(This is for my friend Cookie, otherwise known as TwoFacedLullaby...or Kohaku-dono or whatever...)
Cookie, this is my present for you. I just feel like making something for you, and im in the middle of a major project right now and i need a break. And it seems like life has been giving more than your share of crap lately, so maybe this will somehow brighten your day. :)
Even though i have never (and most likely never will) met you face to face, youre still one of my bestest buddies ever. Kachi and Cookie UNITE! (yes, Kachi and Cookie...not Cookie and Kachi :)
And i will take it as a personal insult if you dont look at this within... *looks at watch...hey im not even wearing a watch!* 24 hours. It seems like youre NEVER on! Maybe that just cause im on too much...
And those are my blue otter poops. But you can have the yucky green ones. No one likes those anyway....AND IM STILL THE PRETTER AND SMARTER ANIME GIRL!
Anyway, this was drawn by hand, in a ball point pen no less. BE PROUD OF ME! And then colored with GIMP. It took me only about four hours, so excuse the crappiness. Enjoy!