Reenigrl (Fan Art Portfolio) Arsenaway Characters

Arsenaway Characters
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just a quick scetch of some of my orig characters from my upcoming manga "Arsenaway"
the sheeps not an actual character...its just a sheep with a unicorn horn... Arsenaway's family heards these type of sheep... and soma is dude... he looks kidsa girly here... he wears a scarf on his head cause he dosent want to accept the fact that his going bald... but the dude is like a couple hundred years old....

Karin is a "witch" that Arsenaway and Takeru meet while on their journey... she helps them find their way to the 3 wise men... soma , Maurice ,Tomie..pronounced (toe-me)
you probably already know that Ayara and Amara are twins Ayara is the bad one who's helping Anatnas in his plans of conquring Lyria...Lyria is the name of the land ... pandora is ayara's and amara's little sister... Reese a boy Arsenaway and Takeru meet... he was tring to steal arsenaway's food.. he's a pick pocketer who joins there group cause he has nothing better to do.. he's head over heals for pandora... but she just thinks he's annoying.... Kai is a boy from arsenaway's village he's very handsome and reeliable and all the girls have a crush on him... including Arsenaway and ren..her best friend...
Ren is Arsenaways best friend ...but she dosent join her on her journey to find Anatnas... she stays back at the town because she had to help her family with her farm... ...

the mirror is a Weapon/sheild that Arsenaway gets from Amara... it can reflect attacks... and also absorb weopons such as arrows...and spit them back out at enemy's

Takeru is the boy that Arsenaway accidently resserected by breaking a seal on his tomb as she went to get a closer look at the skeliton it began to suck the breath out of her giving enough life to bring Takeru back from the dead.... but by awakining Takeru she also brought back the person who killed him..Anatnas...

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
amara, anatnas, arsenaway, pandora, reenigrl, takeru
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