reirei18 (Fan Art Portfolio) Rei + Rei

Rei + Rei
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do u remember the chibi version..? XD anyway, this is a rendition of that one... and i finally made him face the camera.. XD though he's not happy.. more like he's forced to... XD

i really like this couple. i hope i can show their relationship in the manga better than how i want it to be... *thats a looooong way to be talking about... but i want to show how they get along with each other soon...*

im finally going to update this manga..

some major changes will be seen on the up coming pages.. i kinda dont want to drop the colored pages but i have no choice... XD

i made the shading simpler this time (see the hair and everything else).. this will be the kind of shading in the up coming pages.. i hope it's still appreciated... XD i wanted my lines a little thinner but... *sigh* at least, it kinda give off a feeling that this is from some manga... does it..? eheheh.... XD

next submission from me will be The Link page 15 on my fan comic section.. please look forward to it.. *^^*

*hugs for my patient readers..* >:D<

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
manga, oc, rei, reirei18, the link
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