Chernobog: *snorts amused when Jenna glares at him* Isn't it just the best when you get to scare such strong people? *smirks mischievously*
Gretel: *laughs as well, she is smirking too* Oooh, leave that to me, next time! I have unfinished business with her~ Anche qui fine conveniente?
Jenna *gets actually scared when the portal shrink and is ready to throw Zamboni in it but realize is just a fake so turns around and glares him for a second still walking outside*
Zamboni: *Happily wave off still hanging from Jenna’s shoulder as they walk away*
Chernobog: *laughs, amused* Those all sound like wonderful ideas, I can't decide which one I like more! Maybe the "Zamboggie Experience".. *chuckles, then sees Jenna dragging Zamboni away* Aww, just as I was starting to have fun? *makes the portal shrink a bit while they get through, to make Jenna worry* We'll see each other sooner than you may imagine.. *suddenly gets serious, and Gretel appears beside him*
Gretel: You let them go, darling? Are you hurt? *looks like she's healed completely*
Chernobog: *smiles at her* Ah, you've healed.. I'm glad! And yes, for once I might change, right? *looks at her, who doesn't seem very pleased* Don't worry *embraces her and kisses her head*, I have some plans on my mind~ *smirks*
Zamboni: *Grins happily* Of course! you should totally come Boggie! we will have a hell of a time together! *walking in circle and prattling at all speed* I have so many ideas! we could go around the city to scare the c**p out of the people, I mean you're the devil! we could organize a home cooked feats! then invite strangers on the street to our home-cooked feast! I suggest Indian! or wait for the day and crash a wedding! then we could go on a store and complain about every product with the clerk, especially the young inexperienced ones and make a game out it: the one that make the more of them fired wins! I'm totally gonna win that one BTW, I already won several time at that game. And we can go and get some karaoke action, you heard what a duet we are! we could call ourselves "The Zamboggie Experience" just think of the ladies! all of them will want to be our groupie! now I know that you're already involved, But the ladies Boggie, DELADIS!!1! and then we could have a sleepover, swap mainly stories, and in the morning, I will make waffles! and we could drink 3 bottles of sparkling wine! at breakfast! and the go on a roller coaster ten times in a row and vomit on the people behind us! and then laugh when they'll be all smelly and disgusting and covered in barf! and then..
Jenna: *is constantly looking beside Zamboni and the portal fearing that could close so just pick Zamboni like a sack of potatoes and walks through it*
Chernobog: *chuckles at Jenna's reaction* Well, no blaming you! What exactly stops me from trapping you two in different places so I can control both in the nest way? *smirks at Zamboni* But this is not the case. You might say I'm being nice, for once. Don't get too used to it! *watches them walking towards it, then actually smiles at Zamboni's proposal* Well, I guess being nice has its good comebacks? I wasn't expecting you to say that. *chuckles* Just try it sometimes, I'll see if I am free to come and take a look~ *tilts head and smirks, pleased, as if thinking of something devious* So.. is this a deal?
Zamboni: I said already that my Jenna doesn't beat people without a reason if I don’t order her to do it. She’s not as stupid as all of you people believe! *looks at the portal with an inexpressive face* what..? we can leave.. like this? But.. *just stare at it not moving*
Jenna: *stare carefully at the portal to understand if it’s a trap then push a little Zamboni* Boss, we must go before he changes his mind again. It can be our only chance to leave this place. *look intensely at Chernobog, she doesn't like him, and it's pretty obvious*
Zamboni: *Looks at Chernobog with a puzzled look* Why? *let himself be pushed towards the portal from Jenna, but before entering it turns around with a smiling grin (more gentle than grinning, more devious than smiling)* I was thinking, if sometimes I’ll go in front of a mirror at 3 am and say your name three times, you could swing by my place ya know? You could also bring Mrs. Boggie and Legion as well, I would love for them to come. We could mess around in the city and do something fun! We could.. start over. I want to trust you Chernobog. I don’t have any intention to change my lifestyle of cool evilness, so one day I will surely return here in hell to stay, and by that time I would like for us to be friends! whaddya think?
Chernobog: *scoffs a bit* You could have asked her why, if your bodyguard didn't beat her! *he doesn't like Jenna, and it's pretty obvious* Hmmm.. *looks at him* Now that's not an easy question, as you can see I don't trust almost anyone. *grins* So no, I don't blame you for not trusting me. I was just hoping to have met someone else like my dear Gretel. *sighs and claps his hands once* BUT, since it seems it won't go anywhere from here, I will give you the chance to leave. *looks at them both, his wings shifting and twitching* Do you want to? *opens a portal that shows the outside world*
Zamboni *sits down cross legged and listen to him, trying his best to stay focused, sometimes tilting his head or rising his eyebrows in surprise*
Jenna *don't sit down and take a bodyguard pose right next to Zamboni*
Zamboni: Wow. *scratch his head* just wow. I knew that Yuki-onna was pretty cool, but this is just another level of badassery. *Lower his head, "looking" at the ground in front of him* why though? why help someone that could hurt you and put in danger yourself and your family, for nothing in return? there's something I just can't get. *jumps off the rock and look back at Chernobog* Very well, I'm not as good or trusting as dear Mrs.Boggie is, but do you really blame for that? would you trust yourself if you were in my situation, or I her situation back then? *looks away* And I wasn't lying when I said that I like you, so what now?
Jenna *stay silent to make them talk but stay near Zamboni and never divert her eyes from Chernobog*
Chernobog: They are my family now. *rolls her eyes at Jenna* Oh, you're so boring, woman! Want to know the story? Sit down then. *makes a large rock appear right behind Zamboni and Jenna, and invites them to sit* They met me when I first escaped my prison. *looks up for a moment, as if remembering something* Gretel found me first, and I attacked her, thinking she would have just told Arceus where I was. Luckily I was weak enough to not actually kill her, you know? *nods* She told me she wanted to help me, but I didn't trust her. I threatened her, one more hit from me and she would have been as good as gone. *gazes coldly at Zamboni* But it didn't seem to matter. She called for Hansel, explained the situation as I could do nothing but try and get back my energy, then they took me at their home. This means that they would have been killed if someone found out they were "protecting" me. *tilts head* Should I go further in my tale, or is this enough?
Ed ecco il ritorno della sintesi! XD Dante ci invidierebbe XD
Zamboni: *tilts head* well, of course not..! I mean they're your family after all, they don't have any reason to fear you, am I right? But I wonder, how did you behaved with them when you met them. Did you attacked them? did you threaded them and treated like you did with us? I'm sorry but i don't think so.
Jenna *Doesn't move of a centimeter* If his not worthless, then don't hurt him.
Zamboni: *looks at him and doesn't know what to expect anymore*
è vero, mi ero scordata dellaa relazione di Dante e Virgilio! è come una lunga fanfiction alla fine
Chernobog: Just another question, before I decide. Did Gretel or Hansel seemed to be fearing me, to you? *looks at them both, and is not impressed with Jenna's decision of protecting Zamboni* Worthless? *chuckles* Worthless people do not spend time with me, Jenna. Think again. *waiting for an answer, but seems calm*
E senza Dante che sviene e si fa i pipponi su Virgilio XD XD Ma piu' o meno direi che ci siamo!
Zamboni: *Look with a vague expression Hansel leaving and makes a step back when Chernobog open his wings, but still face him with a weary expression*
So much drama. I might be a d**k, but you're unpredictable, and surely I can put trust in you anymore. I don't want to fear about my safety every moment. *pass his hand in his hair* this discussion is no good for anyone. I don't want to quarrel anymore. So whatever you want to do just do it now please. This atmosphere is breaking my nerves!
Jenna: *growls* Boss! you can't surrender so easily! Pull yourself together! this is a point of no return!
Zamboni: This is not the way I wanted it to be, but I can't do nothing about it. I'm tired Jenna. I don't know what's the right thing to do anymore.
Jenna: *Get's in front of Zamboni and takes a defensive stance, ready to protect him* My Boss has been friendly with all of you, but as I feared it just couldn't finish well. Maybe he's worthless to you, but he's my best friend and I won't anything bad happening to him.
Praticamente stiamo riscrivendo "l'inferno" pokemon edition, ma senza rime.
Chernobog: *silent through all that, slowly clnching his hand into a fist, but tries to mantain composure* Is that so? I just offered you my friendship and you throw it away like that, because you can't endure a little threat? *frowns* I never said I would get tired of you, I warned you about false moves. And this, let me say, is one d*ck move! *scoffs*
Hansel: *growls and both his eyes flicker green, but keeps control* What the hell?! How dare you speak to him that way? Just as he told you he trusted you! This is bad, even for my standards! *looks as if he's going to cry* Why can't you put trust in him..? Why, only Gretel and me could do it?! *he's both angry and sad, so he just runs away, afraid of hurting someone*
Chernobog: *looks at Hansel go, he looks worried, then sighs and looks back* You know what, Zamboni? I'm sick of this. And you wonder why I have to threaten people? Do you think you're the first to do so? *scoffs, and stretches his wings as if he wanted to attack, but does nothing* Tell me, why do people even love you? *frowns*
Discorsi importanti richiedono messaggi importanti XD
Zamboni: *Briskly lets go his hand* Oh no. *takes off his glasses and almost glares Chernobog with an annoyed and disappointed look* Oh hell no! *frowns* what with this behavior now? everything you people can do is threaten! did it ever occur in that numb head of yours that maybe that's the reason why people avoid you? *it's so nervous that start walk in circle gesturing* You're a violent rebel. So what??? the world is full of violent and rebels, and they all end up here! those people would like you and respect you, but everything you can say is "I'll torture you! I'll do this and that because I have the powah I'm the king here blah blah BLAH!" *stare intensely at Chernobog, with a resolute expression* Guess what Chernobog, a friend is not someone you can take and throw away like garbage when you're tired of him, you idiot! *punch him in the stomach, more for rage that for hurting him*
Jenna: *Somewhat surprised by Zamboni's reaction, approach him and put a hand on his shoulder* Boss...
Zamboni: *smile lightly at her and puts his glasses on but then looks bitterly away* I won't be some kind of clown slave for you. If this is your intention then you can throw me in the pits of hell already, I'll probably find better company there at any rate.
Chernobog: *raises an eyebrow* I mean, was it not obvious? *looks at him and frowns* Just ask, you say? *laughs, amused* You clearly are so different from all the others! I was banned by Arceus for violence, I escaped my prison and went back to make it my own kingdom, do you think people are prone to like me? Years and years passed in here have taught me that if I want something, I must obtain it by myself. *tilts head* But you, you actually seem to like me, I wonder why. *shakes his hand* Remember this, though. One false move, and you and your croc here end up in the worst place I ever conceived~ *smiles*
Hansel: *his eye turns green and he smiles* Oh, is that so? Well, that is your problem, not mine! *grins and changes voice to a female one* I will haunt you in more than one way~
Chernobog: *looks at Hansel to calm him down, then back at Zamboni* I'm not worried for my wife. You should be the one to worry, she is very vengeful. *seems amused* Or better, *looks at Jenna* She should worry. Gretel doesn't need my help to get what she wants!
Ma si, va bene!! Anch'io qui ho dato prova della mia capacita' di sintesi XD
Zamboni: *follow with his gaze Chernobog walking around with a brassy smirk on his face, then burst into an amused laugh* Friggin' Finally Boggie! tell me, it was really so hard to say? *little chuckle* oh my dear ol' Boggie! you were trying so hard all this time with your little games, (where, BTW I totally won all the time, keseseh) when the solution was so simple, you just had to ask! why you force poor damned soul to entertain you, when you can have people who stay because they like you! Of course you're a monster Boggie! the most awesome, creepy, crazy, fu**ed up monster I met in a while, and that's why I like you so much! *scratch his nose grinning happily* I had the time of my afterlife with you, and I would love to stay here to mess around in your company! *offer his hand to him with a snarky but honest smirk* Friends? *shakes his head jokingly* Hohooo Legion, you know that you're difficult don't you? No matter what will I say, three or four of you could like it perhaps, but the other one hundred? Is obvious that you can't like me. But that doesn't bother me at all, in fact I will continue to be the same amazing beautiful sexy Zamboni I am! Keseseh! Enough with this story already! I'm sure that Yuki-onna will be fine! Never underestimate maidens! they are more badass of what you think!
Jenna: *Would like to talk back but stay silent as Zamboni commanded, looking grumpily at them*
Okay. comunque visto che Zamboni parla velocemente una conversazione così lunga con lui ha la stessa durata di tre righe con una persona normale
Chernobog: *almost ignores Jenna and laughs* Ooh, do I sense some sarcasm here? There is no need to, I know exactly what I do and why. *looks at Jenna, his normal "playful" look is back on his face* "monster, monster" it's such an easy word to use, right? My father calls me the same, but why would I care? *walks around them* I like company, I have to admit it! This world is sooo boring sometimes! That's why, I want you.. to stay here~ Now, how will you keep me company is up to you!
Hansel: *looks very nervous, but now that Chernobog is there, he can keep the spirits in place* Honestly, you don't look friendly, Zamboni Sir! And you! *points his finger at Jenna* Gretel attacked you for a reason. Don't try to deny it! I will remember you and your face.. and my memory never fails me. *very serious*
Tranquilla, mi piacciono i commenti lunghi! Scrivi quello che ti senti, non importa quanto lungo o corto sia~
Zamboni: Boggie Sempai! *big grinning smile*
Jenna: You can take your black list and shove it up your a*s. I'm not scared of you and you won't do anything to us! *glares*
Zamboni: Oh Jenna... come on deary cool down! Boggie is nice!
Jenna: No Boss! he's just pretending to be nice so you would trust him! But he's a monster! who knows what he wants to do to you! *growls at Chernobog*
Zamboni: Jenna! that's enough! I don't like to do it but I order you to shut up and behave! *little frown*
Jenna: But Boss..! *grunt and back off a little* Yes Boss. *puts her glasses on and stands with a grumpy face, still glaring Chernobog and Hansel*
Zamboni: *walk to Chernobog with a smirk* Please forgive my Jenna, Boggie! she's too zealous with her job sometimes and for whatever weird reason she thinks everybody here is nuts! who knows why, right? after all you've just captured and put her next to a waterfall for your sadistic little game, Mrs.Boggie tried to make her a living ice statue for no reason and Legion here just didn't wanted us to leave and let me say, some parts of him are not very friendly, so yeah I don't know why Jenna is so angry, oh what a silly big croc she is sometimes! *grins and adjust a little his jacket* but forget about her, we have a little deal going on don't we Boggie? let's have fun just the both of us! *turns to Hansel* And you! grow some sense of humor boy! I'm just try to be friendly you know? Love me or leave me, I don't have time for haters!
Te lo giuro sto leggendo il manuale "come scrivere commenti sintetici per stupidi" ma ho ancora molto da imparare a quanto pare
Hansel: *serious* I know my sister better than you can imagine, and she fights only to protect. *glares at Jenna* I guess your dog doesn't obey very well! *turns to Zamboni and frowns, his eyes seems to change every second, then one of them becomes completely green as he talks with an old man's voice* Loud and annoying? Your mother should have possessed you more than one time then! Ah! Young ones.. *shakes head, disappointed, then his eyes gets back to normal* A criminal..? No, being a ghost make sme able to come and go from here as I please- *actually trying to give an explanation, then realizes it was all a stupid joke and starts growling, and his eyes both become green* You insolent- *he suddenly stops*
Chernobog: *appears behind Hansel and puts a hand on his shoulder to calm him down* I like you, Zamboni, but this was just bad. *looks at him, then at Jenna* And you? Oh, you are on my black list. We'll talk about that later. *smiles, but he doesn't look like he's having fun*
Zamboni: *smirks* Well, I don't care that you don't care then! I like Mrs. Boggie, she's nice, but if she had the guts to attack my Jenna then she just had what she was asking for: A good beating! Jenna don't attack people without a reason unless I order her to do it.
Jenna: *growls and glares Hansel when called a b***h but doesn't react, she doesn't care too much as long as Zamboni is safe*
Zamboni: *laying on his tummy, head resting on his hands and legs flailing* yes let's wait for Boggie-Sama, is much more easy to discuss with him! Don't get me wrong, I like you a lot! *grins* But it's difficult to follow you! *listen and chuckles* well kinda! so, there was this time when I was little that I was being really loud and annoying, and so to make me stop my mother took control of me in some way, and it was super scary, but also fun! there's only one thing scarier than angry moms, and that's angry ghost moms! *shivers a little* but I understand that with more than a hundred spirits the situation is different! *smirks again* so Legion! do you like to hang around in hell, huh? were you a criminal too before? what bad actions did you do? no wait! let me guess! *points both his index at Hansel* Possession! *snooooort* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *he's literally rolling on the floor laughing*
Jenna: *still looking at Hansel, but also looking around searching for a way to escape, her hand is slowly returning to normal*
Hansel: *shrugs, and speaks with a mature female voice* It doesn't matter if she defended herself, we love Gretel, and she loves us! We don't want her to be hurt. *looks at Zamboni, and speaks with a young boy voice* You are nice, but the ugly bi*ch gets to die again! *laughs, then shakes head and speaks with his normal voice, he seems nervous* You will stay here until Chernobog gets back! Then you will hear from him. *frowns* Don't make me do things I might regret. *turns to Zamboni* Party animal? Do you think it's fun to have spirits in you? *frowns*
Zamboni: *smirks happily* I'm glad that you like it, because I wouldn't have used your real name in any case! Keseseh! *"Looks around"* Oh so Yuki-onna got hurt? Jenna you did that by any chance?
Jenna: *growls* She attacked first! She wouldn't make me come to you Boss!
Zamboni: You see my dears Legion? My Jenna just defended herself, what else could have she done? But if you don't want us to leave, then we'll have to stay here! *sits on the floor cross legged*
Jenna: Boss, this place isn't safe for you! we must find a way to get away from here!
Zamboni: Relax Jenna! No need to worry! Boggie is a cool guy and so is our new friends here! So tell me about you Legion! I bet you're amazing with impressions! You must be a party animal huh? *smirks happily, seems very interested in Hansel*
Jenna*Stand near Zamboni, massaging her hand to warm it up*
Lol yes I imagine that, he's not even bipolar, he's multipolar!
