The colors bugs me a lot ! I hate the light blue I used for Franz, I should have used pencils instead but it was too late. But if you like it then it's fine.
*w* My babies!! XD They look awesome, thank you!! I love how Ishida looks, that's so in character! And Franz is perfect!
And again, markers. O.O I'm impressed!!
The colors look fine, no worries!! It's just me, I have something 20 shades of GREEN.. and I use them all XD
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Beh allora disonore anche su di me che non l'ho notato! XD No problemo quindi~ Anch'io me la scordo a volte.. =w=
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/27/15 | Reply
Ho appena realizzato che non ho disegnato la cicatrice a Franz. =.=" Disonore su di me, la mia famiglia e la mia mucca. SOPRATTUTTO la mia mucca.
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/27/15 | Reply
The colors bugs me a lot ! I hate the light blue I used for Franz, I should have used pencils instead but it was too late. But if you like it then it's fine.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/27/15 | Reply
*w* My babies!! XD They look awesome, thank you!! I love how Ishida looks, that's so in character! And Franz is perfect!
And again, markers. O.O I'm impressed!!
The colors look fine, no worries!! It's just me, I have something 20 shades of GREEN.. and I use them all XD