Raindrop23 (Fan Art Portfolio) Plight In White

Plight In White
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;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; i'm sorry i took so so so long, eve! ; ;;;;; i have homework. lots. as of...2 hours ago i got out of school (heavy rainstorms ahoy!) and have been doing my homework. ahaha, what a waste of an evening! ;v; i'm doing geography right now; lots of vocabulary words! i have 2 papers due in english next week too...3 worksheets in geometry...an expirement outline in biology...aya! i'm using "plight" with it's meaning of predicament. it can mean a promise/pledge or something used at weddings, but i like the predicament usage better because it sounds cool. and it rhymes with white! :V oh, what a field day i can have rhyming different words.. anyway, eve won one of two trades with me. the other...i donno. goldy, technically you got it but i don't know if you wanted to finish our old d. gray collab or start something fresh. ^ ^;;; so maybe pm me about that later. this is my part of the bargain! she wanted me to initially draw eve from black cat and possibly herself. i decided to go the extra mile here and draw eve (hoshiri) in too. i know, i totally killed eve from black cat's basic design. pleeeease don't report it, because believe it or not the blonde is supposed to be eve from black cat! ; ; i haven't read much of the manga yet, so i don't know if i can make eve (hoshiri) a sweeper or if she's just a regular priest or something...i like priest better because i gave her crosses and power of holy light. the blonde eve is in eve (hoshiri)'s favourite transformations with the angel wings, i just added the sword arm for kicks. omnomnom...i hope i didn't do too bad... ._. at least go look at eve's picture!!!! ; ;!!!!!!! she drawed me olivia and it looks so fudge-knocking pretty! photoshopcs2 5hrs on and off? code lyoko by julien lamassone. love love love code lyokoooo~~~~~~~ PS: high res attacks jpeg formatting!

Black Cat Fan Art
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