Franz: *makes a small smirk* Yes, but that's not my problem anymore, is it? Swimming is a basic ability, shame on him if he can't do it. *chuckles and looks away, shaking head* Well, I take that as a compliment. You will see I still have many surprises for you. *walking beside her* Hm, I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. My Lord always gets what he wants, one way or another..
Ishida: You idiot, cool doesn't mean better! *sees Zamboni arriving* .. *glares and hisses, ready to take the attack* And I said I DON'T want to fight!! *lets himself be hit and fall on the ground, taking Zamboni with him, then rolls until he's on top and pins him down*
Krieg: Ishida!! *makes one last sprint and arrives at the gold cave* Well, woah! *looks around but does nothing, as she thinks Nocturne will probably do something first*
Jenna: *Grins even wider as the thug get's thrown in the water* Of course, but you can't know that, and I don't hear any sound or cry for help, yes..? *chuckle a bit* I have to admit you're more interesting of what you look at first.. I will have much fun beating your ass in a battle one day *walks away again* and now come, let's go to your Lord.. I'm afraid you'll need to console him after he'll be losing against my Boss.
Zamboni: Better than me?? HA! *smirks* you surely have a wild imagination! don't you know the bad guys are always the coolest ones? *grabs the pebble that has been thrown to him* Hey! treat my stuff with respect! one of this worth more than your stupid face ya know?? *miss the attack but just jumps on the wall to throw himself on Ishida, silver hard wings before him to both attack and defend *Acrobatics+Steel Wing*
Nocturne: *crawling on the gallery walls rapidly, with no fear to join Krieg, almost wanting to surpass her* That little fart... It's better for him to not waste my gold.. I'll make him work for his entire life as my slave if he does.
Franz: *tilts head* A legend? No. Right now, I am only a knight who needs to go back to his lord, so any rule a legend must have is not important to me. Remember this. *releases his hold, letting the thug fall down the bridge, then walks back to Jenna* We can go now. *starts walking, then after being silent for a while, turns to her with a small smile* I threw him in the water. He will survive, as long as he can swim.
Ishida: Of course, you don't have any pride, so what would you cry for? *stares at him* It doesn't matter what you try and say, I know I am better than you! *throw the gold to Zamboni, to get in his way, then jumps to the side and grabs his sword to protect himself from any attack, and to grab more nuggets if needed*
Krieg: *can feel Nocturne is following her* Heh.. *shakes head and mumbles to herself* There is no reason to.
Thug: *still struggling and somewhat clinging to Franz's arm* Yes I do, *grins nervously* You're a legend, right? You're the first that i met, so that's true that you're all crazy bastards, huh? you shouldn't even exist in the first place!
Jenna: *standing still, arms crossed, looking at them with an amused look on her face*
Nocturne *grins, looking at her running away* ... and of course there's no way I'll trust you like this.. *rapidly and silently following
Zamboni: *big amused grin* Yes, it did hurt, I'll make you pay for that too of course. *open his arms and shrugs* at least i don't cry like a baby when people touch my pride *laughs* like if you had one to begin with! And Now, I'm gonna get my gold, thank you very much! *start running fast, zigzagin to confound him before to tackle at full speed, wing irradiating blue energy*
Franz: *looks at Jenna and nods* I do. *sighs* Alright, don't say I did not warn you. *shurgs and holds him across the ledge, as if he weighed nothing* Any last words? *looks totally like he'd do it with no problem*
Krieg: Alright then, thanks! *waves and runs off, trying to arrive in time for anything that will happen*
Ishida: *hisses in anger and warms up* you're disgusting! I won't let you spit on my face again! *snorts and chuckles* Just try and do it and I will cut down your pretty wings! It did hurt last time, yes? *mocking him* AAAAH Jenna help mee! My wing!! *noticed Zamboni looks ready to attack so prepares himself, even if he would rather avoid the fighting*
Jenna: *stop and tilts her head* .. you do?
Thug: HEY! *kicking and growling at him* This is MY place! You're the one who should leave! I won't go away, and if you have a problem then throw me down already!
Jenna: He won't have much brain, but surely has some guts right there... *keeps looking, almost fascinated, to see what Franz will do*
Nocturne: *Yawn a little* Lady, i'm not born yesterday, I know who you are. Do what you want, just don't touch my nephew or my gold... I don't really care.
Zamboni: Useless, of course, because we both know who would win here! *grins with a super cocky expression* But do you really think it will matter that you're arrived first when you won't have anymore a face to say it? *spurt some poison just in front of him making the ground fizzling and melting in a small hole* Now be a good obedient boy, put that gold down and slithers away, it will less humiliating a I promise! *start running on spot to keep himself warm, but he's also preparing a Sky Attack*
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 2:04:10 PM EST on November 21, 2017.
Franz: *nods* I like how you think. But, *sighs and looks at her* despite all I've said until now, maybe this is a good moment to be bad. Just give me a second. *walks to the thug, simply raises him by the neck of his shirt and pushes him against the bridge's ledge* How about I give you another choice? You either get out of our sight and never show up in this place again, or I throw you down. In both ways, you leave and we proceed. *glares*
Krieg: Bring it on! Wait, what? *is a bit confused, lowers her sword* So.. I can just go..? Are you sure you will let me?
Ishida: *hisses and turns to him, holding nuggets in his arms* I arrived first, this gold is mine, so f*ck off! *growls deeply, is really tempted to fight, but knows he's too weakened by the cold to win* Hell no! I will not do an useless fight when victory is already in my hands, literally! *smirks and raises to stare at Zamboni*
Jenna *shrugs* As I told you before I don't care. Bad or good doesn't really exists in fact. That's just how people like to call genre like me or my Boss, but I think it's just to feel better about themselves. they need someone who's the worst to not see how horrible they can be themself. The world it's full of crappy hypocrites, but my Boss it's honest about who he is, and I admire him for that. *look at the thug* Yes, you can trow him down, I don't care.
Thug: *frowns* what do you think that's a living room with all your chit chat? give me the money already, or pay the consequences!
Jenna *just raise an eyebrow and slap him away with the back of her hand* I don't have time for this, my Boss it's waiting for me.
Nocturne: *still sitting on the rock, looking at Krieg, emotionless* Naw. Don't feel like fighting. Unlike my stupid nephew always messing around, I've worked all morning ya know ma'am..? *scratch inside his ear with his pinkie* we'll get the gold, so don't fret too much okay?
Zamboni: *has heard Krieg with super hearing* Oh hell no! nononononono I won't let that windbag asp take my babies! *It's now flying at the speed of sounds to the end of the tunnel, arriving in the cave* *inhale* Nuggets! I knew it! *want's to grab gold, but hear Ishida and just runs to him* There you are! Not only you didn't froze in here once and for all, but you have the guts to take my gold? *doesn't care for the cold an take off his cloak* You and me, alone! this it's the final showdown! Fight me if you have the courage! *smirk* you little crybaby~
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 3:53:34 AM EST on November 7, 2017.
Franz: It's not a scary label, I just don't consider myself to be bad, that's all. *looks at her* And as you said, you're not that bad yourself, so how do you decide if one person is bad or not? *smirks, then scoffs a bit* Yes, sure. Until you find one who likes you and instead of just going away and respecting you from there, decides to follow you! *raises an eyebrow at the thug and sighs* So what's gonna be? You, me, or both? *looking at Jenna* Leave it to me and I will throw him down the bridge.
Krieg: *arrives at the wall of rocks made by Nocturne* Damn it! *cracks her neck and charges in at the wall, making it fall, then notices Nocturne* AH! You must be here to stop me, right? *takes a deep breath and starts screaming at the top of her lungs* ISHIDAAAAA!!! GRAB THE GOLD AND RUN!! *coughs a bit, the draws her sword and points it at Nocturne* You won't let me go, will you? Then let's fight! *snickers* Sableye, it will be interesting! *she is not bothered by the fact he is probably immune to half her attacks*
Ishida: *ears twitch as he hears the rock fall and Krieg's screaming, even if he doesn't understand what she's saying* Damn! *runs faster* I will find it! It's mine!! *finally arrives in an inner cave, where nuggets are shining everywhere, and he just stops there for a second, mouth wide open in amazement* Oh.. Yes!! Wait, no time for this!! *starts grabbing as much gold as he can, stuffing his clothes, smirking and laughing in satisfaction*
Jenna: *smirk* what a scary label huh? No one likes you when you're bad! *grins, with a teasing tone* you're welcome, maybe I'm not that bad in the end, aren't I? *keeps walking shrugging* The thing is, I don't really care.
random hooligan: *grins as he reachs for Franz *Haha, new idiots to rob! *spots Jenna glaring next to him and takes a few steps back* Oh .. Uhm I didn't know you were together and... ahah have a nice day! *slithers away*
Jenna: You see? you just show them who's in command and they don't bother you anymore. *start walking again but get's stopped by another bunch of thugs*
Thugboss: Hey you two! think that you can just walk around here like you want? that's our area! we decide who can pass or not!
Jenna: *sighs of eternal pain* New ones..? Why always me?
Zamboni: *keeps running through the underneath tunnel, but stops abruptly, ears twitching* Uhmmm.. *place his head on the floor, listening* Oh well someone it's following us, and judging by the vibrations it's either a walking wardrobe or Lady Musashi! Uncle! keep her entertained meanwhile I go teach that stupid snake a lesson! *runs/flies away at full crobat speed snickering*
Nocturne: What? ya microbe pass the bucket to me like that for your stupid stuff! *sighs* yeah you humiliate who you want, but the gold it's mine! *Takes off his hat and uses a Power-Up Punch on the walls to make part of the tunnel collapse behind him, then sit on a rock just waiting, pickaxe in his hand*
Franz: *frowns a bit* Well, I wouldn't call myself "bad", but still, thank you for your offer. I will keep it in mind. *small smirk, then walks alongside her* Yes, but this bridge seems to sprout idiot thugs like they were mushrooms..
Krieg: *walking outside, she cleared herself a way carefully, to not bother Ishida* Yes, I can do it! I will stop that- *suddenly hears Zamboni talking with someone, so activates her stealth mode, walking carefully and as silently as she can, to try and overhear* Hmm.. *grins in happiness once she hears Ishida is actually going to the right place, then decides to follow them to prevent them from getting there too*
Ishida: *still clearing the way* Let's see, it should be here... Agh! Something shiny! *runs to catch a very small pebble of gold* Wait.. it's real! There must be more here, I'm sure! *eyes shining, he fastens his pace* No gold can escape my nose~ I want it all! *quickly finding his way in the montains, he is literally smelling the air to decide where to go*
Jenna: *smirks* Hmpf, I had no doubts about it. It must be tiring to always be the perfect guy people expect. If the thing console you can be as bad as you want with me, I don't get scandalize over anything anymore. But you shouldn't dare judge me or my Boss for what we do then. *walking determined on the bridge* There were stupid thugs here that disturbed us, but I thought them a lesson. They won't bother me anymore!
Monte vite (?) è una palla, perchè c'è una parte esterna all'interno del monte, ma pensavo fossero ancora fuori visto che parlavo di pontili, ma meh già risolto
Zamboni: *flying happily with his nugget* That idiot snake will get in a cold storage like a bag of peas in there... keseseh so in the future when they'll discover him all frozen they'll know how stupid people were at this times! *spots something disturbing slithering through the rocks and flies down* Hey uncle! whatchadoin here?
Nocturne: *smirks* Looking for material... or at least the lunch! *chuckle with a raspy voice*
Zamboni: *snickers* Oh uncle, dint you know that Clay's big nugget got already taken away?
Nocturne* *laughs too* Ah that one? just a diversion to keep lil idiots like you away from the real treasure, on the inside *poke his nose* turn on the brain already, do you think Clay's that naive?
Zamboni: *freeze* So you're saying... I left that damn Smuglord, in the cave, alone, WITH A GOLD MINE??????? *TRIGGERED!!1!* Uncle Noc! take me there! I have to humiliate him! it's a matter of life and death!!!!
Nocturne *grins* Follow me pipsqueak, I dug a convenient shortcut the other day..
Franz: *smiles and shakes head* Well, I can't say you're wrong. I am actually a lot more different than how I was at the beginning. *steps on the bridge too and that is enough to make him frown* I too hope we don't, last time I've been here didn't end well.
Vedi, allora avevo ragione a dire che Gareth mi ricordava Jenna XD Sono cosi'.. epici!
Ok mi sono ufficialmente persa, perche' credevo fosserero DENTRO la monatgna adesso XD Va beh! Devo proprio prestare piu' attenzione XD
Ishida: *staring at nothing, mouth wide open in what looks like the start of a fit of rage*
Krieg: ......*looks around* Whoops~! Ehehe~ I guess I did something wrong? I actually wanted to keep that bat inside, but he ended up outside? *scratches head*
Ishida: *closes mouth and clenches his fists, trying to keep calm, then lets out a deep sigh* Alright. Krieg, are there really nuggets here?
Krieg: *looks at him and nods* Yes, not as many as I've told, but yes.. I can open the way for you!
Ishida: NO! *stops her* Don't open anything, I don't want to die here! Want to help? Slow down that stupid bat! *takes out his sword* All I need to do is find a bigger one! *talking to himself and walking around* We both won and lost the bet anyway, since the actual nugget is gone.. plus he cheated, so with a bigger one I would totally win! If no one is out there to say he arrived first, I have a chance! *snickers and slithers away, cutting his way through the stones*
Jenna: *still walking with her resolute pace, not turning to him* That wasn't a compliment. people have an idealized idea of people like you. But in the end you're no different than us. You like to brawl, drink and have fun like us mere mortals. and I bet you would ignore a bunch of people needing help to just save your Lord instead. *smirk, almost smiling* I like you more this way. *step on Tubeline bridge frowning again* I hope to not find other stupid jerks. this place it's full of idiots.
rivedo Jennona in un sacco di battute di Gareth, Gareth è troppo prezioso per questo mondo.
Zamboni: *"jumps" in the sky again to avoid a rock* You're the rude one! That's right! you want to do the good knight but when someone it's not okay for you, you just try to get rid of him! you're not better than me, at least I know to be a criminal! *touch the wall of rocks and grumbles* did they blocked themselves inside? idiots! *actually quite annoyed that can't follow them anymore* WHATEVAH! I bet there's no nuggets in there anyway! *flying away to Icirrus city* Sword of justice, more like sword of my a*s!
Franz: *small smile* Well, I take that as a compliment. I honestly had no idea I was so.. desirable. *listens to her and smirks a bit, he thinks the description she gave reminds him of Zamboni, but won't point it out because he thinks it's not polite to, then follows her* Well, you're lucky. With how tall you are, it shouldn't be a problem to find small people. *thinks for a second, trying to decide if he should describe his type too*
Gareth!Jenna~<3 adorabile! XD
Krieg: *looks at Zamboni and frowns* ..Rude! *pouts and mumbles* Why did I save him again? He deserved that stupid hail!
Ishida: *growls and turns* Oh, shut up already! *hissing* I don't even care about this stupid challenge anymore, I just- .. UGH!
Krieg: *literally pushing Ishida away* Alright, this looks like a good place.. *looks around carefully and draws one of her swords* Just need to do THIS!!! *"stabs" the stone wall and turns the sword, breaking it and making rocks fall everywhere (Rock Tomb), closing all entrances. she is actually hoping to hit Zamboni too*
Jenna: *smirks, determined* Yes. I say so.
Scrafty barman*shrugs* well.... whatevah... bye. *walks back, with no hurries*
Jenna *grins widely* Maybe because you're the serious and handsome knight that all girls and boys fancy! *scoffs* you're definitely not my type thought! *looks away* I like them skinny. like unhealthy skinny. and small. portable. *realize,blush and start walk away grumpily and fast* yeah it's time to go.
Zamboni: *fly to a boardwalk above them and seat on a rock, face resting on his hands, and yawn widely showing his tonsils* ugh woman! blah blah blah, so much talking! you're boring the hell out of me! you came here all cool like some kind of giant she-musashi and now you're trying to defeat me with the power of ...reasoning? *stand up on the rock, hands on his hips, looking at them from above smirking* You're not fooling me lady! *laughs mockingly at Ishida, playing with the nugget* Oh I would really like to see you try! before you rip off mine I would have already melt your stupid butt face! have fun with your friend finding the "nuggets"! and please don't make yourself get eaten by beartics, or with who I will have fun from now on? *grins but doesn't move and just keep staring their movements*
Franz: *shrugs* Hm, if you say so.. *frowns and glares at the barman, then puts the beer back on the tray* I've drunk too much today, take this back, or give it to someone else, I don't care. *looks back at Joey* I'm not her boyfriend. Why does everyone think I'm someone's boyfriend? *looks back at Jenna* Anyway.. Shall we go? Ot do you still have unfinished business?
