smartanimegirl (Fan Art Portfolio) Roxanne's Bubbles

Roxanne's Bubbles
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OMG, this took me FOREVER to finish!!!! D:
It's really a birthday present for my friend from May 14. Roxanne's.
So this is a reaaaallllly late b-day gift. >_>

After seeing FUN-chan's picture Blowing Bubbles, I was inspired to try drawing something like that.
I was expecting in trying some sort of artwork like this, too.
Turned out better than I thought.

I actually had to make two different sketchings. One for those in the bubbles and Roxanne by herself.
After scanning them both, I had to put them together to fit in one piece.

But then agian, once I got to work on LINEART, OMG... Dx
Took me a long time to do and I had struggle on certain people in their bubbles. I'm not going to list them...
Personally, some of them didn't come out as great as I expected, but it'll do...

But at last, it's finally done.
Took me almost a month... >_>
I had CSTs, dead weeks, and such... D:

LOL when I was sketching this up, I randomly wrote down a dialogue for the people.

Roxanne: *happily humming 'Happy Birthday' to herself.*
Jackson: I'll go with this since it's her birthday...
Bastion: Well, at least Roxanne's enjoying this.
Scott: This is wierd...
Raven: It's for Haven, Kyro.
Ike: Heh. Nadeshiko, we're quite inseparable are we?
Nadeshiko: It'd be awkward if we were put into the same bubble...
Kyoung-Mi: (Would have been waving and laughing) HEY SEUNG!!! 8D
Insung: WTF is she doing...? O_o
Sophia: Heehee! ^^
Simon: ...Why is she in a higher position...?
Charlie: Heh, silly Liz.
Elizabeth: PEACE!!!! 8D

Boredom does things to you sometimes. XD

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy. =D

Picture Inspiration (c) FUNimation

(Copyrights from DeviantArt)
Roxanne (c) Lady-Black-Jackal (the birthday girl)
Raven (c) Raven-Reaper-XIII
Ike & Nadeshiko (c) Smartanimegirl (remember Ike-kun shares my account now!)
Kyoung-Mi (c) Phoenix-Ki
Sophia (c) Obscure-User02

Jackson & Bastion (c) original characters of Lady-Black-Jackal
Scott, Simon, and Charlie (c) original characters by Lady-Black-Jackal, character designs originally (c) Smartanimegirl
Insung (c) original character of Smartanimegirl

Trees, Clouds, Sea Wave, and Bubble Brushes (c) Celestial-Star

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
bastion, bubbles, burnin' the bridge, charlie, elizabeth, friends, gift, happy birthday, ike, insung, jackson, kyoung-mi, nadeshiko, raven, roxanne, scott, simon, sophia
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