okay, let me explain...this is what happens when you become an Ohno Satoshi fan, watch his drama(which is Maou), and become too obsessed with it. end of story....
Seriously, i was in the mood of drawing good vs evil when i was watching the show and so this pops up!!! just so you know, the main character in this show(which is played by Ohno Satoshi ^^) is known to be the "angelic lawyer" and helps defend weak people, but actually, he is the maou(devil) who is planning revenge against the other main(which is played by ikuta Toma ^^) for killing his younger brother.
So yeah, thats the explaination for this pic...oh and at the top, it says tenshi(angel) and Maou(devil) in mandarin. i kinda cheated on that...i saw how the comp writes these two words so i kinda copied their style of writing it, so yeah... ^^; oh and the red lines in the background, yeah you will only understand that if you watch the drama. i think it symbolizes red lines of truth or something..idk
if you have time, you should really check this drama out! its an awesome drama!!
so yeah...hope you like it! ^^
P.S: I'm a HUGE ARASHI FAN...so yeah... ^^; i watching too much of them.... their songs are awesome too, especially the op for this show called Truth
if you have time, you should really listen to their songs~~ they are so adorable and sweet, so are the members!! ^^
talked too much...i mean typed too much...oh well,
....ENJOY this pic!!~~~ ^^