ACK!!!! don't u think Kagome and Inu should have their chance instead of making him fall in love w/ u? i ain't sayin' that wouldn't be possible and it's well drawn, but IT'S PICS LIKE THIS THAT DRIVE ME UP A WALL.i hate ta flame u, hun, but think of the heartbreak Kagome's going through right now w/ the Kikyou thing. (and here I go on my Les Miserables love triangle comparison again)Inuyasha-Marius, Kikyou-Cosette, Kagome-Eponine. if u don't get it, look it up. i'm sorry if this offends u, i don't mean 2 take out frustrations on an innocent person
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/18/05 | Reply
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/11/05 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 04/11/05 | Reply