I agree with you on that one :P And alot of people are very kind. When I first got on here, I just knew about the chat room and about looking at E-Cards. But had no idea how to MAKE anything!! A couple of people helped me discover Gimp and taught me how to use it, all through sending PM's back and forth :P When I was still lost, I just used Paint XD But as time went on, I started learning more on how to make it look nicer and prettier and I think if you look at the E-Cards (I made more than Wallpapers when I first started) You can actually see how noob-ish everything was and how it improved with time XD
But it looks like you don't need any help! :D You're a genius, and amazing talented genius who has art down like nothing to it~ :P
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/20/15 | Reply
I agree with you on that one :P And alot of people are very kind. When I first got on here, I just knew about the chat room and about looking at E-Cards. But had no idea how to MAKE anything!! A couple of people helped me discover Gimp and taught me how to use it, all through sending PM's back and forth :P When I was still lost, I just used Paint XD But as time went on, I started learning more on how to make it look nicer and prettier and I think if you look at the E-Cards (I made more than Wallpapers when I first started) You can actually see how noob-ish everything was and how it improved with time XD
But it looks like you don't need any help! :D You're a genius, and amazing talented genius who has art down like nothing to it~ :P
Otakuite | Posted 05/20/15 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
Nice from you :) I like the platform, it's really uncomlicated :)
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/16/15 | Reply
Whoa, you're good
Nice to see new faces on here~