Holy Sh--
I haven't done a full paged color pencil work in forever.
I need to do that more, because my colored pencil works lately suck.
And after about 5 hours of coloring my fingers hurt like hell too.
Mainly my ring finger, strangely. O.o
I mean I don't even put much pressure on that finger.
Must explain picture!
I know you're looking at it and are,
"Why the hell is the grass blue?!"
"Is that a rainbow puke river?!"
Well, the title can help me explain this.
You see the girl is a character from my webcomic "Purely Magic" who hasn't really appeared yet. SHe's just my favorite character, mainly because she is the most interesting and has the most things I can work with.
But, she is a shape shifter.
So, I thought it would be cool that in her inner self she has a relm all her own where the souls of the beasts to which she can transform to thrive within her. Also living there is a more innocent version of herself that she keeps locked up and away from society.
So I started thinking what would be good for something Ijou would think up for a "place to call her own." I first just drew her and forced my friend to draw the dragon, because I couldn't think of anything for a dragon. xD And then I started sketching the background. And then my genius friend who drew the dragon thought of doing those candles in the boats.
And that's how this was born.
=w= I just thought it would be cool to make it a somewhat rainbow puke picture.
I'm just glad that in the river a lot of colors didn't turn brown. ^^'
Ijou, background, coloring~ Me
Dragon~ Florkie