awwws, thank you so very much!!!! i greatly appreciate your sweet words <3
oh and just so you know, the high res here doesn't either; that piece is MUCH larger and theOtaku never seems to show the fullest size :/ which is part of why i link to the dA post, there you can see the larger/est version ^-^
This is beautiful, all your hard work is clear. The details are lovely. I need to look at the high-res image because the small one there doesn't do it justice ^^
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/02/14 | Reply
awwws, thank you so very much!!!! i greatly appreciate your sweet words <3
oh and just so you know, the high res here doesn't either; that piece is MUCH larger and theOtaku never seems to show the fullest size :/ which is part of why i link to the dA post, there you can see the larger/est version ^-^
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/02/14 | Reply
This is beautiful, all your hard work is clear. The details are lovely. I need to look at the high-res image because the small one there doesn't do it justice ^^
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/02/14 | Reply
oh thank you so very very much!!! <3
that is so nice for you to say, and i of course appreciate your doge words X3
Otakuite | Posted 11/01/14 | Reply
That's. Some fantastic detail. Great story too. Much like, very wow, such amazing