The upstairs comptuer is finally fixed! All the words on the screen are really small though and we're not sure how to fix that -_- but I guess I'll have to deal with that. I drew this girl a few days before we got out for winter break :D She's another geometry doodle. We get a lot of free time in that class XD we finish our lessons pretty fast cause they're rather easy. I finished her outside while waiting for my bus in the afternoon since it comes like 20 minutes after everyone else's -_- I hate waiting for it in the cold weather I mean, it was fine waiting when it was warmer outside but it's gotten too cold. Well anyway I hope everyone likes her ^_^ Comments and votes are appreciated!
OH! and one more thing! I made a DA account it's otakufangurl cause someone had already taken otakufangirl -_- but yeah, check it out if you like. I'm going to put this pic up on there now.