LunaLei (Fan Art Portfolio) Join

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...nothing much to say....Okay. If you didn't know my naruto oc's on the top. lunastarz's at the bottom. Rein Akira's in the middle. MagicRinger's on the side with the sign. And lunastarz's oc's raccoon with the arrow sign. Sooo....join the oc appreciation club by magic ringer and rein akira's naruto next generation club cause it's specifically made for naruto ocs while magic ringer's is for all ocs but both worlds are like partners so yeah. ~fwee~ Kurohana's at the top o the tower! Lately, I've been feeling forgotten nowadays on theotaku. I dunno why but I just do...maybe cause I was supposed to recieve a promotion from supersaiyanjounin's ninja club thingy but they never gave me one...or maybe cause I entered a contest a little while ago and they announced winners but they didn't mention anything about my entry...or maybe even cause someone stole my idea from something that I did long before they even drew something and then I got crazy pms saying that I stole the idea when i didn't because of the dates on each paper which clearly stated I drew something on the 17th of january and they drew it on the 3rd of April I think. Whatever. I deleted the pic so no more criticism. Oh yeah. Someone on theOtaku once again has copied my same avi so now it's time to change it again. Dun-dun-duuuun. This is like the 6th time now. To be honest with you people. I'm seriously annoyed by this. I don't like having the same avi as someone else cause I like orginality. *SIGH* My flashing akatsuki one was the most favorite but yeah. Hug/ comment? Please? Arigato and jaa ne minna.

Naruto Fan Art
akira, characters, club, fan, join, keno, kurohana, lunalei, lunastarz, magicringer, mizuki, okihi, original, rein, reinakira, uchiha, yumeno
40 votes thumb
14 members Favoritefavorite
Ryochi30 Kazumi Saya Naomi Bear Blood Moon Wolf DeidaraNarutoClan tokyokisshu narutoluver1
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