mewmewpudding (Fan Art Portfolio) Birdie Birdie

Birdie Birdie
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Okay, I'm most certainly not at my 'creative peak' today. XD;;

My cousins are visiting all week and I'm exhausted already, and it's only a day since they've arrived. They're all younger than I am, the oldest being 9, and the youngest girl always wants to play with me. I love 'em, but they're so HYPERACTIVE.

And there is almost NO ESCAPE from them either. I'm hiding from them now with the computer, but I'm likely to be found soon. P:

So, the arrival of these little fiends and the week of the 4th o' July means that art posting shall be rather slim. I have two art trades, two art requests, and SEVERAL gifts I need to do/get up. And I apologize for not putting this up sooner, but I was gone all weekend with my friend.

On the left is Puramu, UnknownRumor's MALE Mew. :3 I'm sorry I screwed up his outfit! I was inking, and all of a sudden the outfit side kind of died. I was having a bad inking day. DX

And, of course, on the right, is Poppukon, my Mew.

See, they're both BIRDS (or at least have the DNA in them), thus they are 'birds of a feather'... Ahahaha....NO.

And my rhyming ability astounds you all, I'm sure [/sarcasm]. XD;;

A thank you for UnknownRumors for drawing them together. She was nice enough to do it as a 'thank-you' and I REALLY wanted to draw them together too then. But, of course, I'm a lazy butt so I didn't color it, and the inking looks like I was having a seizure while doing it. I APOLOGIZE TO THE WORLD! *is having a 'Ritsu moment'*

Ermm... Yeah. THANK YOU, UNKNOWN-CHAN! I huggle you and give you a big ol' gold star, 'cause you were out. ;3

Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Art
birds, feathers, gift/thank you, male mew, mew mew rebellion, mew mews, plum, popcorn, poppukon, puramu, tokyo mew mew, unknownrumors
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