mewmewpudding (Fan Art Portfolio) 100: Dreams

100: Dreams

Thank you to anyone who has ever supported me, voted/hugged for me, subscribed to me, or commented for me. I owe this all to you!

My 100th picture on theOtaku. Not particularly an amazing one, but I thought it was the best choice. I drew this out two days ago, I believe, and I love it. :3

This is a celebration picture for my 100th picture and my 100 subscribers. I currently have 104 subs (thank you so much guys!) and I really need to thank everyone who's bothered to subscribe to me. I know I'm not that interesting, so thanks for sticking around! ;w;

My 100th subscriber, Hikarumi, is receiving a special gift/drawing whenever I finish up my art trades and such. Which will hopefully be very soon, now that I've gotten this 100th drawing out of the way. Truthfully, I meant to make this more special and be in color, but I thought this would suffice.

Thank you to everyone! I love you guys. ;w; *hugs and cake for all*

And a special thanks to Adam and all the staff here at theO. This site couldn't run without you, and I wouldn't have met a large number of people had this site not been made. So thanks to you all!

Ahahahaha, lame title, no? |D

By the way, a half-celebration for my passing of 5000 comments. I'm such a nerd to have that many, aren't I? *laughs*

Ignore the brown on the right side, by the way. I had chocolate icing or something on my hand. I thought it was off the paper, but I guess not. P:

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
100, birds, books, butterfly, college, doves, dreams, earphones, etc. :p, girl, music, piano, snow, stars, tree, world
34 votes thumb
17 members Favoritefavorite
nezumi kurosaki missytcm AnimeGal816 Kittenlark AngelBest Dream Bluesen tokyokisshu littlecakelover Megumiiko samuraigirl122 Blood Moon Wolf
Member Dedication
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