ElvesAteMyRamen (Fan Art Portfolio) Not Your Average Elf

Not Your Average Elf
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My friend and I are coming up with an idea for a new manga. The basic concept is a real elf gets transported to our time...but the twist is, he ends up at a Renaissance Festival and doesn't realize he's in a different era at all but keeps seeing odd things like cameras and modern clothing and such.

Nothing has been done with it yet but some storyline and I'm working on concept sketches of the characters and this one here is the main elf who isn't a typical elf in the sense that he's very energetic, very curious, and likes to poke his nose into things.
We're bouncing names around but Anaryan Runya Hellvedar seems like the most possible pick at the moment.

My 4th CG attempt! Hee!
Drawn in pencil and then scanned and outlined in Manga Studio Ex
Colored in Photoshop CS3
BG effect done by crumpling a piece of earthen sketchbook paper and scanning that.:XD:
Leaf brushes credited to: http://celestial-star.net/

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
elf, elves, renaissance
57 votes thumb
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