What? this pic is Awesome! Someone said something about the nose and mouth being off center, but that would be wrong. Who ever said that the mouth has to remain still all the time? ya know? and maybe it was the shawdowing effects, or maybe he has something in his mouth... What i hate is people who take drawings too literal, they believe it has to be this way or the highway... but cant you just enjoy the art...? Sorry bout that... i'm just sick out people who act like that. Great art. it is one of its own, in the category of the best.
I like the blue to, if you go to my site you'd see I love blue too, lol. But yeah anyways I agree with Perro about the nose and mouth, but never mind the more I look at they look fine, its just his right eye its to far over. But other than that its good.
*~freak da funk
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/27/05 | Reply
Liebe ist Krieg
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/22/05 | Reply
Hanyou Gary
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/21/05 | Reply
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/16/05 | Reply
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/16/05 | Reply
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/16/05 | Reply