stance* (note: Driskoll is taller than Sam X3)
and you're welcome!! ^^ *hugs*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/10/13 | Reply
I'm so glad to see them all! I love them! Sam is SO CUTE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! But Dris is so cute trying to be Sam~ Heheh~ Is he going to rip off his shirt now?
Dani: *bursts out laughing*
I love love love this! Its so wonderful! Thank you for the dedication! It made my day! Thank you! <3 This is beautiful!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/13 | Reply
thanks! glad you liked! ^^
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/13 | Reply
I love their designs!