Impressive! your digital art is amazing,Which is no surprise because you have already aced traditional art,The eyes especially are done really well.
Perhaps you should look into implementing filters into images once you feel like it,Filters make a huge difference on the overall quality and can add various emotions or certain feelings into it.
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/30/15 | Reply
This is amazing!!
I hope you draw more digital. But don't stop drawing traditional because I like it both! :)
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/15 | Reply
Oh, and here I was thinking you were using a Wacom product. LOL.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 12/30/15 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Um I have a galaxy... um Idk actually my phone is a Galaxy Note 5 and my tablet is almost identical to it
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 12/30/15 | Reply
@A friendly otaku:
I will probably expand once I've got more practice, I'm still preferring traditional but since I have a table I figured why not try the digital (:
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/15 | Reply
What kind of tablet do you have? 0w0
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
A friendly otaku
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/29/15 | Reply
Impressive! your digital art is amazing,Which is no surprise because you have already aced traditional art,The eyes especially are done really well.
Perhaps you should look into implementing filters into images once you feel like it,Filters make a huge difference on the overall quality and can add various emotions or certain feelings into it.