Krieg: *looks at Zamboni* Why do you care? Is this Clay your father or something? I took the biggest one I could see because I had no idea it already belonged to someone else, and I needed it to be big so I could be sure it would have been enough to pay! *frowns* This Clay guy can paint gold a rock, and have a new, better nugget, if he desires. *rolls eyes* Typical humans, they find riches and instead of using them in god ways they show them to everyone to make them see how lucky they are! *looks at Ishida and smiles* Let's ignore that bat and his stolen gold pebble, he is not worthy of our attention, is he? *gently leads Ishida away but hopes for Zamboni to follow them*
Ishida: *still mad, but lets himself be led by Krieg* Just take me away from the sight of his ugly face, or I swear I will rip it off with my own teeth! *turns one last time to Zamboni* And how dare you think of her lying?! Not all people are stupid and evil like you, and Krieg herself is your complete opposite!
Jenna: Yeah, now you see why my Boss it's absolutely amazing. *seems quite satisfied*
Scrafty barman: *makes a big, sloooow smile* Oh noooo sir, I would never. *scrafty face*
Jenna *put the empty glass on the tray and pull out Joey's wallet giving all the money to the barman* Here. for the beer and the damages. *get's up and lightly kicks his butt* say hi to mom for me.
Joey: *growls* I hate you, and your stupid boyfriend!
Zamboni: *laughs at Ishida's anger, but stop in midair at Krieg words* what..? nah she's just bluffing.. of course she is! if there's such treasure here Clay would probably close the whole area.. and uncle Noc would have come already to mine.. *doesn't seem too sure of his own words so stare suspiciously at them for some second* If there are so many nuggets, then why did you took Clay one for your stupid swords? you can't even lie properly, so stop trying lady! *smirk as for mocking them, but doesn't want to leave yet*
Franz: *looks back at the krocks* Hm. I can see that. *looks at her and slightly smiles* Well, I guess you got a better destiny then. Being with them wouldn't have made you this strong, if that's all they can muster. *grabs the beer, then turns to the batman with a glare* No spit, right?
Krieg: *pouting* What do you mean?! My swords are like my babies, I would probably sell your soul too, to have them repaired! *frowns* And a knight needs swords. If I came up to you with a gun in my hands, would you truly think of me as one of the Swords of Justice? Surely not!
Ishida: *screaming with rage* YOU THIEF! That's MINE!! I'LL KILL YOU!! *almost whining* It's making me mad! I'm so mad I'm tired!!
Krieg: *growls* HEY! You damn thief!! *suddenly has an idea* Well, whatever. Ishida, I will take you to where I found the big nugget! There were some others, not as big, but bigger than what he stole! *grins happily*
Jenna: *throws Joey with the other crocks and raise an eyebrow* Surely I'm done. Unfortunately my brother and his gang of idiots are stubborn as mules, and stupid as monkeys. *point at them* and if my Boss didn't took me with him, that would have been my fate too. *looks dubiously at the dried berry but takes it in the end, grumbling something that could be a thanksgiving*
Scrafty barman *slowly and unflappable bringing their beers on a tray* mmh.. here's.. your stuff. *munching peacefully looking at the crocks*
Joey *still moving on the ground* you idiots!! losing like that against only one person!
Krocorock: Sowwy boss..! *get's punched in the head*
Jenna: Shut up already!! you're the one who picked the fight. *takes her beer and sit on the mountain of crocks* idiots.
Zamboni: Swords? You used my beautiful giant nugget to make you made swords? *Looks shocked and start whining like a little kid* But that's wrong! I would have loved it like a child, and you give it away for.. *points swords* those things! what do you even do with swords in the 21st century anyway ?!? *slips away at last time to avoid getting thrown in the snow and skilfully snatch the nugget Ishida found before from him* Oh I DO get some gold! I think I will take this as a little consolation prize and just return to Icirrus city already! I'm freezing my butt here! *flap his wings and start flying in the sky* Ice-sta la vista loser! Keseseh!
Franz: Hm, a dozen of bad choices, then. *quickly gets free from their grasps, then hears Jenna and rolls eyes, whispering to himself* I can never have fun, huh? *grabs two Krocks and crashes their heads together, than quickly draws his second sword to double-hit some others and end the fight, putting both swords back in their sheathes, then gets closer to Jenna* I was just finishing my warming up.. are you done? *searches for something in his bag and gives a dried Pecha Berry to her* Here. If you wait for that barman to come back here, you’ll end up bad.
Krieg: Well, I had problems, alright? My swords broke. I needed gold to have them made again, and sadly, my blacksmith doesn’t do it for free, when it’s more than one time for regeneration! *pouts* I have no idea what you’re supposed to do right now, why can’t you call it a draw? You both survived this cold, so.. *shrugs* yeah?
Ishida: Your swords broke? How- *gets hit by the snowball* Stop it already! You haven’t won anything! No gold, no winning! *tries to make him fall in the snow* I can’t stand you anymore!
Krokorocks: *some of them get hit by the stones, but a couple still manages to dig all the way to franz and attack him directly* You'll see what we can do..! our boss chose us between a dozen..! *struggling to overwhelm Franz and throw him on the ground* Die already!
Joey: *red as a tomato for the anger and effort* That's right! keep fighting! we will show this losers who's in command here! *use his weight to push Jenna's away and tries to hit her with Iron tail*
Jenna: *sighs* Oh for the love of.. *grabs the tail with both hands and throw him at the ground again, to strike a focus blast on him* I don't have any other time to waste with you! *frowns, looking at Franz and the crocks pitiful attempts, bothered* Stop playing around, I bet you'll need just a move to finish this idiots! *Whistle to get the barman attention* Hey you! Bring here my beer and a pecha berry already! *looks at icirrus city direction* at this point my Boss will already be out of the mountain, I can't make him wait for me.
Zamboni: HA! you don't have a chance, so don't become too hissterical, would you? *freeze, literally at this point* Wh-What??? *stop digging and runs to Krieg, almost jumping on her* YOU FIND IT?? and what did you do of it? *jumps off, and opens his arms* you didn't spent it in makeup, that's for sure!! so how about it? and how are we supposed to finish this challenge now, Mrs. knight? *puff up his cheeks and throw another snowball at Ishida* ANYWAY, I would have find it first, so I won!
Franz: *the sandstorm is not bothering him one bit, so just strikes the ground with the hilt of his sword to make rocks come out of it (stone edge), trying to take out the Krocks* Stop hiding, you cowards! *smirks* I hope your boss chose you for something more than your fighting abilities!
Ishida: *takes away all the snow from him and keeps following him down, using the sound of his voice to understand where he is* I won't be cleaning anything, you idiot! It's not over yet!!
Krieg: *slows down* Clay..? Oh, was it a secret?! *actually surprised, then starts laughing lightly* If you're looking for it, I suggest you stop..
Ishida: *frowns* Why, what do you mean??
Krieg: I kinda.. um.. *looks down and is glad it's dark so no one can see her face* I found it, many months ago..
Krokorocks *the shock wave got them good and stay's on the ground, glaring at Franz* this guy takes our attacks like nothing! maybe we should let the boss take care of him..*looks at Joey's direction, but he's to busy being taken in an joint lock by Jenna*
Jenna *sweating for the poison, but smirks and lever his arm some more* Say sorry and I let you go, you dumbass!
Joey: Never! *growl in pain and unsuccessfully struggle to get free*
Krokorock: .. Well S**t. *get's up and growls* what are you cowards doing on the ground? if we keep attacking together he's just going down! *grins* we're gonna make this place the perfect battlefield for that! *use sandstorm To make dust raise and cover them, as the krokorocks disappear in the ground to make Franz lose track of them* (dig)
Zamboni: *smirk* she's my girl and my friend, but not the two things together! you're gonna see by yourself how understanding she can be! *chuckles happily and keeps digging as fast as he can, throwing all the snow at Ishida, since he can see him easily even in the thick cloud of haze* I'm going to win this challenge, how it's obvious it will be! prepare yourself for boots cleaning Sir pent! *hears Krieg and laughs* so you know about it too, huh? well Clay did an awesome job to keep it a secret, huh?
Franz: *lets himself be hit by their crunches so he can hit them harder later (Justified ability), then lets a powerful shockwave out of him (Metal Burst) that throws them all out again and gets up to follow them, sword in hand, but the Earthquake hits him too and makes him lose balance* Damn it! *growls deeply, ready to withstand any other attack from the Krocks* Come, let's finish this quickly! Your boss is becoming too annoying.
Krieg: Uuh! is this Jenna of yours your girlfriend or something? That's just cute~ But I'm sure she would understand, you've done very bad things! *nods*
Ishida: You bastard! *throws a snowball at him too* If you hadn't cheated and stole a cub, Beartics wouldn't have attacked in the first place! UGH! Why are you so dumb? *sees him flying and follows him in the darkenss of the Haze* HEY! Where do you think you're going?!
Krieg: Huh?! *actually surprised, follow them to make sure they don't do more stupid things* Hey, what are you looking for, the big nugget? *smiles happily*
Krokorock *falls on the ground when headbutted and stays there for a moment dizzy*
Krokorock: *jumps back massaging his wrist and growling* wh-? who the hell are you! *calls the others krocks that Jenna had thrown out* Hey you dumbasses! come help with this one! *glares Franz form behind his sunglasses* he may be tough but he's going down! *all three of them assault him trying to make him fall to the ground with their weight and crunching him on his arms and neck*
Joey: *growls and stand up again wiping some blood from his mouth* Skills..? don't make me laugh! In the end you're the same weakling you always been, let me show you what the real strength is! *uses a powerful Earthquake making the the place shaking horribly*
Jenna: Stop you idiot! you're gonna make this place fall down! *growl* Now I remember why I hate you so much! you never use your brain! *use Stone Edge under him to make him flinch and tackle him at full strength forcing him outside literally making a hole in the wall*
Zamboni: Ufff! *eyes widens at Krieg *gentle" pats and crawls away immediately as she release him* You're mad woman! absolutely mad! Just wait for my Jenna to know about this and you'll be sorry! *dust off his clothes mumbling by himself* Cat fight? more like a tiger fight it will be..! *sighs and open his arms* I told you already woman! that's a survival challenge to test ours skills! this things can happen, besides if THIS IDIOT *makes a snowball and throws it in Ishida's face* wouldn't overreacted those beartic wouldn't attack! *fly up and looks around* seriously what a mess! that avalanche covered the side of the mountain with the exit to Icirrus city..! and the excavator got overturned.. *narrow eyes* I never seen that thing move in fact.. it was always there, fixed for no reason... for no reason...? *smells the air and smirks, then fly in the spot where the excavator was standing, using Haze to surround the area in thick black smoke and start digging as fast as he can* Keseseh.. come to papa!
Franz: *frowns but lets the Foul Play hit him to power up himself* Thank you! *smirks and grabs the first Krok, headbutting him right on the forehead (Metal head), then notices the other has the broken bottle, so draws his sword to defend himself* Is that all you've got? A bottle? *quickly darts at him and uses the back of his sword to hit his arm and make him drop the bottle (Aerial Ace)*
Krieg: SHUT UP! Oh my Arceus you're annoying, man! You kind of created the avalanche, so now you go straight through it! C'mon, it'll be fun! *actually starts chuckling, if Zamboni wasn't screaming like an animal, she would probably have fun*
Ishida: *screeching too* MAKE HIM SHUT UP!! *the Solar Beam is finally ready* alright, NOW! *suddenly stands up and lets the beam melt away most of the snow from the avalanche, getting hit just by some smaller pieces that couldn't be melt* Ugh! *frowns and sits back* I hate this damn mountain!
Krieg: *has arrived where Ishida is, and is now almost deaf in one ear* Here, we survived, yes? Stop screaming! *"kindly" patting Zamboni's back* Now, *lets him get away from her grasp* care to explain me what the hell were you two thinking?!
Jenna: *head smash him and slam him to the wall to get free*
Joey: *growl* You can't defeat me so easily! I'm stronger than you! *it's so angry that just run at her using outrage already*
Jenna: *smirks, tensing her jaw feeling the poison* your brute strength can't do nothing against my skills. *block the hit and make him lose balance throwing him on the billiard table smashing it*
scrafty barman: Goodbye billiard table..
Krokorock *shakes head and get's up again* Oh you think you're strong? I'm gonna use your strength against you then! *runs and assault him at full speed, waves of dark power coming from him (Foul Play)*
Krookorock *takes a bottle from the bar and smash it, trying to use it to attack Franz in a defenseless spot while he's attacked by his companion*
scrafty barman: Goodbye expensive liquor...
Zamboni: *shrugs* He has a stupid face, right? and a scar, righto? Boom baby! Scarface! perfect nickname. And there's no way I believe you! Scarface it's way too foreseeable! this was his plan to the beginning! *start kicking when hold as a potato sack* Put me down already! this is abduction ya know? I can get you arrested for this! *kicks harder* WHAT ARE YOU DOING WOMAN??? WE'RE GOING TOWARDS THE AVALANCHE! IF YOU WANT TO DIE DO IT YOURSELF! *screeching in her ear like mad* PUT ME DOWN OR I'LL HIT YOU! *trying his best to slithers away from her grasp*
Franz: *smirks* You learn something new everyday, huh? replying to Jenna but isn't looking at her anymore to keep his eyes on the Krokoroks* Oh please, at least make it a bit entertaining! *avoids the low sweep by moving to the side and stop the arm of the other, before throwing them both towards the door* Out! Get out! *checks on Jenna for a second to see if she's alright*
Krieg: Keep calm, I won't hurt you! *holding him in a way it should be difficult for him to escape* Look, I was just here to train, and I had no idea anyone would be crazy enough to be here too! Wait, Scarface..? *growls a bit* You dare insult my brother?! *turns to Ishida* But I must do something for him first! And you'll come with me! *run down the side of the mountain, holding Zamboni on her shoulder like a bag of potatoes*
Ishida: *turns to the voice* You damn- *notices Krieg coming down with Zamboni* No no no! *runs faster and ends up behind a big rock* No one will save me, I can do it by myself! *peeks to see the avalanche, then sits back down and starts charging a solar beam to melt the snow* Come on, come on..!!
Jenna: *actually smirks back* Hmm it seems that the valiant legend knight in the end just enjoys bar fights as us commoners.. as you wish, but my brother it's mine! *skilfully bob to the outside Joey's punch and throw an amazing hook at him making him stumble for a moment, then grab the other Krookodiles and throw them outside the pub from a window* Let's continue this discussion outside you bunch of losers!
Joey: *takes advantage to immobilize and hit her from behind with toxic*
Jenna: Thats it! *growls* I'm gonna beat you so much Joey!
Krokorocks *get's near smirking and growling (intimidate)* You seem a little too sure..! we're two against one! it will be a piece of cake! *launch themselves on him together, aiming in different spots (Low sweep) (shadow claw)
Zamboni: *it's surprised and left without breath for being clenched* what are you doing!?! let me go immediately! *fidgeting his wings and kicking around* what is it? do you know them? *big smirk* Oh I see! Scarface sent you here isn't that right? of course it is! he knew that his lover wouldn't be able to survive even an hour without aid! this practically makes me the winner for default already! but seeing Asshida under two meters of snow, Mmmmmh that would be the icing on the cake! *cup hands around his mouth* RUN ASSHIDA RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! MUAHAHAHAHAH!
Beartic *snort balefully but finally return in the cave*
Franz: *smirks* I'm not helping you. It just sounds nice to be fighting without having to keep my eyes on another person too, for once. *rolls eyes at the Krokorock* Come on, let's make this quick. *takes a fighting stance, waiting for their moves, he's not bothering to draw his swords yet*
Krieg: Survival challenge? That's nice! *smiles happily but suddenly frowns* But you shouldn't cheat! It's not fair for your opponent.. *looks at Ishida, but the hail makes it hard for her to see well* ..Franz?! *tilts head* With green hair?! *still holding Zamboni close, then suddenly clenches him once he starts screeching* Wait, is that Ishida?!
Ishida: *looks above and curses, then leaves his safe place to run from the Avalanche* It's like running from a rockslide, is it?! It must be! *tries to get out of the way, but snow is making him slower* UGH!
Jenna: *talking to Franz, but not moving her eyes from Joey* Do you really want to spend your free day beating these idiots..? Why are you helping me? as you said I can pull it off this time too, like many others.. *shrugs* well suit yourself. Less job for me.
Krokorock: Hey you! person! the Boss it's funny! he's like so much better than you! like this much *open arms a lot*
Joey: *punch him in the head* Shut that teethed hole, I do the talk, you laugh and hit only. capish?
Krokorock *Cute pout, touching his own head* sowwy Boss..
Joey: I won't let you tell me what to do or not, lil' Jenna! It's clobbering time! *smirk evilly and launch himself on Jenna*
Krokorock: clobbering!! *start molesting the other clients, a couple of them heading to Franz* let's have some fun, huh?
Scrafty Barman: *dial number* MMMMH..yes... that's me......Oh? *looks at the phone* he hung up on me... I wonder why...?
