(holding the banner)
Mew Popcorn with a popcorn in her hand. ;) wink wink smile smile.
Mew Grapefruit spazzing with a grapefruit attached to his leg. poor thing...
(middle mews)
Mew Cinnamon (with the hammer) on cinnamon bun boxes. Shes my OC. {{ i kind of messed up on her but they are just chibis anyways }}
Mew Frosting (the leader) on a cupcake with frosting on it. Shes always happy.
Mew Oriibu (means olive in japanese i believe) hes standing on an olive looking at the leader sadly. he turned evil in the fanfiction.
(bottom mews)
Mew Iced Strawberry with an iced strawberry. Shes chilling.
Mew Taffy holding a huge water taffy. shes kind of freaked out by it. its too heavy for her.
And last but not least, Mew Chocolate. Shes like "LOL!!" shes getting ready to chomp that massively large hershy bar down. XD