But of course!,i was not trying to imply my thoughts on you,i was just talking out of..experience say,i hope you were not offended by my previous comment.
(Forgive me if what I'm saying doesn't make much sense, I'm not exactly in the best state of mind right now)
My art is free and open to anyone to figure out the meaning behind it, or something like that.
I think i get what this image is saying, but the feeling you had when you drew this does not last long,consider the good things in life,look back at this image,think for a while,and i am sure you will be like "Meh".:)
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/18/15 | Reply
@A friendly otaku:
No! You're comment didn't offend me at all! Don't be silly.
You, and everyone here is free to interpretate my art.
A friendly otaku
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/18/15 | Reply
But of course!,i was not trying to imply my thoughts on you,i was just talking out of..experience say,i hope you were not offended by my previous comment.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/17/15 | Reply
@A friendly otaku:
(Forgive me if what I'm saying doesn't make much sense, I'm not exactly in the best state of mind right now)
My art is free and open to anyone to figure out the meaning behind it, or something like that.
A friendly otaku
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/17/15 | Reply
I think i get what this image is saying, but the feeling you had when you drew this does not last long,consider the good things in life,look back at this image,think for a while,and i am sure you will be like "Meh".:)