Kuroda and Hikari Sachiyo, the twin mages!
For sonnyparadisewish's Lost in a Nightmare thing. :)
I still don't know what to put in the "about me" section. I was brainstorming thinking that maybe a Dark overlord or something took half of their powers. Thus turning them into 12 year olds though they are really 18. idk, just a thought. Maybe when the map gets up it'll help me. :P ehh...anyways I'm going to change up their Bios a little Sonny so it'll go more along with the story I'm still thinking about. :O ah well, here's the bios:
Name: Hikari Sachiyo
Age: 12(physically, really 18)
Race: Human
Place of Origin:
Likes: Helping, making new friends
Dislikes: Fighting, death, evil, being useless, in the way
Weapon:Rod of Healing
Class: White Mage
Goal: To find peace within the world
About Me: (I'm still thinking about that. ^^;)
Name: Kuroda Sachiyo
Age: 12(physically, really 18)
Race: Human
Place of Origin:
Likes: Fighting, (can't think of anything else. XD)
Dislikes: Being weak, loseing, having her sister in the way, being 12
Weapon: Skull Rod
Class: Black Mage
Goal: To find the Dark Overlord that took most of her's and Hikari's powers and kill him.
About Me: (I'm still thinking about that too. ^^;)
ehh....need to think more about their story. >w<
I'm also trying to decided whether their hats are their Great-great-great-great grandmothers that were cursed to be hats for eternity,or just magic hats that can summon different creatures. O.o ehhh....
And I think they look more like witches rather than mages, but they will become witches eventually soo...idk.
and one twin can't be without the other because Kuroda is really reckless. so she need Hikari to heal her. and Hikari is really weak(in other words, completely FAILS) at offencive magic. so she need Kuroda to protect her. :P
oh yea, I know that I said I have to do contest entries and stuff, but after reveiwing which ones I need to do, I realized that I only have one contest I need to do.(Me= fails at counting) and that contest ends on August 8 I believe. so, I decided to do this. I just had to draw them!! X3 they're so cute!!!(but if you say that to Kuroda, she'll probably kill you! O.o)
mkay, well, me has to go now. ^^ jaa ne!