And yeah, google+ was being stupid for me on my laptop too. Ever since youtube integrated google+ into ... everything... using youtube has been a hassle.
Animating can be fun if not a tedious task for something longer. Smooch took me a month to complete due to the sheer number of unique frames, where as something little like this only took a day or two.
It's an 'end justifies the means' type of thing. It seems like a good idea when you start, then you hate yourself for doing it, then at last when you complete it, you get a sense of accomplishment.
I use Gimp and Windows Movie Maker 6.0
I don't have an actual animation program. Instead I draw each frame by hand, then play them back flip book style.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/15/14 | Reply
But I have so many to play already...
*sighs* They'll have to get their s*** together =I
Pro-Procrastinator (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/14/14 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
haha go play the game~~
And yeah, google+ was being stupid for me on my laptop too. Ever since youtube integrated google+ into ... everything... using youtube has been a hassle.
Pro-Procrastinator (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/14/14 | Reply
Animating can be fun if not a tedious task for something longer. Smooch took me a month to complete due to the sheer number of unique frames, where as something little like this only took a day or two.
It's an 'end justifies the means' type of thing. It seems like a good idea when you start, then you hate yourself for doing it, then at last when you complete it, you get a sense of accomplishment.
Pro-Procrastinator (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/14/14 | Reply
I use Gimp and Windows Movie Maker 6.0
I don't have an actual animation program. Instead I draw each frame by hand, then play them back flip book style.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/14/14 | Reply
I know nothing about the game, so it's not really spoilery to me XD It's really cute~! =D
Google+ is being a derp, I can't comment on youtube... It keep signing me out before I can type stuff =/
Queen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/14/14 | Reply
What a cute animation! XD I seriously think you have a lot of skill there. Do you enjoy animating things? Btw i loved PGR smooch!! XD