Hansel: *laughs when Jenna picks him up* How funny! She is trying to hurt us, guys! *laughs more, but it sounds like many voices are doing it, then looks at Zamboni as gets put down* Ah, much better.. *his voice is now calm and posed, sounds like a mature man* You know about us, Zamboni? How interesting! *shakes head* NO! *normal voice* It's not interesting at all! *frowns* I am Hansel, you hurt my sister, and I will not let you leave this place! *his eye suddenly shine green as he gets calm once again* Ah, Legion is a fine nickname though! *many voices speaking at once* For we are many~ *shakes Zamboni's hand* Damn Hansel is hard to play XD
Gretel: *silently resting, slips into a portal that has been opened by Chernobog under her, so she can recover better*
Jenna *growls of pain and grabs Hansel by his throat with her safe hand, lifting him from the ground, defeating Gretel gives her the strength to fight.(Moxie)* What the hell are you?
Zamboni: *"looks" better at Hansel* Oh oh! I guess it's a Spiritomb. I've met a few of them in Sinnoh. They're.. *clears his throat* special. Hmm. we won't get anywhere if we keep going on like this. Put him down Jenna, please.
Jenna: But Boss..! *glares but put's Hansel down*
Zamboni: *approach Hansel with a happy grin* Hey there mate! so what's the big deal here? why are you fighting us? By the way, I didn't catch your name! will you tell me, or I'll have to call you Legion? *smirks and offer his hand to him* I'm Zamboni, always happy to meet new interesting people!
Jenna: *stands right next to Zamboni, carefully watching Hansel, ready to act*
Chernobog: *frowns for a moment, then opens another portal and jumps in* He thought this would be easy? Poor soul!
Hansel: *hears Jenna* Who are you calling monster? *frowns and changes voice to one of a young boy* Is it us? Is it Him? *laughs* You're not getting anywhere! *gets up and looks at Gretel, his voice returns normal* Leave it to me, dear sister! I will protect you! *looks back at Zamboni and Jenna and runs after them* Stop right there! *his right eye becomes completely green as he hits Jenna in the back (Pursuit)*
Gretel: Ugh.. no.. *is exhausted, so she just remains on the ground, waiting for snow to cover and heal her*
Zamboni: *when he's hit by the attack, disappear in a little smoke (Sobstitute). The real Zamboni grins happily and enters like a missile in the portal before it disappear, coming out of it after Hansel*
Jenna: *see Zamboni and break the ice from her arms ignoring Hansel and Gretel* Boss! I'm so glad that you're safe! I was worried that monster could have caught you!
Zamboni: *smirks* Who? Boggie? Please! He may be the champion of the arena, but I’m the undefeated master of public opinion! He didn't stand a chance to get me! *"looks" at Hansel, but can't understand what he is* Let's get out of here Jenna! I have a little plan in my mind! *Smirks and runs out of the cave*
Jenna: *follows him walking backwards, facing and glaring Hansel and Gretel to watch Zamboni's back*
ahah era un secolo che volevo usare quella citazione!
Chernobog: *floating in a different dimension, staring at what's happening around him to decide where to appear again, then sees Gretel almost defeated, so wastes time to open a portal to her, then suddenly appears behind Zamboni* Tag, you're it! *punches the rock, doesn't really care to see if he's hitting Zamboni too or not, but the attack is not heavy because he waited too long* Oh, my friend, I have bad news for you now! *happy smile*
Gretel: *gets hit by the claws, she falls down, wounded and too weak to move* Damn it.. *tries to at least kneel, but can't even raise an arm* You.. will still be defeated! *notices Chernobog's portal opening not so far away from her* Huh..?
*someones comes out of it, looks around and runs to her as soon as they notice her*
???: Gretel! Oh no, Gretel..! You.. *turns to Jenna* You! *growls*
Gretel: No! Hansel, stop! *coughs weakly* I'll be fine.. Please, do not let them out!
Zamboni: *hides between two of the biggest rocks, remaining silent and immobile, keeping his wings close and clinging to the rock, carefully looking around at some smaller floating rocks*
Jenna: *too slow to use protect, takes the hit form one side, freezing* It's...not....over...yet! *growls quietly and slash her with black aura pervaded claws (Shadow claw)
Chernobog: *chuckles* Why don't you ask Gretel about it? If you get her mad enough, she might as well cool down your enthusiasm! Oh I love when she gets mad, it's actually scary! *smirks and looks at the floating rocks, he knows he's too slow and big to quickly avoid them all, so he suddenly disappears, right before getting too close (Shadow Force)*
Gretel: Well, I won't surrender either! You will end up in my collection, even if you're way too ugly for it! *stands against the Dark Pulse, letting herself be hit to catch Jenna when her guard is open* Now freeze! *the cold wind intensifies (Blizzard), as she tries to hit Jenna with an Ice Beam*
Zamboni: *stop pushing* double entendre! *chuckles and turns* Oh no no no no! no balls for me! *takes the other Zamboni and uses him as a human shield*
Zamboni: Oh what the fu- *get's hit by the shadow balls and fades away*
Zamboni: Pheeew, that was close! Ehy Boggie! Calm down with you balls, or else you will end up getting a booner! *snickers* You got it Boggie? A BOONER? cause you're a ghost, and ghosts goes boo? *laughs hard and flies quickly toward a group of floating rocks*
Jenna: *scream from the pain and release Gretel* WHAT YOU'VE DONE? *tries to move the hand that now is blueish but it seems paralyzed* Do you think this will stop me? I won't surrender! I never surrender! *growls* if you do not come with good, then I'll have to beat you first! *stomp the ground making waves of darkness flowing in all the cave (Dark Pulse)*
Nano, bastardo e che dura troppe puntate, prorpio come Zamboni! appena l'ho visto ho pensato a lui! XD si si prenditi tuuutto il tempo che ti serveee..
Chernobog: Oh, you and your double entendre! *chuckles, very amused* How about you both get balls in the face? I surely will not mind! *smirks as another ball forms in his other hands, then throws them both towards the two* Don't be afraid, it won't hurt much!
Gretel: *clawing Jenna's hand and arm, glaring at her, not afraid* Violence is not everything, and you would know too, if only there was someone who loved you! *small, pained smirk, tries to retreat from the claws* He would.. *quickly jerks her head and bites Jenna's menacing hand (Ice Fang)*
Eh si!! Cavolo quanto e' piccolo Freezer, non me lo ricordavo cosi' nano! XD
E va bene, possiamo provare! Semmai prima di iniziare, ti dispiace aspettare che finisco di disegnare Chernobog? Cosi' poi non ci metto mille anni a decidere i vestiti XD
Zamboni: *Flying fast and looking for a place to hide* Ok maybe Mariah isn't for you after all! *chuckles and turns around, "seeing" the shadow ball* AH Krap...fen! You take this one!
Zamboni: What??? are you nuts? who do you think I am, someone who likes to take balls in the face? not really, thank you very much!
Zamboni: I'll tell you who won't take Boggie's balls in the face: ME!
Zambonis *They start to argue on who will take the hit, pushing each other, still flying around*
Jenna: *takes slow big breaths, forming little clouds for the cold* HA! I know cruel people like him, I'm cruel myself after all. *grabs Gretel by her clothes and raise her, hands pale and shaky* people like him known only one reality: violence. Maybe you're the one who don't know him after all. *grins showing her fangs* I don't need to get him, he will come to me. *graze lightly her claw to Gretel's face* maybe you can't die, but I can still ruin this pretty face of yours. I wonder if he would still like you afterwards. *start walking to the exit, carrying Gretel with her*
Beh non ti preoccupare per quello, potrei fare la prima parte io, poi ti do il foglio e quando hai tempo/voglia lo finisci, che sia dopo una settimana o un mese! se facciamo Chernobog e Zamboni, questa sarebbe una bella posa da usare!
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 4:55:30 PM EDT on June 13, 2016.
Chernobog: *smirks* if this Mariah Carey sings about gorey things, I might as well enjoy her too, my dear Zamboni! *chuckles as Zamboni does his best impression of a "tsundere-anime-girl", but is quite surprised to be tackled away* I was mistaken, you actually have some bit of bravery in you! Or is just stupidity? *smirks and flies after him* One is down, two to go! *flapping his wings quickly to keep up, even if he stays behind* Who will I get? *a Shadow Ball is forming in his hand*
Gretel: He's not a monster! *glares* You don't know him, so don't you use that word like you know what it means! *so confident the cold would have stopped Jenna, gets hit by her tail* Ah!! *hits the wall, then falls to the ground* Y-you will never get him..! *coughs and looks up at her, fury in her eyes*
Effettivamente.. XD Povera XD
E si, e' una bella idea!! :D Potremmo provare!! Tempo libero permettendo.. DX
Zamboni: *grins* Well Boggie, when you're forced to stay locked at home for months you have plenty of time to expand your musical knowledge! but no more dark songs, how about some 90's pop music? by your face I can tell you're a massive Mariah Carey fan!
Zamboni: *snort* of cooourseee I'm super scared! look ! I'm pissing myself! *when the haze is lifted, he found himself closer to Chernobog of what he thought, yell like a girl and cover his "manboobs"???* Kiaaaah! Chernobog-sama peeking a-at me! BAKA! *with a quick jolt tackle Chernobog and push himself away from him (U-Turn)and fly away* I-is not like I want to be noticed by him! Umpf!
Jenna: *shivering, slaps herself to remain focused and growls* That's bulls**t! That monster is a psychopath! he will hurt my Boss just to have some entertain! *runs toward Gretel and uses her long tail to slam her to a wall* But I will stop him no matter what!
Sono tre anni e + che si spacca il culo per Zamboni.. niente più soprende quel donna ormai.
Oh non sraebbe fichissimo fare un disegno insieme una volta? tipo scegliamo una posa che ci piace e io disegno un personaggio poi ti do il foglio e tu ne disegni un altro? sarebbe bello farlo conZamboni e Chernobog perchè hanno una tale differenza di altezza!
Chernobog: *turns back as soon as the copy disappears, and flies after Zamboni, stopping before the haze* Oh, you know it! I'm impressed~ *smirks* No one knows my songs, it's pretty sad.. *frowns a bit then looks carefully in the fog* You hide like a rat, do you? Are you scared? *smiles* Keep singing, let's see if you get everything as it's supposed to be! *with a flap of his wings, summons an eerie wind (Ominous wind) to lift the fog* If you really know the song, you should know what happens to those who play hide and seek with me.. *chuckles*
Gretel: *avoids the quake by floating in the air (Telekinesis?), she looks serious but is smiling* Oh, poor wet one.. it must be really cold, right? *small pout* Your boss will be fine, Chern likes him.. but I'm afraid he doesn't like you very much.. *she is not attacking, just keeping the distance and letting hail and cold do the work for her*
Eheheheh XD non ci rimarrebbe neanche un po', a vedere che si e' spaccata il culo per "salvare" Zamboni da un gioco "innocente"? XD
E ok~ Porta pazienza pero', sai che sono lunga coi disegni XD
Zamboni: *as soon as he hits the tree, he fades away*
Zambonis: *stop flapping his wings, and free falls gaining speed, then flies in the opposite direction, trowing smoke from his mouth (Haze) forming a black cloud to hide in* Bravo, bravo! Ah Boggie, that was so beautiful! *grins* Mmmh, that's not my favorite genre but..
*sings with a high pitched voice and slowly, as if he is insecure about the lyrics of the song* When we were born
We did surely scorn
Our proud parent's name
Then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
Our birth was a curse
I bit the nurse...
I actually did it ya know Boggie? I was hungry for some blood! *chuckles and flap only his smaller wing to remain hidden in the cloud*
Jenna: *growls angrily and backs away standing still for a moment, it looks like the cold is making her sleepy and slower* If you don't want me to beat up your husband, then tell him to leave my Boss alone!!! and we're going to him RIGHT NOW! *Hit the ground to make it tremble and destroy the ice shards (Bulldoze) and tries to grab Gretel with her claws*
Ahah non a Jenna di sicuro! conosce Zamboni, sa che è un cazzone (eccetto che per lei non lo è ovviamente). hoho bene bene allora aspetto!
Chernobog: *Laughs* Damn right it's sick, but if I don't do it, who will take my place? I also like answering to questions, but who knows, it might not end how they wish! *smirks* I will make as many portals as I wish, since you created copies, and also since you're the fastest.. right? *staring at them, he's trying to find out who's the real one* Oh, you want me to sing? Well, that should be fine! *smirks and flaps his wings quickly, then grabs a random Zamboni, throwing him towards a nearby tree* Sit back now,
let me tell you a tale,
where my justice always prevails,
About an ill-fated life,
so very full of strife,
where two wrongs do not make a right!
*smirks and lands* Do you know the song?
Gretel: *surprised to be hit that quickly, yelps in pain as she's kept down, tries to look at her* Y-you stupid dog! *her head starts bleeding from the hit* I have already died too! *makes the wind blow stronger towards Jenna (Powder Snow), then rolls on her back as soon as she can, her hands are now covered in ice (Ice Punch?)* I will never let you hit my husband again! *she knows her own physical strength is not much, but she wants to keep the distance*
(It's fine, no worries! Gretel knows the ring is not good for herself either, but she would do anything to stop Jenna)
Si infatti! XD Beh, rende bene come effetivamente e'! XD Probablimente se li vedessero gli cascherebbero le braccia XD
Ooooohhh mi piace, allora disegnero' Chernobog! *.* Per ora ho solo la faccia~ ma non dovrebbe essere difficile! =w=
Last edited by DeathSeraph at 9:52:53 AM EDT on June 2, 2016.
Zamboni*still flying quickly keeping the copies between him and Chernobog* Lol wut? that's sick Boggie! *laughs* If someone would call me at 3 am I would sing and dance and give a show worthy of my name, I'm The Great Batsy! *grins*
Zamboni: A portal? Come on Boggie, I know that cheating is cool and right, but you will ruin all the fun if the game it's too short! *grins*
Zamboni: Can you sing Boggie? Come on sing something! We can make a duet!
Zamboni: No no a trio!
Zamboni: A quartet is even better!
Jenna: *Curls up for the cold a little then stand right with a resolute expressions, making the storm strengthen her (Anger point)* You won't make me go to my Boss until I defeat you, isn't that right? *growls* Fine. let's do it your way then. *Jumps on her and throws her on the ground violently, keeping Gretel head down with her hand, knee on her back, surrounded by dark power (Payback + Return)* You fool! the only thing that could have stopped me to fight for my Boss was death, but now even that can stop me anymore! You can try to beat me, but I will keep fighting! *slams again her head on the ground* I will always fight for him!
(I know that Gretel has Snow Cloak ability, but if they are in a ring is pretty difficult to fail for Jenna)
Ahah mi piace come le donne sono serie epiche e preooccupate, e gli uomini sono tipo "gnagnagna non mi prendi" "lololol ti acchiappo!"oh vorrei disegnare Chernobog e Zamboni insieme, ma non ci sono immagini di Chernobog! Y U NEVER DRAW SHERNOB0GG !!11!!1
Chernobog: *laughing and flying after him, he's slower but knows the place too well to stay far behind* Yes, sing, sing, my dearest batsy! I like singing too! *smirks and opens a portal to appear by the side of Zamboni* Did you know that if you go in front of a mirror at 3 am and say my name three times I come out and kill you? *he has an amused expression, but lust for blood can be seen in his eyes*
Gretel: *is surprised to be picked up, but doesn't surrender* Yes, we're in hell, and I'm the damn queen! Mine was an order! *hits the ground where Jenna's digging with ice to stop her (Ice Shard), then floats away from the ice* you even ruined my clothes.. *looks at her, her eyes shine green for a second* You think you're against the beauty, but it's the beast instead! *gently blows in the air and a snowstorm starts (Frost Breath + Hail)* I said, fight me.
L'importante e' non esagerare~ =w= Di solito mi baso sulle descrizioni del Pokedex per le loro abilita'!
Zamboni: *flying very quickly and dodging nimbly all the obstacles in his way, changing suddenly direction by time to time*
No no nooo big boy there’s something that you must know! (Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) u can't catch me!
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) u can't catch me!
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) u can't catch me!
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) break it down!
Zambonis: (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
Zamboni: Stop, Crobat time! Every time you see me that bat’s just so hype
I like to break the law and every pocket I’ll swipe
Now why would I ever stop doing this?
When trolling stupid people is such a bliss!
I’m the best of the best and this ain’t no play,
It's Zamboni go Zamboni It's a Zamboni yo Zamboni
and you can’t rap this way!
U can't catch me!
Jenna: *focused on Chernobog, don't notice Gretel until she walks to her* *raise an eyebrow* we're in hell, did you expect me to have a heart of gold? Hpf. and your husband is not any better than me. *literally grabs Gretel and hang her with the back her kimono to one of the ice shards* I don't have time for this prattle now, princess. *start digging a hole to pass through the ice (Dig)* I must go protect my Boss.
Naah è a posto, poi leggendari possono avere un qualcosa in più alla fine, sennò che differenza c'é?
Chernobog: *surprised at first, but then smirks very pleased and starts laughing* Oh yes! How much I missed being the hunter in here! *carefully follows Zamboni's movements with his eyes* Let's see how well you do in my- *gets hit by Jenna, he wasn't paying attention to her* What the hell! *growls at her* I'll get you back once I'm done with your dear boss! *spreads wings and flies after the Zambonis* Yes, let's play, fastest pokemon in the world! *laughs, he looks like he's having a lot of fun*
Gretel: Darling! *looks worried for a second when Chernobog gets attacked, but when she sees he's still alright, turns to Jenna* You! *frowns, she's very serious* You are a very bad person! *walks to her* I will make you pay! No one hits my husband! *gracefully stomps the ground and makes ice shards come out from the ground, closing the two of them in a ring of ice* Now fight me!
No no tranquilla! Va benissimo! Niente di illegale! XD Tu fai lo stesso con me, se pensi che esagero.. e' un po' difficle trattenersi usando i leggendari, spero di non esagerare! DX Semmai fammelo notare se pensi sia troppo, ok?
