HakubiShirahime (Fan Art Portfolio) Mew mew Cottoncandy, Metamorpho-sis~!

Mew mew Cottoncandy, Metamorpho-sis~!
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So this is my main mew, Mew Cottoncandy, or Kotokandi. She has the DNA of a flamingo, and is the leader of my mew mew team.

Mew Kotokandi

Name: Kotona Ususaki
Meaning: Light-Blossom Cotton
Age: 14
Hair color: Peach (Pink-black as mew)
Eye color: Brown (Pink as mew)
Colors: Pink and black
Mew sign: On her lower back
DNA: Flamingo
Weapon: Kotokandi rod (A golf/hocky/cricket stick)
Attack: Ribbon~ Kotokandi freeshot (Shots a ball of light from her rod, like a golf hit)
Likes: Shrimps, Slot machines
Dislikes: Being alone

Kotona is quite a boring girl. She tries her best in school, And don't really get excited about having fun for a change. She freaks out easily and don't have much self confident, so in the beginning it's hard for her to act as a leader.
little by little she understands how wonderful is having fun with other people, and becomes more and more open to others.
She developes a close relationship with Mew Ciel, without knowing his real identity.

***I used a pic of mew ichigo for refernece to the outlines, you can see the original pic here: http://a.bebo.com/app-image/6897040324/5411656627/PROFILE/i.yaquiz.com/img/q/u/08/04/07/1089312399_oMewIchigo.jpg

Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Art
cottoncandy, flamingo, kotokandi, kotona, mew
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