smartanimegirl (Fan Art Portfolio) B.t.B. - Girls Cast

B.t.B. - Girls Cast
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My latest artwork.
Here, you have the girls of Roxanne's "Burnin' the Bridge!" here in uniform and posed out to fight with a background that makes it look like it's a poster...

Background is made of AWESOME!! 8D It's my favorite thing out of this whole piece really.
I wanted to at first give it a dark red background really, but it looked boring so I started playing around with my brushes and suddenly splatter a few parts here and there and this came to plan.
I added more to give it the effect that some of us has magic, too. =/

~*Character Call/Background Info*~

Top: Roxanne De Vira, ringleader of the Arashi Kaisen. Pyrokinetic; wields two broadswords. Fire in her background for her pyrokinetics of course, but also with the rage of war within the story.
Middle Right: Raven Liasson, Reaper of Andaria. Electro-kinetic. As a Reaper, I figured I'd give her a dark aura with the addition of she using her lightning powers to enhance it a little.
Middle Left: Nadeshiko Masayume, "angelic" fighter? Well, it was the only title I could think of after seeing her wings. She's just very graceful. Wields a chakram and often uses Ike's Ginryuu often.
Bottom Left: Sophia Sanders, elegant yet deadly dancer and wind user. Uses fans to freely control the wind. Daisies in her background for her similar personality.
Bottom Middle: Kyoung-Mi Park, magician of all elements. Wields a staff to cast her magic. Arcane circles in her background in resemblance of magic.
Bottom Right: Elizabeth Burke, cooperate fighter with her familiar. Wields a whip. There's a light image of a tiger in her background to show she can still be fierce despite her happy-go-lucky personality.

(OMG, some of these were lame... D: )


So yeah. This took me a while to draw.
Inking was hell because the table I sit at in my 2nd period of summer school is always so rickety and the boys always keep shaking it. >_>
As for coloring it took only two days. I actually finished this yesterday at like 11:00pm. xD
Reason was because my Photoshop system was being an @$$ saying that the file is locked to save it so I had to finish the whole damn thing last night.

So yeah, I'm saying this is my best ever yet!
Hope you guys like it.
Enjoy everyone.


(Copyrights of DeviantArt)

Roxanne (c) lady-black-jackal
Raven (c) Raven-Reaper-XIII
Nadeshiko (c) Smartanimegirl
Sophia (c) Obscure-User02
Kyoung-Mi (c) Phoenix-Ki
Elizabeth (c) DuskymUsHrOoMs

Brushes Used for BG (c) Celestial Star
Nade's Wings (c) - Belladona-Stock's Angels Wings

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
animal, arashi kaisen, arcanes, burnin' the bridge, elizabeth, flames, flowers, girls, glitter, kyoung-mi, lightning, nadeshiko, poster, raven, roxanne, sophia, uniform, wings
17 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
omnia1 darkfallenblade Bitching Cats DeidaraNarutoClan cheriblosomchibi RSRKingdomStars sakura dancer khismylife
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