NOTE TO THOSE WITH KINGDOM HEARTS OCS: those who have submitted their Kingdom Hearts Remix apps. WITH the reference sheet are having their character sketches being done on my trip. ^^ GeT THOSE APPS IN BEFORE MAY 9 IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY! lol
Potential cover for one of my original stories that I'm working on; "Detachment".
I can switch off between this and Kingdom Hearts Remix so that I won't get bored easily. XD
Originally called "Dear", but then I decided to switch up the name and give "Dear" to a different story. :P
Ehh.. I only have 2 pages of the prologue for this done so far and I don't wanna post it; not until I get at least the entire prologue done. ;u;
Any feedbacks would be great, thanks! ^^
(And yes, you can comment that the hair strands look random XDD )
Thanks for the support! I'll be back in a few days with lots of pictures! ^___^ -hugs-
-- アリス