Well, I know it looks sucky. << I just got a new scanner and it picks up everything. e.e That means the little krinkles in the page, aren't really that bad in rl. How ever, o.o I don't have time to draw something else, as the contest ends tomorrow. So Imma have to meet the deadline, with a piece of crud. o_o sorreh. Well i'm really sure I won't win. But at least I tried huh? XD
I know I messed up Sasukes face. e.e It happend during inking. << I need to learn how to be more careful. . I hope you like it instead of being entirely bothered by the shameful quality. o_o yeah, Anyway, Thats that
This is Naruto and Sasuke, (Duh) and uh yeah,
Black ball point pen
Comment and Hug both are loved.