Beartic *the fact that Ishida and Zamboni are screaming like two idiots it's making them even more nervous and aggressive, as they move around snorting and sniffing the air*
Zamboni: *quite surprised from Krieg* uh wha-what! *touch his body* it seems I'm still in one piece! *smirks* Well thanks, all the respect to glorious women, but you see, this is a survival challenge, so don't save me again, ok? don't worry lady, I have everything under control here, so bye and have a nice day! *tries to push her away, but immediately give up, glaring at Ishida laughing, then smirk too* you're having fun aren't you..? but I will have the last laugh! *smirks and send out a terrible high pitched scream* (screech)
Beartic *stands up, agitated for the sound and stomps the ground making all the snow and ice in the higher falls down (avalanche)
Franz: *looks back at Joey* Funny? You are clearly funnier, since you walk around with groupies that laugh at your every word. *shrugs and listens to Jenna* Hm, what a pity. I'm sure he was worth something. *keeps an eye on them, then notices they all want to attack her, so puts down his beer and stands up next to her* She's not alone. *nods at her* Even though I think she could handle you all by herself.
Ishida: Oh, come on!! Are you blind?! I don't look anything like the bat, I gave back your baby so why are you still here?! *screams at Zamboni* SHUT THE F**K UP! It's all your fault!
???: Rude, me? You literally lured out a group of Beartics, what if they hurt someone? *looks at the Beartics, worried* Why would you do that? *shrugs* The name's Krieg, anyway.
Ishiuda: Great, just great!! *covers his head* Hail! *he gets hit so runs to find a place to cover, waiting for the hail to stop, and sees Zamboni falling down* Eheheh~! *looks way too happy* Suits you well!
Krieg: *runs down the side of the mountain, sliding and helping herself stay in place with her swords, then jumps and grabs Zamboni in midair, preventing him from hitting the ground, then puts him down* Not sure that you earned this saving, though! You should be thankful I am too kind!
Joey: *laughs and slam his hand to the counter* Police? I would really like to see you try ! *pokes again* aren't you a funny fellow?
Krokoroks: *laughs, they couldn't seem more dumb? yes they can*
Jenna: This idiot it's my brother Joey, unfortunately, and for how much he'll deserve it I won't let you take him to jail. *slowly get's up, walking to him* You're disturbing us here. This is my final warning, get out if you don't want me to kick your ass all the way home.
Joey: oh? and how would you do that, huh? *get's up and surround her with the krokorocks* there are five of us, and you are all alone! *grins widely*
Scrafty barman: *looking at all of them very peacefully* ...Uhm. It seems... that I'll have to call my insurance company.... again. It's only been three times this week... that my local has been destroyed. *goes slowly to the phone* it's nice... to have such calm weeks.. sometimes..
Prego per la visione!
Beartics*immediately goes to the Cubchho sniffing it, but raise again growling and drawing near Ishida, looking at him like a threat*
Zamboni: Awww don't be shy Asshida! they want to give you a bear hug! they seems to love you beary much! they can't bear to let you go anymore! *can go on forever, but get's so startled from the voice behind him that jumps off and stays in midair flying* WHOA! what! who are you? you scared me, slithering behind me like that! *cross arms* people this days are so rude!
Beartics *growls loudly and use hail, making big pieces of hail come from the sky*
Zamboni: Wh- what! not the hail! Stupid fat furballs! STOP IMMEDIATELY! *get's hit in the head and start getting down* FUUUUUU-!
Franz: *chuckles lightly at Jenna when she acts all embarassed, and shakes head, then turns to the noisy Krookodile and Krokorocks and lets out a sigh of eternal suffering, trying to ignore the pokes* Sure I can buy you a drink, with the money I will get when I'll turn you to the police. *hears Jenna and turns, not giving more attentions to Joey* Jenna, I get you know this guy?
Mio dio che visione, mi ci erano voluti anni per dimenticare quel completino e adesso e' tornato! DX Comunque ho capito! XD Alla faccia del giorno libero per Franz e Jenna, eh? XD
Ma si, un po' di antistress dove devi badare solo a te stesso! XD
Ishida: *looks up at Zamboni* What the- *grabs the thrown Cubchoo to avoid him getting hurt, but can understand the danger pretty well* You.. YOU! This is cheating! Ugh, why do I even bother with you..?! *turns to the Beartic* Well, this gets way too close to the avalanche I was thinking about.. *gulps and puts down the Cubchoo gently* Here.. your baby.. *carefully steps back, trying to get out of their way*
???: *firm but kind-sounding female voice from behind Zamboni* Hey, you! Are you completely crazy?!
Scrafty barman: *it's back on "cleaning", ruminating, lost in his own world*
Jenna: *makes a grumpy frown* No, you're not supposed to thank me..! *rest her head on her hand looking away, puffing a little* Seriously.. what happened to me..? being all nice and stuff.
Krookodile: *enter in the pub slamming the door, surrounded by Krokorocks, and goes in their direction, sulkily pushing away the people on his way* Well well, who do we have here? *grins showing his teeth with a mocking voice* It's our little Jenna~ all alone, did you finally got rid of that little rat, mmh?
Krokorocks *laughs in a stupid way*
Krookodile: *sits next to Franz, making him look little between them* and who's this? did you got yourself a boyfriend..? *pokes Franz and grins* then you should be nice and offer something to drink to all of us!
Jenna: *looking in front of her, vein throbbing, jaw tensed, eyes screams murder* Joey.. if you want to keep living I suggest you to fly away immediately.
No no, meglio che non sappia niente, sarebbe davvero troppo per lei dasopportare. comunque questo fenomeno è il suo fratellone Joey, è dieci volte più stupido e violento di lei, ed è praticamente uguale a merduk in tekken 4, con quel sobrio completino in pelle di caimano.
Mmmh che goduria, che immagine assolutamente gloriosa *-* non c'è modo migliore di passare l'unico giorno di riposo a picchiare la gente scema!
Zamboni: *fly/run out the cave at max speed, looking around spotting Ishida and smirking evilly* Woooooohooo Asshida! look, I love you so much that I brought you a gift! *throw the whimpering furball to him, that's in fact a very little Cubchoo* It seems that it's birth period and I thought you wanted a pet, so I took it for you, I'm just this awesome *ear twitch* oh oh! it seems mama Beartic didn't appreciated me taking her baby away thought..!
*some Beartic come out the cave, snorting, growling and standing up menacingly*
Zamboni *grins, staring from a high place* I hope you'll enjoy the company, while I go search for the nugget, my dear Smuglord!
Franz: *nods a thanks to the bartender once he gets his mug, then snorts at Jenna* That's why I thought it was inappropriate, but yes, that's what I meant. *tilts head and sips his beer, listening to her, then smiles* Of course, but I must still thank you. *nods, content* I know you can take out the best of me in battle. *keeps drinking slowly and looks around, curious and suspicious at the same time*
Non dirglielo che senno' si incazza, ma e' davvero.. come dire.. dolce? XD mi piace tanto~ XD
A questo punto direi che si allerebbero di brutto, poi quando prima o poi Zamboni e Ishida li tornano a prendere, li beccano li' a bere la loro birra sulla montagna di gente pestata XD
Ishida: *almost crawling in the snow until he gets to the shiny thing that is indeed a nugget, just not as big as he thought* Oh, damn it! *frowns but still takes it with him, then tries to get back but hears the roaring* Ah, yes, perfect. *rolls eyes* Now all we need is a stupid avalanche and the picture is complete! *hissing, hurries back, trying to avoid the entrance to caves and hoping to remember where he got out*
Scrafty Barman: ....mmmh. fine. two beers, no saliva..... got it. *pour it slowly, looking at the void, chewing*
Jenna: "Inappropriate"??? *narrow eyes* so you want me to keep beating people up, huh? *makes an amused snort* and you want to fight me again.. *casually sips her beer and shrugs* fine by me, but I won't lose. *smirk, glazing in front of her a the liqueur bottles* It surely would be a nice fight, you're very strong *Frown a little* that's just a given, It's not like I'm complimenting you of course.
d'aaaw Jenna si sta sciogliendo un sacco, la trovo adorabile (questo è il suo massimo livello di gentilezza con le persone che rispetta XD è proprio un donnone grezzone lei)
si! e poi se si alleassero metterebbero k.o chiunque in un petosecondo! che tentazione, che tentazione.
man: *actually surprised form his reaction, shrugs and walks away* as you wish, don't tell I didn't warn you... *leaves*
Zamboni: *putting something inside the bag, then carefully walking in what it seems a wild pokemon nest* Now or never! *grabs a whimpering little thing and start flying/running at full speed to the internal part of the mountain, using screech as he get's more and more close to the exit of the cave*
*A loud chaotic noise comes out from the caves, made of growls and snarls*
Franz: *sighs of relief* Ah, I'm glad.. *looks at her* Not to sound inappropriate, but you are such a skilled fighter, it would have been a real shame for you to stop. *nods* I hope we will spar again though, maybe not in a death match. *nods as he agrees with what she's saying* I understand what you mean.. *follows her in the bar and his first thought is "What the hell is this place? Next time I choose where to go.", but decides it's fine anyway so just sighs while he looks at the barman* The same for me as well.
Cavolo pero' quanto ci starebbe! XD
Ishida: *hissing mostly to himself as he turns to the man* Look, it's not like I want to be here, but I need to! You see, there is this challenge I can't lose- *catches something shiny with his eyes* ..I knew it! *turns back to the man* Look, thanks for the advice, I will be careful! *starts heading towards the shining, the sun is melting the snow on him, making his clothes wet* ..This is not good..
Mi viene voglia di mandare qualcuno a romapere le palle a Zamboni, ma allo stesso tempo voglio sapere il suo piano! XD Ah, i dilemmi XD
Jenna: *sighs and rolls eyes, walking* just you, you really think I can afford the luxury of stop fighting staying with my Boss? besides, beating people keep me in shape. I tell you, that some people in this world really deserve a beating. There is much worse than me and my Boss. *stops* Do I look like worried to you? *grins, sunglasses sparklin* I'm not. or better, I'm constantly worried and alarmed. I can't seem to completely relax anymore. Call it professional deformation if you want, hmpf. *Open the door slamming it and looking carefully at everyone inside the pub before walking at the counter* I'll take a beer, and don't you dare spitting in my mug.
Scrafty Barman: *turns slowly, with a disinterested face* Uuuuh we have a very refined lady here... *spits in another mug and keep "cleaning" it really slowly* what for the gentleman...?
*resiste alla tentazione di far cominciare una rissa da bar perchè vuole lasciarli in pace*
*a worker come out from the building outside and approach Ishida* hey, are you the cause of all this sun? what are you doing here in this season, it's dangerous you know? wild pokemons become a lot more aggressive, it's better to not wander too much around in the caves.
Zamboni: *shivers, going further in the coldest part of the cave* cold, so cold.. it better be worth it! *close cloak trying to warm up, as he peeks from some rocks, smirking happily* Just as I thought.. now I must be reeeally cautious... *gulps* no noises.. no sudden movements.. *takes the stolen bag searching for something useful inside* Uhuhuh I'm gonna make a nice surprise to my big friendo Asshida *chuckling silently*
I know!!! X3 but only Zamboni can give this nicknames to Jenna, any other living being would be instantly terminated
Franz: *blinks* You don't want to fight anymore..? Just me, or in general? *nods, then shakes head, smiling* It seems so. And I believe I am speaking for both, there would be nothing we wouldn't do for them, right? *his smile softens for a second then she follows her* Hm, speaking of that.. You seem worried about something, or is it just my imagination?
Ishida: *walks out in the snow, shivering* Damn it's cold out here.. *looks around* Come on, I like golden and shiny things, it should be easy-peasy for me to find it! *suddenly perks up* Shiny! It will shine if hit by a light! *uses Sunny Day, hoping to warm up and for the nugget to at least shine a bit*
Jenna: *Stops for a second, glancing at the entrance of the Undergrounds for a second* I don't want to fight anymore, but it seems that my Boss got fixated with your snake, he's just too amused by the stupid ways he react... Umpf we can be sure neither of them will change their minds. *smirk* they're just too lucky we love them.. *start to walk briskly away* Come. there's a pub on route 9, usually there's only bikers there, nobody will annoy us there.. i hope.
Zamboni: *it's now in thief mode, slithering quickly and silently through the rocks in the direction of the sound, plotting to himself* mmmh this will be interesting.. let's add some spice to this challenge.. Jenna wouldn't be happy, but she's not here after all... forgive me my muscular lotus flower, but I just have to! Keseseseh
Franz: *nods* You can be sure I would have left if it was not worth it. And he has his ways of thanking me.. plus if you are not thanked often, when it happens it kinda feels good, you see? *listens to her and smiles* Honestly, I thinks that what you just said is the most important thing, and I agree completely. *shakes head* Being with him and the others just makes my life better. *looks around the city*
Ishida: *kicks some rocks to see if there's something under them* Ugh.. *frowns* I have no idea where to look.. *notices a person* Hey, you! Have you heard about the story of this giant nugget? Any idea where it could be? *laughs and plays it off as a simple conversation*
Random man: Huh? Nugget? *nods* I've heard about that, yes! But if you're looking for it, you should get out of here and walk on the snow.. it is said that it can be reached only that way *laughs* I wonder if it's true..
Ishida: Nah, probably not! *shrugs and leaves* See ya! *complains by himself* Out in the snow! Damn it!!
Jenna: *tilts her head, pondering, biting her lips a bit* I..Guess so. If you stay with him, there's a reason. *returns grumpy, doesn't want to looks soft* still he could shows some more appreciation for you, with all you do for him. *looks back at him, raising an eyebrow* Obviously I wasn't some kind of damsel in distress. *frowns at the thought* but I speak the truth. I was a brute that used to thoughtlessly fight anyone on my way just to prove my strength, and it was just a matter of time before I would have met someone stronger than me, even if I thought that was impossible. and when it happened it would have ended badly for me if it wasn't for my Boss. *Can't help but smile just a little bit too, as she walks in Opelucid City* It's a great life with my Boss. I don't care what people think, I wouldn't change it for anything else.
Zamboni: *scratch his chin with a careful look* Uhm let's see.. HA! SEE! ME! eheh *He leans his ear against the wall and knocks it to hear if there's hollow noise, his ears twitch as he hears an unexpected sound* Is that.. what I think it is..?
Franz: *keeping up with her pace with no problems at all, nodding from time to time* That's an interesting point of view, no doubt.. It's a shame I can't see all those good things about him as well, but that goes for you about my Lord as well, huh? *shakes head and scoffs* Oh sure, that's certainly right.. *looks at her* Forgive me but you don't really look like the type of person who need to be saved, especially not from someone like him. That said, it's interesting how both of us got saved in some way by the people we're now serving. *small smile*
Ishida: Cheap stripper?! I'm not a stripper! And if I were, I'd be very well paid with endless lines of people waiting just to see me!! *closes the jacket, thanking it's big enough to cover him well* Stupid bat! *keeps walking at a pretty fast pace, thinking that the place with the Nugget should be the hardest to reach* And all of this for a stupid ball of gold! *looks at the snow and frowns* I bet my cape he's doing stupid puns on snow and ice! Thankfully I cannot hear him! *frowns and hisses by himself, strutting down the way*
Jenna: *grins showing her fangs* They won't bother us, if they have a bit of brain in their heads. *listen to him carefully, trying to walk slower, but still keeping her energetic pace* Charm you say.. he hides it pretty well this charm. *grunt* But I can understand your argument. We do need a reason to live and go on, after all. You more than anybody else. *tilts head* My bat..? *turns away blushing very very slightly* thatsoundscute.. *adjust her glasses and clears her throat* My Boss saved my life. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. He taught me what real strength is. He taught me to never give up, and not let the others decide what are my limits. Also he's my best friend. He cares for me as much as I do for him. *falls silent for a second, then sighs* I admit that sometimes his jokes sucks. But I admire him even for this. Even at the worst times, he's able to laugh about it and just keep going, and that's something I would not be able to do myself.
Zamboni*keep running, holding his cloak, trying to warm himself up* If you didn't go around dressed like a cheap stripper with a cape then that wouldn't be a problem! *laughs again, louder* I hate sooo muuuch! Oh Asshida, you crack me up everytime! *exit from the cave to the internal part of the mountain, and flies down at the lowest floor to gain some ground* let's see.. the nugget must be in the deeper area.. *shivers and frowns* stupid snow, it didn't seemed so cold at frost glance, but that's why we can't have ice things! *laughs and enters the cave again* there'snow way the puns will get worst than this!
Franz: *chuckles* I doubt the worst scum of Unova could stand a chance against either you or me! But sure, let's keep it calm, for once *nods at her* Well, where can I start? I know he may seem annoying and stubborn, that's what I thought too when I first saw him, but he's a much better person inside.. No matter what, he has that.. charm.. that keeps his friends close to him. *nods* Plus he literally gave me a new reason to fight for, and that alone means a lot to me. *looks at her* What about your bat?
Ishida: *hisses in anger* SHUT UP! I am simply dressed enough to stay in a stupid cold cave because of your stupid challenge! You surely wouldn't have given me the time to go home and change, right? So shut up! *is about to reply* Hey! Don't just run inside!! *runs inside too* I hate you so much!
Jenna: *slowly shakes her head* You're wrong. I don't care what people think or say about me. Not anymore. *little smirk* and those people knows very well that's better for them to not piss me off too much. *shrugs* I was just talking for your sake. I thought you didn't wanted to spent your free day brawling with the worst scum of Unova, but if any place it's fine, then I'll take you to my very favorite one. *keep walking, and tense her jaw in a grumpy expression seeing his smirk* so? will you tell me about that snake? what's so special about it?
