mewmewpudding (Fan Art Portfolio) Pretzel's Here

Pretzel's Here
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My entry to Mew Mew Rebellion. YAH! :D *has had this inked for almost two weeks*

Name: Kawaki Puretsu (last, first)
Translation: Pretzel Thirst
Age: 15
Hair color: dark dark brown
Eye color: sea green
Height: 5'6" -Despite his DNA, he's not the "midget" of his friends.
Personal Bio: A boy who loves anything fast, he's just the type of boy you'd expect to see doing stupid dares with his friends to get the biggest reputation. Puretsu is the second oldest in his family of six, with his mom, dad, older brother, and two younger sisters. He's protective of his sisters despite the fact that he finds them "annoying as mosquitoes", and he competes with his older brother in almost any category. Also a smooth talker, he enjoys hitting on girls, though more then often they just ignore him.
Skills: He's very handy with anything that needs to be moved, as he weight lifts a lot to get stronger muscles (he likes to compete with his friends for the biggest weight lifted), as well he is skilled at volleyball. He's an okay cook since he ends up cooking for his younger sisters and older brother (who is quite frankly useless in the kitchen), though he doesn't admit it. He's also good at getting girls to listen to him. Most of the time.
Hobbies: Smooth talking, weight lifting, competing with friends, bike riding, volleyball, riding anything fast
Love Interest: Quite the lady killer, Puretsu is a smooth talker who loves the ladies. Too bad most of them don't love him.

-Mew Mew-
Name: Mew Pretzel
Hair color: tree bark brown
Eye color: light brown
Animal DNA: Zanzibar Suni
Weapon: Pretzel Triangle (Puretsutrianguru)
Attack: "Reborn Pretzel Scatter!" ("Reborn Puretsu Scatteru!")

Wondering why I'm not on?
Oh, silly otakus. It's the week before break. As if I wouldn't have massive amounts of tests, quizzes, papers, and other such things that cause much stress and lead to emotional breakdowns. ;D

But don't worry. I'll try and catch up to everyone. Sorry for being such a slacker.
Blame the addiction of Tegaki and Soul Eater. Especially Tegaki since there is a possibility of me getting a hold of a tablet for Christmas. POSSIBLY.

8-12 inches tonight.
If there isn't a snow day tomorrow, I'll rip off the superintendent's head. C8 Wow, I'm in such a great mood.

Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Art
mew mew rebellion, mew puretsu, oh mai god it's a boy, pretzel, puretsu, rebellion entry
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