Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/15 | Reply
I spy Fire Emblem fanart :D I can't wait for this game, though it looks like it will be in two versions, soooo Aaaaah I can't decide which to get.
I like how the brushstrokes feel so smooth. Her eyes are pretty and glowy too <3 She reminds me of Ninian
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/08/15 | Reply
Your art is always so colorful and vibrant!This looks amazing!You did a great job with the texture and the shading!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/15 | Reply
I spy Fire Emblem fanart :D I can't wait for this game, though it looks like it will be in two versions, soooo Aaaaah I can't decide which to get.
I like how the brushstrokes feel so smooth. Her eyes are pretty and glowy too <3 She reminds me of Ninian
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/08/15 | Reply
Your art is always so colorful and vibrant!This looks amazing!You did a great job with the texture and the shading!