Jenna: *stares back at Gretel* I don't care. My Boss's safety is much more important then mine.
Zamboni: *stay in alert and get's ready when he see the wing shifting* I got this. *As soon as the portal open, hits very lightly Jenna behind him and jumps really far (U-turn) smirking* *create two copies of himself(Double team)*
Zamboni:How about I turn the tables and you have to catch me now?
Zamboni:Did you expected me to follow your plans after I found Jenna?
Zamboni: Crobat is the fastest Pokemon in the world! do you really think you can catch me Boggie?
Zambonis *flies away laughing*
Jenna: *flinch just for a second for the attack and growls at Chernobog* you piece of s**t, now you're gonna pay for this! **uses Stone edge on him*
Ok pensavo Doppioteam potrebbe essere come la tecnica della moltiplicazione del corpo, solo che le copie devono stare attaccate a Zamboni? se faccio delle cose "illegali" o le mie interpretazioni sono esagerate, dimmelo! non voglio che i mie personaggi siano esageratamente potenti tipo sposta montagne con un dito =.=" e si scontro tra donni sarebbe la fine di ogni cosa ma solo perchè niente o nessuno può sopravvivere all'epicità dei donnoni!
Chernobog: *looks at Jenna* Uuh, now I'm really scared! *scoffs* As if you could do anything to me! *smirks, pleased*
Gretel: *smiles at Jenna* I'm sorry for this, but if you try to hurt my darling, I will turn you into a beautiful ice statue for my colection! *giggles and stares at her, she doesn't look very menacing*
Chernobog: *smirks and looks at Zamboni* My plan? Alright then! How about we have more fun and turn the tables? *his wings are shifting behind his back* What if now is your bodyguard's turn to find you? *chuckles and makes a "portal" appear under Zamboni, to make him fall in due to the gravity of the portal it should be hard for him to fly, but trying doesn't hurt, huh? XD*
Oh santa Lo', no! XD Povera Gretel senno'! XD Pero' me lo immagino bello alto, poco ma sicuro.. fai intorno ai 2 - 2,10 metri? Non ci ho mai pensato di preciso!
Lo scontro tra donnoni puo' solo finre con la distruzione totale di tutto! XD
Jenna: *still glaring, serious* I have plenty of energies to spend and besides I'm already dead. If you try to do something stupid especially to my Boss, I won't hit you, I will break you! no matter who you are.
Zamboni: shakes head like a dog and squeeze his shirt to dry himself, the takes back his things* too kind Mrs. boggie, thank you! *grins and sit on the ground to put his shoes on* Me ? Oh I didn't do antything! it was you doing everything Boggie! this too was your idea after all! So why don't you tell me my plan, king of the hill.. ooops hell? *smirks and get's up*
Jenna *puts her glasses on and take a bodyguard stance behind Zamboni, waiting for orders*
Quanto cavolo è alto Chernobog? 6 metri?
eh si scontro tra donni epicohhh!
Chernobog: *walks by Jenna and takes the tissue she refused to clean his own face, then throws it away and looks at Zamboni* Well, you got me thinking you may be right~ *looks down at Jenna, smiling* Or what, darling? You'll hit me? *laughs* Please, don't waste energies that might come useful later..
Gretel: *blushes and frowns* No, no other way! Now stop asking, please! *looks away, she's clearly thinking of "the other ways"*
Chernobog: My, what have you done to my Gretel? *looks at Zamboni and smirks, moving his "wings" slowly* I see you have taken an interest in these, though! *laughs* Now what is your plan?
Speriamo che qualche altro donnone ci protegga allora! XD
Zamboni: *waves at Chernobog* Woohooo Boggie, the love of you life is here! and look, there's your girlfriend too! *points at Gretel and snickers* and of course you won't never find anyone faster than me Boggie!
Jenna: *don't take the tissue* I don't need it. *she's angry for the water and GLARING Chernobog* Touch me again and I'll destroy you! *growls*
Zamboni: *pats Jenna leg* calm down my dear.. there's no need to destroy anyone. Has Boggie done that tentacles stuff to you as well? It he likes to use them to mess with people, since he CAN'T USE THEM IN ANY OTHER WAY... *smirks slyly at Gretel* Isn't that right, Yuki-onna?
Tutta bagnata e ingrugnita... lo è davvero! ma adesso ci vorrà uccidere entrambe per averla appellata come "adorabile"
Gretel: *doesn't know if facepalm or play with it, so ends up looking at him in a sort of desperate way* Is this really the time? *tilts head* I would be more careful, if I were you! *looks at Jenna, surprised to see blood* Well, looks like she was the one in need of a tissue! *floats to her and gives her Zamboni's tissue* Here~ *winks at her*
Chernobog: *appears from nowhere, clapping his hands* My my, you were quick! *smirks, he has some small drops of blood splattered on his face* What wouldn't he do for you, Jenna.. *looks at her with a mocking expression* Isn't that cute? Lo trovo adorabile~ =w=
Zamboni: *playing dead and being carried away by the current, points at Gretel* Woah, freeze right there girl! I know that you are a cool type, but you should really...*puts on a pair of glasses on his glasses* Chill out.
Voice from Nowhere:YEAAAAAAAAAAH!
Zamboni: Don't be angry with me! For one time it's not my fault! I've been tricked okay? *arrives at the end of the waterfall* well then, let's go behind! *Goes behind the waterfall and finds Jenna* Jenna! here you are! I looked everywhere for you!
Jenna *wet and with a deadly angry expression, brighten up as soon as he hears Zamboni* Boss! you're safe! I was so worried... *see wet shirt, a single drop of blood comes out of her nose* ...for you. *blush*
Zamboni. Don't worry anymore girl! now I'll free you! *start untie her* Povero donnone bagnato.
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 4:35:30 AM EDT on August 6, 2016.
Gretel: *very surprised and ashamed* What?! Oh no, oh no! *covers the lower part of her face with her dress' sleeves* I'm sure that's not what he meant! *frowns a bit* And what we do in our private shouldn't be your business, Mr.Bat! Huh? *grabs his things and looks at him, tilting her head* Oh, I get it~ Thank you, but my nose doesn't bleed for such trivial things~ *floats up the waterfall with Zamboni* You should looks behind, darling~ *happy to have changed the subject of conversation* Si si! Ci sta! magari abbastanza vicina all'acqua per bagnarsi! >8D
Zamboni: He said that you're a very naughty girl and you like to play with his tentacles! *evil smile* If I were you I would make him sleep on the couch tonight! *little evil laugh* ah so my Jenna is here? then I'll go search for her, yes! *takes off his shoes, socks and brooch* Uuuh Mrs.Boggie will you be a dear and hold this stuff for me? *hands her a handkerchief * Oh and here's handkerchief as well! *smirks sexily* you know, my shirt will become transparent when I'm in the water, so you can use it to stop the nosebleeding! *snickers and jumps in the water* Jenna? OOOOOOH Jenna? Is your beloved Boss, I'm coming to save you! BLRGBBLLRGH! *get's sucked up like an idiot in the waterfall and start going down (or up???) for the current* AH S*IT! and I haven't learned waterfall yet! Magari Jenna è legata dietro la cascata? Un pò come prometeo alla montagna? XD
Gretel: *blushes more* What did he say?! *shakes head* N-no, nevermind.. *looks at him, she is now composed like always* He is a very needy man, yes.. it's a shame how most people are just plain afraid of him! Not that he cares much, of course~ *giggles and gets closer* There is no need for hints, you have found your Jenna! But only for the first time~ Will you be able to find her inside this? *nods at the waterfall*
Zamboni: *surprised for the slap* What..? No! but he said..*Sighs and shakes his head smiling* Ah Boggie! You big, fat liar! and how stupid from me to believe him. *grins* Yes, I understand, I mean when I first saw him I was kinda disappointed, you know, dressed up like some sad background actor of Law&Order, passing his days scratching his lazy butt on his throne... but I was wrong! Boggie really is the evil funny bastard I expected! I love that man! He totally needs someone like you though, so he won't be too crazy! aren't you two lovebirds just cute? *chuckles and stops before the waterfall with an amazed expression* Holy Priceless Collection of Etruscan Snoods! I don't remember my parents talking about this! *scratches his head* then again I never listen to someone talking for more than 10 minutes.. Well Yuki-onna this is surely something that should be noisy but is not! what now? will you give me another hint, or tell me where my precious Jenna is?
Gretel: Ah! *gently slaps Zamboni on his arm* Do you really think a lady like me is interested in tentacles? You have no shame! *blushes then laughs a bit* I can't really explain it, but it's mostly his presence.. he needed someone to stay close to him~ *quicly follows him* Well, where would you put a ground type if you were king of Hell, Mr.Bat?
Zamboni: *snickers* Ah love.. it's blind! seriously what someone like you saw in Boggie to fall for him? *little smirk* and don't say tentacles, you could have much more fun with a Tentacruel! *stop for a second "looking" in the void for a second then shivers* Eww tentacles... *smile* you surely had heard about them cause.. *was going to say they were the champions but just smirk* anyway I'm close huh? *running upside down* ah this place it's strangely cool... I smell water! I hope my poor Jenna isn't in water! must hurry! *heading to waterfall*
Gretel: *smiles* No offense, Mr.Bat, but there is only one man I find "hot", and it's not you! *giggles and listens to him* Oh, I may have heard of them then! Even if in Snowpoint City it's hard to get all the latest news~ *follows him* You're in the Rock Maze, but trust me when I say you're getting very close! *whispers more to herself* What really matter is, will Chere really let you go away with her this early?
Zamboni: *Big smile* Of course I'm funny! but more than adorable I would describe myself as pretty hot! In fact it's better if you don't stay too close to me or else you could melt Mrs.Boggie! *grins and scratch his head still flying* Oh yeah yeah my parents.. so there was this bad guy that was a bit cuckoo, you know typical "I will rule the world" guy, and my parents with their team got this far just to stop him. *tilts head* what is chere, some kind of fancy drink?? *realizes* oh you're talking about Boggie! Yes there was him too, they told me that he was mad for all the people coming here without invitation and so eventually he kicked them out of here! *snickers* all this happened more than 20 years ago so maybe he doesn't remember, that's all! *lands on a boulder* so, what we got here? rocks rocks rocks, and oh! look a boulder too! *sighs* BORING! I'm sure that Jenna is close, must continue the search! *walks around, jumping on floating road things*
Gretel: *giggles* You really are a funny man~ *floats after him* You know what I like more about you? The fact that you laugh at your own jokes~ *smiles* It's kind of adorable! *follows him* Seems we're getting close, perhaps? *looks at him* Tell me about your parents, if you don't mind~ How did they get out of here? Did they met Chere too?
Zamboni: Yeah, that's the spirit! *snort and laughs but then hits his head on a tree* Woah! what the hell? does trees appear from nothing here? *thinks massaging his head* Oh yes now that I think about it I remember my parents saying anything like that. *touches the tree* Maybe is a tree the solution? *shake head* Ugh nope, trees aren't noisy, unless it's a... weeping willow. *laughs again and wipe a tear* I'm just too awesome for this planet! *flies away again* My sixth sense tells me to go this way! Come on Mrs.Boggie we don't have time to waste here! *he's flying towards the boulder pushing puzzle thing*
Gretel: *smiles* Oh, that's amazing! *looks at him* I don't think I have ever seen a Crobat around, I wonder why.. Oh, by the way, I am a Froslass, but I think you already know that~ *follows him with her eyes, floating lightly on place, waiting for him to actually decide where to go* Yes, please do! *smiles* I wonder if you can amuse me too?
Zamboni: *does a somersault and front flip and return on his feet* Mr.Bat? Well thats cute, but I'm not a normal bat like swoobat or noibat, *polish his nails on his shirt with a proud smile* I'm a Crobat, the original awesome amazing BAT Pokemonz! *thinks* well well how do I look for something that should be noisy but is not..? Surely I can't hear it so I'll just search for it, with my original awesome amazing Crobat speed! *Flap his wings and flies away at full speed searching accurately for something "noisy"* Hey Yuki-onna, do you want to hear a pun about ghosts? *smile showing his teeth*
Chernobog: *smirks when he hears Zamboni* I am the king here, and I shall do as I please, whether you all like it or not~ *turns back to the poor people who are trying their best to amuse him, leaving Gretel and Zamboni to their "treasure hunt"*
Gretel: *giggles at the compliments* Why thank you, Mr.Bat! But I will not reveal anything that will take the fun away from your hunt *tilts head and smiles, then bends over a bit to look at him once he turns upside down* Now this is something that never happened! But, it has its own logic, yes? *kind smile* Second hint, how do you look for something that should be noisy but is not?
Nah, non ho tutta quella fantasia XD Mi immagino pero' che Giratina, avendo il completo controllo del Mondo Distorto, possa crearne anche "sezioni" in cui tenere "le anime dei dannati" tipo la borsa di Spongebob XD
Zamboni: Eeeew tentacles.. I said tsundere, not hentai Boggie! *Shakes head and laugh while running away* What a creepy pervert! *stops and listens to Gretel* OH so Mrs.Boggie knows where's the place huh ? *whispering to himself* Ooooh Yuki-onna did i tell you that I love your hairstyle, gurl? *Gets close smirking and shaking his hips* And where did you bought that dress? it look just Fa-bu-lous, I should totally buy one for myself! *smirk and tell me, where would you look if you'll have too find a certain place where up is down? *ears twitch* OH! I know! *gets upside down and start walking on his hands* Well now my up is down, too easy for me! Come on Mrs. Boggie, you can give me the second hint now! *smirk*
La cascata al contrario è esattamente la primissima cosa che mi era venuta in mente, ma avevo capito che fossero in un limbo a parte, quindi fosse sbagliato. prima o poi Zamboni ci arriverà, non è troppo scemo.
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 5:42:01 PM CDT on March 31, 2016.
Chernobog: *stares at him while he does his best impression of a tsundere schoolgirl, then raises an eyebrow while he leans on him* This sempai is not interested in laying eyes on a pretty schoolgirl *smirks and uses his wings/tentacles to move him away* You better not lose any more time, Zamboni! *watches him go, then goes back to his throne, looking at the remaining people* Come on, entertain me, you idiots! *growls at them*
Gretel: *floats after Zamboni* It looks like we're going to be together for a while~ *looks at him* You know this is the wrong way, yes? *light giggle* If you need to search for the place where up is down, you need to stop looking in front of you~
Ok immagina letteralmente il Mondo Distorto di Platino, ecco quel casino li'! Solo che in questo caso mi immagino ci siano certe zone adibite a "locali". La zona che Zamboni deve cercare e' quella con la cascata che va a rovescio (essendo un mondo strano con regole tutte sue, immagino che non faccia rumore come una cascata pero'..); essendo Jenna di tipo terra, Chernobog l'ha momentaneamente infilata in un posto con un elemento a lei fastidioso!
Zamboni: *grins* Oh I see how it is… you pretend to do the lord of darkness, but in the end you like sweet adorable people, eh? Well Boggie, how about I’ll show you the Tsundere part of me then? *clears throat and speaks with a high pitched girly voice, surrounded by a pink aura of kawaii-ness* Kiaaaaaah~*☆ ○☆*゚Chernobog-Sama never look at me even if I’m the prettiest girl of the school! B-Baka! *bite his lips and play with the border of his shirt* I-It’s not like I like him a-anyway…*leans on him with his hands on his chest, looking up at him with big shimmering eyes glasses* Please notice me Sempai~♥◌⑅●♡✧ *snort and laugh* ah forget it! You already have a girlfriend and I’m way too sexy for you! It just wouldn’t work out between us! *takes off his cloak and roll up his sleeves with a smile* you’re coming with me Mrs.boggie? Fantastic, we’re gonna be a great team! Come on let’s go! *Runs away as fast as lightening to find the place “where up is down”*
Ok mi puoi spiegare com'è fatto sto posto? è tipo una caverna dantesca o una villa o tipo mondo distorto o cosa???
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 11:57:55 AM CDT on March 24, 2016.
Chernobog: *whispers* A mistress? *chuckles* Do I look like slave person to you?
Gretel: *smiles gently* Thank you, newcomer~ But I will not sit on anyones's table, not now, nor never~ *still smiling gently, even if her voice sounds a bit cold* Zamboni, huh? *light chuckle* Well, thank you for the compliments~!
Chernobog: *chuckles as Zamboni dances on the table and sings* I like him, it would be shame to actually hurt him later! *laughs and looks at him* Good then! Search for the place where up is down, and you'll have your second clue! *smirks* My Gretel will come with you.
Zamboni *Takes Chernobog hand with both his hands and shake it energically* Ah so this is Mrs. Boggie! *lean on Chernobog, still shaking his hand and whispering* I expected some kind of mistress in spantex ready to whip my butt, but she's just adorable! I would like to put her a Disney princess dress and sit her on my bed table like a doll! *finally release his hand and bows deeply at Gretel* Nice to meet you Yuki-onna, Im Zamboni, Boggie BFF! *sniff her a little* It smells of fresh mountain air, pine and mint slush! Deliciously refreshing, I must say! *Smile at her and jump on a table* SO! Should we start this treasure hunt? *dancing and singing* Cause I'm Boggie man I'm Boggie man
Turn me on
I'm Boggie man I'm Boggie man
Do what you want *points at Chernobog* Come on Boggie! Give me the first hint! I'm pumped for this! *confident grin*
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 11:50:44 AM CDT on March 20, 2016.
Chernobog: *follows him* Do you even listen to me, fun-sized man? *smirks and takes back the bracelet* You should have at least felt it's not precious, but merely tin~ *smirks* Why should people in hell keep their money and precious things? *listens to him, quite impressed* A deal, with me? Oh, it's been so long! And what a deal this is~ *deep chuckle, firmly shakes his hand* Sacrifice always make sme happy, so I accept! *turns to the voice* My dear, is this better for you? *small smirk*
???: *giggles* It's exactly the same, but as long as you're both satisfied, it's alright~ *walks to Zamboni* You smell ice? *kind smile* How does my ice smell like?
