mewmewpudding (Fan Art Portfolio) Regnum Animalium

Regnum Animalium
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Regnum animale/animalium - the Animal Kingdom

Yup, yup. The title means 'animal kingdom' in Latin. I could really think of an idea for a title other then 'connection' so I decided to Google search it up. ;]

This is my art trade with tokyokisshu. Originally it was going to just be a request, and I don't know if it still is, but she asked for something animal-themed/related. So here's my interpretation of that. :D

I have actually seen a shirt like that when I was in Garden of the Gods in Colorado, in the gift shop. I really loved the idea, so I decided to add it in here.

Please ignore my horrible excuse for a snake (I was supposed to add it looping around another time, that's why it's body doesn't match up) and the colors on the parrot. I used no references, so I can't say it's the best.

If you're wondering what the h-e double hockeysticks is up with the background, I can't really say too much myself. I didn't have a good idea for a background, so I was going to do a bunch of different animal things, like zebra stripes. When I started to do the zebra stripes, however, it looked more like tree branches. Hence, I got the idea for showing that all the animals are connected, by having three different climate/zones where animals live. The jungle/forest, the tundra, and the savanna/grasslands.

Prismacolor pencils
microns 05 and 01
colorless blender
mechanical pencil

Hope tokyokisshu likes it! MORE ART TRADES/REQUESTS, ON THE WAY SOON. 8D *is a slowpoke*
NOTE: The thing on her right leg (our left) is a bag with a fish in it, by the way.
EDIT/ANOTHER NOTE: High resolution loves animals. :D

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
animal, animalium, animals, art trade, bird, connection, earth, fish, frog, giraffe, girl, mother earth, nature, penguin, rabbit, regnum animale, snake, tokyokisshu, wildlife
39 votes thumb
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