Magnus Lensherr (Fan Art Portfolio) Tyki & Tease!

Tyki & Tease!
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There was a manga convention in my home town yesterday and as part of that there was a rigged art competition. I needed a reason to draw something again and so I seized on that and after watching episode 85 with an eye for screenshots I saw, and decided to draw the scene here. It took me around 4, 5 or 6 hours (I had breaks and got sidetracked a few times) but I liked it. Naturally it didn't win the contest but at least we tried I guess. Seeing it on a thing for people to look at creeped me out though. I ended up hovering in the art area because I didn't want people to touch it! Hell when I handed it over I was shaking with nerves, especially when some people expressed surprise at it and thought it was good. Pah, that was like the only thing, after that it ended up all about my brother who also entered and didn't win ~ Laughs ~

So the picture anyway. Favourite thing? The Tease at the right hand side ~ Bursts out laughing ~ The screenshot I took was kinda dark so I edited it on Photoshop so I could see the lines better, and then because I still couldn't see a great level of detail I found the relevant page of the manga and copied that too. The large Tease was largely copied from the manga. The other two, the background and most of Tyki (though I think some was done from the manga) were from the anime.

Heh, I just noticed I forgot to shade half his belt ~ Bursts out laughing and tuts ~ Ahh well. I learnt something about smudging too, never use knuckles ~ Tuts at self again ~ I think on the drawing level, perhaps because I am not as obsessed anymore, I find Tyki being in my style less annoying ~ Laughs ~ I think I drew him better small than before too. I normally have to draw him bigger. Backgrounds though ~ Cringes ~ Oh man, the right hand side of the room is terrible ~ Cracks up ~ I would feel sorry for the poor builder having to the the sudden turn at the right hand side. The columns were done with a ruler but apparently one used at various different angles ~ Laughs and shakes head ~ Oh well, it looked good from a distance ~ Nods ~ Perhaps because you can't see it as much lol!

So yea overall impressions ~ Thinks ~ I damn well love that giant Tease ~ Cracks up ~ And Tyki's face, I like that too just the expression and the smoke. I like the smoke too ~ Dances ~ The rest ~ Shrugs ~ I can live with ~ Glares at the ceiling ~ Save for that ~ Shakes fist ~ One day I shall conquer backgrounds, I swear it! Oh and there was smudged shadings by the windows as they had some very faint blue sky, but I think that vanished in the scanning ~ Squints at it ~ It was there though I swear it lol!

Err so to conclude the picture was done with various shades of coloured pencils and shies away from criticism ~ Peace signs ~


D.Gray-man Fan Art
dgm, tease, tyki, tyki mikk
10 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
AngelBest Dream lazyweird1
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