fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) We're cute and you know it~

We're cute and you know it~
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OMG, no looseleaf this time??? O=
Chyeaa. I wanted to do a non-looseleaf piece of work and I wanted to do something cute as well so I drew Chibi Kiyoko~! =D Not only that but she has a close friend with her~~: Riiya~!!! =D

Aren't they cute~!!<3333 X3 Two adorable chics, ne? You know you want them 8] They're too cute to resist. DO NOT RESIST! EMBRACE THE ADORABLENESS AND SUCCUMB TO THEIR EVERY WHIM 8D Anyhow, I was staring at this for a whole half hour before I finally decided to scan it XD It was really cute and I had to look it over a few times =]

Why did I choose to draw Riiya along with Kiyoko??? BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT! =D And because, look at Riiya~ She's amazing adorable!! X3 Who better to use for a chibi pic with Kiyoko than Riiya??

And lastly, tell me they don't look like sisters! =] As close as they[and we]are, they might as well be sisters X3 I have fun drawing Riiya^3^ And I have fun drawing Kiyoko and Sayoko and Lucy and many more Oc's X3

I love their outfits~! 8] Amazing =] WHICH REMINDS ME: Sayura, could you help me out with Riiya's outfit please? TTATT I couldn't make out all the colors on Riiya's outfit so if you could look at Riiya and tell me what I missed about the colors so I can fix it, I'd appreciate that^3^

Enough talking for one pic :]

Kiyoko Valentine and Art (c) Me[fire.freak]
Riiya Kawazoe (c) Sayura-chan~[aragorn1014]
Kingdom Hearts (c) SQUARE ENIX

Take care, my lovelies~♥ =]

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
aragorn1014, chibi, fire.freak, kawazoe, kh, kingdom hearts, kiyoko, kiyoko valentine, riiya, riiya kawazoe, valentine, we're cute
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