Zamboni: *opens his eyes wide in surprise and jumps off the tree like a cat* so you came? call me surprised! *smirk* Oh and you brought your boyfriend jacket too! I can image the scene! *makes a girly stupid voice* pls my Loooord don't gooo! that evil bat will swoop your ass and you'll freeze in the cave! *even more stupid voice* NO! I'll go because I'm the best and I will show him how superior I am! gnagnagnah! *laughs* very well then! *walks to the entry of the mountain* do I need to explain the rules to you again since you're stupid?
woman: EEEEK! My necklace! it disappeared! help!
random trainer: not my bag! I had all my healing items provisions in there!
man: My wallet! I've been robbed!
Zamboni: Uh oooh! nevermind, just go! *runs in at full crobat speed laughing like an idiot*
Franz: *scoffs* I'm not surprised by that. Maybe you would be frowned upon too, if seen with the likes of me, huh? *shakes head* Any place is fine, to me. *walking alongside her, staying silent for a moment and noticing her looks, then smirks and shakes head*
Ishida: *hears Zamboni and hurries to him* You might want to rethink that! I'm here, and ready! *glares*
Jenna: uh? *tilts head a little surprised then nods* Yes. but the in places where I hang out someone like you it's frowned upon. let's just find some place to the way to Icirrus city. *start walking, sometimes glazing at him from above, but showing her disinterested look*
Zamboni:*Yawn, hanging upside down from a tree* That snake won't come. His boyfriend it's too jealous of him to let him go! *snickers with a sleepy face*
Franz: *stops and turns back to her, thinking for a moment, then nods* You're not wrong, and I think we could actually give it a chance. *walks toward her* Can I come with you to drink something like you were saying before? Then we can talk and try to understand eachother. *nods*
Ishida: *taking his time to walk there, he doens't want to get tired too soon*
Jenna: *stops and turns, staying silent for a second, as she's thinking* Then tell me. What's bout him? Then I could understand. And maybe you could see that my Boss is so much more than an annoying person. *raise her head and narrow her eyes* Your snake and my Boss, they hate each other. And that's why we should be in peace. For their own sake. And for ours. *waits, serious but less dour than usual*
Zamboni: *it's happily causing troubles in route 7*
Franz: *listens to her* Seriously? I really thought for a moment that you were one of the few that could understand. *stares at her then shrugs* Guess I was wrong then. *sighs and cracks his neck* Think what you want, I will stay with him no matter what. *looks at her for a moment* Well, see you there when it's time, then. But know that it won't be your annoying boss the one to get out first. *slightly smirks* Enjoy your free day. *leaves in the same direction Ishida took*
Ishida: *hisses* One day I will sit on you so that you can look very close at my real ass! And I will come at your stupid challenge!
Franz: *growls lightly* There is always a we, no matter what you do. *looks at Ishida, worried* You've been there already. You can do it, and I'm sure of it. But I won't let you go without being properly dressed! *takes away his jacket and makes Ishida wear it, then gives him his belt pocket (filled with self-aid dried berries and such) and the cloth band he wears on the bottom of the shirt* Please wear all this, so I can be with you even when apart. *nods*
Ishida: *seems calmer and sighs* Alright, I suppose I should thank you.. But what am I supposed to do with this? *holding the cloth band*
Franz: You wear it on your stupid midriff, my Lord! *almost hissing, but still whispering so Jenna can't hear* Do I have to remind you what happened last time? *forcing him to wear the cloth*
Ishida: *frowns and blushes* Whatever! I'm on my way now! Now have fun with your day off, Franz! And don't worry about me! *turns and leaves, determined to win*
Franz: *deep sigh and looks at Jenna for a moment, to see if she is worried like he is*
Yes I say so! and that's my last word! so I win! *runs away like a crazy horse before you can say anything*
Zamboni: *Keep staring, his smirk getting more and more wide* Why should I stop staring? I love staring at your as*face! It's so ridiculous when you get mad! but I'm sorry for you, I'm not a part of your joyful rainbow brigade! your desire for me will only remain one of your sick fantasies!
Jenna: *smirk, but almost an amused smile* Maybe i don't know anything, but I can understand the situation quite well, don't you think? *kneel down at Zamboni* are you sure this is a good idea Boss? Twist mountain can be harsh in winter.
Zamboni: *dust off his cloak with a cocky grin* Don't worry my glorious manly darling! I'm a Crobat raised by a Sableye! caves and tunnels are part of my blood! beside I remind you that I'll race against this idiotic salamander with one neuron in his head! he'll give up after the first blow of cold wind! *turns to Franz with an annoyed expression* We? there's no we stupid Scarface! this is between me and Nagini! Go bug someone else, I don't have time for you! *flap his wings standing in midair* I'll wait for you at route 7, and be prepared to clean my boots with your tongue loser! *smiiirk* if your babysitter makes you come of course! *send a kiss to Jenna* Enjoy your day off my dear! *fly away snickering annoyingly*
Jenna: *sighs* Yeah whatever.. and what i'm even supposed to do with a day off?
Alright, if you say so~ >w> and this reply is good for both parts~ Kesesese~!
Ishida: *hisses* Well you once told me I am as straight as Franz's eyebrows, but you are not that straight either, if you enjoy so much staring at my ass! *light growl* Now stop before I get mad!
Franz: Actually, you don't know anything- *listens to him, then sighs and massages his temples with one hand while holding Ishida with the other* I am not paid enough to withstand all this. Why do I even bother?
Ishida: *screeches* WHAT?! Why don't you bend over right here and now and find out if I have dysfunctions or not?! You f*cking flying rat!!
Franz: My Lord! Why must you alway- *stops and looks at Zamboni* Wait. Why should we trust you anyway? How can we know if there really is the nugget? *stares at him carefully, remembering the pain of wintery Twist Mountain*
Because he's too perfectly evil and captivating he's a stupid fat pigeon who thinks to be the best, but it's not! notatall! *voice from nowhere* actually one of her very favorites *slap voice away* LIES! COME ON you know what I'm talking about ù.ù
Zamboni: I'm not? then I will do it! I'll look at your a*s! *Looks at him straight in the face, with a daring smirk*
Jenna: oh, he can? *smirks at Zamboni* Of course, I'm totally sure of that. He showed his self-reliance several times already, obviously.
Zamboni *chuckle* of course he did, but didn't you heard my dear? Scarface takes great pleasure in watching him... What's the problem Scarface? can't your serpent lover satisfy in other ways? I bet he suffers of e-reptile dysfunction! *cracks himself of laughter*
Jenna: *"I-can't-believe-how-bad-is-this-one" amused snort*
Zamboni: *dry a tear, still shaking in sniggers* Oh my. I'm a genius. Back to the serious business thought. Listen to me carefully, I will speak slowly and clearly so even you can understand me: Do you know Twist Mountain, no? it's just soooo pretty in winter! *smirks* (Si è inverno, per rendere il tutto più faticoso) well it's been said that, deep in the bowels of the earth, there's a secret cave where Clay himself has hidden a nugget as big as your empty head! so I say, we will enter at the same moment, and the first one that find it and arrive to Icirrus City safe and sound, will prove to be a skilled adventurer, and the winner! but the other one, will only be a loser. and will have to clean the other one boots. Like. A. Servant. *smirks and turns his back flapping his wings* so? what's your answer? it's okay if you're too scared of losing and refuse, you don't have any chance against me, worm! Keseseh
Shopping tra donnoni, che libidine.
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 9:04:49 AM EDT on March 27, 2017.
You don't like my Borioso Grassone?! But why? XD (Zora could provide a super long list of reasons why he is not to be liked XD)
If you say it like that, people might think wrong of it! >w>
Ishida: *actually took the time to listens to Zamboni, so gets extra mad and hisses at him, trying to free himself more from Franz's grip* If this is my ass then you are NOT allowed to look at it, especially not touch it! Now get out of my sight before I cut your wings and fry them crispy!
Franz: *holding Ishida tightly, he is not willing to fight again, not this time* Calm down, my Lord! *looks at Jenna* Whatever you say, woman. I take pleasure in keeping an eye on my lord whenever he requires, but I know for sure he can handle himself pretty well without me worrying.
Ishida: *growls* Challenge accepted, you stupid batshit! I will make you beg to end this challenge and get back to the lovely cures of that wrestler you call a woman!
Franz: *sigh of eternal suffering*
Ehehehe I had no doubt about it!
That would just be wonderful! *w*
I love him! like everyone else! Eccetto i boriosi grassoni
Tied up, gagged and secluded in a tall tower for a couple of days! this sound like a plan. *prepares rope*
Zamboni: Don't you even think about it woman! *Big smirk that reaches his ears, turns to Ishida* With real pleasure! *crouch down looking at him* I bet that you wouldn't be able to stay alive even a single day without your wooer to protect you, as stupid as you are and.. Oh! *gently smack his forehead* but that's your butt, not your face! my bad I got confused, they look just the same you know? Kesesesehehehehehmeh!
Jenna: *cross her arms and shrugs* My Boss appears anywhere his awesomeness it's required, and I will be at his side, no matter what. beside you're the one who came here this time. *raise an eyebrow* that snake it's easily provoked, I can see why you can't take your eye off him even for a second.
Zamboni: I have a fantastic idea! hey Asshida! I challenge you too see who's the most free-standing and skilled of us! even if it's quite obvious already who's that *smiiiiirk*
Jenna: *little sigh*
Unfortunately for him, Zamboni has more baits than a fisherman!
Yesss *-* they could go shopping and then complain that there are no shoes for big women and warrior like clothing and stuff, ahhh donnoni!
Ahahah XD I'm glad you like him even if he is so annoying and stubborn and full of himself! XD But really, not only they should be tied up, but also gagged so that they cannot speak! Only then, there will be peace!
Ishida: *appears from nowhere* Wanna say that to my face, you piece of sh-*gets his mouth shut by Franz, who appears right behind him from nowhere too*
Franz: Not this time, my Lord. *looks at the two* It's always you two lately, I wonder why.
Ishida: *frees himself* Anyway I can give Franz all the free days he wishes for! I can do everything by myself, if I want to! *stares proudly*
And here it begins.. Ishida bites the baits more than fishes!
But yeah, Krieg would probably love Jenna a lot, you know, both are "donnoni" XD Zorawar.. eeehhh.. She would probably hate him, yes XD Too annoying and it's not Zamboni, so it wouldn't end well XD
OMG absolutely! Ishida has a hearth of gold and it's just adorable when he gets all offended! I love him very much! Zamboni it's the most annoying thing ever! but it's obvious that Jenna has big preferences! oh love.. Maybe if they tie them up not too tight they would be more relaxed?
Zamboni: Hey hey I'm not an idiot! if my dearie would like a day off to relax I could totally let her be and stay safe! it's the least I can do after everything she does for me! and I'm too cunning to get in trouble of course! *dust off his shoulder and smirks*
Jenna: *roll her eyes at the last statement but smile* Thank you Boss.
Zamboni: On the other hand that snake would probably fell in a pit and die after two steps without his lover to look over him! *chuckle*
you see? annoying as hell! I would like Jenna to be friends with Franz! and Krieg too! and maybe even Zora? I don't know every character it's just awesome in the end.
But Jenna is right, Ishida can be annoying XD Zamboni can be annoying too, though! So she has her preferences, and we all know that >w>
Like I told you before, without their bosses, Jenna and Franz could totally be friends XD And yes, maybe that could work! Or would they be worried anyway? XD
oh yes they do but Salazar it's embarrassing! I can picture him embroider bright happy quotes like "hang in there baby" or "always smile" and then frame them and hang in the house like some kind of old aunt! I will sound immodest but Jenna it's kinds awesome >w< but I'm sure she will be friends with someone at one point! and if/when Franz will beat her she would probably respect him more I'm sure! she don't mind him, it's just that can't let him touch her beloved Boss! she definitely finds Ishida annoying though. if Ishida and Zamboni weren't' always in the way it would be much easier I guess. but when you offer your life at someone service that's what you get I suppose. They should totally take a day off and lock them somewhere safe where they CAN'T in any way get harmed (not together though) and just relax, maybe go to the spa or something XD XD
Oh, the quotes are great and fit perfectly with the characters!! Zarry's one is just cute, let me say it >w> XD But my fav is Jenna~ Really, I like her so much, I wish my characters would make friends with her! DX
Anyway I like how you colored just some details, it looks very good! ^^
I'm glad you recovered! I did too in fact but I still pay attention since winter is not over yet and I don't want to get sick again! >.<
yeah alcohol markers especially are kinda easy to use when you get used to it! you just have to think where to put the color before and do it quickly.
DeathSeraph made me discover promarkers in fact! she's so awesome with them *-* let me tell you her artworks looks even more amazing in real life! traditional art lose a lot when is scannered actually...
I agree with you there! 2016 wasn't a good year. :P
and thank you, I finally recovered from my cold. I hope that you have recovered from the flu!
Yes! when blending marker, you have to use fast strokes so you won't get streaks! XD I have a hard time explaining that , but it's awesome that you got it!
yeah it really sucked! I'm happy that 2016 it's over even if doesn't mean anything in the end. I'm sorry that were sick too, I hope now you feel better.
thanks for the compliment I'm really honored! promarkers are easy to blend in fact, the secret it's just color quite fast to not make it dry and leave marks.
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/17 | Reply
I'm so sorry to hear that you were really sick and dealing with an artblock. That's a terrible way to start the year. :( I was also in a slump because I got sick too.
I think it's awesome that you were able to draw something! I really like this style you did. I like how you did the line work and then put a solid color in the back for each character. It makes it stand out! I also think you blended the marker so well it look like you did this digital. :D
Well, that´s troublesome. What about chocolate with high kakao percentage? It´s supposed to help when the stomach is upset... and a lot of soups. But I guess the best is eating what and how much you feel like eating.
In the end, that sums up being a friend, yes.
milk is my biggest problem since it's the breakfast the one that I vomit.. but eating too much every kind of food has become a problem in general.. I will just eat the essential since I won't get better and that's all. anyway it's not meddlesome, but caring. that's what friend are made for in the end isn't it?
It´s good to hear your flu is gone. Well, with the eating, that´s a problem. Do you drink a lot? Is yoghurt doable or also a no-go? I´m glad that song could cheer you up a little. You´re too sweet, dear, I feel just meddlesome like a granny for my friends, lol! I´m not old enough, though... (for being called granny)
oh yes the flu already passed, but I still problems with eating I just keep throwing up.. i think it's for the stress but I hope it will stop with time.
I actually like that song a lot! it's so cute and seems perfect to cheer up. thank you for linking it to me! really thank you a lot in general for all the nice words! It help a lot in fact knowing people care even if they don't know me directly!
ah thank you. my inking skills got a lot better actually, I just don't know how. also thanks for your concern. I'm still recovering and getting a little better, I'm just hoping really hard that things will getting better for me and my family this year. we'll see. thanks again, really.
Thank you for your nice comment, really! I hope things well getting a little better too.. with time.
I'm glad you enjoy my art, that surely honor me! thank you!
ah thanks I'm happy to be back and I do hope to be a little more active, if I don't have anymore problems coming out... ( I really hope not) thank you for your words ^^
Dear sweetie* cuddles you tightly* It sounds like you need some big cookie yourself! *Hands you a digital one* So tough, my dear. I hope at least the fever and the flu went down? If yes, normally the rest doesn´t seem as bad anymore. Especially when one can eat again~
I would like to ref this song since I think it´s (especially the Refrain) written for those times (sorry if it´s not to your liking...)
Oh, did I aready tell you that I love the quote for Salazar the most? Though, all three of them are so true for life. One won´t get by with just one. The drawings are cute, so detailed and I love the choice of colors. Very well done! Loving it~
Ah, these look wonderful! I love the look of clean line work combined with a single color. You chose some great quotes for these, too~ :,)
Sorry to hear the end of the year has been hard for you. >_< I hope you're feeling better from your sickness. And art block is always a struggle, isn't it;;; I hope the new year will treat you well! ;3;/ ♥
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/11/17 | Reply
I'm sorry to hear it's been so tough for you lately, and I don't know the right thing to say, but I really hope it gets better! <3
The drawings look so neat. I like the sweet one on the left, and the quote on the right really goes well with the character
I'm always happy to see art from you!^^
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/18 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *makes a small smirk* Yes, but that's not my problem anymore, is it? Swimming is a basic ability, shame on him if he can't do it. *chuckles and looks away, shaking head* Well, I take that as a compliment. You will see I still have many surprises for you. *walking beside her* Hm, I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. My Lord always gets what he wants, one way or another..
Ishida: You idiot, cool doesn't mean better! *sees Zamboni arriving* .. *glares and hisses, ready to take the attack* And I said I DON'T want to fight!! *lets himself be hit and fall on the ground, taking Zamboni with him, then rolls until he's on top and pins him down*
Krieg: Ishida!! *makes one last sprint and arrives at the gold cave* Well, woah! *looks around but does nothing, as she thinks Nocturne will probably do something first*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/10/18 | Reply
Jenna: *Grins even wider as the thug get's thrown in the water* Of course, but you can't know that, and I don't hear any sound or cry for help, yes..? *chuckle a bit* I have to admit you're more interesting of what you look at first.. I will have much fun beating your ass in a battle one day *walks away again* and now come, let's go to your Lord.. I'm afraid you'll need to console him after he'll be losing against my Boss.
