this one came out kinda quickly. X> 'TIS TREE! -hugs hisself- he's my poor little cursed boy. actually, he has marsh syndrome like ralphy, but his took a different effect. there are different effects and looks the plague can take. sometimes it might even look like the person is totally fine, but in truth they have marsh syndrome. ; ; it's a sad thing. tree is living his worst fear of being a monster. though he doesn't look like a monster to us, to him he looks hideous. and wait 'till you see him at nights! -shudder- at that time he doesn't come out of his rooms often, and if he does he stays in the shadows of the town. ; ; oh well. i just wanted to get this one off my chest and out of my folder of soon-to-collect-dust pictures. now i have to work on them contest prizes and entries of my own! :OOOO -scrambles off- photoshopcs2 3-4hrs? the garden meeting by john williams PS: high res gives you plague-proof sprays!
Raindrop23 (Fan Art Portfolio)
Me And My Tree

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- Created
- 05/31/07
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