OMG that awesome dude is mean *pouts* theotaku is about free expression.... we dont follow rules... drawning is something personal... and it should not be said in suck a way... no what IM ASHAMED OF HIM!
Wow this is just a funny pisture! I can tell you cut out ut pic and put it on a backround..... its good tho even tho its strange Haru likes YunYun since Rin "is" his girfriend lol
I *love* HaruxYuki. This pic is wonderful, and really made my day. I'm thankful there are great artists like you to bring to light all views, and not just the narrow-minded, self centered veiws of those who consider theirselves "righteous"
I love the picture, no matter what anyone else says. Keep up the good work.
Hahaha, I'm glad the you commented "AwesomeDude"898, because I'm going to report you again. *smiles* I LOVE YOU SHINOBIWOLF!!! You have done a fantastic job on this. ^^ Shpankyuu for it very much. ^^ *votes yes*
well i have some news for you "AwesomeDude", if you dont like it then dont look at it...if its all over the site then dont come back to the sight. She/He isnt abusing her/his artistic rights at all...infact she/he is using it...most people (like you) dont even try....i bet that if it was two girls you would feel different about it so just shut up! dont bring people down cause they like other type of art and fan art than you! so back up off everyone and do us all a favore and get a life! oh and shubobiwolf, i really like it... ^_^ congrats
I don't even care about this anime that much, and it still pisses me off.
Congratulations on perverting yet another well-done anime and reducing the scope of your artistic talent to man-fondeling. Hope you're proud of yourself.
And for the record, we honestly shouldn't have to "deal" with you perverts, at least not on a friggen' day-to-day basis.
Every fricken' day I log on to The Otaku I get crap like this shoved in my face.
I usually remain quiet about it and swallow my pride, but this has been going on for far too long, and I'm getting tired of it.
I have no idea why The Otaku is OK with the submission of the perverted junk on such a large scale.
But just 'cause they allow it doesn't make it right.
You're an abuser of both your artistic freedom and this website. You, in all honesty, need to be ashamed of yourself.
But, based on previous experiences, you won't even take this note seriously enough to even take a second-glance at the kind of things you're doing.
No, instead you and your "rabid 'yaoi'-fangirl posse" will probably just mass-flame me and go through my gallery voting "no" on each piece to bring my rating down, all because I'm honest about how screwed-up this site is getting.
Well, if you have to, go ahead. You'll just prove me right.
Otakuite | Posted 05/03/06 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 04/02/06 | Reply
NaaMeki Necko
Otakuite | Posted 03/14/06 | Reply
Princess Mokuba
Otakuite | Posted 03/04/06 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 02/28/06 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/27/06 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 02/27/06 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/27/06 | Reply