arcticwulf (Fan Art Portfolio) Let's Go To School~ + Thanks!

Let's Go To School~ + Thanks!
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Playing around with a uniform design, thats gonna be my original lol
Uhmm....tried a new style for coloring hair, tell me how it looks? And I tried shading on peach with like a red and this new color Maroon
Tell me how that looks too please?

The bubble idea for the bg is reffed
Link- Clicky~

Uh...I do like the way this one turned out, specially the coloring lol
And those things on her bag are buttons

Alright. I really really wanna say thanks to everyone who pm'ed me, signed my gb, sent me a gift or anything for my bday. I really appreciate it lots. I mean it just brightened up my day when I logged on and saw all those pm's in my inbox. I was like " *sqqqqquuuueeeee*" Lol
And harvestmoonluvr who actually drew me something, and vdr-07 who asked me what I wanted her to draw and Moonlit Dream. I just felt special Lol.
So I just really had to say to you guys how much I appreciate it, it really made me feel loved, specially since all the gifts on my portfolio are bday gifts lol.
If I forgot anyone I'm sooooo sorry but I'm being rushed off so...
Short everything lol
But seriously, thanks again. I luv you guys >w<

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
arcticwulf, bubbles, girl, school, thanks, uniform
16 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
Frozened Shadow moonlit dream TrinityLight LuminousIceNinja otakufangirl harvestmoonluvr Otomi Babii khismylife Troublesum Shika
Member Dedication
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