DeidaraNarutoClan (Fan Art Portfolio) Cerberus

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Jess asked that I draw my Cerberus with Jess (basically how they were introduced at first)... And Reo basically drooled on her... and then crushed her with his foot -_-' ... This was also how Jess's perverted summoning cat, Worm, got eaten by them... He's all right though, he's actually happy living in there *coughespeciallysincehelikesmaladycough*
Anyway, out of the three, actually, two are boys and one is a girl and they're estimated to be about 20-25 feet tall... maybe taller, here's basically them:

Reo- He's the middle head (the one currently growling and drooling over Jess) and controls their body for the most part (unless they decided to seperate; that's the reason they have three tails). He appears intimidating... but he's pretty much like a teddybear and easy to get along with. He also likes chewing on Jess's hair. He has a tendency to talk in a deep voice like this: Why afraid Reo? (AKA-Why are you afraid of me?)

Shiloh- He's the head to the left (with bags under his eyes). He thinks of himself as the most intellegent of the heads besides Malady. He'll normally be the tactition within the fight and warn Reo if a threat is approaching. He's the less caring and less motivated of the three though and will occasionally doze off. He talks somewhat in a lazy voice and will sigh a lot.

Malady- She's the last head to the right (her hair is curly...). She's one of the easier ones to get along with as well. She's really good with cats, but she's somewhat submissive when it comes to most things. She's not really much of an outgoing dog... person... okay you get the point...

Personal Fan Art
cerberus, german shepard, jess, malady, nbc, reo, shiloh, the nightmare before christmas, tnbc
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