Magnus Lensherr (Fan Art Portfolio) The Wild Child Of The Supaida's!

The Wild Child Of The Supaida's!
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This is the original scan of this image: Lineart!

I am including it because to me this is almost like a vector ~ Cracks up ~ Took me hours ~ Shakes head ~ We are taking like 10-12 or so! It was completely batty! It is not like 100% coloured but after so long and several days (I wanted to submit this yesterday) I have decided it is good enough as it is ~ Laughs ~ That and I have an important now project to do so I need to move on now!

So anyway. My favourite parts are by far the trees and the wood ~ Stares in awe ~ The trees were accidental and the textures were formed by using dA brushes I have had for ages but not known how to use. I got them for if I ever wanted to make wallpapers but never ended up doing that ~ Laughs ~ The brush furthest to the right doesn't look too bad either ~ Grins ~ Uhh and the meat. I adore that! It and the wood turned out better than I could have hoped!

Things I dislike: half the spiders are still dotted white. Because there were so many lines on that by the time I got to midnight I decided to leave them alone. Hopefully it is not too obvious in the smaller version but probably is very obvious in the other one. Just know that I took a heck of a lot of them off ~ Smiles ~

In explanation: Since most probably won't see the story in the manga I shall explain what we see here now. This is a forest in Russia ~ Grins ~ Probably looks nothing like a Russian forest but in the manga I am in a Russian forest. I am grey because (and this is the tenuous DGM link, the manga is DGM so I figured the image should be also) the Noah characters are grey and in this part of the manga I am in my Noah form. The spiders are called Supaida's and there should be 8. They are with me all the time! Err the hole is where we store our waste (mostly bones as the Supaida's eat a lot!) I have those primitive flint and stone tools to help them hunt and the legs of meat are the results of the hunts. I am nude because we escaped from a convent and have been living rough for about a decade, so any clothes I had would have long since been grown out of lol. I was never taught how to make my own clothes and since I am being raised by the Supaida's I have never learnt it's wrong so yea.

Overall: I was so happy with this picture I couldn't get straight to sleep yesterday. I adore it so damn much ~ Huggles it ~ I hope you do too ^_^


D.Gray-man Fan Art
dranz, forest, noetic innocence, supaida's
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6 members Favoritefavorite
TalimSoul xaos lazyweird1 AngelBest Dream
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