Thanks! I wanna post more art of them but I need to find time to draw in the first place...
I have not, but after you mentioned it I googled it and it looks cool!
I've always been a fan of stories about delinquent kids / young adults and I love the grungy settings they have in, like, Mad Max: Fury Road. Too bad there aren't more of these stories available! I'm majoring in creative writing and I hope to become an author (working on comic books would be rad, too), so maybe I could add just a few more non-cutesy sci-fi books into the mix. Dunno if anyone would care to read them, but I love to write regardless of that. I've been considering posting some of my writing on a world here, but I don't really have a plot for the story so I'm waiting to see what happens.
I would totally read that! I've seen some of your characters, they'd be pretty awesome in a comic. I've been meaning to read Tank Girl for ages. Have you read Hopeless Savages? You might like that. and i'm totally with you about non-cutesy stories. so many of the comics and anime I think I'm gonna like end up being gimmiky and silly. I like my sci-fi tough and scrappy
It's ok! I really like Zelda, I love her outfit and her attitude. I like the story because it's more grungy and not cutesy (and it's hard to find stories like that!). I wish I had time to do a comic rendition of my own story...
That's super cool! It's neat to be able to leave a mark like that.
Have you heard of Jamie's comic Tank Girl?
That's a cool song! I had to look up the Sex Pistols version too and it reminds me of a Ramones song that I can't remember the title to now because I think it's on the record at my house.
I think it would've been interesting to live back in that time period and hear all these bands kind of changing the way that music was made.
Omigosh, I'm so glad you like Kaga! Issue four is about halfway done, but my pens just ran out, so that's a bit of a setback, but it should be up in a couple weeks. Do you have a favorite character? Sorry, that's kind of a narcissistic question, but I'm genuinely curious Jamie Hewlett is actually one of my biggest influences. I would absolutely kill to draw like that. Okay, not really, but you know...
Mr Hyde's one of the, like, four art teachers at our school. I signed my name yesterday, and it looks pretty awesome, I'll have to take a picture. I know what you mean about punk. Some of those artists you really only have to listen to a couple of their songs and then you're like, yeah, I get the idea. I've Got Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols on CD, but I never play it cause I only want to listen to like three of their songs.. You might be right about Joan Jett. I feel like she was punk when she started out, but she's not anymore. By the way, look up "Pretty Vacant" by Sex Pistols as performed by Joan Jett. It's kind of awesome
I actually don't know if he knew it was Ramones, but ever since I introduced the CD to him he seems to have taken a bit of a shine to their music. He also listens to David Bowie and walks around roaring those songs too. That's really cool! Is this teacher an art teacher?
When my boyfriend came over to my house a few weeks ago before we had to go back to college we both dyed our hair, and he picked black and after I dried it with the blow dryer, we discovered it was at the right length for him to look like Murdoc, so we ended up doing a goofy photoshoot of "ugly closeups of Murdoc" trying to recreate pictures of him from the music videos. I had a CD of theirs that I lost, argh! I always thought the whole idea behind Gorillaz was interesting and I like the characters. I always liked Jamie's art style and I've read some other stuff of his.
I do like the Clash! I haven't listened to all the songs on this greatest hits CD I got as a loaner (because I keep listening to the same three), but I'd say they're probably my favorite next to the Ramones. I didn't know Joan Jett qualified as punk (actually I didn't know which genre she is) but I like her music too.
I haven't listened to much else besides them, I listened to a couple Sex Pistols albums but I've completely forgotten what those songs sounded like and I have a couple Dead Kennedys songs I haven't listened to in forever. I'm aware of way more punk that I've actually ended up listening to. Funny thing was, I got into the Ramones because I heard bits and pieces of information about them as I grew up and finally read a book about this kid that turned punk because he liked having music as an outlet, which also mentioned the Ramones. I finally looked them up to see what all the rage was about and I'm glad I did! The book listed a ton of other bands too.
