aragorn1014 (Fan Art Portfolio) A Little Gift

A Little Gift
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Kiyoko Valentine holding a little glowing heart in her hands~ just little gift for my incredible sisters~ yes, sisters. I have one in real life but in essence I also have another sister too and that's Kiyoko-chan(fire.freak).

Actually I was at first just trying to draw something to use for my sister's birthday card...but then I thought about it and I said "oh wait...I have more than one sister." And I thought I would give this as a gift for both of them.

What mostly inspired the idea for this picture was the fact that I want to extend my love out to both of them and especially because Kiyoko-chan had an EXTREMELY difficult incident happen to her a few days ago that I couldn't do anything about. So I thought, why not make her a picture~ it's the least I could do for her.

I wanted to hurry up and do this picture because I didn't want to delay even more time for Kiyoko-chan to keep feeling sad, so I drew the sketch out in 15 minutes...and surprisingly I really liked how it came out. I didn't erase once 0__o But thanks to that there are some anatomy and detail problems so sorry ^^;;;

This should technically be in the Kingdom Hearts section because Kiyoko is a KH OC, however the message itself is directly from me and I put it in Personal for that reason.

Inked in with Staedtler Pigment Liner Inking Pens
Done completely with Prismacolor colored pencils and the background brushes and copyright were added with Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0.

Sorry for the terrible colors by the way, sis ^^;; it looks much much better in real life T__T

I don't expect many hugs on this but that's's a gift to make a friend feel better and as long as she sees it and smiles that's all that counts. I hope you guys enjoy the piccy anyway ^^

Kingdom Hearts(c)Square Enix
Brush used(c)

Enjoy you guys<33

Personal Fan Art
aragorn1014, fire.freak, gift, heart, kiyoko, light, sayura, sister
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