Thankyou, Demi!!!!!!!! Great to get a sweet comment from you, my friend <3
Good to know! I'll have to find lots of free time and watch the original Japanese version for sure :)
Thankyou dear, and I hope you enjoyed your Christmas!
Thanks a million, Hime <3
I actually used some of the same colours from a little scan of Chibi Moon! But I played around with the effects and colour levels on So I'm thrilled that you like the finished work!! It wasn't exactly planned since the colour scheme changed a few times before I was satisfied (and I actually thought it was a bit too saturated!) so I'm so happy to read your nice comment, my friend^^
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/21/13 | Reply
omg Chibi Moon! XD lol brings back so many memories! It's been such a long time since I've watched Sailor so I can't remember their relationship either but I think that unicorn was a prince?
Queen of Mustaches (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/18/13 | Reply
wahhh kawaiii !!!!
Chibimoon is soo cute
ITS SOOO MUCH FUNNIER THAN ENGLISH VERSION !!! but watch out because its a long one too
i love how the atmosphere is pink as well!!! ~ Soooooooo Cuuuutttte !!!!!
Thankyou, Judai! That means a lot to me as I know that you like Sailor Moon <3 You are so nice and always make my day awesome!!
*biggest huggle ever!!*
YAY!!! I'm super glad that you like the drawing <3 That makes me so happy!!! Thank You, Yin-chan!!
PS. I'll have to check it out then! I've heard a lot about it but never seen it. And I'm thrilled to know that I drew a good scene of Chibi Moon and the unicorn :)
Wah!! Thankyou for writing me this comment, Rose! Even though its tough to do on the tablet >u< I was thinking of you today and going to send u a message to chat! I've missed ya!! Hope you had a nice trip and get home safely, my friend <3
Yay I cannot wait to see new art!!! If I hadn't made this art for chihiroyin, I'd of made it for you! I know how you love Sailor Moon! No problem! I still have to work on my SS art xD Let me know if you need more time or anything!
Oh don't worry, I'm glad to hear from you but sorry that you're depressed and heading back into the cold... I felt the same way lately when dealing with my work and all this SNOW!! We should talk soon!! On email or chat or something :)
Wow this is so beautiful~<3 I love how you drew Chibi Moon/chibi Usa and Pegasus..they look so so adorable~!!! Too beautiful for words really. I love the colors and the style. It all looks so amazing~<3
Its just so beautiful~<3
And by the look of Yin-Chan's comment I say she loves it. I love it to pieces~<3
*uber huggles you* ^3^
awww thanks it looks so cute (*o*)Espacially how you draw her uniform it looks kawai (*_*)/ and the unicorn is also soo sweet ♥_♥
I was surprised to see your dedication xD I almost forget
And I think it was worth waiting for it
PS: I recommend to you the manga :b btw you draw a beautiful scene of them you know first they were friends and later they're getting closer
Hard to type on tablet I am at the air port lol. I had to check on here since I have not been on for a week I am happy to see your work mangakid :) I will be home tonight and working on art work again yay, I really like this piece. I love sailor moon! I also got your e mail about the SS I will be working on that once I get back to the groove of things. Sadly I don't want to go home back to the cold! I hope you are doing well I miss ya. Sorry this is personally lol. I am just happy to see your work right away I am a bit depressed right now.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/14 | Reply
lol it's fine, the unicorn was kinda soft looking anyways. XD still awesome job!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Lol! Thanks for the comment, Toya!! Woah thats interesting!! I had no clue >U<
or else I'd of made the unicorn look more manly XDThanks so much!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Demi!!!!!!!! Great to get a sweet comment from you, my friend <3
Good to know! I'll have to find lots of free time and watch the original Japanese version for sure :)
Thankyou dear, and I hope you enjoyed your Christmas!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/13 | Reply
Thanks a million, Hime <3
I actually used some of the same colours from a little scan of Chibi Moon! But I played around with the effects and colour levels on So I'm thrilled that you like the finished work!! It wasn't exactly planned since the colour scheme changed a few times before I was satisfied (and I actually thought it was a bit too saturated!) so I'm so happy to read your nice comment, my friend^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Silver!!
LOLZ thats good to know!!AH lol! I know what that's like... If I don't get something done within a certain time, I have lots of trouble to get it done at all >U<
Hope you had an amazing Christmas!!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/21/13 | Reply
omg Chibi Moon! XD lol brings back so many memories! It's been such a long time since I've watched Sailor so I can't remember their relationship either but I think that unicorn was a prince?
anyways this is awesome! it' looks cute! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/21/13 | Reply
hehe I have to thank you for drawing such adorable picture

I'm really happy u did it finally
Queen of Mustaches (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/18/13 | Reply
wahhh kawaiii !!!!
Chibimoon is soo cute
but watch out because its a long one tooi love how the atmosphere is pink as well!!! ~ Soooooooo Cuuuutttte !!!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/17/13 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Thankyou, Judai! That means a lot to me as I know that you like Sailor Moon <3 You are so nice and always make my day awesome!!
*biggest huggle ever!!*
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/17/13 | Reply
YAY!!! I'm super glad that you like the drawing <3 That makes me so happy!!! Thank You, Yin-chan!!
PS. I'll have to check it out then! I've heard a lot about it but never seen it. And I'm thrilled to know that I drew a good scene of Chibi Moon and the unicorn :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/17/13 | Reply
Wow. It's gorgeous Manga-chan.
Don't worry you're not the only one who doesn't know squat about Sailor Moon xDHey, at least you posted it. Some people have been waiting about for my dedications, what is it, two years now? *cough Zuzu cough*
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/17/13 | Reply
Wah!! Thankyou for writing me this comment, Rose! Even though its tough to do on the tablet >u< I was thinking of you today and going to send u a message to chat! I've missed ya!! Hope you had a nice trip and get home safely, my friend <3
Yay I cannot wait to see new art!!! If I hadn't made this art for chihiroyin, I'd of made it for you! I know how you love Sailor Moon! No problem! I still have to work on my SS art xD Let me know if you need more time or anything!
Oh don't worry, I'm glad to hear from you but sorry that you're depressed and heading back into the cold... I felt the same way lately when dealing with my work and all this SNOW!! We should talk soon!! On email or chat or something :)
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/17/13 | Reply
Wow this is so beautiful~<3 I love how you drew Chibi Moon/chibi Usa and Pegasus..they look so so adorable~!!! Too beautiful for words really. I love the colors and the style. It all looks so amazing~<3
Its just so beautiful~<3
And by the look of Yin-Chan's comment I say she loves it. I love it to pieces~<3
*uber huggles you* ^3^
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/17/13 | Reply
awww thanks it looks so cute (*o*)Espacially how you draw her uniform it looks kawai (*_*)/ and the unicorn is also soo sweet ♥_♥

you know first they were friends and later they're getting closer 
I was surprised to see your dedication xD I almost forget
And I think it was worth waiting for it
PS: I recommend to you the manga :b btw you draw a beautiful scene of them
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/17/13 | Reply
Hard to type on tablet I am at the air port lol. I had to check on here since I have not been on for a week I am happy to see your work mangakid :) I will be home tonight and working on art work again yay, I really like this piece. I love sailor moon! I also got your e mail about the SS I will be working on that once I get back to the groove of things. Sadly I don't want to go home back to the cold! I hope you are doing well I miss ya. Sorry this is personally lol. I am just happy to see your work right away I am a bit depressed right now.