Zamboni: Better than me?? HA! *smirks* you surely have a wild imagination! don't you know the bad guys are always the coolest ones? *grabs the pebble that has been thrown to him* Hey! treat my stuff with respect! one of this worth more than your stupid face ya know?? *miss the attack but just jumps on the wall to throw himself on Ishida, silver hard wings before him to both attack and defend *Acrobatics+Steel Wing*
Nocturne: *crawling on the gallery walls rapidly, with no fear to join Krieg, almost wanting to surpass her* That little fart... It's better for him to not waste my gold.. I'll make him work for his entire life as my slave if he does.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *tilts head* A legend? No. Right now, I am only a knight who needs to go back to his lord, so any rule a legend must have is not important to me. Remember this. *releases his hold, letting the thug fall down the bridge, then walks back to Jenna* We can go now. *starts walking, then after being silent for a while, turns to her with a small smile* I threw him in the water. He will survive, as long as he can swim.
Ishida: Of course, you don't have any pride, so what would you cry for? *stares at him* It doesn't matter what you try and say, I know I am better than you! *throw the gold to Zamboni, to get in his way, then jumps to the side and grabs his sword to protect himself from any attack, and to grab more nuggets if needed*
Krieg: *can feel Nocturne is following her* Heh.. *shakes head and mumbles to herself* There is no reason to.
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/05/17 | Reply
Thug: *still struggling and somewhat clinging to Franz's arm* Yes I do, *grins nervously* You're a legend, right? You're the first that i met, so that's true that you're all crazy bastards, huh? you shouldn't even exist in the first place!
Jenna: *standing still, arms crossed, looking at them with an amused look on her face*
Nocturne *grins, looking at her running away* ... and of course there's no way I'll trust you like this.. *rapidly and silently following
Zamboni: *big amused grin* Yes, it did hurt, I'll make you pay for that too of course. *open his arms and shrugs* at least i don't cry like a baby when people touch my pride *laughs* like if you had one to begin with! And Now, I'm gonna get my gold, thank you very much! *start running fast, zigzagin to confound him before to tackle at full speed, wing irradiating blue energy*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/04/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *looks at Jenna and nods* I do. *sighs* Alright, don't say I did not warn you. *shurgs and holds him across the ledge, as if he weighed nothing* Any last words? *looks totally like he'd do it with no problem*
Krieg: Alright then, thanks! *waves and runs off, trying to arrive in time for anything that will happen*
Ishida: *hisses in anger and warms up* you're disgusting! I won't let you spit on my face again! *snorts and chuckles* Just try and do it and I will cut down your pretty wings! It did hurt last time, yes? *mocking him* AAAAH Jenna help mee! My wing!! *noticed Zamboni looks ready to attack so prepares himself, even if he would rather avoid the fighting*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/21/17 | Reply
Jenna: *stop and tilts her head* .. you do?
Thug: HEY! *kicking and growling at him* This is MY place! You're the one who should leave! I won't go away, and if you have a problem then throw me down already!
Jenna: He won't have much brain, but surely has some guts right there... *keeps looking, almost fascinated, to see what Franz will do*
Nocturne: *Yawn a little* Lady, i'm not born yesterday, I know who you are. Do what you want, just don't touch my nephew or my gold... I don't really care.
Zamboni: Useless, of course, because we both know who would win here! *grins with a super cocky expression* But do you really think it will matter that you're arrived first when you won't have anymore a face to say it? *spurt some poison just in front of him making the ground fizzling and melting in a small hole* Now be a good obedient boy, put that gold down and slithers away, it will less humiliating a I promise! *start running on spot to keep himself warm, but he's also preparing a Sky Attack*
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 2:04:10 PM EST on November 21, 2017.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/14/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *nods* I like how you think. But, *sighs and looks at her* despite all I've said until now, maybe this is a good moment to be bad. Just give me a second. *walks to the thug, simply raises him by the neck of his shirt and pushes him against the bridge's ledge* How about I give you another choice? You either get out of our sight and never show up in this place again, or I throw you down. In both ways, you leave and we proceed. *glares*
Krieg: Bring it on! Wait, what? *is a bit confused, lowers her sword* So.. I can just go..? Are you sure you will let me?
Ishida: *hisses and turns to him, holding nuggets in his arms* I arrived first, this gold is mine, so f*ck off! *growls deeply, is really tempted to fight, but knows he's too weakened by the cold to win* Hell no! I will not do an useless fight when victory is already in my hands, literally! *smirks and raises to stare at Zamboni*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/07/17 | Reply
Jenna *shrugs* As I told you before I don't care. Bad or good doesn't really exists in fact. That's just how people like to call genre like me or my Boss, but I think it's just to feel better about themselves. they need someone who's the worst to not see how horrible they can be themself. The world it's full of crappy hypocrites, but my Boss it's honest about who he is, and I admire him for that. *look at the thug* Yes, you can trow him down, I don't care.
Thug: *frowns* what do you think that's a living room with all your chit chat? give me the money already, or pay the consequences!
Jenna *just raise an eyebrow and slap him away with the back of her hand* I don't have time for this, my Boss it's waiting for me.
Nocturne: *still sitting on the rock, looking at Krieg, emotionless* Naw. Don't feel like fighting. Unlike my stupid nephew always messing around, I've worked all morning ya know ma'am..? *scratch inside his ear with his pinkie* we'll get the gold, so don't fret too much okay?
Zamboni: *has heard Krieg with super hearing* Oh hell no! nononononono I won't let that windbag asp take my babies! *It's now flying at the speed of sounds to the end of the tunnel, arriving in the cave* *inhale* Nuggets! I knew it! *want's to grab gold, but hear Ishida and just runs to him* There you are! Not only you didn't froze in here once and for all, but you have the guts to take my gold? *doesn't care for the cold an take off his cloak* You and me, alone! this it's the final showdown! Fight me if you have the courage! *smirk* you little crybaby~
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 3:53:34 AM EST on November 7, 2017.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/02/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: It's not a scary label, I just don't consider myself to be bad, that's all. *looks at her* And as you said, you're not that bad yourself, so how do you decide if one person is bad or not? *smirks, then scoffs a bit* Yes, sure. Until you find one who likes you and instead of just going away and respecting you from there, decides to follow you! *raises an eyebrow at the thug and sighs* So what's gonna be? You, me, or both? *looking at Jenna* Leave it to me and I will throw him down the bridge.
Krieg: *arrives at the wall of rocks made by Nocturne* Damn it! *cracks her neck and charges in at the wall, making it fall, then notices Nocturne* AH! You must be here to stop me, right? *takes a deep breath and starts screaming at the top of her lungs* ISHIDAAAAA!!! GRAB THE GOLD AND RUN!! *coughs a bit, the draws her sword and points it at Nocturne* You won't let me go, will you? Then let's fight! *snickers* Sableye, it will be interesting! *she is not bothered by the fact he is probably immune to half her attacks*
Ishida: *ears twitch as he hears the rock fall and Krieg's screaming, even if he doesn't understand what she's saying* Damn! *runs faster* I will find it! It's mine!! *finally arrives in an inner cave, where nuggets are shining everywhere, and he just stops there for a second, mouth wide open in amazement* Oh.. Yes!! Wait, no time for this!! *starts grabbing as much gold as he can, stuffing his clothes, smirking and laughing in satisfaction*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/26/17 | Reply
Jenna: *smirk* what a scary label huh? No one likes you when you're bad! *grins, with a teasing tone* you're welcome, maybe I'm not that bad in the end, aren't I? *keeps walking shrugging* The thing is, I don't really care.
random hooligan: *grins as he reachs for Franz *Haha, new idiots to rob! *spots Jenna glaring next to him and takes a few steps back* Oh .. Uhm I didn't know you were together and... ahah have a nice day! *slithers away*
Jenna: You see? you just show them who's in command and they don't bother you anymore. *start walking again but get's stopped by another bunch of thugs*
Thugboss: Hey you two! think that you can just walk around here like you want? that's our area! we decide who can pass or not!
Jenna: *sighs of eternal pain* New ones..? Why always me?
Zamboni: *keeps running through the underneath tunnel, but stops abruptly, ears twitching* Uhmmm.. *place his head on the floor, listening* Oh well someone it's following us, and judging by the vibrations it's either a walking wardrobe or Lady Musashi! Uncle! keep her entertained meanwhile I go teach that stupid snake a lesson! *runs/flies away at full crobat speed snickering*
Nocturne: What? ya microbe pass the bucket to me like that for your stupid stuff! *sighs* yeah you humiliate who you want, but the gold it's mine! *Takes off his hat and uses a Power-Up Punch on the walls to make part of the tunnel collapse behind him, then sit on a rock just waiting, pickaxe in his hand*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *frowns a bit* Well, I wouldn't call myself "bad", but still, thank you for your offer. I will keep it in mind. *small smirk, then walks alongside her* Yes, but this bridge seems to sprout idiot thugs like they were mushrooms..
Krieg: *walking outside, she cleared herself a way carefully, to not bother Ishida* Yes, I can do it! I will stop that- *suddenly hears Zamboni talking with someone, so activates her stealth mode, walking carefully and as silently as she can, to try and overhear* Hmm.. *grins in happiness once she hears Ishida is actually going to the right place, then decides to follow them to prevent them from getting there too*
Ishida: *still clearing the way* Let's see, it should be here... Agh! Something shiny! *runs to catch a very small pebble of gold* Wait.. it's real! There must be more here, I'm sure! *eyes shining, he fastens his pace* No gold can escape my nose~ I want it all! *quickly finding his way in the montains, he is literally smelling the air to decide where to go*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/17/17 | Reply
Jenna: *smirks* Hmpf, I had no doubts about it. It must be tiring to always be the perfect guy people expect. If the thing console you can be as bad as you want with me, I don't get scandalize over anything anymore. But you shouldn't dare judge me or my Boss for what we do then. *walking determined on the bridge* There were stupid thugs here that disturbed us, but I thought them a lesson. They won't bother me anymore!
Monte vite (?) è una palla, perchè c'è una parte esterna all'interno del monte, ma pensavo fossero ancora fuori visto che parlavo di pontili, ma meh già risolto
Zamboni: *flying happily with his nugget* That idiot snake will get in a cold storage like a bag of peas in there... keseseh so in the future when they'll discover him all frozen they'll know how stupid people were at this times! *spots something disturbing slithering through the rocks and flies down* Hey uncle! whatchadoin here?
Nocturne: *smirks* Looking for material... or at least the lunch! *chuckle with a raspy voice*
Zamboni: *snickers* Oh uncle, dint you know that Clay's big nugget got already taken away?
Nocturne* *laughs too* Ah that one? just a diversion to keep lil idiots like you away from the real treasure, on the inside *poke his nose* turn on the brain already, do you think Clay's that naive?
Zamboni: *freeze* So you're saying... I left that damn Smuglord, in the cave, alone, WITH A GOLD MINE??????? *TRIGGERED!!1!* Uncle Noc! take me there! I have to humiliate him! it's a matter of life and death!!!!
Nocturne *grins* Follow me pipsqueak, I dug a convenient shortcut the other day..
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/10/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *smiles and shakes head* Well, I can't say you're wrong. I am actually a lot more different than how I was at the beginning. *steps on the bridge too and that is enough to make him frown* I too hope we don't, last time I've been here didn't end well.
Vedi, allora avevo ragione a dire che Gareth mi ricordava Jenna XD Sono cosi'.. epici!
Ok mi sono ufficialmente persa, perche' credevo fosserero DENTRO la monatgna adesso XD Va beh! Devo proprio prestare piu' attenzione XD
Ishida: *staring at nothing, mouth wide open in what looks like the start of a fit of rage*
Krieg: ......*looks around* Whoops~! Ehehe~ I guess I did something wrong? I actually wanted to keep that bat inside, but he ended up outside? *scratches head*
Ishida: *closes mouth and clenches his fists, trying to keep calm, then lets out a deep sigh* Alright. Krieg, are there really nuggets here?
Krieg: *looks at him and nods* Yes, not as many as I've told, but yes.. I can open the way for you!
Ishida: NO! *stops her* Don't open anything, I don't want to die here! Want to help? Slow down that stupid bat! *takes out his sword* All I need to do is find a bigger one! *talking to himself and walking around* We both won and lost the bet anyway, since the actual nugget is gone.. plus he cheated, so with a bigger one I would totally win! If no one is out there to say he arrived first, I have a chance! *snickers and slithers away, cutting his way through the stones*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/01/17 | Reply
Jenna: *still walking with her resolute pace, not turning to him* That wasn't a compliment. people have an idealized idea of people like you. But in the end you're no different than us. You like to brawl, drink and have fun like us mere mortals. and I bet you would ignore a bunch of people needing help to just save your Lord instead. *smirk, almost smiling* I like you more this way. *step on Tubeline bridge frowning again* I hope to not find other stupid jerks. this place it's full of idiots.
rivedo Jennona in un sacco di battute di Gareth, Gareth è troppo prezioso per questo mondo.
Zamboni: *"jumps" in the sky again to avoid a rock* You're the rude one! That's right! you want to do the good knight but when someone it's not okay for you, you just try to get rid of him! you're not better than me, at least I know to be a criminal! *touch the wall of rocks and grumbles* did they blocked themselves inside? idiots! *actually quite annoyed that can't follow them anymore* WHATEVAH! I bet there's no nuggets in there anyway! *flying away to Icirrus city* Sword of justice, more like sword of my a*s!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/28/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *small smile* Well, I take that as a compliment. I honestly had no idea I was so.. desirable. *listens to her and smirks a bit, he thinks the description she gave reminds him of Zamboni, but won't point it out because he thinks it's not polite to, then follows her* Well, you're lucky. With how tall you are, it shouldn't be a problem to find small people. *thinks for a second, trying to decide if he should describe his type too*
Gareth!Jenna~<3 adorabile! XD
Krieg: *looks at Zamboni and frowns* ..Rude! *pouts and mumbles* Why did I save him again? He deserved that stupid hail!
Ishida: *growls and turns* Oh, shut up already! *hissing* I don't even care about this stupid challenge anymore, I just- .. UGH!
Krieg: *literally pushing Ishida away* Alright, this looks like a good place.. *looks around carefully and draws one of her swords* Just need to do THIS!!! *"stabs" the stone wall and turns the sword, breaking it and making rocks fall everywhere (Rock Tomb), closing all entrances. she is actually hoping to hit Zamboni too*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/20/17 | Reply
Jenna: *smirks, determined* Yes. I say so.
Scrafty barman*shrugs* well.... whatevah... bye. *walks back, with no hurries*
Jenna *grins widely* Maybe because you're the serious and handsome knight that all girls and boys fancy! *scoffs* you're definitely not my type thought! *looks away* I like them skinny. like unhealthy skinny. and small. portable. *realize,blush and start walk away grumpily and fast* yeah it's time to go.
Zamboni: *fly to a boardwalk above them and seat on a rock, face resting on his hands, and yawn widely showing his tonsils* ugh woman! blah blah blah, so much talking! you're boring the hell out of me! you came here all cool like some kind of giant she-musashi and now you're trying to defeat me with the power of ...reasoning? *stand up on the rock, hands on his hips, looking at them from above smirking* You're not fooling me lady! *laughs mockingly at Ishida, playing with the nugget* Oh I would really like to see you try! before you rip off mine I would have already melt your stupid butt face! have fun with your friend finding the "nuggets"! and please don't make yourself get eaten by beartics, or with who I will have fun from now on? *grins but doesn't move and just keep staring their movements*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *shrugs* Hm, if you say so.. *frowns and glares at the barman, then puts the beer back on the tray* I've drunk too much today, take this back, or give it to someone else, I don't care. *looks back at Joey* I'm not her boyfriend. Why does everyone think I'm someone's boyfriend? *looks back at Jenna* Anyway.. Shall we go? Ot do you still have unfinished business?
Krieg: *looks at Zamboni* Why do you care? Is this Clay your father or something? I took the biggest one I could see because I had no idea it already belonged to someone else, and I needed it to be big so I could be sure it would have been enough to pay! *frowns* This Clay guy can paint gold a rock, and have a new, better nugget, if he desires. *rolls eyes* Typical humans, they find riches and instead of using them in god ways they show them to everyone to make them see how lucky they are! *looks at Ishida and smiles* Let's ignore that bat and his stolen gold pebble, he is not worthy of our attention, is he? *gently leads Ishida away but hopes for Zamboni to follow them*
Ishida: *still mad, but lets himself be led by Krieg* Just take me away from the sight of his ugly face, or I swear I will rip it off with my own teeth! *turns one last time to Zamboni* And how dare you think of her lying?! Not all people are stupid and evil like you, and Krieg herself is your complete opposite!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/06/17 | Reply
Jenna: Yeah, now you see why my Boss it's absolutely amazing. *seems quite satisfied*
Scrafty barman: *makes a big, sloooow smile* Oh noooo sir, I would never. *scrafty face*
Jenna *put the empty glass on the tray and pull out Joey's wallet giving all the money to the barman* Here. for the beer and the damages. *get's up and lightly kicks his butt* say hi to mom for me.
