soo as the contest requires my comment to you is that : I ope u had your best christmas ever and that new year will be even greater that u would never change cuz u are one of the best persond I ever chated so I Wish you that all your christmas would be better then the previous ones and by the way what christmas has no presents sooooo have I giant mountai of presents you know the better u are then the more presents u get
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/30/13 | Reply
thank u very much . u did a wonderful jub
it is beautiful . happy new year 
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/28/13 | Reply
soo as the contest requires my comment to you is that : I ope u had your best christmas ever and that new year will be even greater that u would never change cuz u are one of the best persond I ever chated so I Wish you that all your christmas would be better then the previous ones
and by the way what christmas has no presents sooooo have I giant mountai of presents you know the better u are then the more presents u get