Chernobog: This is Gretel, the woman I was speaking about before. *smirks*
Zamboni: *grin* are you entertained Boggie? that's amazing but I want to point out just one thing: I'm not little, I'm fun size. *Pouts "looking" at the empty wallet* No money? that sucks! *step in front of one of the guests* nice to meet you milady! *bows and kiss her hand then turns and put a bracelet in his cloak* Keseseh, always works with the ladies. *gets thoughtful* Uhm. Jenna always cared for me. She defended me, and gave me foot massages and she even watched all the seasons of "Lost" just to try to explain it to me, and if that it isn't love, I really don't know what it is! *smirk* how about we make that if I don't find her in time you can keep and break me instead? *Rubs himself a little to Chernobog with a smirk* come on Boggie, I know you can't resist my half vampire half ghost charm! *offers his hand to him* we have a deal? *sniff the air interested* I smell ice ice baby! *big smile*
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 4:22:25 PM CDT on March 15, 2016.
Chernobog: A treasure hunt? It wasn't what I had in mind, but sure~ Let's make it even more interesting! *looks at him talking and doing Zamboni-things, then stops him once he looks for Jenna in his jacket* You're amusing, little man~ *chuckles and takes back the wallet from his cloak* But stealing here is useless, I'm afraid! *opens it to show it's completely empty apart from a few pictures, then throws it back to the man* Anyway, this is a treasure hunt where you need to find a soul in time, and if you don't, I'll keep the poor "defenseless" girl to myself, to see if maybe I can break her. *smirks*
???: *a soft voice speaks from the opposite side of the room* Now now, darling.. isn't that a bit rough?
Zamboni *grins happily* Oh I see! it's a treasure hunt! Wow Boggie, you know how to entertain your guests, huh? I can't wait to join all your activities! Line dancing, bingo, aquagym and OH! I really hope you do karaoke at night! *big smile* I'm a pro singer Boggie! I have the voice of an angel! or of a demon if you prefer! and look at all this people, I'm gonna enjoy staying here! *bump one guy* Oh my, What a scatterbrain I am! I'm really sorry for that! *turns and put a wallet in his cloak* Keseseh, idiot. *takes some of the best food from a table* well let's dig in! *is about to gobble up the food but puts down everything* I can't eat, I must find my darling Jenna! That innocent and defenseless girl must feel alone without me! *start looking for Jenna literally everywhere, under the tables, under the trays, even in Chernobog jacket* Boggie, give me a hint! what kind of treasure hunt is this?
Immagino di si, ma Zamboni è un anima...animata.
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 3:09:24 PM CST on March 11, 2016.
Chernobog: A lost soul? *thinks* is Jenna that huge Krookodile..? *smirks* Oh yes, I know where she is! As boring as she was, she's wandering this world.. Maybe you should search for her and provide me a good entertainment?
*the "guests" turn to Zamboni and cheer back, laughing and eating. Some look quite worried though*
Chernobog: *laughs* Vivillon just got lucky with its number, but there is no doubt in who would have been really worthy of it. *shady smirk* Please, do eat, do not mind me just staring at you and thinking where I should put you next! *chuckles deeply and looks around*
Tranquilla, vuoi che il capo dell'inferno non riesca a star dietro a un'anima in piu'? XD
Zamboni: *Grin* Well If she can handle the tentacles of doom, she must be a tough girl *snickers* and talking of tough girls, where is my Jenna? she died and I'm pretty sure she didn't went in heaven! *turns to chernobog* Boggie man, please make a teeny weeny favor to your pal Zamboni and make her come here, pretty please! it's not the same without her! *makes a giant grin when enter in the room and start to speak loudly* Hello everybody ! Zamboni is the name and razzmatazz it's my game! *raise a hand* Gentlemen. Please, don't get too excited for me. It seems that I'm going to stay here for a while so there's time for the autographs! *pats friendly Chernobog back* Are all of you Chernobog guests? He's one hell of a master of the house, isn't he? in a rate of 0 to 1000 I'll give him a triple six! *chuckle and whispers at Chernobog* Vivillon my ass, eh pal? *nudge at him and looks at the food interested* Boggie you really know how to pamper your friends! *big grin*
Mi spiace,non è facile stare dietro a Zamboni
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 2:54:00 PM CST on March 11, 2016.
Chernobog: *chuckles* You got that right, man. And you don't want to imagine the details. *looks amused as he does the "sexy" move* Well, If I were you, I would be more careful around her. *laughs at the dance* I can't wait to se one of your parties, Zamboni. *evil smirk* But trust me when I say you can't leave this world if I don't want you to. Your parents probably had the permission to leave, or else it happened when I was not here. *tilts head* For now, I like you. Let's see how it goes on. *enters a room with a huge table in the middle of it, there is food everywhere, and some people are carefully eating*
Zamboni: *following him* Wait just a second... tentacles... naughty girl...*makes a smirk so big it reaches his ears* Oh Boggie, you pervert! *amused laugh* Are you really sure that you want her to meet me? *smirk and passes his hand through his hair, making it even more messy* The ladies simply can not resist to this sexy face of mine! *runs next to him* Boggie, chum, I can assure you that with me, you'll NEVER get bored! *Makes some pretty epic dance moves* There's no party like a Zamboni party, baby! *smirk* besides, even if you leave me in the Distortion World, i'll just have to escape! and don't say that it's impossible, or your pants will catch on fire! my parents told me that they went to the Distortion World many years ago to kick some bad guy butt, and they returned with no problems.... but I'm sure you like me too much to leave me, isn't that right? *grins happily*
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 2:44:27 PM CST on March 2, 2016.
Chernobog: Yes, tentacles. And you don't want me to use them again! *chuckles and starts walking* Now follow me, or else you'l get lost.. *looks back at him, smirking* Naughty girls? Oh, I have my own naughty girl, and I really don't need more *smirks* Who knows, maybe you'll meet her too? *laughs* Well, this is where everyone starts their journey here. Allow me to educate you on how this place works: evil guys who did things I like, go to the buffet and sexy girls or guys; Those who did things I don't like, are damned forever; The boring and annoying ones are left alone wandering the Distortion World. *looks at him* You're lucky I like you, so.. *devilish smirk* Don't bore me~
Zamboni: You people are always so serious! why don't you take it easy for one time! *shivers* eeew tentacles! *smirks* of course you're not alone you old scoundrel!*chuckles* I bet you're sorrounded by girls! all the naughty girls go to hell after all! *looks around* so where are all the damned? and the sexy naughty girls? and where is my buffet? C'mon! hell can't be this boring! Of course, there always something worse in pokemon -_-" but giratina sucks.
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 1:18:58 PM CST on February 25, 2016.
Chernobog: What are you doing? *frowns and makes his wings/back tentacles things come out of his back to catch Zamboni* Pay respect! *frowns and puts him down, then checks his clothes, putting them back in place* Alone? Who told you I am alone? *pleased smirk, tilts head a bit* You do seem like good company, anyway. And if I stop liking you, all I have to do is sew your mouth close! *happy smile* C'mon, there are worse things anyway XD
That book should be translated in English! it would be a bestseller! sexy glasses oh yeah (▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿ )
majestic looking in profile, confused looking in front, but always idiots.
Zamboni *deeep sigh* Boggie, maaaaan, relaaax, okay? *jumps on him piggyback style* you're too clenched! *Starts to massage his shoulders* I understand that administer hell alone can be stressful, but you'll have a hysterical pregnancy unless you don't relax a little! luckily now I'm here with you! Trust me, you're gonna love it to stay with me here...FOREVER! *evil little chuckles* Luckily...eeew Giratina D:
Ooooh SaverioXAnna the best!! Mhhmmmhh sexy glasses.. and.. "he cried ONE tear.." X3
Probably because they are big, strong birds with a small brain, obsessed with friends who don't want them around and fights XD Very adorable, stupid Braviarys~ =w=
Eheheheh!! XD I don't find it hard to imagine either!!
Chernobog: Girella bella? *quite surprised, but shrugs it off* I would rather for you to call me by my name, that is Chernobog. unless you want to pay a visit to the torture zone, of course! *chuckles* Do follow me now. There will be all the blood you want, but I can't guarantee it will be something you like.. it's hell after all! Of course, you don't see Giratina every day, after all!
Lascia perdere ! Non puoi vincere contro il geniale e grande Odino!
Of course he has pants! it's not a vulgar draw DX it's just I'm not used to draw those kind of things.. and I won't never do it again ._."
My favourite OTP will always ALWAYS be SaverioXAnna, thought.
Poor poor Adler... why Braviary's are so persistent to see friends in people that actually hate them ? It's just adorable anyway.
Why I have this feeling that Zamboni could be super duper friend with the devil himself ?
Zamboni: *walks around him examining him carefully* Hhhhm is that sarcasm perhaps? *ears twitch* I'm in hell? *big smirk* finally a place that fit my peppery amazing personality ! *laughs and pat his back* Sure thing Girella bella, lead the way, I hope you have blood ! I looove blood! Nice tie by the way! *evil snicker* (for rare/legendary pokemon He needs a little more time to understand what they are)
(mio dio sarebbe terribile, con quelle due alette che gli escono dalle anche/schiena! DX ma a lui piace fare/"vedere"/mangiare/provare cose nuove, quindi non si lascia sfuggire nessuna possibilità)
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 10:08:28 AM CST on February 19, 2016.
Franz: He wasn't really showing off, my lady.. he just happened to wear that.. *growling deeply* If I find out who did it....
Ishida: *smiles happily* I look good, yes? I always look good~ *adorable smirk, he strikes a sexy pose*
Thank you!! I'm glad it make syou happy~<3 Oh yes!! I will put it in my to-do list! X3
Well, they are not his puppies~ A friend of his (played by Thor) is always followed by a young Eevee (named Lula) and Shinx (named Leandre), who LOVE playing with Zedd's ears~! >w< And what can he do if not let them? =w=
You can bet on it! ^^ Eheheh~ as long as they're keeping their private parts covered, there shouldn't be reasons to be embarassed though! XD
Well, that's still an honor XD Thank you~
You see, Franz actually hates Adler so any reason is good to hit him a bit! XD Adler doesn't really mind though, so it's ok! (he thinks it's all special training an that maybe Franz has finally decided to take him as an apprendist..
Franz: Over my dead body! *frowns*)
Sure thing~! Let's see how these two bond XD XD
Chernobog: And you sure know about watching drying paint, right? *deep chuckle* Welcome to what you all call "hell", do you want me to show you the way to the all-you-can eat buffet? *smirks*
Mi fa un po' paura/impressione l'idea di vederlo vestito cosi' XD XD
Kirsi: Oh I see! Drunk- *is hugged and turns super bright red* O-oh my! Ishida! Goodness! *even more red* W-well of course you like me! You're mine after all! B-but why a playboy bunny suit!? Who were you showing off to??
I'm really happy to see all the art! I can so not wait to see more~ :D You should draw Ishi in a princess dress~ He's the newest disney princess~ XD But awwwwwwe!! Zedd has puppies?? With whoooooooooo??? 83
I'll surely keeps practicing so I can draw it well too. after all the secret it's all on the practise. Me like fanservice (¬‿¬) (but only drawn by others, I tried to draw a "sexy" Loki and now I'm so embarassed about it! I'm the only person who gets embarassed by her own draws :| )
Well I actually have billions of OTPs, but of pokèmon yes they are, I just love crack pairings XD, and I'm sure I'll get a lot of other OTP haha
Why Adler ? he didn't do anything this time ! he's innocent! poor him.
I don't know, it depends on what kind of person is your Giratina! if he's a party person (and have illimitate patience) then yes. I'd love to find out, wouldn't you? (¬‿¬)hihihi
Zamboni: *arrives in hell/Distortion World/whateaver* HELLOOOOOOO? there anybody in here ? *"lookig around"* this place looks as interesting as watching paint dry while queuing at the post office !
Zamboni it's not one of those men. but it's not that he's not gonna try if he has the possibility
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 2:13:44 AM CST on February 16, 2016.
Franz: My lady!! *very surprised, trying to cover Ishida* No, you see.. I can explain.. He *looks at him* My Lord's drunk.. *deep sigh*
Ishida: Kirsi~! *jumps out of Franz's arms and hugs her* Darling~! Have I ever told you how much I like you? *happy giggle*
Thank you so much, dear! >w< I'm really happy you got to see this, I was hoping for that! ^w^ I'm quite proud of this, I've always wanted to draw my ideas all together! :D
Ishida thinks he rocks the bunny suit, and there's no way he will change his mind on the subject XD
Well, actually Zedd's ears are normal, in this case he has them inside-out because of children PUPPIES playing with them XD But still, thank you~
You will see more, promise~ I want to draw more this year! ^^
Beh, che dire.. Sono stata scoperta! Ma non puoi negare che era un piano a dir poco egregio~ >w> Oh, ne inventero' un altro! >XD
Why thank you! That part actually comes out natural to me, maybe because I have always enjoyed drawing half naked bodies XD I'm sure you will learn too! I'm glad about that too~ We don't want Franz looking like a sissy, do we? XD Also shower after training is massive fansevice~ >w>
Wow!! I'm honored, two of your three OTPs are characters of mine! X3
Damn right he could do it, but don't challenge him! XD Or we'll really have to deal with that! XD And Franz will come after us. But we have time, he's going to attack Adler first, anyway XD
XD XD Do you think my Giratina could get along with Zamboni? happy party in hell? XD He shouldn't be jealous, only a few, chosen men can rock a playboy bunny suit like Ishida does XD
Guarda che ho capito benissimo il tuo piano malvagio sai ? volevi farmi venire un infarto mostrandomi tutti sti figaccioni all'improvviso per usurpare il trono
>.< cattivo Stroki non si fà ! DX
Franz was totally worth the work believe me! I especially like the neck/shoulders/head area, I've big problems with that part of the anatomy cause I usually draw the neck too thin and long and the head always too big compared to the body, so I can't help but love the perfect anatomy, and he's very manly with his hair down too :3 Training=Massive Fanservice
Sethsleni it's my new OTP too XD just after Lokizar and Colrshall ahahah
Ishida it's one majestic playboy bunny, I don't know I can totally imagine him giving orders with that suit on and still looking impressive XD
Franz should be proud that his Lord can defeat enemies just by wearing a Playboy bunny suit ! Besides now that Salazar and Zamboni are dead no one can bother him anymore XD
Salazar Soul *walking towards purgatory* Even if i'm dead, it was totally worth it ! Ooooooooh my Ishidaaaa~*✲゚*。⋆♡
Zamboni Soul *descending to hell* Look at the Smuglord ! Look how he's dressed up! I'm gonna tell Giratina about him, he's going to piss himself from laughing! (He's just jealous 'cause he would never look that amazing with a playboy bunny suit)
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 5:33:39 AM CST on February 15, 2016.
Kirsi: What are my men doing showing off for others?! Is there something they would like to tell me!?
Wow Death! These look amazing! I love Kres the best~ :D You did an amazing job as always~ Oh man! I wanna say so much my hands can't type fast enough! I miss seeing your beautiful art! :D Look at Ishida, Ishi is so cute~
Kirsi: Why is he in a bunny suit!!!?? *blush* This is NOT okay!!! And Franz! Put your hair up! You're mine!!
*covering Kirsi's mouth* Really though, they all look awesome!
I love how you did Zedd's ears! That's a super interesting take on the Delphox ears~ XD I hope to see more~ <3
BUAHAHAHAHA LA SORPRESA INASPETTATA E' SEMPRE LA MIGLIOREEE *detto in tono malvagio anche se non ce ne sarebbe bisogno XD*
Ohohohohoh Franz miete piu' vittime cosi' che con la spada! XD
Eheheheh~ I'm really glad you liked it!! ^w^ It actually took less than I expected to draw all this =w=
Franz was the hardest, you know, he had to look manly even with his beautiful hair down! But it seems I succeded~ My first idea was to make him half naked, you know.. in training~ =w= *wink wink nudge nudge*
Kres will only wear the apron Seth gave him, nothing else is allowed! And that means, if Seth gives him something like THIS, he would wear it with pride XD
Oooh yess~! Ishida's a natural! >w< Also convenient kneeling pose so I didn't have to draw embarassing parts showing too much! XD XD
Anyway, I'm really really glad you like it!! ^w^
To sum up in my part:
Ishida: *winks, smirks and does a victory sign* It's super effective~!
Franz: *hurries to Ishida with a blanket* My Lord please cover up.
Ok I'm calm now. haha, it was a shock, so unexpected ! :D there so much to say so let's begin yay !
Franz it's so beautiful ! like the proportions are perfect, he look absolutely charming with his hair down ! he almost looks like a different person ! beside I didn't understand that the armor it's composed by two different pieces, the more you know
Zeddino it's just adorable, with that pouting expression, I just want to touch those furry ears :3
Kres looks dashing with that apron XD It's adorable that he's all flustered! and the hairpins are manly, YO ! I would like to steal all the sweets from him >:D muahahahah
And last but not least Ishida. man Ishida. I mean look at those legs, are prettier than mine XD the playboy bunny role, he's just nailing it ! real men can walk on every type of high heels !
So to sum up:
Groovy Boar: *dies of nosebleeding because of that Franz, DAT HAIR DOE*
Salazar *see Ishida and literally explodes, leaving just some ashes and a mushroom smoke cloud*
Zamboni: *Points at Ishida and choke on his own saliva from laughing*
Jenna: *does hara-kiri cause she just can't live without her boss*
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 12:28:11 PM CST on February 14, 2016.
OMMMIODDIOETTUTTOCOSìBELLOHHHH GRAZIE PER LA DEDICA (adesso lo guardo meglio, leggo la roba sotto e metto un commento più sensato promesso.) MIO DIO QUEL FRANZ GAAAAAAH
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 11:29:59 AM CST on February 14, 2016.
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/18/16 | Reply
Si direi di si. Pure Giratina non vuole avere Zamboni fra le palle! Oh ma come lo capisco XD
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *snorts amused when Jenna glares at him* Isn't it just the best when you get to scare such strong people? *smirks mischievously*
Gretel: *laughs as well, she is smirking too* Oooh, leave that to me, next time! I have unfinished business with her~
Anche qui fine conveniente?
