Magnus Lensherr (Fan Art Portfolio) Realism Attempt #2

Realism Attempt #2
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The original is here so you can see what it should look like ~ Smiles ~

This is attempt #2 at realism (the first one failed) I was shocked with this though ~ Laughs ~ I didn't get angry or anything when I drew it ~ Pride ~ I have realised two things from drawing myself (that is me ~ Smiles ~) I have a big face, and very stupid mouth expressions ~ Glares at self ~ I have no idea what to do with my mouth when I take a picture of me so it ends up looking stupid and hard to draw!

Away from that though I really like this picture. It is not exactly as it should be (you can check that yourself) and I think the shading is a little wrong because I got a little carried away but the clothes rock ~ Dances ~ I can draw clothes ~ Grabs a ninja and continues to dance ~ Course I knew that before but it is still nice to see it again. Those clothes are new as well ~ Cracks up ~ I showed this to my brother (I was that proud) and he said it looked like a print. I don't quite agree with that but I do love it, especially the clothes ~ Dances ~ I might try drawing my brother next and if anyone wants me to attempt to draw you feel free to give me a picture ~ Laughs ~

Err this was purely done with pencils or various thickness ~ Peace signs ~ And took about 3 hours overall ~ Dances around again with pride ~ This is why I draw and why I couldn't add the last one. I had no pride and if I have no pride then the picture is worthless!

I hope you like it ~ Grabs some spiders and goes to have a celebration in the sun ~


Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
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