reirei18 (Fan Art Portfolio) Ciel

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back on prismas... i need some practice too..

some say that the scanners ruined their colors.. true.. but its because the color level in ur screen is different.. i scanned this elsewhere and it showed the wrong colors.. just as when i used 3 shades to get that blue ribbon.. it's blue.. not purple-ish.. but im uploading this from my laptop so now i know the difference.. and my laptop is showing the right colors.. i hope it is showing the right colors for u guys too.. *^^*

anyway... last night i watched kuroshitsuji.. i think the anime is about to end.. XD i envisioned ciel's image before i sleep and came up with this portrait.. eehh.. as i knew, kids.. tsk... i dunno why but i always end up drawing them older than they're suppose to be.. *sob*

now he kinda looks like my oc rei (the guy from my manga-the link) because of the head features except for the eye color.. same earrings too... im just not sure if ciel's earring is blue.. and i think ciel's hair is black too... *get a reference baka..!* XD

drawn on the sketchbook again.. *still no paper.. lol..* it's a bit rough so theres quite some texture.. i had a hard time making it solid and my pudpod (worn out?) colored pencils cant work on my fine details.. *get a knife if sharpener is useless..!* but its also coz of the texture.. *sigh* i need to buy some more black colored pencils... and i guess i'll try working on a soft coloring next time til i get new papers.. XD

u know what frustrates me..? when i've typed such long descriptions and suddenly the mouse will go wild and click on some site then when i go back, the description is gone..!! gaaah..!! but i still typed out a long description.. XD

PS.. if u have some spare time, please consider going to my drafts world and comment coz i need some color opinions about some still life painting im gonna work on.. if u dont have time, it's fine coz its a long description too.. *whats up with my long descriptions..?!* XD

anyway, i appreciate ur time and hope u like my version of ciel... XD

Kuroshitsuji Fan Art
ciel, ciel phantomhive, kuroshitsuji, reirei18
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