This was originally A4 sized with 'my family is special for me too' around it but I edited those letters out since I messed them up. This is also episode 87 ~ Smiles ~ I can't help it, it's my all time favourite episode at the moment! In the sequence this comes after the one of him lying on the ground ~ Smiles ~ Which came after the one submitted yesterday (just to be confusing lol)
I do though think it makes a rather good picture as well, I really enjoyed doing this and getting everything to work together. The shading was fun, I used the lessons from Wednesday so it looks right in this one. Road does look better than Tyki though, I only realised when I was done that his face is slightly wrong but pah, I shall just pretend I was adding my own spin on to things lol
Not much to say really ~ Laughs ~ Enjoy!