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/15/16 | Reply
Jenna *gets actually scared when the portal shrink and is ready to throw Zamboni in it but realize is just a fake so turns around and glares him for a second still walking outside*
Zamboni: *Happily wave off still hanging from Jenna’s shoulder as they walk away*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/13/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *laughs, amused* Those all sound like wonderful ideas, I can't decide which one I like more! Maybe the "Zamboggie Experience".. *chuckles, then sees Jenna dragging Zamboni away* Aww, just as I was starting to have fun? *makes the portal shrink a bit while they get through, to make Jenna worry* We'll see each other sooner than you may imagine.. *suddenly gets serious, and Gretel appears beside him*
Gretel: You let them go, darling? Are you hurt? *looks like she's healed completely*
Chernobog: *smiles at her* Ah, you've healed.. I'm glad! And yes, for once I might change, right? *looks at her, who doesn't seem very pleased* Don't worry *embraces her and kisses her head*, I have some plans on my mind~ *smirks*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/05/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *Grins happily* Of course! you should totally come Boggie! we will have a hell of a time together! *walking in circle and prattling at all speed* I have so many ideas! we could go around the city to scare the c**p out of the people, I mean you're the devil! we could organize a home cooked feats! then invite strangers on the street to our home-cooked feast! I suggest Indian! or wait for the day and crash a wedding! then we could go on a store and complain about every product with the clerk, especially the young inexperienced ones and make a game out it: the one that make the more of them fired wins! I'm totally gonna win that one BTW, I already won several time at that game. And we can go and get some karaoke action, you heard what a duet we are! we could call ourselves "The Zamboggie Experience" just think of the ladies! all of them will want to be our groupie! now I know that you're already involved, But the ladies Boggie, DELADIS!!1! and then we could have a sleepover, swap mainly stories, and in the morning, I will make waffles! and we could drink 3 bottles of sparkling wine! at breakfast! and the go on a roller coaster ten times in a row and vomit on the people behind us! and then laugh when they'll be all smelly and disgusting and covered in barf! and then..
Jenna: *is constantly looking beside Zamboni and the portal fearing that could close so just pick Zamboni like a sack of potatoes and walks through it*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/29/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *chuckles at Jenna's reaction* Well, no blaming you! What exactly stops me from trapping you two in different places so I can control both in the nest way? *smirks at Zamboni* But this is not the case. You might say I'm being nice, for once. Don't get too used to it! *watches them walking towards it, then actually smiles at Zamboni's proposal* Well, I guess being nice has its good comebacks? I wasn't expecting you to say that. *chuckles* Just try it sometimes, I'll see if I am free to come and take a look~ *tilts head and smirks, pleased, as if thinking of something devious* So.. is this a deal?
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/24/16 | Reply
Zamboni: I said already that my Jenna doesn't beat people without a reason if I don’t order her to do it. She’s not as stupid as all of you people believe! *looks at the portal with an inexpressive face* what..? we can leave.. like this? But.. *just stare at it not moving*
Jenna: *stare carefully at the portal to understand if it’s a trap then push a little Zamboni* Boss, we must go before he changes his mind again. It can be our only chance to leave this place. *look intensely at Chernobog, she doesn't like him, and it's pretty obvious*
Zamboni: *Looks at Chernobog with a puzzled look* Why? *let himself be pushed towards the portal from Jenna, but before entering it turns around with a smiling grin (more gentle than grinning, more devious than smiling)* I was thinking, if sometimes I’ll go in front of a mirror at 3 am and say your name three times, you could swing by my place ya know? You could also bring Mrs. Boggie and Legion as well, I would love for them to come. We could mess around in the city and do something fun! We could.. start over. I want to trust you Chernobog. I don’t have any intention to change my lifestyle of cool evilness, so one day I will surely return here in hell to stay, and by that time I would like for us to be friends! whaddya think?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/23/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *scoffs a bit* You could have asked her why, if your bodyguard didn't beat her! *he doesn't like Jenna, and it's pretty obvious* Hmmm.. *looks at him* Now that's not an easy question, as you can see I don't trust almost anyone. *grins* So no, I don't blame you for not trusting me. I was just hoping to have met someone else like my dear Gretel. *sighs and claps his hands once* BUT, since it seems it won't go anywhere from here, I will give you the chance to leave. *looks at them both, his wings shifting and twitching* Do you want to? *opens a portal that shows the outside world*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/12/16 | Reply
Zamboni *sits down cross legged and listen to him, trying his best to stay focused, sometimes tilting his head or rising his eyebrows in surprise*
Jenna *don't sit down and take a bodyguard pose right next to Zamboni*
Zamboni: Wow. *scratch his head* just wow. I knew that Yuki-onna was pretty cool, but this is just another level of badassery. *Lower his head, "looking" at the ground in front of him* why though? why help someone that could hurt you and put in danger yourself and your family, for nothing in return? there's something I just can't get. *jumps off the rock and look back at Chernobog* Very well, I'm not as good or trusting as dear Mrs.Boggie is, but do you really blame for that? would you trust yourself if you were in my situation, or I her situation back then? *looks away* And I wasn't lying when I said that I like you, so what now?
Jenna *stay silent to make them talk but stay near Zamboni and never divert her eyes from Chernobog*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/11/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: They are my family now. *rolls her eyes at Jenna* Oh, you're so boring, woman! Want to know the story? Sit down then. *makes a large rock appear right behind Zamboni and Jenna, and invites them to sit* They met me when I first escaped my prison. *looks up for a moment, as if remembering something* Gretel found me first, and I attacked her, thinking she would have just told Arceus where I was. Luckily I was weak enough to not actually kill her, you know? *nods* She told me she wanted to help me, but I didn't trust her. I threatened her, one more hit from me and she would have been as good as gone. *gazes coldly at Zamboni* But it didn't seem to matter. She called for Hansel, explained the situation as I could do nothing but try and get back my energy, then they took me at their home. This means that they would have been killed if someone found out they were "protecting" me. *tilts head* Should I go further in my tale, or is this enough?
Ed ecco il ritorno della sintesi! XD Dante ci invidierebbe XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/08/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *tilts head* well, of course not..! I mean they're your family after all, they don't have any reason to fear you, am I right? But I wonder, how did you behaved with them when you met them. Did you attacked them? did you threaded them and treated like you did with us? I'm sorry but i don't think so.
Jenna *Doesn't move of a centimeter* If his not worthless, then don't hurt him.
Zamboni: *looks at him and doesn't know what to expect anymore*
è vero, mi ero scordata dellaa relazione di Dante e Virgilio! è come una lunga fanfiction alla fine
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: Just another question, before I decide. Did Gretel or Hansel seemed to be fearing me, to you? *looks at them both, and is not impressed with Jenna's decision of protecting Zamboni* Worthless? *chuckles* Worthless people do not spend time with me, Jenna. Think again. *waiting for an answer, but seems calm*
E senza Dante che sviene e si fa i pipponi su Virgilio XD XD Ma piu' o meno direi che ci siamo!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/27/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *Look with a vague expression Hansel leaving and makes a step back when Chernobog open his wings, but still face him with a weary expression*
So much drama. I might be a d**k, but you're unpredictable, and surely I can put trust in you anymore. I don't want to fear about my safety every moment. *pass his hand in his hair* this discussion is no good for anyone. I don't want to quarrel anymore. So whatever you want to do just do it now please. This atmosphere is breaking my nerves!
Jenna: *growls* Boss! you can't surrender so easily! Pull yourself together! this is a point of no return!
Zamboni: This is not the way I wanted it to be, but I can't do nothing about it. I'm tired Jenna. I don't know what's the right thing to do anymore.
Jenna: *Get's in front of Zamboni and takes a defensive stance, ready to protect him* My Boss has been friendly with all of you, but as I feared it just couldn't finish well. Maybe he's worthless to you, but he's my best friend and I won't anything bad happening to him.
Praticamente stiamo riscrivendo "l'inferno" pokemon edition, ma senza rime.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/25/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *silent through all that, slowly clnching his hand into a fist, but tries to mantain composure* Is that so? I just offered you my friendship and you throw it away like that, because you can't endure a little threat? *frowns* I never said I would get tired of you, I warned you about false moves. And this, let me say, is one d*ck move! *scoffs*
Hansel: *growls and both his eyes flicker green, but keeps control* What the hell?! How dare you speak to him that way? Just as he told you he trusted you! This is bad, even for my standards! *looks as if he's going to cry* Why can't you put trust in him..? Why, only Gretel and me could do it?! *he's both angry and sad, so he just runs away, afraid of hurting someone*
Chernobog: *looks at Hansel go, he looks worried, then sighs and looks back* You know what, Zamboni? I'm sick of this. And you wonder why I have to threaten people? Do you think you're the first to do so? *scoffs, and stretches his wings as if he wanted to attack, but does nothing* Tell me, why do people even love you? *frowns*
Discorsi importanti richiedono messaggi importanti XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/23/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *Briskly lets go his hand* Oh no. *takes off his glasses and almost glares Chernobog with an annoyed and disappointed look* Oh hell no! *frowns* what with this behavior now? everything you people can do is threaten! did it ever occur in that numb head of yours that maybe that's the reason why people avoid you? *it's so nervous that start walk in circle gesturing* You're a violent rebel. So what??? the world is full of violent and rebels, and they all end up here! those people would like you and respect you, but everything you can say is "I'll torture you! I'll do this and that because I have the powah I'm the king here blah blah BLAH!" *stare intensely at Chernobog, with a resolute expression* Guess what Chernobog, a friend is not someone you can take and throw away like garbage when you're tired of him, you idiot! *punch him in the stomach, more for rage that for hurting him*
Jenna: *Somewhat surprised by Zamboni's reaction, approach him and put a hand on his shoulder* Boss...
Zamboni: *smile lightly at her and puts his glasses on but then looks bitterly away* I won't be some kind of clown slave for you. If this is your intention then you can throw me in the pits of hell already, I'll probably find better company there at any rate.
siamo due esperte nell'arte zen della sintesi
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/20/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *raises an eyebrow* I mean, was it not obvious? *looks at him and frowns* Just ask, you say? *laughs, amused* You clearly are so different from all the others! I was banned by Arceus for violence, I escaped my prison and went back to make it my own kingdom, do you think people are prone to like me? Years and years passed in here have taught me that if I want something, I must obtain it by myself. *tilts head* But you, you actually seem to like me, I wonder why. *shakes his hand* Remember this, though. One false move, and you and your croc here end up in the worst place I ever conceived~ *smiles*
Hansel: *his eye turns green and he smiles* Oh, is that so? Well, that is your problem, not mine! *grins and changes voice to a female one* I will haunt you in more than one way~
Chernobog: *looks at Hansel to calm him down, then back at Zamboni* I'm not worried for my wife. You should be the one to worry, she is very vengeful. *seems amused* Or better, *looks at Jenna* She should worry. Gretel doesn't need my help to get what she wants!
Ma si, va bene!! Anch'io qui ho dato prova della mia capacita' di sintesi XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/19/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *follow with his gaze Chernobog walking around with a brassy smirk on his face, then burst into an amused laugh* Friggin' Finally Boggie! tell me, it was really so hard to say? *little chuckle* oh my dear ol' Boggie! you were trying so hard all this time with your little games, (where, BTW I totally won all the time, keseseh) when the solution was so simple, you just had to ask! why you force poor damned soul to entertain you, when you can have people who stay because they like you! Of course you're a monster Boggie! the most awesome, creepy, crazy, fu**ed up monster I met in a while, and that's why I like you so much! *scratch his nose grinning happily* I had the time of my afterlife with you, and I would love to stay here to mess around in your company! *offer his hand to him with a snarky but honest smirk* Friends? *shakes his head jokingly* Hohooo Legion, you know that you're difficult don't you? No matter what will I say, three or four of you could like it perhaps, but the other one hundred? Is obvious that you can't like me. But that doesn't bother me at all, in fact I will continue to be the same amazing beautiful sexy Zamboni I am! Keseseh! Enough with this story already! I'm sure that Yuki-onna will be fine! Never underestimate maidens! they are more badass of what you think!
Jenna: *Would like to talk back but stay silent as Zamboni commanded, looking grumpily at them*
Okay. comunque visto che Zamboni parla velocemente una conversazione così lunga con lui ha la stessa durata di tre righe con una persona normale
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/04/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *almost ignores Jenna and laughs* Ooh, do I sense some sarcasm here? There is no need to, I know exactly what I do and why. *looks at Jenna, his normal "playful" look is back on his face* "monster, monster" it's such an easy word to use, right? My father calls me the same, but why would I care? *walks around them* I like company, I have to admit it! This world is sooo boring sometimes! That's why, I want you.. to stay here~ Now, how will you keep me company is up to you!
Hansel: *looks very nervous, but now that Chernobog is there, he can keep the spirits in place* Honestly, you don't look friendly, Zamboni Sir! And you! *points his finger at Jenna* Gretel attacked you for a reason. Don't try to deny it! I will remember you and your face.. and my memory never fails me. *very serious*
Tranquilla, mi piacciono i commenti lunghi! Scrivi quello che ti senti, non importa quanto lungo o corto sia~
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/03/16 | Reply
Zamboni: Boggie Sempai! *big grinning smile*
Jenna: You can take your black list and shove it up your a*s. I'm not scared of you and you won't do anything to us! *glares*
Zamboni: Oh Jenna... come on deary cool down! Boggie is nice!
Jenna: No Boss! he's just pretending to be nice so you would trust him! But he's a monster! who knows what he wants to do to you! *growls at Chernobog*
Zamboni: Jenna! that's enough! I don't like to do it but I order you to shut up and behave! *little frown*
Jenna: But Boss..! *grunt and back off a little* Yes Boss. *puts her glasses on and stands with a grumpy face, still glaring Chernobog and Hansel*
Zamboni: *walk to Chernobog with a smirk* Please forgive my Jenna, Boggie! she's too zealous with her job sometimes and for whatever weird reason she thinks everybody here is nuts! who knows why, right? after all you've just captured and put her next to a waterfall for your sadistic little game, Mrs.Boggie tried to make her a living ice statue for no reason and Legion here just didn't wanted us to leave and let me say, some parts of him are not very friendly, so yeah I don't know why Jenna is so angry, oh what a silly big croc she is sometimes! *grins and adjust a little his jacket* but forget about her, we have a little deal going on don't we Boggie? let's have fun just the both of us! *turns to Hansel* And you! grow some sense of humor boy! I'm just try to be friendly you know? Love me or leave me, I don't have time for haters!
Te lo giuro sto leggendo il manuale "come scrivere commenti sintetici per stupidi" ma ho ancora molto da imparare a quanto pare
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Hansel: *serious* I know my sister better than you can imagine, and she fights only to protect. *glares at Jenna* I guess your dog doesn't obey very well! *turns to Zamboni and frowns, his eyes seems to change every second, then one of them becomes completely green as he talks with an old man's voice* Loud and annoying? Your mother should have possessed you more than one time then! Ah! Young ones.. *shakes head, disappointed, then his eyes gets back to normal* A criminal..? No, being a ghost make sme able to come and go from here as I please- *actually trying to give an explanation, then realizes it was all a stupid joke and starts growling, and his eyes both become green* You insolent- *he suddenly stops*
Chernobog: *appears behind Hansel and puts a hand on his shoulder to calm him down* I like you, Zamboni, but this was just bad. *looks at him, then at Jenna* And you? Oh, you are on my black list. We'll talk about that later. *smiles, but he doesn't look like he's having fun*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/04/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *smirks* Well, I don't care that you don't care then! I like Mrs. Boggie, she's nice, but if she had the guts to attack my Jenna then she just had what she was asking for: A good beating! Jenna don't attack people without a reason unless I order her to do it.
Jenna: *growls and glares Hansel when called a b***h but doesn't react, she doesn't care too much as long as Zamboni is safe*
Zamboni: *laying on his tummy, head resting on his hands and legs flailing* yes let's wait for Boggie-Sama, is much more easy to discuss with him! Don't get me wrong, I like you a lot! *grins* But it's difficult to follow you! *listen and chuckles* well kinda! so, there was this time when I was little that I was being really loud and annoying, and so to make me stop my mother took control of me in some way, and it was super scary, but also fun! there's only one thing scarier than angry moms, and that's angry ghost moms! *shivers a little* but I understand that with more than a hundred spirits the situation is different! *smirks again* so Legion! do you like to hang around in hell, huh? were you a criminal too before? what bad actions did you do? no wait! let me guess! *points both his index at Hansel* Possession! *snooooort* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *he's literally rolling on the floor laughing*
Jenna: *still looking at Hansel, but also looking around searching for a way to escape, her hand is slowly returning to normal*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Hansel: *shrugs, and speaks with a mature female voice* It doesn't matter if she defended herself, we love Gretel, and she loves us! We don't want her to be hurt. *looks at Zamboni, and speaks with a young boy voice* You are nice, but the ugly bi*ch gets to die again! *laughs, then shakes head and speaks with his normal voice, he seems nervous* You will stay here until Chernobog gets back! Then you will hear from him. *frowns* Don't make me do things I might regret. *turns to Zamboni* Party animal? Do you think it's fun to have spirits in you? *frowns*
Yeah, exactly! XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/30/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *smirks happily* I'm glad that you like it, because I wouldn't have used your real name in any case! Keseseh! *"Looks around"* Oh so Yuki-onna got hurt? Jenna you did that by any chance?
Jenna: *growls* She attacked first! She wouldn't make me come to you Boss!
Zamboni: You see my dears Legion? My Jenna just defended herself, what else could have she done? But if you don't want us to leave, then we'll have to stay here! *sits on the floor cross legged*
Jenna: Boss, this place isn't safe for you! we must find a way to get away from here!