Joey: *growls* I hate you, and your stupid boyfriend!
Zamboni: *laughs at Ishida's anger, but stop in midair at Krieg words* what..? nah she's just bluffing.. of course she is! if there's such treasure here Clay would probably close the whole area.. and uncle Noc would have come already to mine.. *doesn't seem too sure of his own words so stare suspiciously at them for some second* If there are so many nuggets, then why did you took Clay one for your stupid swords? you can't even lie properly, so stop trying lady! *smirk as for mocking them, but doesn't want to leave yet*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *looks back at the krocks* Hm. I can see that. *looks at her and slightly smiles* Well, I guess you got a better destiny then. Being with them wouldn't have made you this strong, if that's all they can muster. *grabs the beer, then turns to the batman with a glare* No spit, right?
Krieg: *pouting* What do you mean?! My swords are like my babies, I would probably sell your soul too, to have them repaired! *frowns* And a knight needs swords. If I came up to you with a gun in my hands, would you truly think of me as one of the Swords of Justice? Surely not!
Ishida: *screaming with rage* YOU THIEF! That's MINE!! I'LL KILL YOU!! *almost whining* It's making me mad! I'm so mad I'm tired!!
Krieg: *growls* HEY! You damn thief!! *suddenly has an idea* Well, whatever. Ishida, I will take you to where I found the big nugget! There were some others, not as big, but bigger than what he stole! *grins happily*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/24/17 | Reply
Jenna: *throws Joey with the other crocks and raise an eyebrow* Surely I'm done. Unfortunately my brother and his gang of idiots are stubborn as mules, and stupid as monkeys. *point at them* and if my Boss didn't took me with him, that would have been my fate too. *looks dubiously at the dried berry but takes it in the end, grumbling something that could be a thanksgiving*
Scrafty barman *slowly and unflappable bringing their beers on a tray* mmh.. here's.. your stuff. *munching peacefully looking at the crocks*
Joey *still moving on the ground* you idiots!! losing like that against only one person!
Krocorock: Sowwy boss..! *get's punched in the head*
Jenna: Shut up already!! you're the one who picked the fight. *takes her beer and sit on the mountain of crocks* idiots.
Zamboni: Swords? You used my beautiful giant nugget to make you made swords? *Looks shocked and start whining like a little kid* But that's wrong! I would have loved it like a child, and you give it away for.. *points swords* those things! what do you even do with swords in the 21st century anyway ?!? *slips away at last time to avoid getting thrown in the snow and skilfully snatch the nugget Ishida found before from him* Oh I DO get some gold! I think I will take this as a little consolation prize and just return to Icirrus city already! I'm freezing my butt here! *flap his wings and start flying in the sky* Ice-sta la vista loser! Keseseh!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/21/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: Hm, a dozen of bad choices, then. *quickly gets free from their grasps, then hears Jenna and rolls eyes, whispering to himself* I can never have fun, huh? *grabs two Krocks and crashes their heads together, than quickly draws his second sword to double-hit some others and end the fight, putting both swords back in their sheathes, then gets closer to Jenna* I was just finishing my warming up.. are you done? *searches for something in his bag and gives a dried Pecha Berry to her* Here. If you wait for that barman to come back here, you’ll end up bad.
Krieg: Well, I had problems, alright? My swords broke. I needed gold to have them made again, and sadly, my blacksmith doesn’t do it for free, when it’s more than one time for regeneration! *pouts* I have no idea what you’re supposed to do right now, why can’t you call it a draw? You both survived this cold, so.. *shrugs* yeah?
Ishida: Your swords broke? How- *gets hit by the snowball* Stop it already! You haven’t won anything! No gold, no winning! *tries to make him fall in the snow* I can’t stand you anymore!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/12/17 | Reply
Krokorocks: *some of them get hit by the stones, but a couple still manages to dig all the way to franz and attack him directly* You'll see what we can do..! our boss chose us between a dozen..! *struggling to overwhelm Franz and throw him on the ground* Die already!
Joey: *red as a tomato for the anger and effort* That's right! keep fighting! we will show this losers who's in command here! *use his weight to push Jenna's away and tries to hit her with Iron tail*
Jenna: *sighs* Oh for the love of.. *grabs the tail with both hands and throw him at the ground again, to strike a focus blast on him* I don't have any other time to waste with you! *frowns, looking at Franz and the crocks pitiful attempts, bothered* Stop playing around, I bet you'll need just a move to finish this idiots! *Whistle to get the barman attention* Hey you! Bring here my beer and a pecha berry already! *looks at icirrus city direction* at this point my Boss will already be out of the mountain, I can't make him wait for me.
Zamboni: HA! you don't have a chance, so don't become too hissterical, would you? *freeze, literally at this point* Wh-What??? *stop digging and runs to Krieg, almost jumping on her* YOU FIND IT?? and what did you do of it? *jumps off, and opens his arms* you didn't spent it in makeup, that's for sure!! so how about it? and how are we supposed to finish this challenge now, Mrs. knight? *puff up his cheeks and throw another snowball at Ishida* ANYWAY, I would have find it first, so I won!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/05/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *the sandstorm is not bothering him one bit, so just strikes the ground with the hilt of his sword to make rocks come out of it (stone edge), trying to take out the Krocks* Stop hiding, you cowards! *smirks* I hope your boss chose you for something more than your fighting abilities!
Ishida: *takes away all the snow from him and keeps following him down, using the sound of his voice to understand where he is* I won't be cleaning anything, you idiot! It's not over yet!!
Krieg: *slows down* Clay..? Oh, was it a secret?! *actually surprised, then starts laughing lightly* If you're looking for it, I suggest you stop..
Ishida: *frowns* Why, what do you mean??
Krieg: I kinda.. um.. *looks down and is glad it's dark so no one can see her face* I found it, many months ago..
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/01/17 | Reply
Krokorocks *the shock wave got them good and stay's on the ground, glaring at Franz* this guy takes our attacks like nothing! maybe we should let the boss take care of him..*looks at Joey's direction, but he's to busy being taken in an joint lock by Jenna*
Jenna *sweating for the poison, but smirks and lever his arm some more* Say sorry and I let you go, you dumbass!
Joey: Never! *growl in pain and unsuccessfully struggle to get free*
Krokorock: .. Well S**t. *get's up and growls* what are you cowards doing on the ground? if we keep attacking together he's just going down! *grins* we're gonna make this place the perfect battlefield for that! *use sandstorm To make dust raise and cover them, as the krokorocks disappear in the ground to make Franz lose track of them* (dig)
Zamboni: *smirk* she's my girl and my friend, but not the two things together! you're gonna see by yourself how understanding she can be! *chuckles happily and keeps digging as fast as he can, throwing all the snow at Ishida, since he can see him easily even in the thick cloud of haze* I'm going to win this challenge, how it's obvious it will be! prepare yourself for boots cleaning Sir pent! *hears Krieg and laughs* so you know about it too, huh? well Clay did an awesome job to keep it a secret, huh?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/26/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *lets himself be hit by their crunches so he can hit them harder later (Justified ability), then lets a powerful shockwave out of him (Metal Burst) that throws them all out again and gets up to follow them, sword in hand, but the Earthquake hits him too and makes him lose balance* Damn it! *growls deeply, ready to withstand any other attack from the Krocks* Come, let's finish this quickly! Your boss is becoming too annoying.
Krieg: Uuh! is this Jenna of yours your girlfriend or something? That's just cute~ But I'm sure she would understand, you've done very bad things! *nods*
Ishida: You bastard! *throws a snowball at him too* If you hadn't cheated and stole a cub, Beartics wouldn't have attacked in the first place! UGH! Why are you so dumb? *sees him flying and follows him in the darkenss of the Haze* HEY! Where do you think you're going?!
Krieg: Huh?! *actually surprised, follow them to make sure they don't do more stupid things* Hey, what are you looking for, the big nugget? *smiles happily*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/16/17 | Reply
Krokorock *falls on the ground when headbutted and stays there for a moment dizzy*
Krokorock: *jumps back massaging his wrist and growling* wh-? who the hell are you! *calls the others krocks that Jenna had thrown out* Hey you dumbasses! come help with this one! *glares Franz form behind his sunglasses* he may be tough but he's going down! *all three of them assault him trying to make him fall to the ground with their weight and crunching him on his arms and neck*
Joey: *growls and stand up again wiping some blood from his mouth* Skills..? don't make me laugh! In the end you're the same weakling you always been, let me show you what the real strength is! *uses a powerful Earthquake making the the place shaking horribly*
Jenna: Stop you idiot! you're gonna make this place fall down! *growl* Now I remember why I hate you so much! you never use your brain! *use Stone Edge under him to make him flinch and tackle him at full strength forcing him outside literally making a hole in the wall*
Zamboni: Ufff! *eyes widens at Krieg *gentle" pats and crawls away immediately as she release him* You're mad woman! absolutely mad! Just wait for my Jenna to know about this and you'll be sorry! *dust off his clothes mumbling by himself* Cat fight? more like a tiger fight it will be..! *sighs and open his arms* I told you already woman! that's a survival challenge to test ours skills! this things can happen, besides if THIS IDIOT *makes a snowball and throws it in Ishida's face* wouldn't overreacted those beartic wouldn't attack! *fly up and looks around* seriously what a mess! that avalanche covered the side of the mountain with the exit to Icirrus city..! and the excavator got overturned.. *narrow eyes* I never seen that thing move in fact.. it was always there, fixed for no reason... for no reason...? *smells the air and smirks, then fly in the spot where the excavator was standing, using Haze to surround the area in thick black smoke and start digging as fast as he can* Keseseh.. come to papa!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/13/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *frowns but lets the Foul Play hit him to power up himself* Thank you! *smirks and grabs the first Krok, headbutting him right on the forehead (Metal head), then notices the other has the broken bottle, so draws his sword to defend himself* Is that all you've got? A bottle? *quickly darts at him and uses the back of his sword to hit his arm and make him drop the bottle (Aerial Ace)*
Krieg: SHUT UP! Oh my Arceus you're annoying, man! You kind of created the avalanche, so now you go straight through it! C'mon, it'll be fun! *actually starts chuckling, if Zamboni wasn't screaming like an animal, she would probably have fun*
Ishida: *screeching too* MAKE HIM SHUT UP!! *the Solar Beam is finally ready* alright, NOW! *suddenly stands up and lets the beam melt away most of the snow from the avalanche, getting hit just by some smaller pieces that couldn't be melt* Ugh! *frowns and sits back* I hate this damn mountain!
Krieg: *has arrived where Ishida is, and is now almost deaf in one ear* Here, we survived, yes? Stop screaming! *"kindly" patting Zamboni's back* Now, *lets him get away from her grasp* care to explain me what the hell were you two thinking?!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/13/17 | Reply
Jenna: *head smash him and slam him to the wall to get free*
Joey: *growl* You can't defeat me so easily! I'm stronger than you! *it's so angry that just run at her using outrage already*
Jenna: *smirks, tensing her jaw feeling the poison* your brute strength can't do nothing against my skills. *block the hit and make him lose balance throwing him on the billiard table smashing it*
scrafty barman: Goodbye billiard table..
Krokorock *shakes head and get's up again* Oh you think you're strong? I'm gonna use your strength against you then! *runs and assault him at full speed, waves of dark power coming from him (Foul Play)*
Krookorock *takes a bottle from the bar and smash it, trying to use it to attack Franz in a defenseless spot while he's attacked by his companion*
scrafty barman: Goodbye expensive liquor...
Zamboni: *shrugs* He has a stupid face, right? and a scar, righto? Boom baby! Scarface! perfect nickname. And there's no way I believe you! Scarface it's way too foreseeable! this was his plan to the beginning! *start kicking when hold as a potato sack* Put me down already! this is abduction ya know? I can get you arrested for this! *kicks harder* WHAT ARE YOU DOING WOMAN??? WE'RE GOING TOWARDS THE AVALANCHE! IF YOU WANT TO DIE DO IT YOURSELF! *screeching in her ear like mad* PUT ME DOWN OR I'LL HIT YOU! *trying his best to slithers away from her grasp*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *smirks* You learn something new everyday, huh? replying to Jenna but isn't looking at her anymore to keep his eyes on the Krokoroks* Oh please, at least make it a bit entertaining! *avoids the low sweep by moving to the side and stop the arm of the other, before throwing them both towards the door* Out! Get out! *checks on Jenna for a second to see if she's alright*
Krieg: Keep calm, I won't hurt you! *holding him in a way it should be difficult for him to escape* Look, I was just here to train, and I had no idea anyone would be crazy enough to be here too! Wait, Scarface..? *growls a bit* You dare insult my brother?! *turns to Ishida* But I must do something for him first! And you'll come with me! *run down the side of the mountain, holding Zamboni on her shoulder like a bag of potatoes*
Ishida: *turns to the voice* You damn- *notices Krieg coming down with Zamboni* No no no! *runs faster and ends up behind a big rock* No one will save me, I can do it by myself! *peeks to see the avalanche, then sits back down and starts charging a solar beam to melt the snow* Come on, come on..!!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/04/17 | Reply
Jenna: *actually smirks back* Hmm it seems that the valiant legend knight in the end just enjoys bar fights as us commoners.. as you wish, but my brother it's mine! *skilfully bob to the outside Joey's punch and throw an amazing hook at him making him stumble for a moment, then grab the other Krookodiles and throw them outside the pub from a window* Let's continue this discussion outside you bunch of losers!
Joey: *takes advantage to immobilize and hit her from behind with toxic*
Jenna: Thats it! *growls* I'm gonna beat you so much Joey!
Krokorocks *get's near smirking and growling (intimidate)* You seem a little too sure..! we're two against one! it will be a piece of cake! *launch themselves on him together, aiming in different spots (Low sweep) (shadow claw)
Zamboni: *it's surprised and left without breath for being clenched* what are you doing!?! let me go immediately! *fidgeting his wings and kicking around* what is it? do you know them? *big smirk* Oh I see! Scarface sent you here isn't that right? of course it is! he knew that his lover wouldn't be able to survive even an hour without aid! this practically makes me the winner for default already! but seeing Asshida under two meters of snow, Mmmmmh that would be the icing on the cake! *cup hands around his mouth* RUN ASSHIDA RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! MUAHAHAHAHAH!
Beartic *snort balefully but finally return in the cave*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/29/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *smirks* I'm not helping you. It just sounds nice to be fighting without having to keep my eyes on another person too, for once. *rolls eyes at the Krokorock* Come on, let's make this quick. *takes a fighting stance, waiting for their moves, he's not bothering to draw his swords yet*
Krieg: Survival challenge? That's nice! *smiles happily but suddenly frowns* But you shouldn't cheat! It's not fair for your opponent.. *looks at Ishida, but the hail makes it hard for her to see well* ..Franz?! *tilts head* With green hair?! *still holding Zamboni close, then suddenly clenches him once he starts screeching* Wait, is that Ishida?!
Ishida: *looks above and curses, then leaves his safe place to run from the Avalanche* It's like running from a rockslide, is it?! It must be! *tries to get out of the way, but snow is making him slower* UGH!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/24/17 | Reply
Jenna: *talking to Franz, but not moving her eyes from Joey* Do you really want to spend your free day beating these idiots..? Why are you helping me? as you said I can pull it off this time too, like many others.. *shrugs* well suit yourself. Less job for me.
Krokorock: Hey you! person! the Boss it's funny! he's like so much better than you! like this much *open arms a lot*
Joey: *punch him in the head* Shut that teethed hole, I do the talk, you laugh and hit only. capish?
Krokorock *Cute pout, touching his own head* sowwy Boss..
Joey: I won't let you tell me what to do or not, lil' Jenna! It's clobbering time! *smirk evilly and launch himself on Jenna*
Krokorock: clobbering!! *start molesting the other clients, a couple of them heading to Franz* let's have some fun, huh?
Scrafty Barman: *dial number* MMMMH..yes... that's me......Oh? *looks at the phone* he hung up on me... I wonder why...?
Beartic *the fact that Ishida and Zamboni are screaming like two idiots it's making them even more nervous and aggressive, as they move around snorting and sniffing the air*
Zamboni: *quite surprised from Krieg* uh wha-what! *touch his body* it seems I'm still in one piece! *smirks* Well thanks, all the respect to glorious women, but you see, this is a survival challenge, so don't save me again, ok? don't worry lady, I have everything under control here, so bye and have a nice day! *tries to push her away, but immediately give up, glaring at Ishida laughing, then smirk too* you're having fun aren't you..? but I will have the last laugh! *smirks and send out a terrible high pitched scream* (screech)
Beartic *stands up, agitated for the sound and stomps the ground making all the snow and ice in the higher falls down (avalanche)
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/22/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *looks back at Joey* Funny? You are clearly funnier, since you walk around with groupies that laugh at your every word. *shrugs and listens to Jenna* Hm, what a pity. I'm sure he was worth something. *keeps an eye on them, then notices they all want to attack her, so puts down his beer and stands up next to her* She's not alone. *nods at her* Even though I think she could handle you all by herself.