I've been meaning to tell you that I really like Kagamure! I can't wait until you update more! I love the character designs too
Love that your dad sang you Ramones songs as a kid When I was little I would listen to David Bowie, I liked my dad's Best of Bowie CD almost as much as my VeggieTales Sedated is one of my favorites too, I've got Road to Ruin on CD and I love it to pieces. There's a tradition at my school that seniors in the art program paint their names on the beams of Mr Hyde's classroom before they graduate. I get to sign it tomorrow, and a lot of the kids who signed it before put an inspiring quote of some sort next to their name, so I kind of want to write in,like, flowy inspirational-type lettering, "get me to the airport, put me on a plane, hurry hurry hurry before I go insane"
I do like Gorillaz, I was obsessed with them when I was fifteen, then I lost interest in them, and now I'm kind of rediscovering them. Super excited about the new album I listen to a lot of punk rock. The Clash are my all-time favorites, you like them, right? they're actually the band that got me into punk. I also love Social Distortion, Rancid, Joan Jett, The Replacements, Sham 69, and Sex Pistols, and I recently started listening to the Dead Boys. Which ones do you like?
I have the Greatest Hits CD so I usually listen to that; I like pretty much every song on there but my favorites are probably Rockaway Beach, I Wanna Be Sedated, Do You Remember Rock n Roll Radio, and We're A Happy Family (it fits really well with the story I'm writing). The record I have has Surfin' Bird on it and that song cracks me up because my dad sang the chorus for the longest time and I never heard the full song until several weeks ago.
Do you listen to any other punk?
You like Gorillaz, right?
exactly! The first time I heard punk music it was just amazing. Like, it gave me something to be, you know? I don't know if i have a favorite Ramones song. Right now, I'd say it's "Teenage Lobotomy", "I Wanted Everything" , and "The KKK Took my Baby Away", but it changes, like every week. How bout you, got a favorite?
It would've been cool to listen to some of their concerts (maybe scary, too??). I have a lot of trouble understand the meaning behind a lot of music, so I like punk because it just tells it as it is.
My boyfriend just told me apparently his roommate met Marky over winter break at a convention because they had booths stationed near each other.
What are your favorites Ramones songs?
Last edited by envythejealous at 3:15:22 PM CST on January 15, 2016.
EEK! This is great! Glad to know I'm not the only one who likes a band in which all the (original) members are dead. Nobody knows who I'm talking about half the time.
Thanks for the dedi!
Last edited by envythejealous at 5:12:13 PM CST on January 14, 2016.
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/26/16 | Reply
Thanks! I wanna post more art of them but I need to find time to draw in the first place...
I have not, but after you mentioned it I googled it and it looks cool!
I've always been a fan of stories about delinquent kids / young adults and I love the grungy settings they have in, like, Mad Max: Fury Road. Too bad there aren't more of these stories available! I'm majoring in creative writing and I hope to become an author (working on comic books would be rad, too), so maybe I could add just a few more non-cutesy sci-fi books into the mix. Dunno if anyone would care to read them, but I love to write regardless of that. I've been considering posting some of my writing on a world here, but I don't really have a plot for the story so I'm waiting to see what happens.
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/26/16 | Reply
I would totally read that! I've seen some of your characters, they'd be pretty awesome in a comic. I've been meaning to read Tank Girl for ages. Have you read Hopeless Savages? You might like that. and i'm totally with you about non-cutesy stories. so many of the comics and anime I think I'm gonna like end up being gimmiky and silly. I like my sci-fi tough and scrappy
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/16 | Reply
It's ok! I really like Zelda, I love her outfit and her attitude. I like the story because it's more grungy and not cutesy (and it's hard to find stories like that!). I wish I had time to do a comic rendition of my own story...
That's super cool! It's neat to be able to leave a mark like that.
Have you heard of Jamie's comic Tank Girl?
That's a cool song! I had to look up the Sex Pistols version too and it reminds me of a Ramones song that I can't remember the title to now because I think it's on the record at my house.
I think it would've been interesting to live back in that time period and hear all these bands kind of changing the way that music was made.
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/22/16 | Reply
Omigosh, I'm so glad you like Kaga! Issue four is about halfway done, but my pens just ran out, so that's a bit of a setback, but it should be up in a couple weeks. Do you have a favorite character? Sorry, that's kind of a narcissistic question, but I'm genuinely curious
Jamie Hewlett is actually one of my biggest influences. I would absolutely kill to draw like that. Okay, not really, but you know...
Mr Hyde's one of the, like, four art teachers at our school. I signed my name yesterday, and it looks pretty awesome, I'll have to take a picture. I know what you mean about punk. Some of those artists you really only have to listen to a couple of their songs and then you're like, yeah, I get the idea. I've Got Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols on CD, but I never play it cause I only want to listen to like three of their songs.. You might be right about Joan Jett. I feel like she was punk when she started out, but she's not anymore. By the way, look up "Pretty Vacant" by Sex Pistols as performed by Joan Jett. It's kind of awesome
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/21/16 | Reply
I actually don't know if he knew it was Ramones, but ever since I introduced the CD to him he seems to have taken a bit of a shine to their music. He also listens to David Bowie and walks around roaring those songs too. That's really cool! Is this teacher an art teacher?