Zamboni: Relax Jenna! No need to worry! Boggie is a cool guy and so is our new friends here! So tell me about you Legion! I bet you're amazing with impressions! You must be a party animal huh? *smirks happily, seems very interested in Hansel*
Jenna*Stand near Zamboni, massaging her hand to warm it up*
Lol yes I imagine that, he's not even bipolar, he's multipolar!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/29/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Hansel: *laughs when Jenna picks him up* How funny! She is trying to hurt us, guys! *laughs more, but it sounds like many voices are doing it, then looks at Zamboni as gets put down* Ah, much better.. *his voice is now calm and posed, sounds like a mature man* You know about us, Zamboni? How interesting! *shakes head* NO! *normal voice* It's not interesting at all! *frowns* I am Hansel, you hurt my sister, and I will not let you leave this place! *his eye suddenly shine green as he gets calm once again* Ah, Legion is a fine nickname though! *many voices speaking at once* For we are many~ *shakes Zamboni's hand*
Damn Hansel is hard to play XD
Gretel: *silently resting, slips into a portal that has been opened by Chernobog under her, so she can recover better*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/27/16 | Reply
Jenna *growls of pain and grabs Hansel by his throat with her safe hand, lifting him from the ground, defeating Gretel gives her the strength to fight.(Moxie)* What the hell are you?
Zamboni: *"looks" better at Hansel* Oh oh! I guess it's a Spiritomb. I've met a few of them in Sinnoh. They're.. *clears his throat* special. Hmm. we won't get anywhere if we keep going on like this. Put him down Jenna, please.
Jenna: But Boss..! *glares but put's Hansel down*
Zamboni: *approach Hansel with a happy grin* Hey there mate! so what's the big deal here? why are you fighting us? By the way, I didn't catch your name! will you tell me, or I'll have to call you Legion? *smirks and offer his hand to him* I'm Zamboni, always happy to meet new interesting people!
Jenna: *stands right next to Zamboni, carefully watching Hansel, ready to act*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/26/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *frowns for a moment, then opens another portal and jumps in* He thought this would be easy? Poor soul!
Hansel: *hears Jenna* Who are you calling monster? *frowns and changes voice to one of a young boy* Is it us? Is it Him? *laughs* You're not getting anywhere! *gets up and looks at Gretel, his voice returns normal* Leave it to me, dear sister! I will protect you! *looks back at Zamboni and Jenna and runs after them* Stop right there! *his right eye becomes completely green as he hits Jenna in the back (Pursuit)*
Gretel: Ugh.. no.. *is exhausted, so she just remains on the ground, waiting for snow to cover and heal her*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/22/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *when he's hit by the attack, disappear in a little smoke (Sobstitute). The real Zamboni grins happily and enters like a missile in the portal before it disappear, coming out of it after Hansel*
Jenna: *see Zamboni and break the ice from her arms ignoring Hansel and Gretel* Boss! I'm so glad that you're safe! I was worried that monster could have caught you!
Zamboni: *smirks* Who? Boggie? Please! He may be the champion of the arena, but I’m the undefeated master of public opinion! He didn't stand a chance to get me! *"looks" at Hansel, but can't understand what he is* Let's get out of here Jenna! I have a little plan in my mind! *Smirks and runs out of the cave*
Jenna: *follows him walking backwards, facing and glaring Hansel and Gretel to watch Zamboni's back*
ahah era un secolo che volevo usare quella citazione!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *floating in a different dimension, staring at what's happening around him to decide where to appear again, then sees Gretel almost defeated, so wastes time to open a portal to her, then suddenly appears behind Zamboni* Tag, you're it! *punches the rock, doesn't really care to see if he's hitting Zamboni too or not, but the attack is not heavy because he waited too long* Oh, my friend, I have bad news for you now! *happy smile*
Gretel: *gets hit by the claws, she falls down, wounded and too weak to move* Damn it.. *tries to at least kneel, but can't even raise an arm* You.. will still be defeated! *notices Chernobog's portal opening not so far away from her* Huh..?
*someones comes out of it, looks around and runs to her as soon as they notice her*
???: Gretel! Oh no, Gretel..! You.. *turns to Jenna* You! *growls*
Gretel: No! Hansel, stop! *coughs weakly* I'll be fine.. Please, do not let them out!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/20/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *hides between two of the biggest rocks, remaining silent and immobile, keeping his wings close and clinging to the rock, carefully looking around at some smaller floating rocks*
Jenna: *too slow to use protect, takes the hit form one side, freezing* It's...not....over...yet! *growls quietly and slash her with black aura pervaded claws (Shadow claw)
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *chuckles* Why don't you ask Gretel about it? If you get her mad enough, she might as well cool down your enthusiasm! Oh I love when she gets mad, it's actually scary! *smirks and looks at the floating rocks, he knows he's too slow and big to quickly avoid them all, so he suddenly disappears, right before getting too close (Shadow Force)*
Gretel: Well, I won't surrender either! You will end up in my collection, even if you're way too ugly for it! *stands against the Dark Pulse, letting herself be hit to catch Jenna when her guard is open* Now freeze! *the cold wind intensifies (Blizzard), as she tries to hit Jenna with an Ice Beam*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/15/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *stop pushing* double entendre! *chuckles and turns* Oh no no no no! no balls for me! *takes the other Zamboni and uses him as a human shield*
Zamboni: Oh what the fu- *get's hit by the shadow balls and fades away*
Zamboni: Pheeew, that was close! Ehy Boggie! Calm down with you balls, or else you will end up getting a booner! *snickers* You got it Boggie? A BOONER? cause you're a ghost, and ghosts goes boo? *laughs hard and flies quickly toward a group of floating rocks*
Jenna: *scream from the pain and release Gretel* WHAT YOU'VE DONE? *tries to move the hand that now is blueish but it seems paralyzed* Do you think this will stop me? I won't surrender! I never surrender! *growls* if you do not come with good, then I'll have to beat you first! *stomp the ground making waves of darkness flowing in all the cave (Dark Pulse)*
Nano, bastardo e che dura troppe puntate, prorpio come Zamboni! appena l'ho visto ho pensato a lui! XD si si prenditi tuuutto il tempo che ti serveee..
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/14/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: Oh, you and your double entendre! *chuckles, very amused* How about you both get balls in the face? I surely will not mind! *smirks as another ball forms in his other hands, then throws them both towards the two* Don't be afraid, it won't hurt much!
Gretel: *clawing Jenna's hand and arm, glaring at her, not afraid* Violence is not everything, and you would know too, if only there was someone who loved you! *small, pained smirk, tries to retreat from the claws* He would.. *quickly jerks her head and bites Jenna's menacing hand (Ice Fang)*
Eh si!! Cavolo quanto e' piccolo Freezer, non me lo ricordavo cosi' nano! XD
E va bene, possiamo provare! Semmai prima di iniziare, ti dispiace aspettare che finisco di disegnare Chernobog? Cosi' poi non ci metto mille anni a decidere i vestiti XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/13/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *Flying fast and looking for a place to hide* Ok maybe Mariah isn't for you after all! *chuckles and turns around, "seeing" the shadow ball* AH Krap...fen! You take this one!
Zamboni: What??? are you nuts? who do you think I am, someone who likes to take balls in the face? not really, thank you very much!
Zamboni: I'll tell you who won't take Boggie's balls in the face: ME!
Zambonis *They start to argue on who will take the hit, pushing each other, still flying around*
Jenna: *takes slow big breaths, forming little clouds for the cold* HA! I know cruel people like him, I'm cruel myself after all. *grabs Gretel by her clothes and raise her, hands pale and shaky* people like him known only one reality: violence. Maybe you're the one who don't know him after all. *grins showing her fangs* I don't need to get him, he will come to me. *graze lightly her claw to Gretel's face* maybe you can't die, but I can still ruin this pretty face of yours. I wonder if he would still like you afterwards. *start walking to the exit, carrying Gretel with her*
Beh non ti preoccupare per quello, potrei fare la prima parte io, poi ti do il foglio e quando hai tempo/voglia lo finisci, che sia dopo una settimana o un mese! se facciamo Chernobog e Zamboni, questa sarebbe una bella posa da usare!
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 4:55:30 PM EDT on June 13, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *smirks* if this Mariah Carey sings about gorey things, I might as well enjoy her too, my dear Zamboni! *chuckles as Zamboni does his best impression of a "tsundere-anime-girl", but is quite surprised to be tackled away* I was mistaken, you actually have some bit of bravery in you! Or is just stupidity? *smirks and flies after him* One is down, two to go! *flapping his wings quickly to keep up, even if he stays behind* Who will I get? *a Shadow Ball is forming in his hand*
Gretel: He's not a monster! *glares* You don't know him, so don't you use that word like you know what it means! *so confident the cold would have stopped Jenna, gets hit by her tail* Ah!! *hits the wall, then falls to the ground* Y-you will never get him..! *coughs and looks up at her, fury in her eyes*
Effettivamente.. XD Povera XD
E si, e' una bella idea!! :D Potremmo provare!! Tempo libero permettendo.. DX
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/11/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *grins* Well Boggie, when you're forced to stay locked at home for months you have plenty of time to expand your musical knowledge! but no more dark songs, how about some 90's pop music? by your face I can tell you're a massive Mariah Carey fan!
Zamboni: *snort* of cooourseee I'm super scared! look ! I'm pissing myself! *when the haze is lifted, he found himself closer to Chernobog of what he thought, yell like a girl and cover his "manboobs"???* Kiaaaah! Chernobog-sama peeking a-at me! BAKA! *with a quick jolt tackle Chernobog and push himself away from him (U-Turn)and fly away* I-is not like I want to be noticed by him! Umpf!
Jenna: *shivering, slaps herself to remain focused and growls* That's bulls**t! That monster is a psychopath! he will hurt my Boss just to have some entertain! *runs toward Gretel and uses her long tail to slam her to a wall* But I will stop him no matter what!
Sono tre anni e + che si spacca il culo per Zamboni.. niente più soprende quel donna ormai.
Oh non sraebbe fichissimo fare un disegno insieme una volta? tipo scegliamo una posa che ci piace e io disegno un personaggio poi ti do il foglio e tu ne disegni un altro? sarebbe bello farlo conZamboni e Chernobog perchè hanno una tale differenza di altezza!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *turns back as soon as the copy disappears, and flies after Zamboni, stopping before the haze* Oh, you know it! I'm impressed~ *smirks* No one knows my songs, it's pretty sad.. *frowns a bit then looks carefully in the fog* You hide like a rat, do you? Are you scared? *smiles* Keep singing, let's see if you get everything as it's supposed to be! *with a flap of his wings, summons an eerie wind (Ominous wind) to lift the fog* If you really know the song, you should know what happens to those who play hide and seek with me.. *chuckles*
Gretel: *avoids the quake by floating in the air (Telekinesis?), she looks serious but is smiling* Oh, poor wet one.. it must be really cold, right? *small pout* Your boss will be fine, Chern likes him.. but I'm afraid he doesn't like you very much.. *she is not attacking, just keeping the distance and letting hail and cold do the work for her*
Eheheheh XD non ci rimarrebbe neanche un po', a vedere che si e' spaccata il culo per "salvare" Zamboni da un gioco "innocente"? XD
E ok~ Porta pazienza pero', sai che sono lunga coi disegni XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/07/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *as soon as he hits the tree, he fades away*
Zambonis: *stop flapping his wings, and free falls gaining speed, then flies in the opposite direction, trowing smoke from his mouth (Haze) forming a black cloud to hide in* Bravo, bravo! Ah Boggie, that was so beautiful! *grins* Mmmh, that's not my favorite genre but..
*sings with a high pitched voice and slowly, as if he is insecure about the lyrics of the song*
When we were born
We did surely scorn
Our proud parent's name
Then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
Our birth was a curse
I bit the nurse...
I actually did it ya know Boggie? I was hungry for some blood! *chuckles and flap only his smaller wing to remain hidden in the cloud*
Jenna: *growls angrily and backs away standing still for a moment, it looks like the cold is making her sleepy and slower* If you don't want me to beat up your husband, then tell him to leave my Boss alone!!! and we're going to him RIGHT NOW! *Hit the ground to make it tremble and destroy the ice shards (Bulldoze) and tries to grab Gretel with her claws*
Ahah non a Jenna di sicuro! conosce Zamboni, sa che è un cazzone (eccetto che per lei non lo è ovviamente). hoho bene bene allora aspetto!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *Laughs* Damn right it's sick, but if I don't do it, who will take my place? I also like answering to questions, but who knows, it might not end how they wish! *smirks* I will make as many portals as I wish, since you created copies, and also since you're the fastest.. right? *staring at them, he's trying to find out who's the real one* Oh, you want me to sing? Well, that should be fine! *smirks and flaps his wings quickly, then grabs a random Zamboni, throwing him towards a nearby tree*
Sit back now,
let me tell you a tale,
where my justice always prevails,
About an ill-fated life,
so very full of strife,
where two wrongs do not make a right!
*smirks and lands* Do you know the song?
Gretel: *surprised to be hit that quickly, yelps in pain as she's kept down, tries to look at her* Y-you stupid dog! *her head starts bleeding from the hit* I have already died too! *makes the wind blow stronger towards Jenna (Powder Snow), then rolls on her back as soon as she can, her hands are now covered in ice (Ice Punch?)* I will never let you hit my husband again! *she knows her own physical strength is not much, but she wants to keep the distance*
(It's fine, no worries! Gretel knows the ring is not good for herself either, but she would do anything to stop Jenna)
Si infatti! XD Beh, rende bene come effetivamente e'! XD Probablimente se li vedessero gli cascherebbero le braccia XD
Ooooohhh mi piace, allora disegnero' Chernobog! *.* Per ora ho solo la faccia~ ma non dovrebbe essere difficile! =w=
Last edited by DeathSeraph at 9:52:53 AM EDT on June 2, 2016.
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/31/16 | Reply
Zamboni*still flying quickly keeping the copies between him and Chernobog* Lol wut? that's sick Boggie! *laughs* If someone would call me at 3 am I would sing and dance and give a show worthy of my name, I'm The Great Batsy! *grins*
Zamboni: A portal? Come on Boggie, I know that cheating is cool and right, but you will ruin all the fun if the game it's too short! *grins*
Zamboni: Can you sing Boggie? Come on sing something! We can make a duet!
Zamboni: No no a trio!
Zamboni: A quartet is even better!
Jenna: *Curls up for the cold a little then stand right with a resolute expressions, making the storm strengthen her (Anger point)* You won't make me go to my Boss until I defeat you, isn't that right? *growls* Fine. let's do it your way then. *Jumps on her and throws her on the ground violently, keeping Gretel head down with her hand, knee on her back, surrounded by dark power (Payback + Return)* You fool! the only thing that could have stopped me to fight for my Boss was death, but now even that can stop me anymore! You can try to beat me, but I will keep fighting! *slams again her head on the ground* I will always fight for him!
(I know that Gretel has Snow Cloak ability, but if they are in a ring is pretty difficult to fail for Jenna)
Ahah mi piace come le donne sono serie epiche e preooccupate, e gli uomini sono tipo "gnagnagna non mi prendi" "lololol ti acchiappo!"oh vorrei disegnare Chernobog e Zamboni insieme, ma non ci sono immagini di Chernobog! Y U NEVER DRAW SHERNOB0GG !!11!!1
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/30/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *laughing and flying after him, he's slower but knows the place too well to stay far behind* Yes, sing, sing, my dearest batsy! I like singing too! *smirks and opens a portal to appear by the side of Zamboni* Did you know that if you go in front of a mirror at 3 am and say my name three times I come out and kill you? *he has an amused expression, but lust for blood can be seen in his eyes*
Gretel: *is surprised to be picked up, but doesn't surrender* Yes, we're in hell, and I'm the damn queen! Mine was an order! *hits the ground where Jenna's digging with ice to stop her (Ice Shard), then floats away from the ice* you even ruined my clothes.. *looks at her, her eyes shine green for a second* You think you're against the beauty, but it's the beast instead! *gently blows in the air and a snowstorm starts (Frost Breath + Hail)* I said, fight me.
L'importante e' non esagerare~ =w= Di solito mi baso sulle descrizioni del Pokedex per le loro abilita'!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/28/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *flying very quickly and dodging nimbly all the obstacles in his way, changing suddenly direction by time to time*
No no nooo big boy there’s something that you must know!
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) u can't catch me!
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) u can't catch me!
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) u can't catch me!
(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) break it down!
Stop, Crobat time!
Every time you see me that bat’s just so hype
I like to break the law and every pocket I’ll swipe
Now why would I ever stop doing this?
When trolling stupid people is such a bliss!
I’m the best of the best and this ain’t no play,
It's Zamboni go Zamboni It's a Zamboni yo Zamboni
and you can’t rap this way!
U can't catch me!
Jenna: *focused on Chernobog, don't notice Gretel until she walks to her* *raise an eyebrow* we're in hell, did you expect me to have a heart of gold? Hpf. and your husband is not any better than me. *literally grabs Gretel and hang her with the back her kimono to one of the ice shards* I don't have time for this prattle now, princess. *start digging a hole to pass through the ice (Dig)* I must go protect my Boss.
Naah è a posto, poi leggendari possono avere un qualcosa in più alla fine, sennò che differenza c'é?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/24/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *surprised at first, but then smirks very pleased and starts laughing* Oh yes! How much I missed being the hunter in here! *carefully follows Zamboni's movements with his eyes* Let's see how well you do in my- *gets hit by Jenna, he wasn't paying attention to her* What the hell! *growls at her* I'll get you back once I'm done with your dear boss! *spreads wings and flies after the Zambonis* Yes, let's play, fastest pokemon in the world! *laughs, he looks like he's having a lot of fun*
Gretel: Darling! *looks worried for a second when Chernobog gets attacked, but when she sees he's still alright, turns to Jenna* You! *frowns, she's very serious* You are a very bad person! *walks to her* I will make you pay! No one hits my husband! *gracefully stomps the ground and makes ice shards come out from the ground, closing the two of them in a ring of ice* Now fight me!
No no tranquilla! Va benissimo! Niente di illegale! XD Tu fai lo stesso con me, se pensi che esagero.. e' un po' difficle trattenersi usando i leggendari, spero di non esagerare! DX Semmai fammelo notare se pensi sia troppo, ok?
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/18/16 | Reply
Jenna: *stares back at Gretel* I don't care. My Boss's safety is much more important then mine.
Zamboni: *stay in alert and get's ready when he see the wing shifting* I got this. *As soon as the portal open, hits very lightly Jenna behind him and jumps really far (U-turn) smirking* *create two copies of himself(Double team)*
Zamboni:How about I turn the tables and you have to catch me now?