Ishida: Oh, come on!! Are you blind?! I don't look anything like the bat, I gave back your baby so why are you still here?! *screams at Zamboni* SHUT THE F**K UP! It's all your fault!
???: Rude, me? You literally lured out a group of Beartics, what if they hurt someone? *looks at the Beartics, worried* Why would you do that? *shrugs* The name's Krieg, anyway.
Ishiuda: Great, just great!! *covers his head* Hail! *he gets hit so runs to find a place to cover, waiting for the hail to stop, and sees Zamboni falling down* Eheheh~! *looks way too happy* Suits you well!
Krieg: *runs down the side of the mountain, sliding and helping herself stay in place with her swords, then jumps and grabs Zamboni in midair, preventing him from hitting the ground, then puts him down* Not sure that you earned this saving, though! You should be thankful I am too kind!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/20/17 | Reply
Joey: *laughs and slam his hand to the counter* Police? I would really like to see you try ! *pokes again* aren't you a funny fellow?
Krokoroks: *laughs, they couldn't seem more dumb? yes they can*
Jenna: This idiot it's my brother Joey, unfortunately, and for how much he'll deserve it I won't let you take him to jail. *slowly get's up, walking to him* You're disturbing us here. This is my final warning, get out if you don't want me to kick your ass all the way home.
Joey: oh? and how would you do that, huh? *get's up and surround her with the krokorocks* there are five of us, and you are all alone! *grins widely*
Scrafty barman: *looking at all of them very peacefully* ...Uhm. It seems... that I'll have to call my insurance company.... again. It's only been three times this week... that my local has been destroyed. *goes slowly to the phone* it's nice... to have such calm weeks.. sometimes..
Prego per la visione!
Beartics*immediately goes to the Cubchho sniffing it, but raise again growling and drawing near Ishida, looking at him like a threat*
Zamboni: Awww don't be shy Asshida! they want to give you a bear hug! they seems to love you beary much! they can't bear to let you go anymore! *can go on forever, but get's so startled from the voice behind him that jumps off and stays in midair flying* WHOA! what! who are you? you scared me, slithering behind me like that! *cross arms* people this days are so rude!
Beartics *growls loudly and use hail, making big pieces of hail come from the sky*
Zamboni: Wh- what! not the hail! Stupid fat furballs! STOP IMMEDIATELY! *get's hit in the head and start getting down* FUUUUUU-!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/15/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *chuckles lightly at Jenna when she acts all embarassed, and shakes head, then turns to the noisy Krookodile and Krokorocks and lets out a sigh of eternal suffering, trying to ignore the pokes* Sure I can buy you a drink, with the money I will get when I'll turn you to the police. *hears Jenna and turns, not giving more attentions to Joey* Jenna, I get you know this guy?
Mio dio che visione, mi ci erano voluti anni per dimenticare quel completino e adesso e' tornato! DX Comunque ho capito! XD Alla faccia del giorno libero per Franz e Jenna, eh? XD
Ma si, un po' di antistress dove devi badare solo a te stesso! XD
Ishida: *looks up at Zamboni* What the- *grabs the thrown Cubchoo to avoid him getting hurt, but can understand the danger pretty well* You.. YOU! This is cheating! Ugh, why do I even bother with you..?! *turns to the Beartic* Well, this gets way too close to the avalanche I was thinking about.. *gulps and puts down the Cubchoo gently* Here.. your baby.. *carefully steps back, trying to get out of their way*
???: *firm but kind-sounding female voice from behind Zamboni* Hey, you! Are you completely crazy?!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/10/17 | Reply
Scrafty barman: *it's back on "cleaning", ruminating, lost in his own world*
Jenna: *makes a grumpy frown* No, you're not supposed to thank me..! *rest her head on her hand looking away, puffing a little* Seriously.. what happened to me..? being all nice and stuff.
Krookodile: *enter in the pub slamming the door, surrounded by Krokorocks, and goes in their direction, sulkily pushing away the people on his way* Well well, who do we have here? *grins showing his teeth with a mocking voice* It's our little Jenna~ all alone, did you finally got rid of that little rat, mmh?
Krokorocks *laughs in a stupid way*
Krookodile: *sits next to Franz, making him look little between them* and who's this? did you got yourself a boyfriend..? *pokes Franz and grins* then you should be nice and offer something to drink to all of us!
Jenna: *looking in front of her, vein throbbing, jaw tensed, eyes screams murder* Joey.. if you want to keep living I suggest you to fly away immediately.
No no, meglio che non sappia niente, sarebbe davvero troppo per lei dasopportare. comunque questo fenomeno è il suo fratellone Joey, è dieci volte più stupido e violento di lei, ed è praticamente uguale a merduk in tekken 4, con quel sobrio completino in pelle di caimano.
Mmmh che goduria, che immagine assolutamente gloriosa *-* non c'è modo migliore di passare l'unico giorno di riposo a picchiare la gente scema!
Zamboni: *fly/run out the cave at max speed, looking around spotting Ishida and smirking evilly* Woooooohooo Asshida! look, I love you so much that I brought you a gift! *throw the whimpering furball to him, that's in fact a very little Cubchoo* It seems that it's birth period and I thought you wanted a pet, so I took it for you, I'm just this awesome *ear twitch* oh oh! it seems mama Beartic didn't appreciated me taking her baby away thought..!
*some Beartic come out the cave, snorting, growling and standing up menacingly*
Zamboni *grins, staring from a high place* I hope you'll enjoy the company, while I go search for the nugget, my dear Smuglord!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *nods a thanks to the bartender once he gets his mug, then snorts at Jenna* That's why I thought it was inappropriate, but yes, that's what I meant. *tilts head and sips his beer, listening to her, then smiles* Of course, but I must still thank you. *nods, content* I know you can take out the best of me in battle. *keeps drinking slowly and looks around, curious and suspicious at the same time*
Non dirglielo che senno' si incazza, ma e' davvero.. come dire.. dolce? XD mi piace tanto~ XD
A questo punto direi che si allerebbero di brutto, poi quando prima o poi Zamboni e Ishida li tornano a prendere, li beccano li' a bere la loro birra sulla montagna di gente pestata XD
Ishida: *almost crawling in the snow until he gets to the shiny thing that is indeed a nugget, just not as big as he thought* Oh, damn it! *frowns but still takes it with him, then tries to get back but hears the roaring* Ah, yes, perfect. *rolls eyes* Now all we need is a stupid avalanche and the picture is complete! *hissing, hurries back, trying to avoid the entrance to caves and hoping to remember where he got out*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/04/17 | Reply
Scrafty Barman: ....mmmh. fine. two beers, no saliva..... got it. *pour it slowly, looking at the void, chewing*
Jenna: "Inappropriate"??? *narrow eyes* so you want me to keep beating people up, huh? *makes an amused snort* and you want to fight me again.. *casually sips her beer and shrugs* fine by me, but I won't lose. *smirk, glazing in front of her a the liqueur bottles* It surely would be a nice fight, you're very strong *Frown a little* that's just a given, It's not like I'm complimenting you of course.
d'aaaw Jenna si sta sciogliendo un sacco, la trovo adorabile (questo è il suo massimo livello di gentilezza con le persone che rispetta XD è proprio un donnone grezzone lei)
si! e poi se si alleassero metterebbero k.o chiunque in un petosecondo! che tentazione, che tentazione.
man: *actually surprised form his reaction, shrugs and walks away* as you wish, don't tell I didn't warn you... *leaves*
Zamboni: *putting something inside the bag, then carefully walking in what it seems a wild pokemon nest* Now or never! *grabs a whimpering little thing and start flying/running at full speed to the internal part of the mountain, using screech as he get's more and more close to the exit of the cave*
*A loud chaotic noise comes out from the caves, made of growls and snarls*
ah I dilemmi, i dilemmi XD
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *sighs of relief* Ah, I'm glad.. *looks at her* Not to sound inappropriate, but you are such a skilled fighter, it would have been a real shame for you to stop. *nods* I hope we will spar again though, maybe not in a death match. *nods as he agrees with what she's saying* I understand what you mean.. *follows her in the bar and his first thought is "What the hell is this place? Next time I choose where to go.", but decides it's fine anyway so just sighs while he looks at the barman* The same for me as well.
Cavolo pero' quanto ci starebbe! XD
Ishida: *hissing mostly to himself as he turns to the man* Look, it's not like I want to be here, but I need to! You see, there is this challenge I can't lose- *catches something shiny with his eyes* ..I knew it! *turns back to the man* Look, thanks for the advice, I will be careful! *starts heading towards the shining, the sun is melting the snow on him, making his clothes wet* ..This is not good..
Mi viene voglia di mandare qualcuno a romapere le palle a Zamboni, ma allo stesso tempo voglio sapere il suo piano! XD Ah, i dilemmi XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/30/17 | Reply
Jenna: *sighs and rolls eyes, walking* just you, you really think I can afford the luxury of stop fighting staying with my Boss? besides, beating people keep me in shape. I tell you, that some people in this world really deserve a beating. There is much worse than me and my Boss. *stops* Do I look like worried to you? *grins, sunglasses sparklin* I'm not. or better, I'm constantly worried and alarmed. I can't seem to completely relax anymore. Call it professional deformation if you want, hmpf. *Open the door slamming it and looking carefully at everyone inside the pub before walking at the counter* I'll take a beer, and don't you dare spitting in my mug.
Scrafty Barman: *turns slowly, with a disinterested face* Uuuuh we have a very refined lady here... *spits in another mug and keep "cleaning" it really slowly* what for the gentleman...?
*resiste alla tentazione di far cominciare una rissa da bar perchè vuole lasciarli in pace*
*a worker come out from the building outside and approach Ishida* hey, are you the cause of all this sun? what are you doing here in this season, it's dangerous you know? wild pokemons become a lot more aggressive, it's better to not wander too much around in the caves.
Zamboni: *shivers, going further in the coldest part of the cave* cold, so cold.. it better be worth it! *close cloak trying to warm up, as he peeks from some rocks, smirking happily* Just as I thought.. now I must be reeeally cautious... *gulps* no noises.. no sudden movements.. *takes the stolen bag searching for something useful inside* Uhuhuh I'm gonna make a nice surprise to my big friendo Asshida *chuckling silently*
I know!!! X3 but only Zamboni can give this nicknames to Jenna, any other living being would be instantly terminated
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/25/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *blinks* You don't want to fight anymore..? Just me, or in general? *nods, then shakes head, smiling* It seems so. And I believe I am speaking for both, there would be nothing we wouldn't do for them, right? *his smile softens for a second then she follows her* Hm, speaking of that.. You seem worried about something, or is it just my imagination?
Ishida: *walks out in the snow, shivering* Damn it's cold out here.. *looks around* Come on, I like golden and shiny things, it should be easy-peasy for me to find it! *suddenly perks up* Shiny! It will shine if hit by a light! *uses Sunny Day, hoping to warm up and for the nugget to at least shine a bit*
Muscular lotus flower <3 That's adorable! XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/21/17 | Reply
Jenna: *Stops for a second, glancing at the entrance of the Undergrounds for a second* I don't want to fight anymore, but it seems that my Boss got fixated with your snake, he's just too amused by the stupid ways he react... Umpf we can be sure neither of them will change their minds. *smirk* they're just too lucky we love them.. *start to walk briskly away* Come. there's a pub on route 9, usually there's only bikers there, nobody will annoy us there.. i hope.
Zamboni: *it's now in thief mode, slithering quickly and silently through the rocks in the direction of the sound, plotting to himself* mmmh this will be interesting.. let's add some spice to this challenge.. Jenna wouldn't be happy, but she's not here after all... forgive me my muscular lotus flower, but I just have to! Keseseseh
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/18/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *nods* You can be sure I would have left if it was not worth it. And he has his ways of thanking me.. plus if you are not thanked often, when it happens it kinda feels good, you see? *listens to her and smiles* Honestly, I thinks that what you just said is the most important thing, and I agree completely. *shakes head* Being with him and the others just makes my life better. *looks around the city*
Ishida: *kicks some rocks to see if there's something under them* Ugh.. *frowns* I have no idea where to look.. *notices a person* Hey, you! Have you heard about the story of this giant nugget? Any idea where it could be? *laughs and plays it off as a simple conversation*
Random man: Huh? Nugget? *nods* I've heard about that, yes! But if you're looking for it, you should get out of here and walk on the snow.. it is said that it can be reached only that way *laughs* I wonder if it's true..
Ishida: Nah, probably not! *shrugs and leaves* See ya! *complains by himself* Out in the snow! Damn it!!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/15/17 | Reply
Jenna: *tilts her head, pondering, biting her lips a bit* I..Guess so. If you stay with him, there's a reason. *returns grumpy, doesn't want to looks soft* still he could shows some more appreciation for you, with all you do for him. *looks back at him, raising an eyebrow* Obviously I wasn't some kind of damsel in distress. *frowns at the thought* but I speak the truth. I was a brute that used to thoughtlessly fight anyone on my way just to prove my strength, and it was just a matter of time before I would have met someone stronger than me, even if I thought that was impossible. and when it happened it would have ended badly for me if it wasn't for my Boss. *Can't help but smile just a little bit too, as she walks in Opelucid City* It's a great life with my Boss. I don't care what people think, I wouldn't change it for anything else.
Zamboni: *scratch his chin with a careful look* Uhm let's see.. HA! SEE! ME! eheh *He leans his ear against the wall and knocks it to hear if there's hollow noise, his ears twitch as he hears an unexpected sound* Is that.. what I think it is..?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *keeping up with her pace with no problems at all, nodding from time to time* That's an interesting point of view, no doubt.. It's a shame I can't see all those good things about him as well, but that goes for you about my Lord as well, huh? *shakes head and scoffs* Oh sure, that's certainly right.. *looks at her* Forgive me but you don't really look like the type of person who need to be saved, especially not from someone like him. That said, it's interesting how both of us got saved in some way by the people we're now serving. *small smile*
Ishida: Cheap stripper?! I'm not a stripper! And if I were, I'd be very well paid with endless lines of people waiting just to see me!! *closes the jacket, thanking it's big enough to cover him well* Stupid bat! *keeps walking at a pretty fast pace, thinking that the place with the Nugget should be the hardest to reach* And all of this for a stupid ball of gold! *looks at the snow and frowns* I bet my cape he's doing stupid puns on snow and ice! Thankfully I cannot hear him! *frowns and hisses by himself, strutting down the way*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/06/17 | Reply
Jenna: *grins showing her fangs* They won't bother us, if they have a bit of brain in their heads. *listen to him carefully, trying to walk slower, but still keeping her energetic pace* Charm you say.. he hides it pretty well this charm. *grunt* But I can understand your argument. We do need a reason to live and go on, after all. You more than anybody else. *tilts head* My bat..? *turns away blushing very very slightly* thatsoundscute.. *adjust her glasses and clears her throat* My Boss saved my life. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. He taught me what real strength is. He taught me to never give up, and not let the others decide what are my limits. Also he's my best friend. He cares for me as much as I do for him. *falls silent for a second, then sighs* I admit that sometimes his jokes sucks. But I admire him even for this. Even at the worst times, he's able to laugh about it and just keep going, and that's something I would not be able to do myself.
Zamboni*keep running, holding his cloak, trying to warm himself up* If you didn't go around dressed like a cheap stripper with a cape then that wouldn't be a problem! *laughs again, louder* I hate sooo muuuch! Oh Asshida, you crack me up everytime! *exit from the cave to the internal part of the mountain, and flies down at the lowest floor to gain some ground* let's see.. the nugget must be in the deeper area.. *shivers and frowns* stupid snow, it didn't seemed so cold at frost glance, but that's why we can't have ice things! *laughs and enters the cave again* there'snow way the puns will get worst than this!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/04/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *chuckles* I doubt the worst scum of Unova could stand a chance against either you or me! But sure, let's keep it calm, for once *nods at her* Well, where can I start? I know he may seem annoying and stubborn, that's what I thought too when I first saw him, but he's a much better person inside.. No matter what, he has that.. charm.. that keeps his friends close to him. *nods* Plus he literally gave me a new reason to fight for, and that alone means a lot to me. *looks at her* What about your bat?
Ishida: *hisses in anger* SHUT UP! I am simply dressed enough to stay in a stupid cold cave because of your stupid challenge! You surely wouldn't have given me the time to go home and change, right? So shut up! *is about to reply* Hey! Don't just run inside!! *runs inside too* I hate you so much!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/29/17 | Reply
Jenna: *slowly shakes her head* You're wrong. I don't care what people think or say about me. Not anymore. *little smirk* and those people knows very well that's better for them to not piss me off too much. *shrugs* I was just talking for your sake. I thought you didn't wanted to spent your free day brawling with the worst scum of Unova, but if any place it's fine, then I'll take you to my very favorite one. *keep walking, and tense her jaw in a grumpy expression seeing his smirk* so? will you tell me about that snake? what's so special about it?
