The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/26/15 | Reply
isn't she so? ^ 3^
i quite like her hair and when i was creating her that smile was one of the first things i saw; she is indeed one of those fun personality types that still manages to draw in people who aren't fond of exuberance *nod* ; i wanted them both to have designs, but to have different ones, i felt the thinner leafy looked suited her better :3 oh, i am sure someday i shall draw them together, i really like them and wouldn't be surprised if more ideas for their characters grew just from them existing XD
and much thanks, of course, for your lovely comments <3
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/26/15 | Reply
isn't she so? ^ 3^
i quite like her hair and when i was creating her that smile was one of the first things i saw; she is indeed one of those fun personality types that still manages to draw in people who aren't fond of exuberance *nod* ; i wanted them both to have designs, but to have different ones, i felt the thinner leafy looked suited her better :3 oh, i am sure someday i shall draw them together, i really like them and wouldn't be surprised if more ideas for their characters grew just from them existing XD
and much thanks, of course, for your lovely comments <3
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/15 | Reply
hehe, you are quite right; i would not be surprised if a story smacks me in the face sometime down the road XD
hadtoomucheggnogg (Senior Otaku) | Posted 06/18/15 | Reply
Your muse commanded that you create a foil for the other elf. Just wait the muse will return with the backstory.