Zamboni:Did you expected me to follow your plans after I found Jenna?
Zamboni: Crobat is the fastest Pokemon in the world! do you really think you can catch me Boggie?
Zambonis *flies away laughing*
Jenna: *flinch just for a second for the attack and growls at Chernobog* you piece of s**t, now you're gonna pay for this! **uses Stone edge on him*
Ok pensavo Doppioteam potrebbe essere come la tecnica della moltiplicazione del corpo, solo che le copie devono stare attaccate a Zamboni? se faccio delle cose "illegali" o le mie interpretazioni sono esagerate, dimmelo! non voglio che i mie personaggi siano esageratamente potenti tipo sposta montagne con un dito =.=" e si scontro tra donni sarebbe la fine di ogni cosa ma solo perchè niente o nessuno può sopravvivere all'epicità dei donnoni!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/17/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *looks at Jenna* Uuh, now I'm really scared! *scoffs* As if you could do anything to me! *smirks, pleased*
Gretel: *smiles at Jenna* I'm sorry for this, but if you try to hurt my darling, I will turn you into a beautiful ice statue for my colection! *giggles and stares at her, she doesn't look very menacing*
Chernobog: *smirks and looks at Zamboni* My plan? Alright then! How about we have more fun and turn the tables? *his wings are shifting behind his back* What if now is your bodyguard's turn to find you? *chuckles and makes a "portal" appear under Zamboni, to make him fall in due to the gravity of the portal it should be hard for him to fly, but trying doesn't hurt, huh? XD*
Oh santa Lo', no! XD Povera Gretel senno'! XD Pero' me lo immagino bello alto, poco ma sicuro.. fai intorno ai 2 - 2,10 metri? Non ci ho mai pensato di preciso!
Lo scontro tra donnoni puo' solo finre con la distruzione totale di tutto! XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/16/16 | Reply
Jenna: *still glaring, serious* I have plenty of energies to spend and besides I'm already dead. If you try to do something stupid especially to my Boss, I won't hit you, I will break you! no matter who you are.
Zamboni: shakes head like a dog and squeeze his shirt to dry himself, the takes back his things* too kind Mrs. boggie, thank you! *grins and sit on the ground to put his shoes on* Me ? Oh I didn't do antything! it was you doing everything Boggie! this too was your idea after all! So why don't you tell me my plan, king of the hill.. ooops hell? *smirks and get's up*
Jenna *puts her glasses on and take a bodyguard stance behind Zamboni, waiting for orders*
Quanto cavolo è alto Chernobog? 6 metri?
eh si scontro tra donni epicohhh!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/15/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *walks by Jenna and takes the tissue she refused to clean his own face, then throws it away and looks at Zamboni* Well, you got me thinking you may be right~ *looks down at Jenna, smiling* Or what, darling? You'll hit me? *laughs* Please, don't waste energies that might come useful later..
Gretel: *blushes and frowns* No, no other way! Now stop asking, please! *looks away, she's clearly thinking of "the other ways"*
Chernobog: My, what have you done to my Gretel? *looks at Zamboni and smirks, moving his "wings" slowly* I see you have taken an interest in these, though! *laughs* Now what is your plan?
Speriamo che qualche altro donnone ci protegga allora! XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/13/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *waves at Chernobog* Woohooo Boggie, the love of you life is here! and look, there's your girlfriend too! *points at Gretel and snickers* and of course you won't never find anyone faster than me Boggie!
Jenna: *don't take the tissue* I don't need it. *she's angry for the water and GLARING Chernobog* Touch me again and I'll destroy you! *growls*
Zamboni: *pats Jenna leg* calm down my dear.. there's no need to destroy anyone. Has Boggie done that tentacles stuff to you as well? It he likes to use them to mess with people, since he CAN'T USE THEM IN ANY OTHER WAY... *smirks slyly at Gretel* Isn't that right, Yuki-onna?
Tutta bagnata e ingrugnita... lo è davvero! ma adesso ci vorrà uccidere entrambe per averla appellata come "adorabile"
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Gretel: *doesn't know if facepalm or play with it, so ends up looking at him in a sort of desperate way* Is this really the time? *tilts head* I would be more careful, if I were you! *looks at Jenna, surprised to see blood* Well, looks like she was the one in need of a tissue! *floats to her and gives her Zamboni's tissue* Here~ *winks at her*
Chernobog: *appears from nowhere, clapping his hands* My my, you were quick! *smirks, he has some small drops of blood splattered on his face* What wouldn't he do for you, Jenna.. *looks at her with a mocking expression* Isn't that cute?
Lo trovo adorabile~ =w=
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/09/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *playing dead and being carried away by the current, points at Gretel* Woah, freeze right there girl! I know that you are a cool type, but you should really...*puts on a pair of glasses on his glasses* Chill out.
Voice from Nowhere:YEAAAAAAAAAAH!
Zamboni: Don't be angry with me! For one time it's not my fault! I've been tricked okay? *arrives at the end of the waterfall* well then, let's go behind! *Goes behind the waterfall and finds Jenna* Jenna! here you are! I looked everywhere for you!
Jenna *wet and with a deadly angry expression, brighten up as soon as he hears Zamboni* Boss! you're safe! I was so worried... *see wet shirt, a single drop of blood comes out of her nose* ...for you. *blush*
Zamboni. Don't worry anymore girl! now I'll free you! *start untie her*
Povero donnone bagnato.
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 4:35:30 AM EDT on August 6, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Gretel: *very surprised and ashamed* What?! Oh no, oh no! *covers the lower part of her face with her dress' sleeves* I'm sure that's not what he meant! *frowns a bit* And what we do in our private shouldn't be your business, Mr.Bat! Huh? *grabs his things and looks at him, tilting her head* Oh, I get it~ Thank you, but my nose doesn't bleed for such trivial things~ *floats up the waterfall with Zamboni* You should looks behind, darling~ *happy to have changed the subject of conversation*
Si si! Ci sta! magari abbastanza vicina all'acqua per bagnarsi! >8D
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/02/16 | Reply
Zamboni: He said that you're a very naughty girl and you like to play with his tentacles! *evil smile* If I were you I would make him sleep on the couch tonight! *little evil laugh* ah so my Jenna is here? then I'll go search for her, yes! *takes off his shoes, socks and brooch* Uuuh Mrs.Boggie will you be a dear and hold this stuff for me? *hands her a handkerchief * Oh and here's handkerchief as well! *smirks sexily* you know, my shirt will become transparent when I'm in the water, so you can use it to stop the nosebleeding! *snickers and jumps in the water* Jenna? OOOOOOH Jenna? Is your beloved Boss, I'm coming to save you! BLRGBBLLRGH! *get's sucked up like an idiot in the waterfall and start going down (or up???) for the current* AH S*IT! and I haven't learned waterfall yet!
Magari Jenna è legata dietro la cascata? Un pò come prometeo alla montagna? XD
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Gretel: *blushes more* What did he say?! *shakes head* N-no, nevermind.. *looks at him, she is now composed like always* He is a very needy man, yes.. it's a shame how most people are just plain afraid of him! Not that he cares much, of course~ *giggles and gets closer* There is no need for hints, you have found your Jenna! But only for the first time~ Will you be able to find her inside this? *nods at the waterfall*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/28/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *surprised for the slap* What..? No! but he said..*Sighs and shakes his head smiling* Ah Boggie! You big, fat liar! and how stupid from me to believe him. *grins* Yes, I understand, I mean when I first saw him I was kinda disappointed, you know, dressed up like some sad background actor of Law&Order, passing his days scratching his lazy butt on his throne... but I was wrong! Boggie really is the evil funny bastard I expected! I love that man! He totally needs someone like you though, so he won't be too crazy! aren't you two lovebirds just cute? *chuckles and stops before the waterfall with an amazed expression* Holy Priceless Collection of Etruscan Snoods! I don't remember my parents talking about this! *scratches his head* then again I never listen to someone talking for more than 10 minutes.. Well Yuki-onna this is surely something that should be noisy but is not! what now? will you give me another hint, or tell me where my precious Jenna is?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/27/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Gretel: Ah! *gently slaps Zamboni on his arm* Do you really think a lady like me is interested in tentacles? You have no shame! *blushes then laughs a bit* I can't really explain it, but it's mostly his presence.. he needed someone to stay close to him~ *quicly follows him* Well, where would you put a ground type if you were king of Hell, Mr.Bat?
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/25/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *snickers* Ah love.. it's blind! seriously what someone like you saw in Boggie to fall for him? *little smirk* and don't say tentacles, you could have much more fun with a Tentacruel! *stop for a second "looking" in the void for a second then shivers* Eww tentacles... *smile* you surely had heard about them cause.. *was going to say they were the champions but just smirk* anyway I'm close huh? *running upside down* ah this place it's strangely cool... I smell water! I hope my poor Jenna isn't in water! must hurry! *heading to waterfall*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/24/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Gretel: *smiles* No offense, Mr.Bat, but there is only one man I find "hot", and it's not you! *giggles and listens to him* Oh, I may have heard of them then! Even if in Snowpoint City it's hard to get all the latest news~ *follows him* You're in the Rock Maze, but trust me when I say you're getting very close! *whispers more to herself* What really matter is, will Chere really let you go away with her this early?
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/20/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *Big smile* Of course I'm funny! but more than adorable I would describe myself as pretty hot! In fact it's better if you don't stay too close to me or else you could melt Mrs.Boggie! *grins and scratch his head still flying* Oh yeah yeah my parents.. so there was this bad guy that was a bit cuckoo, you know typical "I will rule the world" guy, and my parents with their team got this far just to stop him. *tilts head* what is chere, some kind of fancy drink?? *realizes* oh you're talking about Boggie! Yes there was him too, they told me that he was mad for all the people coming here without invitation and so eventually he kicked them out of here! *snickers* all this happened more than 20 years ago so maybe he doesn't remember, that's all! *lands on a boulder* so, what we got here? rocks rocks rocks, and oh! look a boulder too! *sighs* BORING! I'm sure that Jenna is close, must continue the search! *walks around, jumping on floating road things*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Gretel: *giggles* You really are a funny man~ *floats after him* You know what I like more about you? The fact that you laugh at your own jokes~ *smiles* It's kind of adorable! *follows him* Seems we're getting close, perhaps? *looks at him* Tell me about your parents, if you don't mind~ How did they get out of here? Did they met Chere too?
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/17/16 | Reply
Zamboni: Yeah, that's the spirit! *snort and laughs but then hits his head on a tree* Woah! what the hell? does trees appear from nothing here? *thinks massaging his head* Oh yes now that I think about it I remember my parents saying anything like that. *touches the tree* Maybe is a tree the solution? *shake head* Ugh nope, trees aren't noisy, unless it's a... weeping willow. *laughs again and wipe a tear* I'm just too awesome for this planet! *flies away again* My sixth sense tells me to go this way! Come on Mrs.Boggie we don't have time to waste here! *he's flying towards the boulder pushing puzzle thing*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Gretel: *smiles* Oh, that's amazing! *looks at him* I don't think I have ever seen a Crobat around, I wonder why.. Oh, by the way, I am a Froslass, but I think you already know that~ *follows him with her eyes, floating lightly on place, waiting for him to actually decide where to go* Yes, please do! *smiles* I wonder if you can amuse me too?
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/06/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *does a somersault and front flip and return on his feet* Mr.Bat? Well thats cute, but I'm not a normal bat like swoobat or noibat, *polish his nails on his shirt with a proud smile* I'm a Crobat, the original awesome amazing BAT Pokemonz! *thinks* well well how do I look for something that should be noisy but is not..? Surely I can't hear it so I'll just search for it, with my original awesome amazing Crobat speed! *Flap his wings and flies away at full speed searching accurately for something "noisy"* Hey Yuki-onna, do you want to hear a pun about ghosts? *smile showing his teeth*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/05/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *smirks when he hears Zamboni* I am the king here, and I shall do as I please, whether you all like it or not~ *turns back to the poor people who are trying their best to amuse him, leaving Gretel and Zamboni to their "treasure hunt"*
Gretel: *giggles at the compliments* Why thank you, Mr.Bat! But I will not reveal anything that will take the fun away from your hunt *tilts head and smiles, then bends over a bit to look at him once he turns upside down* Now this is something that never happened! But, it has its own logic, yes? *kind smile* Second hint, how do you look for something that should be noisy but is not?
Nah, non ho tutta quella fantasia XD Mi immagino pero' che Giratina, avendo il completo controllo del Mondo Distorto, possa crearne anche "sezioni" in cui tenere "le anime dei dannati" tipo la borsa di Spongebob XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/31/16 | Reply
Zamboni: Eeeew tentacles.. I said tsundere, not hentai Boggie! *Shakes head and laugh while running away* What a creepy pervert! *stops and listens to Gretel* OH so Mrs.Boggie knows where's the place huh ? *whispering to himself* Ooooh Yuki-onna did i tell you that I love your hairstyle, gurl? *Gets close smirking and shaking his hips* And where did you bought that dress? it look just Fa-bu-lous, I should totally buy one for myself! *smirk and tell me, where would you look if you'll have too find a certain place where up is down? *ears twitch* OH! I know! *gets upside down and start walking on his hands* Well now my up is down, too easy for me! Come on Mrs. Boggie, you can give me the second hint now! *smirk*
La cascata al contrario è esattamente la primissima cosa che mi era venuta in mente, ma avevo capito che fossero in un limbo a parte, quindi fosse sbagliato. prima o poi Zamboni ci arriverà, non è troppo scemo.
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 5:42:01 PM CDT on March 31, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/28/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *stares at him while he does his best impression of a tsundere schoolgirl, then raises an eyebrow while he leans on him* This sempai is not interested in laying eyes on a pretty schoolgirl *smirks and uses his wings/tentacles to move him away* You better not lose any more time, Zamboni! *watches him go, then goes back to his throne, looking at the remaining people* Come on, entertain me, you idiots! *growls at them*
Gretel: *floats after Zamboni* It looks like we're going to be together for a while~ *looks at him* You know this is the wrong way, yes? *light giggle* If you need to search for the place where up is down, you need to stop looking in front of you~
Ok immagina letteralmente il Mondo Distorto di Platino, ecco quel casino li'! Solo che in questo caso mi immagino ci siano certe zone adibite a "locali". La zona che Zamboni deve cercare e' quella con la cascata che va a rovescio (essendo un mondo strano con regole tutte sue, immagino che non faccia rumore come una cascata pero'..); essendo Jenna di tipo terra, Chernobog l'ha momentaneamente infilata in un posto con un elemento a lei fastidioso!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/24/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *grins* Oh I see how it is… you pretend to do the lord of darkness, but in the end you like sweet adorable people, eh? Well Boggie, how about I’ll show you the Tsundere part of me then? *clears throat and speaks with a high pitched girly voice, surrounded by a pink aura of kawaii-ness* Kiaaaaaah~*☆ ○☆*゚Chernobog-Sama never look at me even if I’m the prettiest girl of the school! B-Baka! *bite his lips and play with the border of his shirt* I-It’s not like I like him a-anyway…*leans on him with his hands on his chest, looking up at him with big shimmering
eyesglasses* Please notice me Sempai~♥◌⑅●♡✧ *snort and laugh* ah forget it! You already have a girlfriend and I’m way too sexy for you! It just wouldn’t work out between us! *takes off his cloak and roll up his sleeves with a smile* you’re coming with me Mrs.boggie? Fantastic, we’re gonna be a great team! Come on let’s go! *Runs away as fast as lightening to find the place “where up is down”*Ok mi puoi spiegare com'è fatto sto posto? è tipo una caverna dantesca o una villa o tipo mondo distorto o cosa???
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 11:57:55 AM CDT on March 24, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/22/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *whispers* A mistress? *chuckles* Do I look like slave person to you?
Gretel: *smiles gently* Thank you, newcomer~ But I will not sit on anyones's table, not now, nor never~ *still smiling gently, even if her voice sounds a bit cold* Zamboni, huh? *light chuckle* Well, thank you for the compliments~!
Chernobog: *chuckles as Zamboni dances on the table and sings* I like him, it would be shame to actually hurt him later! *laughs and looks at him* Good then! Search for the place where up is down, and you'll have your second clue! *smirks* My Gretel will come with you.
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/20/16 | Reply
Zamboni *Takes Chernobog hand with both his hands and shake it energically* Ah so this is Mrs. Boggie! *lean on Chernobog, still shaking his hand and whispering* I expected some kind of mistress in spantex ready to whip my butt, but she's just adorable! I would like to put her a Disney princess dress and sit her on my bed table like a doll! *finally release his hand and bows deeply at Gretel* Nice to meet you Yuki-onna, Im Zamboni, Boggie BFF! *sniff her a little* It smells of fresh mountain air, pine and mint slush! Deliciously refreshing, I must say! *Smile at her and jump on a table* SO! Should we start this treasure hunt? *dancing and singing*
Cause I'm Boggie man I'm Boggie man
Turn me on
I'm Boggie man I'm Boggie man
Do what you want
*points at Chernobog* Come on Boggie! Give me the first hint! I'm pumped for this! *confident grin*
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 11:50:44 AM CDT on March 20, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/17/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *follows him* Do you even listen to me, fun-sized man? *smirks and takes back the bracelet* You should have at least felt it's not precious, but merely tin~ *smirks* Why should people in hell keep their money and precious things? *listens to him, quite impressed* A deal, with me? Oh, it's been so long! And what a deal this is~ *deep chuckle, firmly shakes his hand* Sacrifice always make sme happy, so I accept! *turns to the voice* My dear, is this better for you? *small smirk*
???: *giggles* It's exactly the same, but as long as you're both satisfied, it's alright~ *walks to Zamboni* You smell ice? *kind smile* How does my ice smell like?
