ElvesAteMyRamen (Fan Art Portfolio) NYAF Mascot Contest

NYAF Mascot Contest
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Whelp, here's my entry to the NYAF mascot contest and...OMG!!! Elves' did it digitally!!! Yes, this was actually all done on the computer...well, except for the original sketch and the outline was done in regular pen but I figured, if a place needs something re-produced on things like t-shirts and brochures and such, they need more simplified colors hence why I decided to try my hands at some digital-ness.

When I think of NY, I tend to think of logos and slogans and what popped into my head was the I Luv NY logo...so I did the play on that with the I Luv NYAF and I also think of the slogan, "The city so nice they named it twice," that which being NYC also referred to as "The Big Apple." So, I did the apples in there around the outside design and keeping a little bit of celtic/nature-esque in there since Central Park is also a big part of NYC.

So yes, there it be and don't crit too hard since this is like, my first attempt at digital coloring but I don't think it came out bad.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
nyaf mascot
53 votes thumb
17 members Favoritefavorite
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