Zamboni: *opens his eyes wide in surprise and jumps off the tree like a cat* so you came? call me surprised! *smirk* Oh and you brought your boyfriend jacket too! I can image the scene! *makes a girly stupid voice* pls my Loooord don't gooo! that evil bat will swoop your ass and you'll freeze in the cave! *even more stupid voice* NO! I'll go because I'm the best and I will show him how superior I am! gnagnagnah! *laughs* very well then! *walks to the entry of the mountain* do I need to explain the rules to you again since you're stupid?
woman: EEEEK! My necklace! it disappeared! help!
random trainer: not my bag! I had all my healing items provisions in there!
man: My wallet! I've been robbed!
Zamboni: Uh oooh! nevermind, just go! *runs in at full crobat speed laughing like an idiot*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/27/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *scoffs* I'm not surprised by that. Maybe you would be frowned upon too, if seen with the likes of me, huh? *shakes head* Any place is fine, to me. *walking alongside her, staying silent for a moment and noticing her looks, then smirks and shakes head*
Ishida: *hears Zamboni and hurries to him* You might want to rethink that! I'm here, and ready! *glares*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/22/17 | Reply
Jenna: uh? *tilts head a little surprised then nods* Yes. but the in places where I hang out someone like you it's frowned upon. let's just find some place to the way to Icirrus city. *start walking, sometimes glazing at him from above, but showing her disinterested look*
Zamboni:*Yawn, hanging upside down from a tree* That snake won't come. His boyfriend it's too jealous of him to let him go! *snickers with a sleepy face*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/19/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *stops and turns back to her, thinking for a moment, then nods* You're not wrong, and I think we could actually give it a chance. *walks toward her* Can I come with you to drink something like you were saying before? Then we can talk and try to understand eachother. *nods*
Ishida: *taking his time to walk there, he doens't want to get tired too soon*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/14/17 | Reply
Jenna: *stops and turns, staying silent for a second, as she's thinking* Then tell me. What's bout him? Then I could understand. And maybe you could see that my Boss is so much more than an annoying person. *raise her head and narrow her eyes* Your snake and my Boss, they hate each other. And that's why we should be in peace. For their own sake. And for ours. *waits, serious but less dour than usual*
Zamboni: *it's happily causing troubles in route 7*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/13/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Franz: *listens to her* Seriously? I really thought for a moment that you were one of the few that could understand. *stares at her then shrugs* Guess I was wrong then. *sighs and cracks his neck* Think what you want, I will stay with him no matter what. *looks at her for a moment* Well, see you there when it's time, then. But know that it won't be your annoying boss the one to get out first. *slightly smirks* Enjoy your free day. *leaves in the same direction Ishida took*
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Ishida: *hisses* One day I will sit on you so that you can look very close at my real ass! And I will come at your stupid challenge!
Franz: *growls lightly* There is always a we, no matter what you do. *looks at Ishida, worried* You've been there already. You can do it, and I'm sure of it. But I won't let you go without being properly dressed! *takes away his jacket and makes Ishida wear it, then gives him his belt pocket (filled with self-aid dried berries and such) and the cloth band he wears on the bottom of the shirt* Please wear all this, so I can be with you even when apart. *nods*
Ishida: *seems calmer and sighs* Alright, I suppose I should thank you.. But what am I supposed to do with this? *holding the cloth band*
Franz: You wear it on your stupid midriff, my Lord! *almost hissing, but still whispering so Jenna can't hear* Do I have to remind you what happened last time? *forcing him to wear the cloth*
Ishida: *frowns and blushes* Whatever! I'm on my way now! Now have fun with your day off, Franz! And don't worry about me! *turns and leaves, determined to win*
Franz: *deep sigh and looks at Jenna for a moment, to see if she is worried like he is*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/01/17 | Reply
Yes I say so! and that's my last word! so I win! *runs away like a crazy horse before you can say anything*
Zamboni: *Keep staring, his smirk getting more and more wide* Why should I stop staring? I love staring at your as*face! It's so ridiculous when you get mad! but I'm sorry for you, I'm not a part of your joyful rainbow brigade! your desire for me will only remain one of your sick fantasies!
Jenna: *smirk, but almost an amused smile* Maybe i don't know anything, but I can understand the situation quite well, don't you think? *kneel down at Zamboni* are you sure this is a good idea Boss? Twist mountain can be harsh in winter.
Zamboni: *dust off his cloak with a cocky grin* Don't worry my glorious manly darling! I'm a Crobat raised by a Sableye! caves and tunnels are part of my blood! beside I remind you that I'll race against this idiotic salamander with one neuron in his head! he'll give up after the first blow of cold wind! *turns to Franz with an annoyed expression* We? there's no we stupid Scarface! this is between me and Nagini! Go bug someone else, I don't have time for you! *flap his wings standing in midair* I'll wait for you at route 7, and be prepared to clean my boots with your tongue loser! *smiiirk* if your babysitter makes you come of course! *send a kiss to Jenna* Enjoy your day off my dear! *fly away snickering annoyingly*
Jenna: *sighs* Yeah whatever.. and what i'm even supposed to do with a day off?
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/29/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Alright, if you say so~ >w> and this reply is good for both parts~ Kesesese~!
Ishida: *hisses* Well you once told me I am as straight as Franz's eyebrows, but you are not that straight either, if you enjoy so much staring at my ass! *light growl* Now stop before I get mad!
Franz: Actually, you don't know anything- *listens to him, then sighs and massages his temples with one hand while holding Ishida with the other* I am not paid enough to withstand all this. Why do I even bother?
Ishida: *screeches* WHAT?! Why don't you bend over right here and now and find out if I have dysfunctions or not?! You f*cking flying rat!!
Franz: My Lord! Why must you alway- *stops and looks at Zamboni* Wait. Why should we trust you anyway? How can we know if there really is the nugget? *stares at him carefully, remembering the pain of wintery Twist Mountain*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/26/17 | Reply
he's too perfectly evil and captivatinghe's a stupid fat pigeon who thinks to be the best, but it's not! notatall! *voice from nowhere* actually one of her very favorites *slap voice away* LIES! COME ON you know what I'm talking about ù.ùZamboni: I'm not? then I will do it! I'll look at your a*s! *Looks at him straight in the face, with a daring smirk*
Jenna: oh, he can? *smirks at Zamboni* Of course, I'm totally sure of that. He showed his self-reliance several times already, obviously.
Zamboni *chuckle* of course he did, but didn't you heard my dear? Scarface takes great pleasure in watching him... What's the problem Scarface? can't your serpent lover satisfy in other ways? I bet he suffers of e-reptile dysfunction! *cracks himself of laughter*
Jenna: *"I-can't-believe-how-bad-is-this-one" amused snort*
Zamboni: *dry a tear, still shaking in sniggers* Oh my. I'm a genius. Back to the serious business thought. Listen to me carefully, I will speak slowly and clearly so even you can understand me: Do you know Twist Mountain, no? it's just soooo pretty in winter! *smirks* (Si è inverno, per rendere il tutto più faticoso) well it's been said that, deep in the bowels of the earth, there's a secret cave where Clay himself has hidden a nugget as big as your empty head! so I say, we will enter at the same moment, and the first one that find it and arrive to Icirrus City safe and sound, will prove to be a skilled adventurer, and the winner! but the other one, will only be a loser. and will have to clean the other one boots. Like. A. Servant. *smirks and turns his back flapping his wings* so? what's your answer? it's okay if you're too scared of losing and refuse, you don't have any chance against me, worm! Keseseh
Shopping tra donnoni, che libidine.
Last edited by Groovy Boar at 9:04:49 AM EDT on March 27, 2017.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
You don't like my Borioso Grassone?! But why? XD (Zora could provide a super long list of reasons why he is not to be liked XD)
If you say it like that, people might think wrong of it! >w>
Ishida: *actually took the time to listens to Zamboni, so gets extra mad and hisses at him, trying to free himself more from Franz's grip* If this is my ass then you are NOT allowed to look at it, especially not touch it! Now get out of my sight before I cut your wings and fry them crispy!
Franz: *holding Ishida tightly, he is not willing to fight again, not this time* Calm down, my Lord! *looks at Jenna* Whatever you say, woman. I take pleasure in keeping an eye on my lord whenever he requires, but I know for sure he can handle himself pretty well without me worrying.
Ishida: *growls* Challenge accepted, you stupid batshit! I will make you beg to end this challenge and get back to the lovely cures of that wrestler you call a woman!
Franz: *sigh of eternal suffering*
Ehehehe I had no doubt about it!
That would just be wonderful! *w*
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/18/17 | Reply
I love him! like everyone else!
Eccetto i boriosi grassoniTied up, gagged and secluded in a tall tower for a couple of days! this sound like a plan. *prepares rope*
Zamboni: Don't you even think about it woman! *Big smirk that reaches his ears, turns to Ishida* With real pleasure! *crouch down looking at him* I bet that you wouldn't be able to stay alive even a single day without your wooer to protect you, as stupid as you are and.. Oh! *gently smack his forehead* but that's your butt, not your face! my bad I got confused, they look just the same you know? Kesesesehehehehehmeh!
Jenna: *cross her arms and shrugs* My Boss appears anywhere his awesomeness it's required, and I will be at his side, no matter what. beside you're the one who came here this time. *raise an eyebrow* that snake it's easily provoked, I can see why you can't take your eye off him even for a second.
Zamboni: I have a fantastic idea! hey Asshida! I challenge you too see who's the most free-standing and skilled of us! even if it's quite obvious already who's that *smiiiiirk*
Jenna: *little sigh*
Unfortunately for him, Zamboni has more baits than a fisherman!
Yesss *-* they could go shopping and then complain that there are no shoes for big women and warrior like clothing and stuff, ahhh donnoni!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/13/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Ahahah XD I'm glad you like him even if he is so annoying and stubborn and full of himself! XD But really, not only they should be tied up, but also gagged so that they cannot speak! Only then, there will be peace!
Ishida: *appears from nowhere* Wanna say that to my face, you piece of sh-*gets his mouth shut by Franz, who appears right behind him from nowhere too*
Franz: Not this time, my Lord. *looks at the two* It's always you two lately, I wonder why.
Ishida: *frees himself* Anyway I can give Franz all the free days he wishes for! I can do everything by myself, if I want to! *stares proudly*
And here it begins.. Ishida bites the baits more than fishes!
But yeah, Krieg would probably love Jenna a lot, you know, both are "donnoni" XD Zorawar.. eeehhh.. She would probably hate him, yes XD Too annoying and it's not Zamboni, so it wouldn't end well XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/06/17 | Reply
OMG absolutely! Ishida has a hearth of gold and it's just adorable when he gets all offended! I love him very much! Zamboni it's the most annoying thing ever! but it's obvious that Jenna has big preferences!
oh love..Maybe if they tie them up not too tight they would be more relaxed?Zamboni: Hey hey I'm not an idiot! if my dearie would like a day off to relax I could totally let her be and stay safe! it's the least I can do after everything she does for me! and I'm too cunning to get in trouble of course! *dust off his shoulder and smirks*
Jenna: *roll her eyes at the last statement but smile* Thank you Boss.
Zamboni: On the other hand that snake would probably fell in a pit and die after two steps without his lover to look over him! *chuckle*
you see? annoying as hell! I would like Jenna to be friends with Franz! and Krieg too! and maybe even Zora? I don't know every character it's just awesome in the end.
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/27/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
But Jenna is right, Ishida can be annoying XD Zamboni can be annoying too, though! So she has her preferences, and we all know that >w>
Like I told you before, without their bosses, Jenna and Franz could totally be friends XD And yes, maybe that could work! Or would they be worried anyway? XD
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/02/17 | Reply
oh yes they do
but Salazar it's embarrassing! I can picture him embroider bright happy quotes like "hang in there baby" or "always smile" and then frame them and hang in the house like some kind of old aunt! I will sound immodest but Jenna it's kinds awesome >w< but I'm sure she will be friends with someone at one point! and if/when Franz will beat her she would probably respect him more I'm sure! she don't mind him, it's just that can't let him touch her beloved Boss! she definitely finds Ishida annoying though. if Ishida and Zamboni weren't' always in the way it would be much easier I guess. but when you offer your life at someone service that's what you get I suppose. They should totally take a day off and lock them somewhere safe where they CAN'T in any way get harmed (not together though) and just relax, maybe go to the spa or something XD XD
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/01/17 | Reply
Oh, the quotes are great and fit perfectly with the characters!! Zarry's one is just cute, let me say it >w> XD But my fav is Jenna~ Really, I like her so much, I wish my characters would make friends with her! DX
Anyway I like how you colored just some details, it looks very good! ^^
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/24/17 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I'm glad you recovered! I did too in fact but I still pay attention since winter is not over yet and I don't want to get sick again! >.<
yeah alcohol markers especially are kinda easy to use when you get used to it! you just have to think where to put the color before and do it quickly.
DeathSeraph made me discover promarkers in fact! she's so awesome with them *-* let me tell you her artworks looks even more amazing in real life! traditional art lose a lot when is scannered actually...
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
I agree with you there! 2016 wasn't a good year. :P
and thank you, I finally recovered from my cold. I hope that you have recovered from the flu!
Yes! when blending marker, you have to use fast strokes so you won't get streaks! XD I have a hard time explaining that , but it's awesome that you got it!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/20/17 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
yeah it really sucked! I'm happy that 2016 it's over even if doesn't mean anything in the end. I'm sorry that were sick too, I hope now you feel better.
thanks for the compliment I'm really honored! promarkers are easy to blend in fact, the secret it's just color quite fast to not make it dry and leave marks.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/17 | Reply
I'm so sorry to hear that you were really sick and dealing with an artblock. That's a terrible way to start the year. :( I was also in a slump because I got sick too.
I think it's awesome that you were able to draw something! I really like this style you did. I like how you did the line work and then put a solid color in the back for each character. It makes it stand out! I also think you blended the marker so well it look like you did this digital. :D
I hope you feel better!
Jabbawookie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/16/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
Well, that´s troublesome. What about chocolate with high kakao percentage? It´s supposed to help when the stomach is upset... and a lot of soups. But I guess the best is eating what and how much you feel like eating.
In the end, that sums up being a friend, yes.
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/15/17 | Reply
milk is my biggest problem since it's the breakfast the one that I vomit.. but eating too much every kind of food has become a problem in general.. I will just eat the essential since I won't get better and that's all. anyway it's not meddlesome, but caring. that's what friend are made for in the end isn't it?
Jabbawookie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/15/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
It´s good to hear your flu is gone. Well, with the eating, that´s a problem. Do you drink a lot? Is yoghurt doable or also a no-go? I´m glad that song could cheer you up a little. You´re too sweet, dear, I feel just meddlesome like a granny for my friends, lol! I´m not old enough, though... (for being called granny)
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/14/17 | Reply
oh yes the flu already passed, but I still problems with eating
I just keep throwing up.. i think it's for the stress but I hope it will stop with time.
I actually like that song a lot! it's so cute and seems perfect to cheer up. thank you for linking it to me! really thank you a lot in general for all the nice words! It help a lot in fact knowing people care even if they don't know me directly!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/14/17 | Reply
thank you so much! that's so sweet from you! I will remember about it!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/14/17 | Reply
I know, I love drawing her so much! *-* She's my beautiful manly anarchic princess!
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/13/17 | Reply
Dang, look at Jenna! She looks more badass and pretty every time you draw her :)
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/12/17 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
If you ever need to talk I would be happy to listen!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/12/17 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
ah thank you. my inking skills got a lot better actually, I just don't know how. also thanks for your concern. I'm still recovering and getting a little better, I'm just hoping really hard that things will getting better for me and my family this year. we'll see. thanks again, really.
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/12/17 | Reply
Thank you for your nice comment, really! I hope things well getting a little better too.. with time.
I'm glad you enjoy my art, that surely honor me! thank you!
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/12/17 | Reply
ah thanks
I'm happy to be back and I do hope to be a little more active, if I don't have anymore problems coming out... ( I really hope not) thank you for your words ^^
Jabbawookie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/11/17 | Reply
Dear sweetie* cuddles you tightly* It sounds like you need some big cookie yourself! *Hands you a digital one* So tough, my dear. I hope at least the fever and the flu went down? If yes, normally the rest doesn´t seem as bad anymore. Especially when one can eat again~
I would like to ref this song since I think it´s (especially the Refrain) written for those times (sorry if it´s not to your liking...)
Oh, did I aready tell you that I love the quote for Salazar the most? Though, all three of them are so true for life. One won´t get by with just one. The drawings are cute, so detailed and I love the choice of colors. Very well done! Loving it~
See you around °v^b
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/11/17 | Reply
I really love the layout here! Gorgeous!
Glad you're back! I'm sorry to hear that you've been having a tough time lately. We're here for you!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/11/17 | Reply
Ah, these look wonderful! I love the look of clean line work combined with a single color. You chose some great quotes for these, too~ :,)
Sorry to hear the end of the year has been hard for you. >_< I hope you're feeling better from your sickness. And art block is always a struggle, isn't it;;; I hope the new year will treat you well! ;3;/ ♥
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/11/17 | Reply
I'm sorry to hear it's been so tough for you lately, and I don't know the right thing to say, but I really hope it gets better! <3
The drawings look so neat. I like the sweet one on the left, and the quote on the right really goes well with the character
I'm always happy to see art from you!^^