Chernobog: This is Gretel, the woman I was speaking about before. *smirks*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/15/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *grin* are you entertained Boggie? that's amazing but I want to point out just one thing: I'm not little, I'm fun size. *Pouts "looking" at the empty wallet* No money? that sucks! *step in front of one of the guests* nice to meet you milady! *bows and kiss her hand then turns and put a bracelet in his cloak* Keseseh, always works with the ladies. *gets thoughtful* Uhm. Jenna always cared for me. She defended me, and gave me foot massages and she even watched all the seasons of "Lost" just to try to explain it to me, and if that it isn't love, I really don't know what it is! *smirk* how about we make that if I don't find her in time you can keep and break me instead? *Rubs himself a little to Chernobog with a smirk* come on Boggie, I know you can't resist my half vampire half ghost charm! *offers his hand to him* we have a deal? *sniff the air interested* I smell ice ice baby! *big smile*
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 4:22:25 PM CDT on March 15, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: A treasure hunt? It wasn't what I had in mind, but sure~ Let's make it even more interesting! *looks at him talking and doing Zamboni-things, then stops him once he looks for Jenna in his jacket* You're amusing, little man~ *chuckles and takes back the wallet from his cloak* But stealing here is useless, I'm afraid! *opens it to show it's completely empty apart from a few pictures, then throws it back to the man* Anyway, this is a treasure hunt where you need to find a soul in time, and if you don't, I'll keep the poor "defenseless" girl to myself, to see if maybe I can break her. *smirks*
???: *a soft voice speaks from the opposite side of the room* Now now, darling.. isn't that a bit rough?
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/11/16 | Reply
Zamboni *grins happily* Oh I see! it's a treasure hunt! Wow Boggie, you know how to entertain your guests, huh? I can't wait to join all your activities! Line dancing, bingo, aquagym and OH! I really hope you do karaoke at night! *big smile* I'm a pro singer Boggie! I have the voice of an angel! or of a demon if you prefer! and look at all this people, I'm gonna enjoy staying here! *bump one guy* Oh my, What a scatterbrain I am! I'm really sorry for that! *turns and put a wallet in his cloak* Keseseh, idiot. *takes some of the best food from a table* well let's dig in! *is about to gobble up the food but puts down everything* I can't eat, I must find my darling Jenna! That innocent and defenseless girl must feel alone without me! *start looking for Jenna literally everywhere, under the tables, under the trays, even in Chernobog jacket* Boggie, give me a hint! what kind of treasure hunt is this?
Immagino di si, ma Zamboni è un anima...animata.
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 3:09:24 PM CST on March 11, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/10/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: A lost soul? *thinks* is Jenna that huge Krookodile..? *smirks* Oh yes, I know where she is! As boring as she was, she's wandering this world.. Maybe you should search for her and provide me a good entertainment?
*the "guests" turn to Zamboni and cheer back, laughing and eating. Some look quite worried though*
Chernobog: *laughs* Vivillon just got lucky with its number, but there is no doubt in who would have been really worthy of it. *shady smirk* Please, do eat, do not mind me just staring at you and thinking where I should put you next! *chuckles deeply and looks around*
Tranquilla, vuoi che il capo dell'inferno non riesca a star dietro a un'anima in piu'? XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/07/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *Grin* Well If she can handle the tentacles of doom, she must be a tough girl *snickers* and talking of tough girls, where is my Jenna? she died and I'm pretty sure she didn't went in heaven! *turns to chernobog* Boggie man, please make a teeny weeny favor to your pal Zamboni and make her come here, pretty please! it's not the same without her! *makes a giant grin when enter in the room and start to speak loudly* Hello everybody ! Zamboni is the name and razzmatazz it's my game! *raise a hand* Gentlemen. Please, don't get too excited for me. It seems that I'm going to stay here for a while so there's time for the autographs! *pats friendly Chernobog back* Are all of you Chernobog guests? He's one hell of a master of the house, isn't he? in a rate of 0 to 1000 I'll give him a triple six! *chuckle and whispers at Chernobog* Vivillon my ass, eh pal? *nudge at him and looks at the food interested* Boggie you really know how to pamper your friends! *big grin*
Mi spiace,non è facile stare dietro a Zamboni
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 2:54:00 PM CST on March 11, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/06/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: *chuckles* You got that right, man. And you don't want to imagine the details. *looks amused as he does the "sexy" move* Well, If I were you, I would be more careful around her. *laughs at the dance* I can't wait to se one of your parties, Zamboni. *evil smirk* But trust me when I say you can't leave this world if I don't want you to. Your parents probably had the permission to leave, or else it happened when I was not here. *tilts head* For now, I like you. Let's see how it goes on. *enters a room with a huge table in the middle of it, there is food everywhere, and some people are carefully eating*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/02/16 | Reply
Zamboni: *following him* Wait just a second... tentacles... naughty girl...*makes a smirk so big it reaches his ears* Oh Boggie, you pervert! *amused laugh* Are you really sure that you want her to meet me? *smirk and passes his hand through his hair, making it even more messy* The ladies simply can not resist to this sexy face of mine! *runs next to him* Boggie, chum, I can assure you that with me, you'll NEVER get bored! *Makes some pretty epic dance moves* There's no party like a Zamboni party, baby! *smirk* besides, even if you leave me in the Distortion World, i'll just have to escape! and don't say that it's impossible, or your pants will catch on fire! my parents told me that they went to the Distortion World many years ago to kick some bad guy butt, and they returned with no problems.... but I'm sure you like me too much to leave me, isn't that right? *grins happily*
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 2:44:27 PM CST on March 2, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/01/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: Yes, tentacles. And you don't want me to use them again! *chuckles and starts walking* Now follow me, or else you'l get lost.. *looks back at him, smirking* Naughty girls? Oh, I have my own naughty girl, and I really don't need more *smirks* Who knows, maybe you'll meet her too? *laughs* Well, this is where everyone starts their journey here. Allow me to educate you on how this place works: evil guys who did things I like, go to the buffet and sexy girls or guys; Those who did things I don't like, are damned forever; The boring and annoying ones are left alone wandering the Distortion World. *looks at him* You're lucky I like you, so.. *devilish smirk* Don't bore me~
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/25/16 | Reply
Zamboni: You people are always so serious! why don't you take it easy for one time! *shivers* eeew tentacles! *smirks* of course you're not alone you old scoundrel!*chuckles* I bet you're sorrounded by girls! all the naughty girls go to hell after all! *looks around* so where are all the damned? and the sexy naughty girls? and where is my buffet? C'mon! hell can't be this boring!
Of course, there always something worse in pokemon -_-" but giratina sucks.
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 1:18:58 PM CST on February 25, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/24/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Chernobog: What are you doing? *frowns and makes his wings/back tentacles things come out of his back to catch Zamboni* Pay respect! *frowns and puts him down, then checks his clothes, putting them back in place* Alone? Who told you I am alone? *pleased smirk, tilts head a bit* You do seem like good company, anyway. And if I stop liking you, all I have to do is sew your mouth close! *happy smile*
C'mon, there are worse things anyway XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/24/16 | Reply
l'ultima parola è la mia, ed è un UEEEEEEERG
That book should be translated in English! it would be a bestseller! sexy glasses oh yeah (▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿ )
majestic looking in profile, confused looking in front, but always idiots.
Zamboni *deeep sigh* Boggie, maaaaan, relaaax, okay? *jumps on him piggyback style* you're too clenched! *Starts to massage his shoulders* I understand that administer hell alone can be stressful, but you'll have a hysterical pregnancy unless you don't relax a little! luckily now I'm here with you! Trust me, you're gonna love it to stay with me here...FOREVER! *evil little chuckles*
Luckily...eeew Giratina D:
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/22/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Non e' mai detta l'ultima parola~ >w>
Well, as you wish then! ^^ XD
Ooooh SaverioXAnna the best!! Mhhmmmhh sexy glasses.. and.. "he cried ONE tear.." X3
Probably because they are big, strong birds with a small brain, obsessed with friends who don't want them around and fights XD Very adorable, stupid Braviarys~ =w=
Eheheheh!! XD I don't find it hard to imagine either!!
Chernobog: Girella bella? *quite surprised, but shrugs it off* I would rather for you to call me by my name, that is Chernobog. unless you want to pay a visit to the torture zone, of course! *chuckles* Do follow me now. There will be all the blood you want, but I can't guarantee it will be something you like.. it's hell after all!
Of course, you don't see Giratina every day, after all!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/17/16 | Reply
Lascia perdere ! Non puoi vincere contro il geniale e grande Odino!
Of course he has pants! it's not a vulgar draw DX it's just I'm not used to draw those kind of things.. and I won't never do it again ._."
My favourite OTP will always ALWAYS be SaverioXAnna, thought.
Poor poor Adler... why Braviary's are so persistent to see friends in people that actually hate them ? It's just adorable anyway.
Why I have this feeling that Zamboni could be super duper friend with the devil himself ?
Zamboni: *walks around him examining him carefully* Hhhhm is that sarcasm perhaps? *ears twitch* I'm in hell? *big smirk* finally a place that fit my peppery amazing personality ! *laughs and pat his back* Sure thing Girella bella, lead the way, I hope you have blood ! I looove blood! Nice tie by the way! *evil snicker*
(for rare/legendary pokemon He needs a little more time to understand what they are)
(mio dio sarebbe terribile, con quelle due alette che gli escono dalle anche/schiena! DX ma a lui piace fare/"vedere"/mangiare/provare cose nuove, quindi non si lascia sfuggire nessuna possibilità)
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 10:08:28 AM CST on February 19, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/17/16 | Reply
Franz: He wasn't really showing off, my lady.. he just happened to wear that.. *growling deeply* If I find out who did it....
Ishida: *smiles happily* I look good, yes? I always look good~ *adorable smirk, he strikes a sexy pose*
Thank you!! I'm glad it make syou happy~<3 Oh yes!! I will put it in my to-do list! X3
Well, they are not his puppies~ A friend of his (played by Thor) is always followed by a young Eevee (named Lula) and Shinx (named Leandre), who LOVE playing with Zedd's ears~! >w< And what can he do if not let them? =w=
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/17/16 | Reply
Thank you so much! I had fun while drawing that~ XD XD Imagine a real Delphox with that, though! Hair everywhere! >w<
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/17/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Provarci non mi costa nulla~ >w>
You can bet on it! ^^ Eheheh~ as long as they're keeping their private parts covered, there shouldn't be reasons to be embarassed though! XD
Well, that's still an honor XD Thank you~
You see, Franz actually hates Adler so any reason is good to hit him a bit! XD Adler doesn't really mind though, so it's ok! (he thinks it's all special training an that maybe Franz has finally decided to take him as an apprendist..
Franz: Over my dead body! *frowns*)
Sure thing~! Let's see how these two bond XD XD
Chernobog: And you sure know about watching drying paint, right? *deep chuckle* Welcome to what you all call "hell", do you want me to show you the way to the all-you-can eat buffet? *smirks*
Mi fa un po' paura/impressione l'idea di vederlo vestito cosi' XD XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/15/16 | Reply
Kirsi: Oh I see! Drunk- *is hugged and turns super bright red* O-oh my! Ishida! Goodness! *even more red* W-well of course you like me! You're mine after all! B-but why a playboy bunny suit!? Who were you showing off to??
I'm really happy to see all the art! I can so not wait to see more~ :D You should draw Ishi in a princess dress~ He's the newest disney princess~ XD But awwwwwwe!! Zedd has puppies?? With whoooooooooo??? 83
Val's chibi kitty (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/16 | Reply
The idea of making the Delphox ears inside-out is HILARIOUS!!!! Beautiful art as always, Seraph <3
like a BOSS.
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/15/16 | Reply
Rassegnati ! Non avrai MAI il trono. <(╬`^´)>
I'll surely keeps practicing so I can draw it well too. after all the secret it's all on the practise. Me like fanservice (¬‿¬) (but only drawn by others, I tried to draw a "sexy" Loki and now I'm so embarassed about it! I'm the only person who gets embarassed by her own draws :| )
Well I actually have billions of OTPs, but of pokèmon yes they are, I just love crack pairings XD, and I'm sure I'll get a lot of other OTP haha
Why Adler ? he didn't do anything this time ! he's innocent! poor him.
I don't know, it depends on what kind of person is your Giratina! if he's a party person (and have illimitate patience) then yes. I'd love to find out, wouldn't you? (¬‿¬)hihihi
Zamboni: *arrives in hell/Distortion World/whateaver* HELLOOOOOOO? there anybody in here ? *"lookig around"* this place looks as interesting as watching paint dry while queuing at the post office !
Zamboni it's not one of those men. but it's not that he's not gonna try if he has the possibility
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 2:13:44 AM CST on February 16, 2016.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/16 | Reply
Franz: My lady!! *very surprised, trying to cover Ishida* No, you see.. I can explain.. He *looks at him* My Lord's drunk.. *deep sigh*
Ishida: Kirsi~! *jumps out of Franz's arms and hugs her* Darling~! Have I ever told you how much I like you? *happy giggle*
Thank you so much, dear! >w< I'm really happy you got to see this, I was hoping for that! ^w^ I'm quite proud of this, I've always wanted to draw my ideas all together! :D
Ishida thinks he rocks the bunny suit, and there's no way he will change his mind on the subject XD
Well, actually Zedd's ears are normal, in this case he has them inside-out because of
childrenPUPPIES playing with them XD But still, thank you~You will see more, promise~ I want to draw more this year! ^^
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Beh, che dire.. Sono stata scoperta! Ma non puoi negare che era un piano a dir poco egregio~ >w> Oh, ne inventero' un altro! >XD
Why thank you! That part actually comes out natural to me, maybe because I have always enjoyed drawing half naked bodies XD I'm sure you will learn too! I'm glad about that too~ We don't want Franz looking like a sissy, do we? XD Also shower after training is massive fansevice~ >w>
Wow!! I'm honored, two of your three OTPs are characters of mine! X3
Damn right he could do it, but don't challenge him! XD Or we'll really have to deal with that! XD
And Franz will come after us. But we have time, he's going to attack Adler first, anyway XDXD XD Do you think my Giratina could get along with Zamboni? happy party in hell? XD
He shouldn't be jealous, only a few, chosen men can rock a playboy bunny suit like Ishida does XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/15/16 | Reply
Guarda che ho capito benissimo il tuo piano malvagio sai ? volevi farmi venire un infarto mostrandomi tutti sti figaccioni all'improvviso per usurpare il trono
>.< cattivo Stroki non si fà ! DX
Franz was totally worth the work believe me! I especially like the neck/shoulders/head area, I've big problems with that part of the anatomy cause I usually draw the neck too thin and long and the head always too big compared to the body, so I can't help but love the perfect anatomy, and he's very manly with his hair down too :3 Training=Massive Fanservice
Sethsleni it's my new OTP too XD just after Lokizar and Colrshall ahahah
Ishida it's one majestic playboy bunny, I don't know I can totally imagine him giving orders with that suit on and still looking impressive XD
Franz should be proud that his Lord can defeat enemies just by wearing a Playboy bunny suit ! Besides now that Salazar and Zamboni are dead no one can bother him anymore XD
Salazar Soul *walking towards purgatory* Even if i'm dead, it was totally worth it ! Ooooooooh my Ishidaaaa~*✲゚*。⋆♡
Zamboni Soul *descending to hell* Look at the Smuglord ! Look how he's dressed up! I'm gonna tell Giratina about him, he's going to piss himself from laughing! (He's just jealous 'cause he would never look that amazing with a playboy bunny suit)
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 5:33:39 AM CST on February 15, 2016.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/14/16 | Reply
Kirsi: What are my men doing showing off for others?! Is there something they would like to tell me!?
Wow Death! These look amazing! I love Kres the best~ :D You did an amazing job as always~ Oh man! I wanna say so much my hands can't type fast enough! I miss seeing your beautiful art! :D Look at Ishida, Ishi is so cute~
Kirsi: Why is he in a bunny suit!!!?? *blush* This is NOT okay!!! And Franz! Put your hair up! You're mine!!
*covering Kirsi's mouth* Really though, they all look awesome!
I love how you did Zedd's ears! That's a super interesting take on the Delphox ears~ XD I hope to see more~ <3
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/16 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
BUAHAHAHAHA LA SORPRESA INASPETTATA E' SEMPRE LA MIGLIOREEE *detto in tono malvagio anche se non ce ne sarebbe bisogno XD*
Ohohohohoh Franz miete piu' vittime cosi' che con la spada! XD
Eheheheh~ I'm really glad you liked it!! ^w^ It actually took less than I expected to draw all this =w=
Franz was the hardest, you know, he had to look manly even with his beautiful hair down! But it seems I succeded~ My first idea was to make him half naked, you know.. in training~ =w= *wink wink nudge nudge*
Kres will only wear the apron Seth gave him, nothing else is allowed! And that means, if Seth gives him something like THIS, he would wear it with pride XD
Oooh yess~! Ishida's a natural! >w< Also convenient kneeling pose so I didn't have to draw embarassing parts showing too much! XD XD
Anyway, I'm really really glad you like it!! ^w^
To sum up in my part:
Ishida: *winks, smirks and does a victory sign* It's super effective~!
Franz: *hurries to Ishida with a blanket* My Lord please cover up.
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/16 | Reply
Ok I'm calm now. haha, it was a shock, so unexpected ! :D there so much to say so let's begin yay !
Franz it's so beautiful ! like the proportions are perfect, he look absolutely charming with his hair down ! he almost looks like a different person ! beside I didn't understand that the armor it's composed by two different pieces, the more you know
Zeddino it's just adorable, with that pouting expression, I just want to touch those furry ears :3
Kres looks dashing with that apron XD It's adorable that he's all flustered! and the hairpins are manly, YO ! I would like to steal all the sweets from him >:D muahahahah
And last but not least Ishida. man Ishida. I mean look at those legs, are prettier than mine XD the playboy bunny role, he's just nailing it ! real men can walk on every type of high heels !
So to sum up:
Groovy Boar: *dies of nosebleeding because of that Franz, DAT HAIR DOE*
Salazar *see Ishida and literally explodes, leaving just some ashes and a mushroom smoke cloud*
Zamboni: *Points at Ishida and choke on his own saliva from laughing*
Jenna: *does hara-kiri cause she just can't live without her boss*
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 12:28:11 PM CST on February 14, 2016.
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/16 | Reply

(adesso lo guardo meglio, leggo la roba sotto e metto un commento più sensato promesso.) MIO DIO QUEL FRANZ GAAAAAAH 
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 11:29:59 AM CST on February 14, 2016.