Hey guys, yes, another character from Haruhi Suzumiya is here! PRESENTING.... TSURUYA! This is especially dedicated to Animeganja2 aka Mike, because he drew me a Mikuru Angel and dedicated the work to me. I hope you guys like it! The reason why the colours are like that is because my dad changed the scanner, that's why it's clearer, and less bright than before, which is a good thing, because my lighter shading can now be seen! YAY! =3
Goku-chan (Fan Art Portfolio) Tsuruya (shaded)
- Created
- 05/12/08
- Category
- Haruhi Suzumiya Fan Art
- Tags
- haruhi suzumiya, melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, tsuruya
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- Votes
- 21 votes
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- 9 members
- Member Dedication
- AnimeGanja2
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- This work is not available for use in other pieces
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