Creme Of Rolo (Fan Art Portfolio) December For Sky

December For Sky
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December Jane Caw, R.Rs Client at the moment. In her left eye she carries the geass to control peoples emotions. She is a Happy-Go-Lucky, Spur of the moment, live life to the fullest, Rational Caring teenage girl.

Age: 16
Birthdate: 1/14/2994
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 124
Class: Civilian
Status: Student

Hair: Blond
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Left-Blue, Right-Green

Hobbies: Soccer, Drawing, Kendo, Wrighting.
Clothes Style: Punk/Pop
Likes: Sugar, Rain, Chocolate, Warmth, Fire, Books, Friendship.
Dislikes: Bugs, Technology, TV, Fights, War, Brittania, India.
Best Friends: Shana Redmark, Maxaya Iveno.
Other Friends: Avery, Koji, Romi.
Enemies: Juni, Maxaya, Sarah.
Favorite Food: Cheese Nips
Least-favorite food: Liver
Favorite Color: Purple, Black, Blue, Pink, Red
Least-Favorite Color: Puke Green, Light Pink, Navy Blue
Life long Dream: Find a cure for Cancer so she can save Shana, end the war, Move to Brazil, Become a Author and Make it big with Soccer.

Family: Mother (Day), Little Brother (Jordan), Father (Mark), Saito (Robot Maid)
Love Interest: R.R
Relationship Status: Single, Looking.

Country of Residence: South Korea
Country of Birth: Central Brittania

Contractor: R.R (Demon King, Lelouch Vi Brittania)
Geass: Geass of Ultimate Control
Stage: 1

Fighting style: Self Defense, Basic.
Weapon of choice: Gun/Geass

History: December was born in Central Brittania and moved to Korea when she was 3. The moved to North Korea to help aid against the Indian terrorist. December's father was a solider working for Brittania, who at the time had a alliance with Korea. When December was 5 she met a half Koren girl named Shana, who became her best friend. At age 6, the two girls met another Indian girl named Maxaya. They were best friends until India bombed North Korea with FLEAJA 9.5. Most of the civilians were able to escape to South Korea, but Shana and her family were caught in the bombing.

December and Max settled into South Korea. Two years later Decembers family gets a letter from the Redmarks. Saying Shana has a case of mutant Brain Cancer from FLEAJA 9.5. They moved to South Korea and place Shana in the Kwangju City Hospital.

Max and December are delighted to see Shana. When December's Father goes back to Brittania, her mom says she cant take it anymore and the two divorce. December, now being 10, takes it hard, and almost runs away when Max stops her.

Now, being 16, Max and December attend Kwangju Central High School while Shana lives in the Kwangju City Hospital. December also finds out Shana has one year to live.

About the Picture:

Okay, so i feel bad because I tried to mimic someones coloring style . . .but it came out AWESOME. So, I'll stick with this for now until I get a tablet. This took around 4 to 5 hours. (BLEH) But, I'm happy with the outcome. I used Photoshop 7.0 (The OLD stuff, I know. lolz) Took 15 layers, and I was slacking off too. U.U

I hope you enjoyed reading about December, I love her to pieces. Haha. I'm writing her story right now, and it is a crazy one. I'm gonna draw pictures of her friends too, like Shana, Max (Maxaya), Avery. They all kinda Goofy. I have been meaning to doodle a brave picture of R.R, but maybe later.

(If it Disappears for some odd reason, the story is "Code Geass: Rebellion of History" on by Miss Murd3r.)

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Fan Art
anime, bio, blonde, blue, brittania, caw, character, code, color, cute, december, emotions, fan, fiction, geass, green, history, jane, kawaii, lamperouge, lelouch, lulu, max, profile, r.r, rain, rebellion, shana, vi brittania
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