When my boyfriend came over to my house a few weeks ago before we had to go back to college we both dyed our hair, and he picked black and after I dried it with the blow dryer, we discovered it was at the right length for him to look like Murdoc, so we ended up doing a goofy photoshoot of "ugly closeups of Murdoc" trying to recreate pictures of him from the music videos. I had a CD of theirs that I lost, argh! I always thought the whole idea behind Gorillaz was interesting and I like the characters. I always liked Jamie's art style and I've read some other stuff of his.
I do like the Clash! I haven't listened to all the songs on this greatest hits CD I got as a loaner (because I keep listening to the same three), but I'd say they're probably my favorite next to the Ramones. I didn't know Joan Jett qualified as punk (actually I didn't know which genre she is) but I like her music too.
I haven't listened to much else besides them, I listened to a couple Sex Pistols albums but I've completely forgotten what those songs sounded like and I have a couple Dead Kennedys songs I haven't listened to in forever. I'm aware of way more punk that I've actually ended up listening to. Funny thing was, I got into the Ramones because I heard bits and pieces of information about them as I grew up and finally read a book about this kid that turned punk because he liked having music as an outlet, which also mentioned the Ramones. I finally looked them up to see what all the rage was about and I'm glad I did! The book listed a ton of other bands too.
I've been meaning to tell you that I really like Kagamure! I can't wait until you update more! I love the character designs too
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/20/16 | Reply
Love that your dad sang you Ramones songs as a kid When I was little I would listen to David Bowie, I liked my dad's Best of Bowie CD almost as much as my VeggieTales
Sedated is one of my favorites too, I've got Road to Ruin on CD and I love it to pieces. There's a tradition at my school that seniors in the art program paint their names on the beams of Mr Hyde's classroom before they graduate. I get to sign it tomorrow, and a lot of the kids who signed it before put an inspiring quote of some sort next to their name, so I kind of want to write in,like, flowy inspirational-type lettering, "get me to the airport, put me on a plane, hurry hurry hurry before I go insane"
I listen to a lot of punk rock. The Clash are my all-time favorites, you like them, right? they're actually the band that got me into punk. I also love Social Distortion, Rancid, Joan Jett, The Replacements, Sham 69, and Sex Pistols, and I recently started listening to the Dead Boys. Which ones do you like?
I do like Gorillaz, I was obsessed with them when I was fifteen, then I lost interest in them, and now I'm kind of rediscovering them. Super excited about the new album
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/16 | Reply
I have the Greatest Hits CD so I usually listen to that; I like pretty much every song on there but my favorites are probably Rockaway Beach, I Wanna Be Sedated, Do You Remember Rock n Roll Radio, and We're A Happy Family (it fits really well with the story I'm writing). The record I have has Surfin' Bird on it and that song cracks me up because my dad sang the chorus for the longest time and I never heard the full song until several weeks ago.
Do you listen to any other punk?
You like Gorillaz, right?
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/19/16 | Reply
exactly! The first time I heard punk music it was just amazing. Like, it gave me something to be, you know? I don't know if i have a favorite Ramones song. Right now, I'd say it's "Teenage Lobotomy", "I Wanted Everything" , and "The KKK Took my Baby Away", but it changes, like every week. How bout you, got a favorite?
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/15/16 | Reply
It would've been cool to listen to some of their concerts (maybe scary, too??). I have a lot of trouble understand the meaning behind a lot of music, so I like punk because it just tells it as it is.
My boyfriend just told me apparently his roommate met Marky over winter break at a convention because they had booths stationed near each other.
What are your favorites Ramones songs?
Last edited by envythejealous at 3:15:22 PM CST on January 15, 2016.
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/15/16 | Reply
Same! I think like 90% of the artists I listen to are dead. It's so unfair, why couldn't I be born when punk was still a thing? :(
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/14/16 | Reply
EEK! This is great! Glad to know I'm not the only one who likes a band in which all the (original) members are dead. Nobody knows who I'm talking about half the time.
Thanks for the dedi!
Last edited by envythejealous at 5:12:13 PM CST on January 14, 2016.